Complexity as a Paradigm for Social Sciences and Linguistics:
Theoretical Basis and Perspectives
Gemma Bel-Enguix
1 a
Angels Massip-Bonet
2 b
and Gerardo Sierra
1 c
Instituto de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Nacional Aut
onoma de Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Departament de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Complexity, Complex Systems, Scientific Paradigm, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Natural Language
as a CAS.
This article discusses the relevance and significance of the use of complexity as a scientific paradigm in
social and human sciences, focusing on linguistics. For this, a review of the concept of paradigm is made,
and its evolution in the last decades. In this framework, the controversy between quantitative and qualitative
methods and their validity in the twentieth century is discussed. In this dichotomy, we claim that the theory
of complexity is prepared to assume the use of the so-called Mixed Methods Research (MMR). The paper
develops the impact of Complex Systems (CS) and Complex Adaptive systems (CAS) in science, as well as
the epistemological and methodological implications this entails. Moreover, natural language is defined as
a CAS. In general, the article defends the adoption of this paradigm in linguistics, both in synchronous and
diachronic research, providing some examples of these new lines of study. In spite of the still emerging nature
of some formulations, we envision a deep theoretical breakthrough in linguistics thanks to this interdisciplinary
Tomas Kuhn published in the sixties his influential
essay The structure of scientific revolutions (1962).
In this book, the philosopher argues that the underly-
ing mechanics of scientific revolutions is a paradigm
shift, understanding paradigm as a set of circum-
stances and intellectual possibilities that favor a dif-
ferent way of seeing the world and the phenomena
under investigation. This idea is somehow opposed
to Popper’s theory (Popper, 1962), that states that sci-
ence advances by accumulation, through falsifiability,
discarding laws that contradict experience.
The idea of paradigm established a new way of
standing before the dogmas of knowledge, and en-
couraged reflection on the philosophy of science and
scientific methodology. However, the definition of the
concept is not easy, and Kuhn himself seems to have
used it with about twenty different meanings (Mas-
terman, 1970). Guba and Lincoln (1994) understand
the term as a set of basic beliefs that have to do with
the last and first principles, and that cannot be proven
in a conventional sense of the word. Mertens (2005)
thinks that it can be defined as a way of looking at
the world, composed of certain guiding philosoph-
ical assumptions, direct thinking and action. Neu-
man (2006) refers to a paradigm as a general orga-
nizational framework for theory and research that in-
cludes basic assumptions, key issues, research qual-
ity models and methods of finding answers. Denzin
and Lincoln (2005), meanwhile, describe a paradigm
as a network that contains the epistemological, onto-
logical and methodological premises of a researcher.
It is understood, then, that all research is interpretive
and is guided by a set of beliefs and feelings of a re-
searcher about the world and how it should be under-
stood and studied.
An issue that has involved some controversy re-
garding scientific paradigms is the theoretical debate
on methodology. Some authors (Guba and Lincoln,
1988) wonder if each of the research paradigms nec-
essarily implies research methodologies. That is, they
wonder about how a paradigm is structured, what its
components are. In this regard, Guba (1990) him-
self makes relevant contributions in subsequent years.
In the aforementioned work, the characterizes the re-
Bel-Enguix, G., Massip-Bonet, Á. and Sierra, G.
Complexity as a Paradigm for Social Sciences and Linguistics: Theoretical Basis and Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0009579901360142
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2020), pages 136-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-427-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
search in relation to the positioning about three as-
pects: the ontological - what is the nature of reality or
of the cognizable -, the epistemological - what is the
nature of the relationship between the cognitive and
the cognizable - and the methodological - how the
cognitive should proceed to apprehend knowledge.
According to this position, the methodological aspect
is constituent of the paradigm.
One of the most controversial debates in the area
of Social Sciences and Humanities has been the di-
chotomy quantitative/qualitative. From the perspec-
tive of Guba (1990), the use of quantitative or quali-
tative methods is necessarily determined by the philo-
sophical and epistemological options in which the
project is framed or the researcher militates.
In the last years of the 20th Century, and in the
first decade of the new millennium, several research
paradigms are coexisting. Guba (1990) noted that the
traditional framework of science since the nineteenth
century is positivism, although this has been com-
pleted (or replaced) in recent years by three alterna-
tive scientific trends: post-positivism, critical theory
and constructivism. However, the arising of new per-
spectives has been beyond this paradigmatic substitu-
tion. The age of communication is also the age of the
‘multi’ as a transversal idea in every field of knowl-
edge. Eclecticism and coexistence of different views
of the world and science is one of the most prominent
characteristics of the contemporary societies.
Among the main pivotal ideas that have arisen in
science in the last twenty years, one of the most con-
solidated is that of complexity, that can be seen as a
multidisciplinary platform with the capability of hav-
ing an impact in every area of knowledge.
In the following, we explain the emergence and
theoretical bases the paradigm (Section 2). In Sec-
tion 3 the debate between quantitative and qualitative
methods is introduced. We also provide some ideas on
how these could be integrated in complexity. Section
4 deals with the consideration of natural language as
complex system. Additionally, we give some exam-
ples of branches of linguistics that have adopted this
perspective. Finally, Section 5 shows why we support
this new scientific position to study natural language
as well as social sciences.
The modern concept of complexity in science has its
roots in the advances that occurred in the twentieth
century in some pilot disciplines (Marcus, 1974), such
as biology and physics. In addition, in the same pe-
riod, the foundations of cybernetics (Wiener, 1990;
Ashby, 1956) and systems theory (von Bertalanffy,
1968) were laid, two disciplines that can be consid-
ered transversal.
The contributions in these disciplines had an im-
pact in social sciences in the seventies, when authors
like Gregory Bateson (1972) and Edgar Morin Morin
(1973) took the theories introduced by cybernetics
and systems theory to the fields of philosophy and
The term ‘complex systems’ arose in the late 70s
from the systems theory, although it was not extended
as a research area until the 90s, when the Santa Fe
was created. In one of the first works on
the topic, Vemuri (1978), attempted an extensional
definition, based on characteristics: large number of
components, dynamicity and emergency. Some years
later Gell-Mann (1995) made a first step for consider-
ing complexity an interdisciplinary paradigm for the
study of both, natural and artificial entities, by going
deeper into the structure and working of those sys-
tems. His definition followed the same pattern that
Vemuri’s, highlighting the following common fea-
tures: large number of components, interaction, self-
organization, emergency, non-linear behavior and de-
pendence on previous actions.
At the beginning of 21st century Bar-Yam (2002)
defined complex systems as a new discipline that ap-
proaches how parts of a system and their relation-
ships give rise to the collective behaviors of the sys-
tem, and how the system interrelates with its environ-
ment. From this definition, a large number of com-
plex systems can be perceived, both in the domain of
social sciences, as in biology or physics. Societies,
the brain with its neural connections, water, weather,
swarms, the immune system... can be examples of
this phenomenon. But also some artificial construc-
tions, such as traffic, internet communications or the
economic network. In theory, then, complex systems
offer a clearly transversal scientific perspective, with
a possibility of methodological exchange and mul-
tidisciplinarity. Complexity offers an epistemologi-
cal framework for science in the information society,
where interconnection is a key element, and all re-
search areas influence each other.
In this new scientific scenario, contributions from
different areas of knowledge converge: philosophy
and complex thinking (Morin, 2008), physics (Bohm,
1980; Prigogine and Stengers, 1992), biology (Matu-
rana and Varela, 2004), and ecology (Allen and Hoek-
stra, 1992).
It seems that complexity has all the ingredients to
have been understood as a research paradigm in the
Complexity as a Paradigm for Social Sciences and Linguistics: Theoretical Basis and Perspectives
Kuhn sense. It epistemologically fits to the view of
seeing the world of the 21st century. In this vein,
it can provide a transdisciplinary umbrella for many
phenomena that today are not perceived as they were
some years ago. It has the concepts, methods and ob-
jectives that can give unity to the research.
The development of this concept has also implied
the emergence of some common transdisciplinary
methods of research. One of the best examples is the
theory of networks (Barab
asi and Albert, 1999; Sol
2009), a crucial technique in this framework. This
method is directly related to the two pilot sciences of
complexity, physics and biology.
Two more methodological tools that complex sys-
tems have integrated are statistics and data science.
Both disciplines are commonly used nowadays for
analysis in both social and formal sciences.
The nature of the techniques adopted by complex-
ity, chiefly taken from physics and statistics, could
cause that it has mainly linked with what has been
called, in social sciences, the quantitative paradigm.
This has entailed the rejection of some researchers,
that align themselves with the qualitative framework.
In Section 3 the problem will be approached.
As seen in Section 1, some authors include the
methodological option as a substantial part of the
paradigms. This view is especially present in social
sciences and linguistics. An extreme example is the
case of Bryman (1990), who states that in sociology
there are two main paradigms, which depend on the
adoption of quantitative or qualitative methods in re-
The epistemological confrontation between the re-
searchers according to the use of quantitative or qual-
itative research methods was very much alive during
the 80s, and has been called “paradigm warfare”. In
this war, various theoretical positions can be found,
the extremes of which are occupied by the ‘purists’,
and the ‘pragmatists’, while the ‘situationalists’ are
placed in an intermediate position.
The ‘purists’ argue that methods cannot be mixed,
since they are immeasurable, in the sense that Khun
associates with the paradigms. The defenders of this
idea are, among other authors, Bryman (1990) and
Smith (1998).
At the other extreme, the ’pragmatists’ argue that
the dichotomy between the quantitative and qualita-
tive research is false, and advocate for the coordinated
and efficient use of both approaches (Tashakkori and
Teddlie (2010); Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004);
Smith (2011).
The ‘situationalists’ are in the middle of these two
positions, arguing that some methods can be used in
specific situations. Ort
ı (1995) and Serrano et al.
(2009), among other authors, support this perspective.
Non-purist positions find their philosophical justi-
fication in Guba and Lincoln (1994), who assume that
the methodological option is not part of the paradigm,
and therefore does not distort the set of fundamental
beliefs of the system. To do this, they propose to make
a distinction between paradigm, strategy, methodol-
ogy and data analysis for research in social sciences,
behavioral sciences and human sciences. From this
perspective, quantitative or qualitative methods can fit
into different perspectives, since method questions are
not nuclear.
Note the evolution suffered between Guba (1990)
and Guba and Lincoln (1994), that is somehow illus-
trative of the theoretical change that social sciences
experimented in the eighties and nineties, and which
also opens the door to end hostilities between quanti-
tative and qualitative approaches.
3.1 Mixed Methods Research (MMR)
The paradigm war (Creswell, 2003), which began
in the eighties and lasted for two decades, ended
up in the early 21st century with what Tashakkori
and Teddlie (2010) called the third methodological
movement, and Mingers (2003) a ceasefire. Finally,
the battle has completely ceased, giving rise to what
Buchanan and Bryman (2007) has come to call the
‘paradigmatic soup’, which is characterized by total
The agreement to make use of the so-called
‘Mixed Methods Research’ (MMR), and sometimes
‘multi-method’ or ‘integrated’ research (Creswell,
2003), is very strong in the framework of science in
general. In addition, many voices advocate the need
to extend the mixed methodology to the social sci-
ences and to all those disciplines that may have con-
nections with them.
The first question posed about MMR is whether
they are a distinctive methodology in itself, or a sim-
ple combination approaches. Dealing with this issue
requires having for a sufficiently general definition,
understanding which scientific consequences entails
each position, and envisioning the new lines of re-
search that can be opening in each case.
Among the different explanations on how MMR
works, a general one is provided by Creswell and
Plano Clark (2007) who state that MMR are the basis
of a research design with philosophical assumptions
COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
and methods of information acquisition. The philo-
sophical principles guide the compilation and analy-
sis of data, and the use of both, quantitative and qual-
itative methods, in a study or series of studies. Is this
combined use what provides better perspectives of the
The inclusion of natural language among complex
systems has its roots in Gell-Mann definitions of com-
plex systems, seen above (Section 1).
The main features described by Gell-Mann
(1995), were completed with the description of Com-
plex Adaptive Systems (CAS), introduced by Holland
(2006), that include the traits of evolution and adap-
tation to the context. From here, natural language has
started being considered a CAS. One of the first de-
scriptions of this can be found in the paper by Beckner
et al. (2009), which highlights the following features
of natural language that link it with CAS: a) multi-
ple agents, b) adaptations (evolution), c) speaker’s be-
haviours are result of the past ones, and have an im-
pact in the future, d) the behaviour of the speakers is
the result of competing factors, from own abilities to
the society, and e) language has emerging structures.
According to this features, natural language shares
many areas of research and methodologies with other
disciplines and, therefore, its inclusion in CAS seems
However, although natural language complies all
the features of CAS, this problem and perspective has
been repeatedly avoided in linguistics throughout the
twentieth century. For decades, researchers have been
afraid of dealing with the issue, because it can con-
vey ethnic discrimination or other problems beyond
science. Only under the new comprehension of sci-
ence the topic has started to be tackled. In this new
framework, two main ways of dealing with complex-
ity have arisen: differences between two languages,
and differences between historical periods of the same
language, this is, synchronous and diachronic com-
plexity (Andrasson, 2014).
4.1 Types of Linguistic Complexity
Complexity, as conceived by Gell-Mann, (1995)
quantifies the computability of the non-random sys-
tem information, ie. the order introduced by rules, as
the opposite of randomness and disorder: the more
complex the rules, the longer the description of the
The treatment of complexity in living languages
can consider all aspects of the system. In principle,
synchrony and diachrony refer to two different ap-
proaches, typological and evolutionary.
A good introduction to typological complexity is
given by Miestamo et al. (2008). In a chapter of this
book, (Miestamo, 2008) the author distinguishes be-
tween absolute and relative complexity. The former
is based on the number of parts of the system, and
follows the idea that the more parts a system has, the
more complex it is. Of course, the concept is not so
simple, and could be expressed in number of inter-
actions, saying that increasing the number of interac-
tions between the components of a system increases
the complexity (Fenk-Oczlon and Fenk, 2008). This
approach has been developed, among others, by Dahl
(2004). The latter is defined in terms of cost and diffi-
culty to language users (Miestamo, 2008). This is, the
more difficult a phenomenon is for the user, the more
complex it is. The problem with this approach is that
the difficulty is not always the same for all the users or
groups, depending on the social stratum, education or
dialect. Moreover, the different perspective between
speaker and hearer has to be taken into account. Usu-
ally, what is easier for speaker is more difficult for
hearer, and vice versa. Hawkins (2004) is one of the
main authors in the area of relative complexity.
The typological complexity is eminently cross-
lingual, because all comparisons must be established
by comparison between languages. However, the evo-
lutionary approach, is more related to the contrast be-
tween different stages of the same language.
In regards to the evolutionary approach, it assumes
that there is no stable state, in terms of lexical units,
sounds and grammatical rules. As settled in the main
theory of CAS, a stage of the language is directly in-
fluenced by previous stages, and affects the configu-
rations of the future. Kirby (2002) distinguished three
main areas in language evolution: ontogeny (language
learning), glossogeny (cultural evolution), and phy-
logeny (biological evolution). Among the authors that
have adopted a diachronic perspective can be cited
Narrog and Auwera (2011), Massip-Bonet (2013) and
Mufwene (2013).
Croft (2000) took the methods of the theory
of evolution to explain language change and death.
Some authors that have dealt with the emergence
of linguistic properties (Kirby and Hurford, 2002;
Hutchins and Hazlehurst, 2002), the former from a
clear darwinian perspective, the latter using the con-
cept of auto-organization as the power that guides the
The method by excellence of complex approaches
to language emergence and evolution is simulation
Complexity as a Paradigm for Social Sciences and Linguistics: Theoretical Basis and Perspectives
(Cangelosi and Parisi, 2002; Nettle, 1999; Kirby et al.,
2014). This is because of the lack of data about the
conditions and dynamics that caused the emergence
and first stages of evolution of languages.
Both, the synchronous and the evolutionary state
of the language, need the knowledge of other aspects
which are mainly social, historical and cultural. This
fact has boosted the development of other branches
of linguistics form the perspective of complexity, like
sociolinguistics (Mufwene, 2013; Bastardas-Boada,
2013), dialectology (Massip-Bonet, 2018b) and his-
torical linguistics (Massip-Bonet, 2018a).
Languages are fundamentally dynamic phenom-
ena. The causes of its change and evolution, as well
as its state in a given time, are subject to different
interdependent pressures. In general, to explain the
processes that lead to the use or not of a language, or
to do it in certain contexts, the simulation of ecosys-
tems and adaptive systems is often used. Languages
adapt to contexts and environments, and their uses and
structures depend on a fragile balance, which is based
on numerous vectors. All this network of interdepen-
dences has been treated by Bastardas-Boada (2013)
and Ellis and Larsen-Freeman (2009), among others.
This ecological tension that models the dynam-
ics of sociolinguistics has been described in Terborg
(2006) and Terborg and Landa (2013). The authors in-
troduce the ‘Ecology of Pressure’s as a complex the-
ory that computes different pressures brain/mind,
habits of social behaviour, demo-social groupings, so-
cioeconomic structure, the media and political power
that constantly interact to determine which is the
force that prevails in our use of language in every sit-
In this paper we have considered complexity as a re-
search paradigm, both for sciences and humanities.
Emerging between the second and the third millen-
nium, this framework has been involved in what can
be called a methodological war, especially in social
sciences. This implies a controversy between quanti-
tative and qualitative methods, that cannot be avoided,
taking into account that this research proposal takes
the methods mainly from physics and mathematics,
but is, par excellence, multidisciplinary and ready to
develop MMR research designs.
For understanding why the concept complexity is
so important for social sciences, it is necessary to un-
derstand how complex systems are defined, their fea-
tures and commonalities. We highlight throughout the
paper that natural language is a prototypical complex
system. However, assuming this entails serious epis-
temological and methodological positions that are not
always easy to hold and practice in the field of hu-
Finally some examples of how complexity can be
applied in very different manners to linguistics have
been presented.
New paradigms like complexity have an impact
in the view of the world, in theoretical and compre-
hensive approaches of knowledge and in the scientific
methodology. In this latter aspect, new tools for ap-
prehension and treatment of the data are necessary,
that are able to make us understand the phenomena
from a completely new perspective. Therefore, this
could be a revolution in the treatment and interaction
with (language) data. This opens a new way for a
joint and unified explanation of complex phenomena
that may appear in entities belonging to different sci-
However, nowadays complexity is not ready to
provide an integrated and unified corpus of theory that
configures a unifying paradigm. It has to create yet an
own terminology, language, methodology and the in-
tegrated interpretation that we claim is characteristic
of it. Summing up, a theoretical framework for com-
plex entities has to be built yet, capable to clarify the
interpretation of science we propose and, moreover,
establish the foundations of a paradigm that can be a
very effective umbrella for several areas of research
in the next decades.
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COMPLEXIS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk