rived from them. The best results have been obtained
using Mash based on the recomputed distances after
excluding the self-similarities (Figure 3(h)). Also, the
operation of balancing the samples by reducing the
size of the databases allows for obtaining similar re-
sults with the CoMeta program (Figure 3(d)). It is
worth noting here that such an operation is indirectly
performed by Mash, as it builds sketches of a constant
size, independently on the sample size.
In this paper, we proposed a new approach toward
clustering metagenomic reads in search of the sam-
ples that have common origin. The results of our ex-
perimental study indicate that the presented method
allows for separating the samples based on their mu-
tual similarity.
An important advantage of the reported approach
lies in determining the sample similarity at the reads
level without the necessity to understand the contents
of these samples. Therefore, our methodology does
not require large databases (taxonomical and func-
tional) of annotated reads. Here, we used two pro-
grams (CoMeta and Mash) for comparing the sam-
ples prior to clustering, and the results obtained for
the best variants of both programs were similar. Im-
portantly, we show that clustering of the metagenomic
samples can be automated, which may be extremely
important when a larger number of samples is to be
In the presented preliminary research, we used the
samples from two large cities located relatively close
to each other—Boston and New York. While based on
that limited dataset it is difficult to indicate which pro-
gram is more suitable for clustering, we have demon-
strated how important it is to deal with the problem
of imbalanced data as well as to preprocess the sim-
ilarity scores. In our future work, we will extend the
database used for evaluation to verify this approach
for a larger number of clusters (i.e., ground-truth lo-
cations) and increase their diversity.
This work was supported by the Polish Na-
tional Science Centre under the project DEC-
2015/19/D/ST6/03252. This research was supported
in part by PL-Grid Infrastructure.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms