Figure 15: Result of mean 3D spatial game presented for
the middle layer for v=9, c=6 (v > c) and appropriately for
init0, init1 and init2 conditions.
Figure 16: Averaged 3D spatial game dynamics presented
in mean-field like plot for v=9, c=6 (v > c) and appropri-
ately for init0, init1 and init2 conditions.
quick elimination of Doves. In spatial games, it turns
out that the full elimination of Doves does not take
place, and there is always a small number of repre-
sentatives of this phenotype. What is more, on the
Figure 14 one can see a formed structure in the form
of a cross (corresponding to the settings of the sim-
ulations, i.e. Moore’s neighbourhood), where Doves
remain all the time. This trend is also clearly shown
in Figure 15 (the mean of 3D spatial game result). On
the basis of the carried out calculations, we can sug-
gest that 3D simulations seem to reflect the population
dynamics better, although the results are slightly more
demanding for analysis. So concluding this study we
suggest to perform spatial simulations of any game
theoretical model using 3D grids.
The study was partly supported by National Sci-
ence Centre, Poland, grant n. 2016/21/B/ST7/02241
(AS) and by Silesian University of Technology, grant
n. BK-18/0102 (DB). Calculations were performed
on the Ziemowit computer cluster in the Labo-
ratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Biol-
ogy, created in the EU Innovative Economy Pro-
gramme POIG.02.01.00-00-166/08 and expanded in
the POIG.02.03.01-00-040/13 project.
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Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE,
3D Spatial Dependencies Study in the Hawk and Dove Model