mesostructure normals with a point light or without
any light condition are possible areas of future work.
We have presented a normal map acquisition method
primarily designed for mesoscale cylindric objects us-
ing a single input image. We have discovered that
mesoscale geometry can provide local intensity statis-
tics to solve practical issues in the existing shape-
from-intensity approach. We showed that the rela-
tion of the local height and unit-variance intensity un-
der diffuse illumination of the light stage. We cal-
culated the normal maps from the local unit-variance
values and the detected cylindric orientations from
a single image. We validated that our method con-
sistently outperforms existing methods for capturing
high-frequency details of the surface orientation of
both specular and diffuse objects in the real world.
Min H. Kim acknowledges Korea NRF grants
(2019R1A2C3007229, 2013M3A6A6073718) and
Cross-Ministry Giga KOREA Project (GK17P0200).
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications