We opted for a non-data-driven method for sev-
eral reasons. The main reason is missing data for the
training process. The data coming from the 3D scan-
ner have severe noise and we are not able to generate
synthetic ground truth labeled datasets for our struc-
tured light 3D scanners in an automatic way. Simulat-
ing a synthetic dataset for a structured light scanner
is non-trivial since it requires thorough capturing of
the scanning artifacts e.g. lens distortion, laser inter-
reflections, etc. As a result, while data-driven ap-
proaches can achieve very good results they are hard
to generalize to different scanning devices and their
specific reconstruction artifacts.
In this paper, a fast parallel method for image segmen-
tation has been proposed. The algorithm consists of
two steps, edge detection and hierarchical method for
labeling. Therefore, by using an alternative edge de-
tection algorithm, the pyramid segmentation may be
easily applicable to any other image data. The com-
ponent filling is a hierarchical approach that approxi-
mates the standard watershed and connected compo-
nent labeling algorithms. These algorithms are de-
signed for parallel implementation while hierarchical
seed spawning enables the removal of the unwanted
bridges between neighboring segments. The method
is suitable for real-time processing of the data cap-
tured by depth cameras and direct integration into var-
ious image processing, robotics, and computer vision
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications