Machine Learning Possibilities for Evaluation of Arterial
Hypertension Treatment Efficiency in Case Study
Vladimir S. Kublanov
, Yan E. Kazakov
and Anton Yu. Dolganov
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
“Medical Technologies” JSC, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Arterial Hypertension, Heart Rate Variability, Machine Learning, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis.
Abstract: The paper aims to discuss questions concerning application of the machine learning based decisions in the
area of the clinical diagnostics. In previous works it was shown that it is possible to develop a decision support
system based on the most indicative parameters of the short-term heart rate variability signals for the express
diagnosing of the arterial hypertension using methods of machine learning. This paper show results of the
case-study for analysis of the machine learning based results for evaluating duration of the treatment using
the device for the neuro-electrostimulation. Comparative analysis of the results of the quadratic discriminant
analysis application and instrumental measurements highlights concern regarding using of a single method in
such complex task as a clinical process. Possible limitations and advantages of each method were discussed.
It is known that the functional purpose of the
autonomic nervous system (ANS) is to maintain a
constant internal environment (homeostasis) and
provide various forms of mental and physical activity.
Autonomic disorders are one of the urgent problems
of modern medicine. This is due to several factors,
and above all, the enormous prevalence of autonomic
disturbances (up to 80% of observations occur). With
violations of the ANS, fluctuations in blood pressure
are observed in 36% of patients. Arterial hypertension
was chosen as a clinical model accompanied by
autonomic disorders (da Silva et al., 2014).
An analysis of the pathophysiological factors of
arterial hypertension (AH) indicates the exceptional
role of the ANS in the formation of AH (Kseneva,
Borodulina, Trifonova, & Udut, 2016). One indirect
way to assess functioning of the ANS is the
evaluation of heart rate variability (HRV) (Baevskiy,
2001). A number of studies claim that the prognostic
significance of HRV itself is very moderate.
However, in combination with other methods, it
becomes even more significant in assessing cardiac
mortality and rhythm disturbances. Evaluation of the
results of functional tests requires special attention, as
their use has serious advantages, since it allows one
to minimize individual differences and evaluate the
direction of changes (Ushakov, Orlov, Baevskii,
Bersenev, & Chernikova, 2013).
In the treatment of hypertension can be used as
pharmacological agents and physiotherapy
techniques. According to guidelines for hypertension
Russian Medical Society of arterial hypertension and
Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology, for the
treatment of hypertension used a combination of
several drugs.
Adverse events in this case may be one of the
possible side effects is polypharmacy. Methods of
physiotherapy effects can be used both independently
and accompanying with a pharmacological drug.
Thus during the treatment process usually provided
correction of autonomic disturbances aimed to
improving the blood circulation system (Mancia et
al., 2013). However, far from always in this case the
required clinical effect required clinical effect of
optimizing the state of the ANS is provided.
In the present work, the results of clinical trials in
the treatment of patients with AH are presented. In
these studies, used device allowed for application in
Kublanov, V., Kazakov, Y. and Dolganov, A.
Machine Learning Possibilities for Evaluation of Arterial Hypertension Treatment Efficiency in Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009372004110416
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, pages 411-416
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Russia - to corrector of the sympathetic nervous
system activity "SYMPATHOCOR-01". During
treatment, the technique of Dynamic Correction of
the Activity of the Sympathetic Nervous System
(DCASNS) was used (Petrenko, Kublanov, &
Retiunskiy, 2015).
Some results of these studies are given in (Darya
D. Egorova, Myakotnykh, Kazakov, & Kublanov,
2014), in which 112 patients participated (40 women,
72 men), with an average age of 45.85 ± 12.41 years.
These patients suffered from stage II III AH and had
various clinical symptoms of ANS dysfunction.
According to the options for the drugs used the
patients were comparable in the drug
antihypertensive therapy (including angiotensin -
converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, slow calcium
channel blockers). Although the effectiveness of
treatment at different periods was ambiguous, which
is quite common in patients with hypertension.
When using the "SYMPATHOCOR-01" device,
the biotropic parameters of spatially distributed
current pulses were selected individually (V. S.
Kublanov, 2008). The treatment course consisted of
10 procedures, and during each procedure:
5 minutes of the field exposure in the projection
of the left upper cervical ganglion of the
sympathetic nervous system,
5-minute break,
5 minutes of the field exposure in the projection
of the right upper cervical ganglion.
Therapeutic sessions were on daily basis. During
treatment, HRV was recorded in dynamics - before
treatment, after the 1st, 5th and 10th procedures of
The data given in (Darya D. Egorova et al., 2014)
indicate that during the treatment process
normalization of elevated systolic blood pressure was
observed after the 1st session of DCASNS and a
slight decrease in the level of diastolic blood pressure
after the 10th session of DCASNS.
At the same time, the principal component
analysis method was used, which allowed the analysis
of HRV to identify aggregated factor indicators that
are most sensitive to functional changes in the body.
So after the 10th treatment procedure, the parameters
of the clusters of the main components deteriorate,
although, on the other hand, the number of patients in
the cluster with the best indicators increases. A
similar result, according to the authors, may be due to
the fact that when choosing the number of treatment
procedures, the individual dynamics of changes in
HRV parameters were not taken into account.
It is likely that a decrease in the level of systolic
and diastolic blood pressure as a result of the course
of DCASNS should not be considered as the only
indicator of evaluating the effectiveness of this type
of exposure, especially since all patients received
individually selected basic treatment with
antihypertensive drugs. The reaction of regulatory
systems, primarily the ANS, to external therapeutic
effects (for example, DCASNS) may have individual
differences, which must be taken into account when
selecting biotropic parameters of exposure and
determining and duration of treatment.
In the work (Vladimir Kublanov & Dolganov,
2019) presented a new method of forming complexes
diagnostically significant parameters of the HRV for
the diagnosis of AH. A distinctive feature in the
formation of these parameters is the application of
original algorithms based on the paradigm of
evolutionary programming. The formed parameters
complexes allow for express diagnostics with high
values of accuracy, specificity and sensitivity (98.5,
100.0 and 96.0%, respectively) on the training sample
using leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation
technique, and also has the ability to generalize — the
diagnostic accuracy is 93.0% on the validation
The objective of this work is to analyze and
discuss possibilities of using complexes of
diagnostically significant HRV parameters to
determine the optimal number of neuro-
electrostimulation procedures.
2.1 Clinical Trials (Part 1)
Original studies (Vladimir Kublanov & Dolganov,
2019) were conducted for two groups of patients:
almost healthy (28 people); and patients suffering
from AH II - III degree before treatment (40 people).
Data were obtained at the Sverdlovsk Regional
Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital for War
Veterans (Yekaterinburg). For registration of
electrocardiogram and HRV signals, the
corresponding recording channel of the
“Eencephalan- -131-03” analyzer was used.
The studies of the HRV signals were carried out
when performing a passive orthostatic test, and
included the state of functional rest (state F), the state
of passive orthostatic load (state O), the state of
aftereffect (state K). HRV signals in each state were
recorded for 5 minutes.
NDNSNT 2020 - Special Session on Non-invasive Diagnosis and Neuro-stimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks
2.2 Significant Parameters
A complete set of parameters includes statistical
parameters, geometric parameters, spectral
parameters in accordance with the recommendations
of the European Society of Cardiology (Malik, 1996)
and the Commission for Clinical Diagnostic
Instruments and Apparatuses of the Committee on
New Medical Technology of the Ministry of Health
of the Russian Federation, as well as a set of the most
significant non-linear parameters (Sivanantham &
Shenbaga Devi, 2014; Tarvainen, Niskanen,
Lipponen, Ranta-Aho, & Karjalainen, 2014).
In the present study, in addition to generally
accepted parameters, wavelet transform parameters
were used (D.D. Egorova, Kazakov, & Kublanov,
2014). A total of 64 disjoint sets of parameters were
used in three functional states. Since the parameters
in different functional states were considered
separately, the total length of the parameter vector
was 192.
Studies of assessing the accuracy of diagnosing
arterial hypertension using different machine learning
methods and different approaches to the formation of
complexes of diagnostically significant parameters
allowed to establish the following.
The best classification results are achieved using
Genetic programming and Quadratic Discriminant
Analysis. The maximum classification accuracy
(98.5%) using LOO cross-validation was achieved
using complexes of diagnostically significant
parameters consisting of Statistical (Mean, Heart
Rate, Zero-Crossing Rate), Geometric (Stress Index),
Spectral (LF/HF ratio, normalized powers of HRV
spectral components, maximum frequencies of HRV
spectral components), Nonlinear (Entropy), Wavelet
(Entropy of time series HF (t), LF (t), VLF (t))
parameters. In this case, the best solution contains
parameters registered in all functional states (V.
Kublanov, Dolganov, & Gamboa, 2017).
If a quadratic discriminant analysis is used to
predict the class of the test subject (“healthy” or
“patient suffering from hypertension”), the result of
this operation will be the probable class of the test
subject and the probability of belonging to this class.
Since in our case there are only two classes of
subjects, the use of quadratic discriminant analysis
allows us to reduce the multidimensional space of
diagnostically significant parameters to the one-
dimensional space of the metric of the decision rule.
When the classifier is trained, a separating
hyperplane is formed, which “separates” the two
classes of subjects. In the space of the decision rule,
this hyperplane defines the origin. In our case,
positive values of the metric in the space of decision
rules correspond to the class of subjects “healthy”,
negative values of the metric correspond to the class
of subjects “patients suffering from hypertension”.
The table 1 shows combinations of variables
determined using genetic programming that have the
highest classification accuracy (Vladimir Kublanov
& Dolganov, 2019). Combinations are named
according to the number of features in them.
Table 1: Best Parameters Combinations.
Name ACC, % SPE, % SEN, % Features
98,5 100 96
F HR F EnInterp O kurtosis O IAB
O LF/HF f O LFn wt O SD1/SD2 K IAS
K f
98 5 100 96
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR
O LF/HF f O RF O f(LFmax)
O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt K HR
K f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF
98 5 100 96
F SI F EnInterp O HR O kurtosis
O LF/HF f O RF O f(VLFmax) O LFn
wt O EnVLF K f(LFmax) K VLFmax
98 5 100 96
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR
O LF/HF f O RF O f(LFmax)
O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt O EnVLF
K f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF
98 5 100 96
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR
O LF/HF f O RF O f(LFmax)
O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt O EnVLF
K HR K f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF
2.3 Clinical Trials (Part 2)
To evaluate the effectiveness of the obtained
combinations of parameters for solving the problem
of diagnosing AH and their ability to generalize, a
study was conducted on data that was not used for
training. This work uses case-study data from 5
patients. In addition to HRV data, blood pressure was
measured using professional tonometer. Data were
obtained at the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical
Psychoneurological Hospital for War Veterans
Diagnostic results were obtained for all 5 patients
before treatment, after 5 procedures, and after 10
procedures for using the biotechnological system of
multichannel neuro-electrostimulation by
"SYMPATHOCOR-01" device.
The table 2 provides quadratic discriminant analysis
decision rule metrics, which show the likelihood of
belonging to the particular class for 5 combinations
of parameters that have the best estimates of
Machine Learning Possibilities for Evaluation of Arterial Hypertension Treatment Efficiency in Case Study
accuracy, sensitivity and specificity in the
The data is provided for signals recorded
before (0), after 5 and after 10 procedures of neuro-
electrostimulation. The table 3 shows the
measurement data of diastolic and systolic blood
pressure (BPs and BPd) and heart rate (HR) recorded
during the state of functional rest (state F), during the
orthostatic test (state O), and for the stage of
aftereffect (state K).
Table 2: Machine Learning Results.
QDA-12 QDA-14-1 QDA-14-2 QDA-14-3 QDA-15
P1 - 0 -10,2 -85,0 -54,6 -66,5 -81,6
P1 -5 18,0 9,9 40,8 28,8 32,6
P1 - 10 2,6 -51,5 -29,1 -20,2 -30,8
P2 - 0 -27,5 -15,4 -22,5 -14,0 -11,2
P2 -5 -33,1 -15,0 -21,7 -12,0 -14,8
P2 - 10 -4,9 -48,5 -32,0 -45,4 -45,0
P3 - 0 -56,6 -71,0 -62,6 -70,9 -70,9
P3 -5 -27,1 -8,2 -20,1 -6,9 -5,2
P3 - 10 -24,5 -65,1 -59,2 -68,7 -72,6
P4 - 0 -50,8 -491,8 -527,8 -522,1 -523,9
P4 -5 -16,9 -142,4 -132,0 -150,1 -150,4
P4 - 10 -23,6 -18,5 -21,5 -18,1 -18,4
P5 - 0 -8,4 -33,6 -42,9 -48,9 -48,7
P5 -5 -8,8 -10,0 -7,5 -11,5 -11,6
P5 - 10 -10,4 -15,4 -12,3 -14,0 -14,4
Table 3: Measurements Results.
State F State O State K
P1 - 0 112 57 77 95 63 125 126 63 80
P1 -5 114 53 65 100 69 107 118 67 69
P1 - 10 114 60 84 107 69 116 123 62 78
P2 - 0 129 73 53 121 86 74 129 75 51
P2 -5 132 80 55 123 85 68 124 80 68
P2 - 10 107 66 62 111 83 82 113 66 58
P3 - 0 121 73 70 134 90 79 127 77 75
P3 -5 110 68 61 130 86 82 111 67 64
P3 - 10 112 85 60 128 85 84 114 70 74
P4 - 0 131 75 90 131 86 94 136 77 84
P4 -5 145 79 62 142 83 82 146 82 72
P4 - 10 170 93 62 164 105 70 152 86 66
P5 - 0 95 61 56 97 65 65 90 57 58
P5 -5 92 63 60 91 66 67 91 62 59
P5 - 10 92 65 56 82 65 70 86 60 67
It is worth noting that negative estimates of the
likelihood ratio for all patients before the course of
treatment indicates the possibility of generalizing the
combinations obtained.
Patient 1, after 5 procedures, became defined as
healthy (positive value of likelihood ratings).
Changes in state can be associated with normalization
of heart rate in all stages and stabilization of systolic
pressure during an orthostatic test. After 10
procedures, 4 out of 5 combinations evaluate this
patient as belonging to a group of patients, which is
consistent with blood pressure measurements.
For Patient 2, there is a similar behavior of
estimates of combinations of heart rate variability
parameters for records before and after 5 procedures,
which does not contradict the data of instrumental
measurements of blood pressure. An increase
(modulo) the likelihood ratio for 4 out of 5
combinations is consistent with a significant decrease
in systolic pressure. At the same time, a decrease in
the QDA-12 combination score can be associated
with normalization of heart rate. Such a phenomenon
may indicate the sensitivity of various combinations
to various physiological processes.
Patient 3 also has different dynamics of different
combinations. According to the QDA-12
combination, there is a dynamics of assessments
towards relatively healthy patients, after 5 procedures
and maintaining this level after 10 procedures. This is
consistent with a change in the nature of fluctuations
in the parameters of systolic pressure and heart rate
during an orthostatic test. On the other hand, 4
combinations indicate a deterioration after 10
procedures, which is consistent with changes in
diastolic pressure.
Patient 4 - normalization of heart rate, which is
partly consistent with QDA-12, blood pressure varies
Patient 5 has underestimated likelihood ratios for
4 of the 5 pre-treatment combinations that are
associated with a variation in heart rate and blood
pressure during an orthostatic test. After 5 and 10
procedures, estimates based on heart rate variability
data change slightly, which corresponds to blood
pressure measurements.
Comparison of the results obtained using a
discriminant analysis and the measurement results of
blood pressure and heart rate allows to assume a
number of conclusions. In fact, there are two
“families” of parameters combinations. The first
includes a combination of QDA -12, the second
includes the remaining parameters (most of the
parameters in these combinations are repeated).
First of all, different QDA combinations are
consistent with different features of the patients and
different functional states. In particelar, QDA-12
combination is most consistent with the change in
heart rate recorded in the State F. For this
combination, the “most optimal” is a heart rate of
NDNSNT 2020 - Special Session on Non-invasive Diagnosis and Neuro-stimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks
about 62-65. Moreover, deviations up and down are
equally sensitive for this combination of parameters.
At the same time, other combinations are more
sensitive to changes in heart rate when the patients are
in States O and K.
The use of HRV as a parameter for assessing the
effectiveness of the treatment of arterial hypertension
is certainly justified and has well-known advantages.
The main one is the possibility of individual selection
of treatment depending on the state of autonomic
nervous regulation for a particular patient, and the
possibility of dynamic control of the number of
treatment procedures, the effectiveness and safety of
the therapy.
However, this approach has several limitations.
First, the formation of hypertension is affected by
many complex interacting mechanisms (Bajkó et al.,
2012). Secondly, the functional state and reactivity of
the ANS in hypertension, including the response to
exposure to physical factors, may vary depending on
the degree and stage of hypertension, the presence
and combination of risk factors (smoking,
dyslipidemia , overweight) (Banik, 2014), target
organ damage (brain, kidneys, blood vessels, heart)
(Melillo, Izzo, De, & Pecchia, 2012), the state of the
stiffness properties of the vascular wall (including
their changes in case of damage to target organs of
It is known that the spectral parameters of HRV
(HF, LF, VLF values) can respond to changes in the
biochemical composition of blood, including the
content of catecholamines, angiotensin II, BDNF, and
products of oxidative stress (Allen, Jennings,
Gianaros, Thayer, & Manuck, 2015; Ferrario et al.,
2015). The psycho-emotional state of the patient has
a huge impact on HRV, including the presence, nature
and severity of anxiety-depressive spectrum
disorders, which are often found in hypertension
(Bajkó et al., 2012; Togo, Kiyono, Struzik, &
Yamamoto, 2006). The dynamic interaction of these
and many other factors, known and not yet fully
studied, can change HRV and the ANS response to
exposure in patients within one general group,
comparable in a number of clinical and biological
parameters (age, gender, degree of increase in blood
pressure, n stage AH). Therefore, HRV cannot always
be used as the only tool for assessing the patient's
condition and receiving feedback in the treatment of
The search for solutions to this problem can be in
the creation of integrated assessment systems (for
example, the previously successfully used
comparison of HRV parameters and indicators of the
blood supply to the brain and the main arteries of the
head (according to ultrasound data), a number of
laboratory test parameters), duration and mode of
exposure to physical factors, identification of key
indicators, determining the effectiveness and duration
of the course of treatment.
The paper describes case-study of the arterial
hypertension treatment using neuro-
electrostimulation device “SYMPATHOCOR-01”
and its efficiency evaluation using methods of
machine learning.
The pathophysiological factors of arterial
hypertension indicate the exceptional role of the
autonomic nervous system violations. Because of that
in previous works was developed the decision support
system based on the most indicative parameters of the
short-term heart rate variability signals (which are
indirect way to assess functioning of the autonomic
nervous system) for the express diagnosing of the
arterial hypertension using methods of machine
learning. In particular, it was shown that original
algorithms of the feature selection based on the
evolutionary programming paradigm allow to obtain
several combinations of heart rate variability
parameters which can be used for the express
diagnosing of arterial hypertension,
In this study was tested applicability of such
approach in task of the treatment efficiency
evaluation. Case study was conducted in which the
neuro-electrostimulation device “SYMPATHOCOR-
01” was used as a method of physiotherapy.
Comparative analysis of the quadratic
discriminant analysis application results and
instrumental measurements highlights concern
regarding using of a single method in such complex
task as a clinical process.
The search for solutions to this problem in the
creation of integrated assessment systems is an
important scientific and practical task.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according
to the research project № 18-29-02052 and supported
by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation,
contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
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NDNSNT 2020 - Special Session on Non-invasive Diagnosis and Neuro-stimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks