These findings have several applications. The
understanding of facial expressions has application in
mental health setting where it can help identify
mental state, intensity of pain, deception of
symptoms, subjective experience of treatment/
interventions, automated counselling, and many more
areas. Such findings are also likely to affect human
computer interaction (HCI), interactive video, and
other related areas. Calder et al. (2001) have
classified emotion expression into three categories
and the take away for HCI research. Happiness and
surprise can be detected easily irrespective of the
distance between the expressor and the person
perceiving it. Anger and sadness are reasonably
detected from proximity. Fear and disgust constitute
the third group of emotions for which people are not
very good at recognizing. Although, we also found
the relationship between happiness and surprise, our
findings show little deviation from the findings of
Calder et al. (2001). These findings might be useful
for HCI researchers looking for systems that can at
least reasonably imitate human perceptual ability.
Some researchers suggest variability in the perception
of dynamic expressions in the clinical population
such as Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Uono,
Sato, & Toichi, 2010) and Asperger Syndrome
(Kätsyri et al., 2008). The stimulus used in the present
study has graded intensity level adding to the
dynamic nature of facial expression and thus might be
useful for study of the clinical population as well.
The advantage of the two databases analyzed in
this work is that they contain static stimuli extracted
from dynamic source that represents real life
condition. Thus, together they consist of facial
expression of emotions of all the six basic emotions
of six varying intensities and five different viewing
angles. However, there is an inherent limitation as
well. While IDBE consists of facial expressions of
only one male expresser, IAPD comprise of
expressions from five different viewing angles but not
of variable intensity. Although, the absence of larger
database limits the generalizability of specific
findings but it does establish that RMS and fractal
dimension can be very well applied in behavioural
science studies as well.
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