Light Field Scattering in Participating Media
Takuya Mokutani, Fumihiko Sakaue and Jun Sato
Department of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso Showa, Nagoya, Japan
Participating Media, Light Scattering Model, Light Field Scattering.
In this paper, we propose a representation of the light scattering in participating media, which can represent
all order light scattering simply. To achieve the model, we focus on the light field in the participating media,
and it is shown that the convolution of the light field can describe the attenuation of the light rays and scat-
tering of them. By analyzing the convolution kernel, we derive a simple kernel that represents all order light
scattering. Also, we introduce the estimation method of the characteristics of the participating media based on
our proposed model. Several experimental results show that our proposed model can describe light scattering
more appropriately than existing models.
In recent years, image sensors such as cameras are
one of the most important devices to obtain scene in-
formation, and they ordinary utilized for various ap-
plications, e.g., 3D measurement, object recognition,
and so on. In ordinary cases, we assume that the cam-
era obtains ‘clear’ information from the scene. How-
ever, images taken in the outdoor scenes are often dis-
turbed by participating media such as fogs, smokes,
and so on. Figure 1 shows example images taken
in the participating media. The figure shows that the
fogs and smokes disturb appropriate imaging in par-
ticipating media. Furthermore, water also disturbs
imaging if we want to take underwater images. The
effect of the participating media disturbs various ap-
plications based on the camera images such as au-
tonomous driving and driving assistant systems. In
addition, 3D sensors, e.g., LiDAR, also cannot obtain
an accurate distance in participating media because
several sensors in the system also cannot get the ap-
propriate data as same as the cameras.
In order to solve the problem, various kinds of
methods are studied(Narasimhan et al., 2006; He
et al., 2011; Kitano et al., 2017; Naik et al., 2015;
Figure 1: Example images taken in participating media,
fogs, smokes, and water.
Satat et al., 2018). To solve the problem essentially,
we need to use the accurate light scattering model to
describe the phenomena in the participating media.
In the field of computer graphics, several models are
used to describe the light behavior accurately(Pharr
et al., 2016). In tradition, light behavior is classi-
fied into single scattering and multiple scattering, and
several models are proposed for each scattering. Al-
though the models can describe the light scattering
in the participating media in limited case, there are
lots of situations which cannot be explained by these
models. In order to describe the light scattering ap-
propriately, light ray tracing techniques and the pho-
ton mapping techniques are utilized. Although they
provide more realistic results, they are not suitable for
analyzing images because they require a high compu-
tational cost. In this research, we propose a light scat-
tering description model that can explain the single
scattering as well as multiple scattering in low com-
putational cost. In addition, we also show the partici-
pating media analysis method based on the proposed
model. In this light ray explanation, we focus on the
5D light field in the scattering media, and we show
that light scattering can be described efficiently and
effectively using the light field.
Mokutani, T., Sakaue, F. and Sato, J.
Light Field Scattering in Participating Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0009180505440549
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved