Since the ground truth undistorted images of these
scenes are not available, we cannot evaluate the accu-
racy of these generated images numerically. However,
we can still find that the visibility of the scene in (b) is
better than that in (a) and (c). For example, the white
lane markers and the road guardrails are heavily dis-
torted in (a) and (c), but they look more accurate in
Although, our method outperforms the existing
state-of-the-art method, we also find that our method
is not perfect, and we need more improvements. In
particular, the heavy rain model used to generate the
training dataset needs to be improved. A more ac-
curate heavy rain model would lead to more accurate
raindrop removal.
In this paper, we proposed a new method for remov-
ing image distortion caused by raindrops under heavy
In heavy rain, raindrops form a non-uniform film
on the windshield, and the visibility for a driver de-
grades drastically. The existing raindrop removal
methods cannot recover clear images in such situ-
ations, since these methods assume that the back-
ground scene is visible through the gap between the
raindrops, which does not happen anymore in heavy
rain. Thus, we in this paper proposed a new method
for recovering raindrops removal images from the se-
ries of distorted images. The results of our exper-
iments show that the proposed method outperforms
the state-of-the-art raindrop removal method in heavy
rain situations.
The proposed method is promising, but challenges
remain. In our proposed method, image degradation
due to raindrops is considered. However, in actual
heavy rains, image degradation due to rain streaks
also exists, so it is desirable to expand to a method
that improves both of these degradations.
Furthermore, it is also important to use real heavy
rain images to train the network for improving the ac-
curacy. Since the ground truth undistorted images are
not available under heavy rain, we need to consider
unsupervised leaning in the raindrop removal frame-
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