training set, but from the reference one. Depending on
how close this point is to an object from the test set
and how well the algorithm copes with it, the agent’s
confidence in this test point is determined.
One or more decision-making agents are selected
for each point of the test set using FRBS. If there are
several agents, then the final decision is made by
2.2 About of Designing a “FRBS +
A distinctive feature of FLS is that the model is built
on the principle of a "white box". FLS allow you to
coordinate and combine the experience of experts,
and are also able to model nonlinear functional
dependencies of arbitrary complexity. Therefore, the
use of “FRBS+Wmean” as a method of collective
decision-making in this work will significantly
improve the quality of decisions made, as well as their
The effectiveness of the formation of a fuzzy
system for ensemble output depends not only on the
composition of the ensemble and the examples on the
basis of which each agent is trained, but also on the
type of intra-collective communication (collective
inference, selection of agents into the ensemble, and
distribution of resources between agents). Each of the
design stages of “FRBS + Wmean” requires tuning
and optimization of the corresponding parameters.
For effective options for forming ensembles, each
stage requires the use of powerful and universal
adaptive-type optimization procedures. For this, the
use of adaptive stochastic algorithms for solving
global optimization problems of algorithmically
defined functions of mixed variables, in particular,
evolutionary algorithms (EA), is proposed. An EA
allows you to automatically select a configuration and
configure the parameters of collective decision-
making models based on fuzzy logic.
In this work, rule base is formed via two stages
(Polyakova et al., 2019). At the first stage, a
population of different rule bases (RB1) is formed
using a genetic algorithm. The most effective rule
bases are selected and merged into a single RB1 base.
At the second stage, effective rules are selected from
RB1 in order to form the most accurate base with the
minimum number of rules using the two-criteria
Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II.
The resulting base is RB2.
When selecting a final set of fuzzy rules, the
following criteria are used accuracy, expressed by the
mean squared error of the rules (MSE) for the
regression problem, and complexity, evaluated as the
number of selected rules.
An example of the resulting RB2 Rule Base is:
1) IF error - high THEN confidence – low;
2) IF error - medium AND distance – close
AND weight_agent - high THEN confidence – high;
3) IF error - medium AND distance – medium
THEN confidence – medium;
4) IF error - low AND distance – close AND
weight_agent - high THEN confidence – high;
5) IF error - low AND distance – close AND
weight_agent - low THEN confidence – medium;
6) IF error - low AND distance – medium
AND weight_agent - high THEN confidence – high;
7) IF distance – far THEN confidence – low.
For optimizing the parameters of the membership
functions LV (Distance, Error, Weigh_agent, nAgent,
nPoints) the differential evolution (DE) algorithm is
applied (Polyakova et al., 2019). The membership
function is triangular.
As an evolutionary procedure for the automated
selection of the training set samples to the reference
set (NP), a genetic algorithm of unconstrained single-
objective optimization with a special encoding
scheme is used.
For the automated formation of an ensample (Ag),
the NSGA-II algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is
able to automate the formation of the composition of
the ensemble, thereby saving computing resources
(by minimizing the number of agents), and to solve
the assigned problems efficiently (by increasing the
ability to generalize the result).
In this paper, we consider the dependence of the
quality of the problem solution on the sequence of the
following design and optimization stages of “FRBS +
Wmean”: formation of the ensemble formation (Ag),
selection of the reference set (NP), formation of the
rule base (generation (RB1) and selection of rules
(RB2)), the formation of linguistic variables (LV)
(Polyakova et al., 2019).
2.3 Forming of the Ensemble
Composition for “FRBS+Wmean”
Generally, most problems of technological
production have their own specifics. When solving
them, specialized mathematical models are often
used. However, each such model is intended only for
solving a specific type of problem and is not
applicable (or “not replicated”) to others. The use of
such models often does not provide the desired
efficiency, but they can carry some additional and
important information.