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Socio-demographic information:
⋅ Can you please introduce yourself?
⋅ For how long have you been at hospital?
⋅ What is your profession?
Knowledge of the concept:
⋅ Did you work in this hospital before the
implementation occurred?
⋅ Have you ever worked on such technology in any
healthcare field?
Implementation process:
⋅ How do you describe working in the hospital
prior and after the implementation?
⋅ Do you find it user-friendly and easy to use?
⋅ How long did it take you, so you practiced it
⋅ Have you noticed any changes in healthcare
⋅ Can you summarize your professional
experience concerning e-health implementation
as a comparison form between the old
informatics system and the new one?
⋅ Would you suggest any further modifications to
the process of implementation?