The proposed virtual reality environment has been
implemented using the Unity graphics engine, as seen
in figure 2. This tool recreate a virtual world familiar
to future users of the system, an operating room, with
the aim of improving immersion and focusing users
in a surgical environment for fracture reduction. The
hardware incorporated in the HTC Vive bundle pro-
vides full immersion, the kit is formed by a VR helmet
with multiple sensors to determine its spatial position,
proximity sensors and gyroscope. For the control of
the environment, it incorporates controllers that allow
manipulating the fragments in 3D space and provide
feedback through vibration.
The system allows to select a fragment, place it in
the space and proceed to perform the reduction with
the remaining fragment, figure 3. The first time that
a fragment is selected, by clicking the right trigger
while the beam touch it, it jumps in front of the right
controller and stays connected to to motion of the con-
troller, once the user click the right trigger again the
fragment changes to a non selected status and starts
to follow the left controller. Non selected fragments
stay attached to the left controller, so the user can
move and rotate independently the inactive fragments
with the left hand and the selected fragment with the
right hand, this allows users to observe the reduction
process from different angles to improve results. The
fragments on the left hand can be selected as many
times as necessary, the second and subsequent times
when the fragments are selected they do not move to
the right controller, they only get attached to it so the
user can make small corrections.
Throughout the process the user receives contin-
uous feedback through vibration and visualization of
specific elements located on the fracture zone when
the fragments collide, to perceive the interaction be-
tween fragments like a real collision. These compo-
nents are called ”colliders” in the Unity system, in
figure 4 shows the active colliders as small yellow
Once a satisfactory result is reached the reduction
can be finished by clicking the left trigger, figure 5
presents a reduced fracture with Windows Mixed Re-
ality controllers, the use of Unity allows the applica-
tion to be multiplatform and compatible with a wide
range of RV helmets. Finally, the relative positions
of both fragments, translation and rotation, are stored
and used as ground truth to compare the results from
other automatic or semi-automatic fracture reduction
As has been seen in previous sections, virtual reality
provides better visualization and greater control over
daily actions. In the field of traumatology, an immer-
sive environment allows the users to have better con-
ditions when conducting studies. In this section, the
advantages of the tool for reducing bone fractures are
analysed, comparing the results achieved with the ob-
tained through studies of a similar scope. A research
has also been carried out about the experience of the
use of the tool by experts in fracture reduction pro-
4.1 Automatic versus Manual
A software has been developed that allows the valida-
tion of automatic algorithms for the reduction of bone
fractures using the bone reductions conducted by ex-
perts in a virtual environment as the ground truth.
Thus, the error is then calculated as the absolute value
of the difference between the result of the automatic
and manual reduction in translation and rotation, the
closer each value is to zero, the more accurate it is.
The first parameter is the distance error between
the two fragments measured from the center of mass
of each model. The second one is the rotation error
that was calculated in two ways, as the average differ-
ence around the fragments three 2nd moment vectors,
proposed by Paulano (Paulano-Godino and Jim
Delgado, 2017), and as α and β errors, used in the
work of F
urnstahl (F
urnstahl et al., 2012). α is the
difference around the two largest 2nd moment vec-
tors and β represents the rotational difference around
the smallest 2nd moment vectors.
In experiments, some cases has been tested and
compared with the results obtained by the algorithm
of Paulano (Paulano-Godino and Jim
2017). In complex cases, when the fracture consist of
more than two fragments the reduction of the fracture
is applied in pairs, that means, first two fragments are
reduced, one to each other, and then the obtained frag-
ment is reduced with the remaining fragment. Figure
6 illustrates the automatic reduction of the fibula frac-
ture, the same fracture used in section 3 to demon-
strate the functioning of the virtual environment. The
fracture of the tibia is composed by three fragments,
the second reduction was performed using the previ-
ous reduction of fragment 1 and 3 and fragment 2.
At final stages of development, the system was
used to tune the parameters of a automatic frac-
ture reduction process based on a modification of
the ICP algorithm, which is being currently devel-
Virtual Reality Environment for the Validation of Bone Fracture Reduction Processes