Figure 7: Top Row: T 2 image(left) and the respective quo-
tient image(right), Middle Row: PD image(left) and the
respective quotient image(right), Bottom Row: MRA im-
age(left) and the respective quotient image(right).
In this work a recently introduced Least-Squares
based groupwise image registration method was im-
proved in terms of its computational cost. This was
achieved by optimally defining a sequence of “cen-
troid” images whose limit was the desired but un-
known “mean” image for solving the groupwise prob-
lem. In addition, the proposed technique was prop-
erly adapted for its use in the groupwise registration
of multimodal images. The performance of the pro-
posed technique, from its application on a number
of experiments, was very good. The extensive eval-
uation of its performance against other state of the
art groupwise registration techniques and its exten-
sion for solving the corresponding groupwise volume
problem are currently under investigation.
This research is implemented through the Operational
Program ”Human Resources Development, Educa-
tion and Lifelong Learning” and is co-financed by the
European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek
national funds.
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A Least Squares based Groupwise Image Registration Technique