resentation and high-level features extracted from a
pretrained convolutional neural network, as well as
several popular data-level techniques for alleviating
the negative impact of data imbalance. Presented re-
sults indicate that using the original image represen-
tation with simple random oversampling leads to the
best results on the considered benchmark datasets.
Contrary to the results that could be expected for
tabular data, using other resampling techniques usu-
ally led to a deteriorated performance. Furthermore,
while using SMOTE improved performance for the
features extracted from the pretrained network, the
overall performance of that approach was still sig-
nificantly worse than simply using the original image
representation. Observed results suggest feasibility of
several further research directions: first of all, since
applying SMOTE actually produced a better perfor-
mance for the features extracted from the convolu-
tional neural network, it is possible that proposing a
better feature representation would preserve this ef-
fect, while improving the overall performance. Such
additional feature representations could include: fea-
tures extracted from a finetuned neural network, ear-
lier layers of the network, different neural architec-
tures, or autoencoders. Secondly, the observed results
suggest that convolutional neural networks may be
more resilient to the presence of data imbalance than
traditional learning algorithms, such as SVM. The
observed improvement in performance due to using
dedicated data preprocessing algorithm was also rel-
atively smaller than for the SVM. This, if confirmed
with further studies, could indicate that either dealing
with data imbalance is less pressing problem in the
image recognition task, or the data-level strategies are
not a suitable approach for solving it.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications