though being able to recognize eating behavior with
accuracy exceeding 90% automatically, cannot assess
specific meal-related activities such as the number of
chewing, drinking, or swallowing as our method does
(Bi et al., 2018; Zhang and Amft, 2018).
Further validation of the proposed classification
method may be validated further by comparing with
more types of classifier such as neural networks,
Bayesian models, and random forest. Indeed, SVM
requires normalization to deal correctly with individ-
ual differences, which may be an issue to guarantee
reliability to new users. Moreover, real-time perfor-
mances when running the model on a smartphone,
for example, should be verified. Finally, the robust-
ness of the model generalization to other types of eat-
ing sounds should be verified. For example, the level
of environmental noise from the smartphone record-
ing may affect classification capability, though in our
former study we shown that noise (tongue mixing
the food, etc.) could be accurately classified (Kondo
et al., 2019a).
As a prospect, we plan to use the proposed clas-
sification model to classify mastication, swallowing
food, swallowing drink, and utterance in real time
using bone conduction microphone and smartphone.
In realizing this, it is necessary to design a system
that automatically extracts sound data segments that
can be considered to be whether chewing, swallow-
ing, drinking or utterance in real-time. Besides, it is
also necessary to add the other sounds such as noises
in the model so that it is more robust to natural meal
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motion Grant. Entire experimental protocols were ap-
proved by the ethics committee of Aoyama Gakuin
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics