gait parameters seem to be additionally useful for an
objective classification of transfemoral amputees.
The potential of the gait parameters contributing
to objective assessment has to be confirmed with fur-
ther investigations. Based on a larger sample size a
statistical analysis have to be performed in order to
make generalized statements and to develop an algo-
rithm to establish a decision support system for the
classification of patients with a transfemoral amputa-
tion in one of the three considered mobility grades.
Furthermore, it could be recommendable for fur-
ther studies to use the AMP tool additionally to the
determined mobility grade based on the profile survey
in order to have supplementary information.
The authors are grateful for all subjects volunteering
to participate in this study. We also thank the German
Central Innovation Program SME (Zentrales Innova-
tionsprogramm Mittelstand - ZIM) for supporting the
project ‘‘Multifunctional diagnostic machine for pa-
tients of lower limb amputations” (ZF4096303TS6:
Multifunktionales Diagnostikgerät für Amputa-
tionspatentien) in which the diagnostic machine was
developed in cooperation with Guenther Bionics
GmbH and Peuker GmbH.
The authors wants to thank Hagen Theuer who
wrote his Bachelor Thesis in the course of the ZIM
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