Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD
Models in VR Environments
Markus Friedrich, Stefan Langer and Fabian Frey
Institute of Informatics, LMU Munich, Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 Munich, Germany
CAD Modeling, Virtual Reality, Speech Recognition, Constructive Solid Geometry.
Modeling 3D objects in domains like Computer Aided Design (CAD) is time-consuming and comes with a
steep learning curve needed to master the design process as well as tool complexities. In order to simplify the
modeling process, we designed and implemented a prototypical system that leverages the strengths of Virtual
Reality (VR) hand gesture recognition in combination with the expressiveness of a voice-based interface for
the task of 3D modeling. Furthermore, we use the Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) tree representation
for 3D models within the VR environment to let the user manipulate objects from the ground up, giving an
intuitive understanding of how the underlying basic shapes connect. The system uses standard mid-air 3D
object manipulation techniques and adds a set of voice commands to help mitigate the deficiencies of current
hand gesture recognition techniques. A user study was conducted to evaluate the proposed prototype. The
combination of our hybrid input paradigm shows to be a promising step towards easier to use CAD modeling.
Current Computer Aided Design (CAD) modeling
tools use mainly mouse control-based object manipu-
lation techniques in predefined views of the modelled
objects. However, manipulating 3D objects with a 2D
input device (mouse) on a 2D output device (moni-
tor) always necessitates a complex transfer, making it
difficult for beginners to grasp the needed interaction
With the advent of affordable Virtual Reality (VR)
devices and robust hand gesture recognition systems,
more possibilities are at the fingertips of interaction
designers and researchers. The goal is to leverage the
potential of these immersive input methodologies to
improve intuitiveness, flattening the learning curve,
and increasing efficiency in the 3D modeling task.
However, hand gesture recognition systems face
many challenges in productive environments. Com-
pared to expert devices like 3D mouses, these systems
lack robustness as well as precision. Moreover, con-
stant arm movements can cause fatigue syndroms like
the Gorilla Arm Syndrom (LaValle, 2017), making it
hard to use systems over an extended period of time.
This is where we hypothesize that a hybrid approach,
combining gesture recognition and voice control, is
beneficial. While using hands for intuitive model
part manipulation, voice commands replace complex
to recognize gestures with simple to say and easy to
memorize word commands.
In this work, we propose a novel interaction con-
cept, implemented as a prototype, which combines
hand gesture recognition and voice control for CAD
model manipulation in a VR environment. The pro-
totype uses gesture-based mid-air 3D object manip-
ulation techniques where feasible and combines it
with a set of voice commands to complement the in-
teraction concept. CAD models are represented as
a combination of geometric primitives and Boolean
set-operations (so called Constructive Solid Geome-
try (CSG) trees) enabling transformation operations
that are more intuitive for beginners. The whole sys-
tem is evaluated in a user study, showing its potential.
The paper makes the following contributions:
A new interaction concept for intuitive, CSG
tree-based, CAD modeling in VR leveraging the
strengths of both, gesture- and voice-based inter-
A prototypical implementation of the interaction
concept with off-the-shelf hard- and software.
A detailed user study proving the advantages of
the proposed approach.
The paper is structured as follows: Essential terms
are explained in Section 2. Related work is discussed
in Section 3 which focuses on mid-air manipulation
techniques. This is followed by an explanation of the
concept (Section 4) which is evaluated in Section 5.
Friedrich, M., Langer, S. and Frey, F.
Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD Models in VR Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0010170501190127
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Since the proposed prototype opens up a multitude of
different new implementation and research directions,
the paper concludes with a summary and a short de-
scription of possible future work (Section 6).
2.1 Construction Trees
Construction or CSG trees (Requicha, 1980) is a rep-
resentation and modeling technique for geometric ob-
jects mostly used in CAD use cases. Complex 3D
models are created by combining primitive geomet-
ric shapes (spheres, cylinders, convex polytopes) with
Boolean operators (union, intersection, difference,
complement) in a tree-like structure. The inner nodes
describe the Boolean operators while the leave nodes
represent primitives. The CSG tree representation has
two big advantages over other 3D model representa-
tions: Firstly, it is memory-saving, and secondly, it is
intuitive to use.
2.2 Mid-air Interactions for 3D Object
The manipulation of 3D objects in a virtual scene is
a fundamental interaction in immersive virtual envi-
ronments. Manipulation is the task of changing char-
acteristics of a selected object using spatial transfor-
mations (Bowman and Hodges, 1999). Translation,
rotation, and scaling are referred to as basic manipu-
lation tasks (Bowman et al., 2004). Each task can be
performed in any axis direction. In general, a single
transformation in one specific axis is defined as a de-
gree of freedom (DOF). Thus, a system that provides
a translation-only interface on all three axes supports
three DOFs whereas a system that offers all three
manipulation tasks on all axes has 9 DOFs (Mendes
et al., 2019).
In so-called mid-air interactions, inputs are passed
on through the user’s body, including posture or hand
gestures (Mendes et al., 2019). This kind of inter-
action provides a particularly immersive and natural
way to grab, move, or rotate objects in VR which
allows for more natural interfaces that can increase
both, usability and user performance (Caputo, 2019).
In this paper, the term mid-air manipulation refers
specifically to the application of basic transformations
to virtual objects in a 3D environment using hand ges-
tures. Apart from the allowed degrees of freedom, ex-
isting techniques can be classified by the existence of
a separation between translation, rotation, and scaling
(Mendes et al., 2019) which also affects manipula-
tion precision. Furthermore, two additional interac-
tion categories exist: Bimanual and unimanual. Bi-
manual interfaces imply that users need both hands
to perform the intended manipulation, whereas appli-
cations using unimanual interfaces can be controlled
with a single hand (Mendes et al., 2019).
Object Manipulation. The so-called Handle Box ap-
proach (Houde, 1992) is essentially a bounding box
around a selected object. The Handle Box consists
of a lifting handle, which moves the object up and
down, as well as four turning handles to rotate the ob-
ject around its central axis. To move the object hori-
zontally, an activation handle is missing and instead,
the user can easily click and slide.
In (Conner et al., 1992), so-called Virtual Han-
dles that allow full 9 DOF control are proposed. The
handles have a small sphere at their ends, which are
used to constrain geometric transformations to a sin-
gle plane or axis (Mendes et al., 2019). The user
selects the manipulation mode with the mouse but-
ton. During rotation, the initial user gesture is recog-
nized to determine the rotation axis. Both techniques
are initially designed for classic mouse/screen inter-
actions but are seamlessly transferable to hand ges-
ture/VR environments.
Mid-air Interactions. Caputo et al. state that users
often like mid-air interactions more than other meth-
ods, finding the accuracy in manipulation sufficiently
good for many proposed tasks (Caputo, 2019). First
systems used gloves or other manual input devices
providing the functionality to manipulate or to grab
objects. In (Robinett and Holloway, 1992), a system
for translating, rotating, and scaling objects in VR is
proposed. The formalization of the object manipula-
tion task in three sub tasks, namely (object) selection,
(object) transformation and (object) release was pro-
posed in (Bowman and Hodges, 1999). One of the
most influential techniques in this field is the Hand-
centered Object Manipulation Extending Ray-casting
(HOMER) method (Bowman and Hodges, 1997). Af-
ter selecting an object with a light ray, the hand moves
to the object. The hand and the object are linked and
the user can manipulate the object with a virtual hand
until the object has been dropped. After that, the con-
nection is removed and the hand returns to its natural
Metaphors for Manipulation. A bimanual 7 DOF
manipulation technique is the Handlebar introduced
by Song et al. (Song et al., 2012). It is adopted
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
by multiple real-world applications. The Handlebar
uses the relative position and movement of both hands
to identify translation, rotation, scaling, and to map
the transformation into a virtual object. The main
strength of this method is the intuitiveness due to the
physical familiarity with real-world actions like ro-
tating and stretching a bar. However, holding an arm
position may exhaust the user (Gorilla Arm Syndrome
(LaValle, 2017)).
In (Wang et al., 2011), manipulations (in particu-
lar translation and rotation) are separated. Translation
is applied by moving the closed hand and rotation by
using two hands around the three main axes, mimick-
ing the physical action of rotating a sheet of paper.
The most direct unimanual method is the Simple Vir-
tual Hand metaphor (Caputo, 2019) where objects are
selected by grasping them. After the selection, move-
ment and rotation of the user’s hand are mapped di-
rectly to the objects. This method is characterized by
its high intuitiveness. However, accurate, reliable and
robust hand tracking is required. Kim et al. extended
this idea in (Kim and Park, 2014) by placing a sphere
around the selected object and additionally enable the
user to control the reference frame during manipula-
tion which shows great improvements, in particular
for rotation.
In order to demonstrate the advantages of DOF
separation, Mendes et al. applied the Virtual Han-
dles concept (Conner et al., 1992) to VR environ-
ments (Mendes et al., 2016). Since Virtual Handles
allow users to choose a single axis, transformations in
unwanted axes are improbable. However, transforma-
tions in more than one axis take a bit more time. We
use this concept for basic transformations in our pro-
totype (see Figure 4a).
Multimodal Object Manipulation. Chu et al. (Chu
et al., 1997) presented a multimodal interface for
CAD Systems in VR as early as 1997, concluding
that voice commands and hand gestures are supe-
rior to eye tracking. Zhong et al. (Zhong and Ma,
2004) propose an approach for constraint-based ma-
nipulations of CAD models in a VR environment.
The authors implemented a prototype for a three-
level model comprising of a high-level model for ob-
ject definition, a mid-level, hybrid, CSG and Bound-
ary Representation model for object creation, and a
polygon-level based model for visualization and in-
teraction. Zheng et al. (Zheng et al., 2000) also pro-
pose a VR-based CAD system for geometric model-
ing. In order to enhance the human-machine inter-
action, they add an electronic data glove as an addi-
tional input device for constructing, destroying and
freeform-creating objects. The authors claim these in-
teraction techniques to be more suitable and intuitive
to humans than traditional manipulation devices. Lee
et al. (Lee et al., 2013) conducted a usability study
of multimodal inputs in Augmented Reality environ-
ments. The authors compare speech-only and gesture-
only approaches to a hybrid solution and find that
the multimodal approach is a more satisfying inter-
action concept for users. Xue et al. (Xue et al., 2009)
improve the voice command based input model for
CAD software by making the interaction more natural
through natural language processing. Kou et al. (Kou
et al., 2010), as well, focus on natural language pro-
cessing, utilizing a template matching approach, en-
abling the system to process unknown expressions as
In order to simplify the modeling process as much
as possible, we utilized mid-air manipulation tech-
niques without any controllers or gloves - hand track-
ing only. The main feature of our technique is the
use of only the grasping gesture. This simple gesture
allows the usage of low-cost hand-tracking sensors,
more specifically the Leap Motion Controller sold by
Ultraleap. More complex instructions are operated
via voice control. To the best of our knowledge, this is
the first approach that combines mid-air manipulation
techniques with voice commands in order to create an
intuitive and fast way of manipulating CSG-based 3D
objects in VR.
4.1 System Overview
The proposed system consists of hardware and soft-
ware components and is detailed in Figure 1. The
hand tracking controller (Leap Motion Controller)
is mounted on the VR headset which is an off-the-
shelf HTC Vive that uses laser-based head tracking
and comes with two 1080x1200 90Hz displays. The
speech audio signal is recorded using a wearable mi-
crophone (Headset). A central computing device
(Workstation) takes the input sensor data, processes
it, applies the interaction logic and renders the next
frame which is then displayed in the VR device’s
The software architecture consists of several sub-
components. The Gesture Recognition module trans-
lates input signals from the Leap Motion sensor into
precise hand poses and furthermore recognizes hand
gestures by assembling temporal chains of poses. The
Speech Recognition module takes the recorded speech
audio signal and translates it into a textual representa-
tion. The CSG model, which is later used for editing,
Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD Models in VR Environments
HTC Vive with mounted
Leap Motion Controller
Workstation Headset
Head and hand pose
Image of rendered scene Audio signal (speech)
Hardware Architecture
Software Architecture
Speech Recognition
Windows Speech
Gesture Recognition
Leap Motion
Unity API
VR Engine & Interaction Logic
Interaction Logic
CSG Tree
Figure 1: Architecture overview of the developed system.
is parsed by the CSG Tree Parser based on a JSON-
based input format and transformed into a triangle
mesh by the Triangle Mesh Transformer. This step is
necessary since the used rendering engine (Unity3D)
is restricted to this particular geometry representa-
tion. The main component (VR Engine & Interaction
Logic) reacts on recognized gestures and voice com-
mands, executes corresponding actions (Interaction
Logic), and handles VR scene rendering (Unity3D,
SteamVR). For example, if the user applies a basic
scaling transformation to a model part consisting of
a sphere, the geometric parameters of the sphere (in
this case its radius) are changed based on the hand
pose. Then, the model is re-transformed into the tri-
angle mesh representation, rendered, and the resulting
image is sent to the VR device.
4.2 Interaction Concept
The interaction concept is based on hand gestures
(visible as two virtual gloves that visualize the user’s
hand and finger poses) and simple voice commands.
It furthermore consists of two tools, the model tool
and the tree tool, as well as the information board
serving as a user guidance system.
4.2.1 Model Tool
The model tool is used for direct model manipula-
tion and is active right after system startup. It can
be divided in two different input modes, the selec-
tion mode and the manipulation mode. Modes can
be switched using the voice command select’ (to
selection mode) and one of the manipulation com-
mands scale’, ’translate’ and rotate’ (to manipula-
tion mode). Figure 2 details the interaction concept
of the model tool.
The main reason for separating interactions that
way is the ambiguity of hand gestures. In some cases,
the recognition system was unable to separate be-
tween a model part selection and a translation or ro-
tation transformation since both use the same grasp
gesture. The grasp gesture was chosen since initial
tests which involved basic recognition tasks for all
supported gestures revealed that it is the most robustly
recognized gesture available.
<<move hand into
Selection Mode
Manipulation Mode
"append" "remove"
Primitive is
Primitive is
Primitive is de-
primitives are
Group does not
exist anymore
"translate" "rotate"
Virtual handles
are visible
<<grab virtual handles
and perform
Figure 2: Interaction concept of the model tool.
Selection Mode. The initial application state can
be seen in Figure 3 (a): The triangle mesh of the
loaded model is displayed in grey. The user can enter
the selection mode by saying the word select’. The
mode change is additionally highlighted through an
on-screen message. Using virtual hands, the user can
enter the volume of the model which highlights the
hovered primitives in green (Figure 3 (b)). This imi-
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
tates the hovering gesture well known from desktop-
based mouse interfaces. Once highlighted, the user
can append the primitive to the list of selected primi-
tives by using the voice command ’append’. Selected
primitives are rendered in red (Figure 3 (c)). This
way, multiple primitives can be selected. In order to
remove a primitive from the selection, the user’s hand
must enter the primitives volume and use the voice
command remove’. Multiple selected primitives can
be grouped together with the voice command ’group’
which is useful in situations where the selected primi-
tives should behave like a single primitive during ma-
nipulation, e.g., when a rotation is applied. A group
is displayed in blue (see Figure 3 (d)) and can be dis-
solved by saying ’un-group’.
(a) Initial State. (b) Highlighted.
(c) Selected. (d) Grouped.
Figure 3: Illustration of all possible states of a primitive.
Manipulation Mode. For the manipulation of se-
lected or grouped primitives (in the following: a
model part), three basic transformations are avail-
able: translation, rotation and scaling. The currently
used transformation is selected via a voice command
(’translate’, rotate’ and scale’). The manipulation
mode is entered automatically after invoking one of
these commands. The selected transformation is high-
lighted through the displayed Virtual Handles (Con-
ner et al., 1992) (three coordinate axes with a small
box at their ends, pointing in x-, y-, and z-direction as
shown in Figure 4a).
Rotation. Per-axis rotations are done by grabbing the
small boxes at the end of each coordinate axis and
performing a wrist rotation. The rotation is directly
applied to the corresponding model part axis. Alter-
natively, the sphere displayed at the center of the coor-
dinate system can be grabbed and rotated. The sphere
rotations are directly applied to the model part. This
by-passes the restrictions of per-axis rotations and al-
lows for faster manipulation at the cost of precision.
Translation. Per-axis translations work like per-axis
rotations. However, instead of rotating the wrist, the
grabbed boxes can be moved along the corresponding
axis which results in a direct translation of the model
part. The sphere in the center of the coordinate axis
can be grabbed and moved around without any restric-
tions. Resulting translations are directly applied to the
model part.
Scaling. Per-axis scaling works similar to per-axis
translation. The use of the sphere at the center of
the coordinate system is not supported since it cannot
be combined with a meaningful gesture for scaling.
The transformation to use can be switched in manip-
(a) Virtual Handles. (b) Highlighting.
Figure 4: Virtual handles (a) and the tree tool (b).
ulation mode by invoking the aforementioned voice
commands. If the primitive selection or group should
be changed, a switch to the selection mode is neces-
4.2.2 Tree Tool
The tree tool displays a representation of the model’s
CSG tree using small spheres as nodes. It appears
above the user’s left hand when the user holds it up-
wards. Each leaf node corresponds to a primitive,
the inner nodes represent the Boolean operators. Op-
eration nodes have textures that depict the operation
type (, , ). The user can change the operation
type of a node by grabbing the corresponding sphere
and invoking one of the following voice commands
(’change to union’, ’change to inter’, ’change to sub’).
The tree tool also allows highlighting multiple prim-
itives at once by grabbing their parent node. Once
primitives are highlighted, their corresponding nodes
are displayed in green as well (see Figure 4b).
4.2.3 Information Board
The Information Board depicts the current state of the
application, the manipulation task, and all voice com-
mands including their explanations. The board is al-
ways visible as a billboard and helps the user to mem-
orize voice commands and to be aware of the current
interaction mode.
Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD Models in VR Environments
A usability study was conducted in order to evaluate
the proposed interaction concept. Its goal was to val-
idate whether the concept is easy to understand, also
for novices in the field of VR and CAD, and whether
the combination of hand gesture- and voice control is
perceived as a promising idea for intuitive CAD mod-
5.1 Participants
Five student volunteers, three females and two males
participated in the study. Two of them never used VR
headsets before. Four participants have a background
in Computer Science, one participant is a student of
Molecular Life Science. Details about the participants
are depicted in Table 1.
Table 1: Study participants. Abbreviations: Background
in Computer Science (CS), User Experience Design (UXD)
and Molecular Life Science (MLS). Experience in Com-
puter Aided Design (CAD) or Virtual Reality (VR).
Gender Age Background VR CAD
male 30-40 UXD Yes No
female 20-30 CS Yes Yes
female 20-30 MLS No No
female 20-30 CS No No
male 20-30 CS No No
5.2 User Study Setup
Participants could move around freely within a radius
of two square meters. The overall study setting is
shown in Figure 5. As an introduction, the partici-
Figure 5: Participants conducting the user study.
pants were shown a simple CAD object (Object 1 in
Figure 6) together with the information board to fa-
miliarize themselves with the VR environment. Up-
coming questions were answered directly by the study
After the introduction, the participants were asked
to perform selection and modification tasks (see Table
2 for the list of tasks) where they were encouraged to
share their thoughts and feelings using a Thinking-
Aloud methodology (Boren and Ramey, 2000). The
tasks were picked such that all possible interactions
with the prototype were covered. After completing
these tasks, two more objects (Objects 2 and 3 in Fig-
ure 6) were shown to the participants, and they were
asked to do the same tasks as with Object 1. The
whole process was recorded on video for further re-
search and evaluation purposes.
The participants’ actions, comments and experi-
enced difficulties were logged in order to distill the
advantages and disadvantages of the proposed inter-
action concept. In addition, problems that came up
during the test could be directly addressed and dis-
Table 2: Tasks for the participants.
Try to select the circle and the cube together.
Deselect the selected primitives.
Select the same primitives using the object tree.
Rotate a primitive by 90 degrees.
Scale a primitive.
Move a cylinder.
Change an operator from union to subtraction.
(a) Object 1. (b) Object 2. (c) Object 3.
Figure 6: User study objects (Friedrich et al., 2019).
5.3 Interviews
After finishing the aforementioned tasks, an interview
was conducted in order to gain further insight into the
participants’ user experience. Each interview started
with general questions about pre-existing knowledge
of VR and CAD software which should help with
the classification of the given answers (see Table 3).
Statements were assembled based on the catalogue of
Table 3: Selected questions for the interview.
How much experience do you have in virtual
reality applications?
How much experience do you have in CAD/3D
modeling software?
How do you see our control method compared to a
mouse based interface?
What is your opinion on pointer devices?
questions (Bossavit et al., 2014) (see Table 4) which
served as an opener for discussion. Interviews were
digitally recorded and then transcribed.
5.4 Results
All results discussed in the following were derived
from the interview transcriptions and video record-
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 4: Statements given to initiate discussion.
I found the technique easy to understand.
I found the technique easy to learn.
I found it easy to select an object.
I found it easy to group multiple objects.
I found translation easy to do.
I found rotation easy to do.
I found scaling easy to do.
I found the tree tool easy to understand.
The tree tool was useful to understand the
structure of the object.
The change of the Boolean operators was easy to
ings. In general, the interaction design was well re-
ceived by the participants even in this early stage of
prototype development. All users stated that they un-
derstood the basic interaction idea and all features of
the application.
However, it was observed that users had to get
used to the separation between selection and ma-
nipulation mode which was not entirely intuitive to
them. For instance, some participants tried to high-
light primitives in the edit mode. In this case, addi-
tional guidance was needed. All users stated that the
colorization of objects is an important indication to
determine the state of the application and which ac-
tions can be executed.
The information board was perceived as being very
helpful but was actively used by only three partici-
pants. Two users struggled with the information board
not always being in the field of view which necessi-
tated a turn of the head to see it. Only one user re-
alized that the current state of the application is dis-
played there as well.
Hand gesture-based model manipulation was very
well received by the users. The hover and grab ges-
tures did not need any explanation. Four users had
trouble using their hands due to sensor range issues.
The voice control was evaluated positively. However,
participants reported that the command recognition
did not always work. The overall success rate was
70.7% (see Table 5). Interestingly, both male partici-
pants have significantly higher success rates than the
three female participants which might be due to dif-
ferent pitches of their voices.
In addition, some command words like ’append’
confused the users, because they expected a new
primitive to be appended to the object. This indicates
that an intuitive voice command design is essential
but, at the same time, hard to achieve.
The manipulation technique including the Virtual
Handles was also evaluated positively. All users high-
lighted the intuitiveness of translation and scaling in
particular. Two participants missed the functionality
of uniform scaling. One participant needed an extra
Table 5: Overview of voice control success rates
(success rate =
recog.+not recog.
). Success means, that a com-
mand was successfully recognized by the system.
User recognized not recog. Success Rate
P1 60 12 83.3%
P2 52 35 59.8%
P3 49 23 68.1%
P4 55 27 67.1%
P5 36 12 75.0%
252 109 70.7%
explanation in order to understand the intention of the
sphere in the center (axis-free object manipulation).
The rotation was not fully transparent to the par-
ticipants. All mentioned that they did not immediately
recognize the selected rotation axis and instead of ro-
tating the cubes at the end of the handle tried to move
the complete handle.
The tree tool was evaluated positively. All partic-
ipants used it to understand and manipulate the struc-
ture of the object. One participant liked that it was
easy-to-use and always accessible. Two participants
rated it as an intuitive tool without having an in-depth
knowledge of what exactly a CSG tree is. However,
one participant could not directly see the connection
between the spheres in the tree and the corresponding
primitives. Thus, we could observe users hovering
random nodes to see the assigned primitive, trying to
select specific primitives. Three users had difficulties
in understanding the Boolean set-operations.
The participants showed different preferences for
highlighting primitives. Two users rather used the tree
tool while the others favored the hover gesture-based
approach. The selection as well as the de-selection
was rated positively mostly for being simple to use.
Especially while dealing with more complex objects,
it was perceived more difficult to select the desired
primitive. This was also due to the size of the ele-
ments and due to a smaller distance to the next prim-
itive, which makes hovering more difficult. It was
also observed that in unfavorable cases, the selection
hand covered the left hand so that the sensor could
no longer detect its palm. As a result, the tree disap-
peared. This made it more difficult for users to select
a sphere in the tree.
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 Limitations
The accuracy of hand tracking is very important.
Even though only very simple gestures need to be de-
tected, tracking problems occurred repeatedly for no
specific or obvious reason. This led to problems like
unwanted transformations, especially when the end of
a gesture was not detected correctly. However, the
Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD Models in VR Environments
study participants were able to gain comprehensive
insights in the application’s interaction flow.
Furthermore, the group of participants was rather
small and none of them had any experience with ex-
isting mid-air interaction techniques. Future versions
of the prototype should be tested with more users,
also taking different target user groups into account
(CAD modelling experts and beginners, ...). In addi-
tion, tasks should be performed also using standard
CAD modeling software for comparison.
5.5.2 Findings
The reported flat learning curve shows the potential
of the proposed approach. After just a few explana-
tions and a few minutes of training, users were able
to modify 3D objects, even those participants without
VR or CAD modelling experience.
The Virtual Handle approach is a suitable and in-
tuitive three DOF manipulation tool which can be
used for translation, rotation, and scaling in virtual
environments. For those actions, our prototype needs
to be improved, since the implementation of the rota-
tion transformation was not perceived well.
Using additional voice commands for interacting
with the system is a good way to simplify the graphi-
cal user interface. However, voice interfaces must be
designed carefully in order to be intuitive while com-
mand recognition must work flawlessly.
The examination and manipulation of objects us-
ing the CSG tree structure works well even for
novices. The tree tool can be understood and used
without having any knowledge about the theory of
CSG trees. However, the system quickly reaches its
limits if the object consists of many small primitives.
Furthermore, some users reported that they had diffi-
culties imagining intersection and subtraction opera-
tions in advance. In addition, the more complex the
objects become, the more difficult it is to manipulate
them using the proposed method.
In this work, a novel, multi-modal mid-air manipu-
lation technique for CSG-based 3D objects was pre-
sented. To make the interaction as intuitive as possi-
ble, the developed prototype is based on three control
elements: Unimanual gesture controls via the demon-
strated Virtual Handles, voice control and a virtual
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Combining Gesture and Voice Control for Mid-air Manipulation of CAD Models in VR Environments