users our system outperformed the iView SMI RED
250 eye tracker.
We also evaluated the results for the users wearing
glasses and without glasses as shown in Figure 11 and
Figure 12. It is evident that both systems work better
with the user without glasses compared to users with
glasses. Table 3 details the accuracy for the compared
systems for users with and without glasses.
We worked on the eye gaze location detection on the
screen for team meetings to help BVIP to get im-
mersed in the conversation. We built a prototype of
an automatic eye gaze tracking system which can be
available at low cost using an open source software
’OpenFace’. We geometrically converted the eye gaze
vectors and eye position coordinates to screen coor-
dinates and manipulated those coordinates using an
SVM regression algorithm to work in a similar man-
ner to the commercially available SMI 250 RED eye
tracker. We used a small desktop screen with 2 × 3
box matrix to calibrate our proposed system for eye
gaze tracking.
In our user study, we evaluated our automatic sys-
tem with 28 users. We found out that our system
works quite comparable to the SMI RED 250 eye
tracker for the numbers which are inside the box ma-
trix on the screen but inversely for the corner boxes
on the screen which led to the accuracy difference be-
tween the proposed system and the SMI RED 250.
We compared the performance of users with spec-
tacles and without spectacles which showed that the
users with spectacles had less accuracy than without
spectacles which might be due to the extra reflection
due to presence glasses.
In future work, we will convert the output in such
a way that it can be made accessible to BVIP by au-
dio or haptic feedback. We will also work on improv-
ing the accuracy of our system using neural networks
which have proven to perform better than the classical
computer vision techniques in other problems.
This work has been supported by the Swiss Na-
tional Science Foundation (SNF) under the grant no.
200021E 177542 / 1. It is part of a joint project be-
tween TU Darmstadt, ETH Zurich, and JKU Linz
with the respective funding organizations DFG (Ger-
man Research Foundation), SNF and FWF (Austrian
Science Fund). We also thank Dr. Quentin Lohmeyer
and Product Development Group Zurich for lending
us the SMI RED 250 eye tracker.
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