strategy narrows the target area, while the relocation
strategy is used to provide more accurate locations by
reducing the loss of information in the neural network.
As the example in the last line of Figure 7, the method
proposed in this paper excludes interference from
objects in same categories with similar appearance,
while other methods are more susceptible to shallow
features and more likely to find false target then. Or, as
examples in the second and second-to-last figures, the
other methods work not as well as ours when
illumination is stronger or weaker than usual. And in
the first line of the Figure 7 we can find that even there
is only one salient target in the image (simple
background and low interference), our method can also
achieve a higher location accuracy than others.
Table 4: Speed test on MOTB datasets, where NCC and
SSD methods can only use CPU, while QATM and the
method in this paper can use GPU to accelerate the
positioning effect.
Methods SSD NCC QATM Ours
Backend CPU GPU
Average(ms) 296 321 1780 90
Finally, the matching speed is also an important
criterion to measure the performance of the algorithm
for practical application. Table.3 compares the
average time consumed by different matching and
locating methods on MOTB datasets, it is clear that
the methods proposed in this paper has obvious
advantages over traditional sliding window methods
and QATM with GPU acceleration.
We introduced a novel target matching framework,
which mainly includes Coverage- IoU based feature
extractor, verification process and relocation after
expanding region of interests. The idea of Coverage-
IoU loss in this framework comes from that the
existing IoU-loss cannot meet the coverage
requirement in some scenes. The coverage, shape
restriction and corner distance loss function can better
describe the regression process of the bounding box
and acquire more accurate position regression.
Moreover, the verification strategy present here is to
reduce false-positive results without the instance-
level template, so as to guide the regions of interest to
the target area. Finally, the inspiration of relocation
strategy comes from the location errors caused by the
information loss caused by pooling and other
operations in the neural network, while narrowing
input size and relocating in this area can reduce the
position errors to achieve better performance in
location accuracy. Also, the relocation strategy and
Coverage-IoU Loss proposed in this paper can be
easily ported to other common tasks like target
detection, instance segmentation and so on.
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