Theoretical Study of the Fidelity of Transcription
Yao-Gen Shu
, Ming Li
and Zhong-Can Ou-Yang
Bioinformatics Laboratory of Yishang Innovation Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100081, China
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Gene Transcription Fidelity, First-passage Approach, First-order Neighbor Effects.
This year we celebrate the 50
anniversary of the discovery of the three eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Ever
since this seminal event was uncovered by Robert Roeder in 1969(Roeder and Rutter, 1969), researchers
have investigated the intricate mechanisms of gene transcription with great dedication. However, there is not
breakthrough in study of the fidelity of transcription still. Here, we propose a simplest model with first-order
neighbor effects, a first-passage approach, to theoretically investigate the gene transcription fidelity.
Transcription is the process in which a gene’s DNA
sequence is transcribed by an RNA polymerase
(RNAp). RNAp uses one of the DNA strands as
a template to make a new, complementary RNA
molecule. The transcription cycle includes three
phases: initiation, elongation, and termination. The
initiation phase involves recognition of promoter
DNA, DNA opening, and synthesis of a short ini-
tial RNA oligomer. During the elongation phase,
the polymerase uses the DNA template to extend the
growing RNA chain in a processive manner. Finally,
DNA and RNA are released during termination, and
the polymerase can then be recycled and re-initiate
transcription(Cramer, 2019).
The probability of mismatch during transcription
is more than that during replication of the DNA. It is
because errors in transcription may not be fatal due to
its non-inherited. When any mismatched nucleotide
is added to the template DNA, the RNAp will halt
and then it will either proofread the nascent chain
or continue without correcting. There are two ma-
jor ways of proofreading: pyrophosphorolytic editing
and hydrolytic one. Once the incorrect nucleotide is
added, the very first way to rectify that mistake is
by pyrophosphorolytic editing. In this, a pyrophos-
phate (PPi) will enter the active cleft and attack the
wrong nucleotide added, i.e. NMP (such as AMP,
GMP, CMP or UMP). It would lead to the conversion
of NMP to NTP. Thus the incorrect nucleotide is re-
moved, and the RNAp will add a correct nucleotide. If
pyrophosphorolytic editing can not rectify the mRNA
sequence, then another method called hydrolytic edit-
ing is activated. In this proofreading, certain proteins
belonging to Gre and Nus protein family gets acti-
vated. If the correct base pair is not added, the RNAp
will halt, and these proteins will enter the active cleft
of the core enzyme. These proteins would remove 4
Nucleotides from the nascent RNA chain and then the
RNAp will add the correct nucleotides again(Libby
and Gallant, 1991; von Hippel, 1998).
It’s now widely acknowledged that match (A→U,
T→A and G↔C, denoted as Right(R) pairs) play
a dominate role in the transcription, while the mis-
match (denoted as Wrong(W) pairs) occur with very
low probability. This is not due to the difference be-
tween the free energy of R and W pairs in the dou-
ble chains: in fact, this free energy difference is only
about 2 ∼ 4k
T (where k
and T are Boltzmann con-
stant and absolute temperature respectively.), which
cannot account for such low mismatch probability
if it is estimated by Boltzmann factor. As pointed
out by J.Hopfield(Hopfield, 1974) and J.Ninio(Ninio,
1975) in study of the fidelity DNA polymerases, the
low mismatch probability may originate from the
huge difference of replication kinetics between R and
W(I. R. Lehman and Kornberg, 1958; Kunkel and
Bebenek, 2000).
The fidelity of DNA replication has been inves-
tigated in kinetics recently(Y. G. Shu and Li, 2015;
Y. S. Song and Li, 2017; Gaspard, 2017; Q. S. Li and
Li, 2019; M. Li and Shu, 2018). However, the fidelity
of transcription is rarely studied. Here, we propose a
Shu, Y., Li, M. and Ou-Yang, Z.
Theoretical Study of the Fidelity of Transcription.
DOI: 10.5220/0009181002390241
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 3: BIOINFORMATICS, pages 239-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved