Modular Facial Expression Recognition using Double Channel DNNs
and Suman K. Mitra
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Recognizing human expressions is an important task for machines to understand emotional changes in humans.
However, the the accurate features that are closely linked to changes in expression are difficult to extract due
to the influence of individual differences and variations in emotional intensity. The modular approach pre-
sented here imitates the human being’s ability to identify a person with a limited facial part. In this article, we
demonstrate experimentally that certain parts of the face, such as the eyes, nose, lips and forehead, contribute
more to the recognition of expressions. A combination of two deep neural networks is also proposed to extract
the characteristics of the facial images provided. Two preprocessing approaches are implemented, Histogram
Equalization (to handle illumination) and Data Augmentation (increasing number of facial images), to restrict
the regions used for recognition of the facial expression. Two-channel architecture used for implementation,
one channel accepts input as a grayscale face image, processed by VGG16 ft (fine-tuned VGG16), and an-
other channel accepts input as histograms face image. the second order gradients (HSOG), processed from the
proposed CNN model and extracts the characteristics accordingly. Then concatenate the characteristics from
the two channels. The final recognition result is calculated using the SVM and KNN classifiers. Experimental
results indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to recognize six basic facial expressions (happiness, sad-
ness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise) with great precision. Fine tuning is effective for FER activities with a
well-trained model if there are not enough samples to collected.
From the human facial images FER (Facial Expres-
sion Recognition) is trying to predict the basic face
expressions like Happy, sad, Surprise, Fear and Dis-
gust. Just by analyzing the face images the method
helps the machine to understand the human emotions
and intention.It has gained lot of attention because
of its potential applications like, computer interfaces,
health management, autonomous driving, detecting
abnormal human behavior and other similar tasks.
Histogram Equalization (HE) and Data augmen-
tation (DA) are pre-processing techniques, that are
required for the facial images provided to make ma-
chine learn from images. HE is a simple but effective
technique in image processing, which could build the
distribution of gray values in numerous images more
uniformly and reduce the interference caused by light-
ing. CNN needs huge data sets to generalize a particu-
lar problem. FER databases which are available pub-
licly have not sufficient images to handle the prob-
lems. For creating synthetic images from the origi-
nal face image, one researcher Simard et al. (Simard
et al., 2003) suggested the DA procedure to extend the
Despite recent rapid developments, FER remains
challenging due to some factors such as lighting,
head deflection and some occlusions in facial regions.
These impedances can affect facial recognition per-
formance and reduce the accuracy of FER. As demon-
strated in the past, hand-craft features seems to be no
longer appropriate for expression recognition activi-
ties with critical issues. Fortunately, the Deep Neural
Network (DNN) is providing a satisfactory solution
to these problems which have not been able to com-
ply with hand craft techniques.
Humans have the capability to recognize a per-
son with a limited facial regions. On account of ac-
knowledgment of facial expressions, the utilization of
full-face images can be repetitive since facial expres-
sion fundamentally misshapes certain specific zones
of face images. There is one algorithm called as fa-
cial benchmark detection algorithm which is offered
by Dlib helps to extricate the facial regions from the
given face image. This Dlib is an open source ma-
chine learning library provided by King (King, 2009).
Sujata, . and Mitra, S.
Modular Facial Expression Recognition using Double Channel DNNs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010201002770284
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
That gives us 68 landmarks points on the face. Us-
ing those landmarks points, we are able to extract the
regions of face like forehead, eyes, nose, and lips.
Our proposed frame focuses only on these parts of
the face, but to verify the efficiency of the proposed
frame, we also performed experiments with the com-
plete facial image.
Suggested framework is focuses on the double-
channel architecture that simultaneously processes
the grayscale face image, and the HSOG (histogram
of second-order gradients) face image. Fig.2 shown,
pre-processing steps such as histogram equaliza-
tion (HE) (for handle illumination) and DA (Data
Augmentation) (create synthetic images) are nec-
essary for the input facial images provided. The
detailed calculation of the HSOG is reported in the
section. 3. HSOG is the variant of the Histogram
of oriented gradient (HOG), as indicated in (Dalal
and Triggs, 2005). HSOG extracts local information
from the face image. DNNs are used for various
channels grayscale and HSOG facial images. In
one channel, a proposed VGG16 ft with original
parameters acquired as in VGG16, which was trained
in ImageNet, is created for grayscale facial images
to extract features related to facial expression. On
the other channel, HSOG facial images, a proposed
two-layer CNN, which refers to the development of
DeepID (Sun et al., 2015). The output of the two
channels are concatenated and made an enormous
feature vector. At long last, SVM and KNN with
various separation estimations are utilized for classi-
fication to anticipate basic facial expressions (anger,
happiness, sad, disgust, fear). To show its viability,
FER databases JAFFE Database (Lyons et al., 1998),
VIDEO Database (Shikkenawis and Mitra, 2016),
CK+ Database (Lucey et al., 2010) and Oulu- Casia
(Zhao et al., 2011) is used to test the framework
in a modular way. This modular way is another
significant commitment to current work. In summary,
the commitments of this work are featured as follows:
Firstly, Modular Approach (Where we extract
the facial region automatically from the full face).
Secondly, double channels of facial images,
including grayscale images and their corresponding
HSOG images are used for FER because of their
complementary properties. As far as DNN is not
trained with HSOG images.
Thirdly, the fine-tuning methodology is used
to make full utilization of a very much learned pre-
trained VGG16 model (VGG16 model trained on Im-
At last, outputs of the two channels are com-
bined to predict a vigorous outcome. Four bench-
marking datasets and a few handy facial images are
utilized to assess the successfulness of our work.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. The
2 section provides details of the proposed framework.
The 3 section shows the results and analysis of the
experiment. Section 4 Concludes the study.
In this section, we mainly portray the premises of our
procedure and propose the structure, which improves
the effectiveness and precision of the recognition of
facial expressions. As referenced above, we utilize
the modular approach where we just take the fore-
head, eyes, nose and lips. So starting now and into
the foreseeable future we work in these four facial re-
gions. The proposed FER procedure utilized in this
paper depends on a double channel design prepared
to do viably recognizing expressions. The figure .2
shows the methodology of the proposed framework,
which is divided into three stages: 1) Pre-processing,
2) Dual channel feature extraction technique 3) Clas-
sification by SVM and KNN.
2.1 Pre-processing
Before facial recognition, the image must be prepro-
cessed. Our preprocessing begins with the transfor-
mation of the input image in grayscale. This process
minimized the variation in facial images. This pre-
processing is a necessary step because the CNN illus-
trated below provides that the image of the 3-channel
input face and the image of the received grayscale
face can be represented within the 3 channels. Next,
we perform two procedures, which are Histogram
Equalization (lighting management) and Data Aug-
mentation (increasing the number of the face image
in the database). The next section describes each of
these steps in detail.
2.1.1 Histogram Equalization
In facial images, some problems should also be con-
sidered. Due to the different lighting conditions,
when taking images, the segments of the face will be
displayed with various brightness, which can cause
enormous interference in the results of facial recog-
nition. Therefore, we tend to perform histogram
equalization (HE) before recognition. HE is a sim-
ple but effective technique in image processing, which
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Framework for the modified VGG16 ft network,
utilized for extraction of the facial expression features from
the given face image.
could build the distribution of gray values in numer-
ous images more uniformly and reduce the interfer-
ence caused by illumination.
2.1.2 Data Augmentation
CNN needs immense data sets to generalize a spe-
cific issue. In any case, freely accessible FER datasets
need more images to deal with the issue. Data aug-
mentation strategy to expand the data sets by mak-
ing manufactured facial images for every unique fa-
cial image. Enlivened by this technique, the accom-
panying activities were utilized as data augmentation:
1) flip the image vertically and horizontally 2) Rotate
each image in the dataset, rotate it right angle if the
face image is square and turn it by 180
if it is an
image it is rectangular 3) Add arbitrary noise to the
landmarks so as to present little deformations on the
faces. Thusly, the subsequent face image is unique
in relation to the original face the one utilized with
CNN for pre-training. This distinction among pro-
cessed and non-processes data could influence results.
This might be because of the way that the network
has learned the features of the original face image and
will most likely be unable to extract the features from
the processed face images. Consequently, we likewise
give results with a network trained with original facial
2.2 Feature Extraction from Grayscale
Facial Images
The absence of satisfactory raining samples restricts
the execution of the CNN FER approach. Expand-
ing data can partly deal with the issue of over-fitting.
Hence, fine-tuning is utilized to extract the expres-
sions features from the input face through the deep
neural network (DNN) which has made over the top
progress in comparable errands.
Our proposed system utilizes DNN for the extrac-
tion of expressions features for FER dependent on the
VGG neywok introduced by Simonyan and Zisser-
man (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014). They accom-
pany two versions of VGG: VGG-16 and VGG-19(i.e.
sixteen and nineteen layers separately). VGG16 (Su-
jata and Mitra, 2020) was picked for its successful
execution in visual recognition and fast convergence.
It has 138 million parameters and contains 13 convo-
lutional layers, followed by 3 fully connected layers
(FC). The initial two fully connected (FC) layers have
4,096 outputs and the last layer has 2,622 outputs.
Since the VGG network isn’t intended for FER tasks,
we adjust the structure as per our necessities. Fig-
ure. 1 shows the fundamental module of the network.
Contrasted with the original VGG16, our VGG16
ft (where “ft”implies fine-tuning) is disentangled by
eliminating two dense layers. The input size for the
forehead is 54 ×48, for the eyes it is 39 ×117, for the
nose it is 50 × 55 and for the lips it is 48 × 74.
Now, we fix the structures of the four initial
CONV (convolution) blocks of VGG16 ft. However,
we change the structure of the fifth CONV block of
VGG16 ft and furthermore change the names of each
layer simply by adding “ft ”to the end of the original
layer name. So the name of the fifth CONV block
layer resembles CONV 5 1 ft. The parameters of the
layer are appeared in the Table. 1. In view of the ex-
periments, the last dense layer was saved and set its
size to 1 × 1024. That dimension is actually the ex-
tracted feature of input image denoted as feature vec-
tor “fv 1 1” for the forehead, “fv 1 2” for the eyes,
“fv 1 3” for the nose and “fv 1 4” for the lips. We
have diminished the learning rate of the layers that
have a spot with the fifth CONV block 10 times (the
learning rate for the fifth CONV block is .001) of the
other block learning rate(.01 utilized for other CONV
blocks ) to guarantee that we will learn more certain
information. At last, the initial part of the system
is initialized with the weights of the VGG16 model,
which is trained in the Imagenet dataset. ReLu (Rec-
tified linear unit) is applied after each convolutional
Table 1: Parameters set for fifth block.
CONV 5 1 ft CONV 5 2 ft CONV 5 3 ft POOL 5 ft
Filters 256 256 512
size 7×7 3×3 3×3 2×2
stride 1 1 1 2
pad 3 0 0 0
2.3 Feature Extraction from HSOG
(Histograms of the Second Order
Gradients ) Facial Images
To the best of our knowledge, there is no model
trained on the HSOG images. So here first compute
the HSOG facial images.
Modular Facial Expression Recognition using Double Channel DNNs
Figure 2: Illustration of the proposed Framework.
2.3.1 Computation of First Order Oriented
Gradient Maps (OGMs)
Image descriptor begins from computing the 1
der oriented gradient map (OGM). The initial step of
estimation in many feature detectors in image prepro-
cessing is to guarantee normalized color and gamma
values. Image preprocessing gives little effect on ex-
ecution. The initial step of count is the calculation
of the gradient values. The most widely recognized
strategy is to apply the 1-D centered, point discrete
derivative masks in either of the horizontal and verti-
cal directions. In particular, this strategy requires fil-
tering the color or intensity information of the image
with the following filter kernels:
[1,0,1] and [1,0,1]
. Resulting image is de-
noted as G
”. After that apply the convolution of
these gradient maps G with the Gaussian kernal “G
Defined as
G = G
× G
Change in the image contrast in which the inten-
sity values are multiplied by the constant will result in
the multiplication of the gradient computation. These
properties will be important for actualizing the image
descriptor for outward appearance acknowledgment.
Utilizing those 1
OGM G”. Figure the 2
Gradient in the subsequent stage.
2.3.2 Computation of Second Order Gradient
Once 1
OGM is computed, they are use as inputs to
the 2
order gradient calculation over the image re-
gion I. In each pixel location OGM compute the gra-
dient magnitude Mag and gradient orientation Φ as
Mag(x,y) =
+ (
Φ(x,y) = arctan(
) (3)
= G(x + 1,y) G(x 1,y) (4)
= G(x,y + 1) G(x,y 1) (5)
Orientation Φ exists in scope of [Π\2, Π\2].
Map orientation from [Π\2,Π\2] to [0,2Π]. A piv-
otal issue to be managed when processing the second
order gradients is the affect-ability of the resultant lo-
cal image descriptor as for noise.The truth of utilizing
the Gaussian kernel to simulate human simple cells
and smooth first order gradients by gives descriptor a
desirable robustness to noise.
As indicated by our insight into up until this point,
no current model is trained on the HSOG images.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Thus, we build two layer CNN model that automat-
ically extracts the features from the HSOG facial im-
Fig. 3 illustrates the proposed CNN structure,
which consists input layer, two convolution layers C 1
and C 2 and two sub-sampling layers S 1 and S 2. All
parameters utilized in the proposed CNN are listed in
Table 2.
Table 2: parameter set for the proposed CNN.
C 1 S 1 C 2 S 2
Filters 64 256
size 7×7 2×2 3×3 2×2
stride 1 2 1 2
pad 3 0 0 0
Now, the output is given to the fully connected
layer (Dense layer) with the 1024 neurons. From here
extract the feature vector (fv 2) of size 1 × 1024. To
deal with the nonlinear data, include the “Relu” ac-
tivations after the S 1 and S 2 layers. At that point
we extricate the feature vector “fv 2 1” for the fore-
head, “fv 2 2” for the eyes, “fv 2 3” for the nose and
“fv 2 4” for the lips.
Figure 3: Framework for the proposed CNN used for ex-
traction of the expression features from the HSOG facial
2.4 Concatenation of Different Outputs
and Classification
Feature vector that came from the forehead (fv 1 1),
eyes (fv 1 2), nose ((fv 1 3) and lips (fv 1 4) are
concatenated and make a long feature vector for fa-
cial expression. These are the features that originate
from grayscale images utilizing VGG16 ft with fine-
tuning method. Likewise feature vector fv 2 is a con-
catenation of the feature vector came from the fore-
head (fv 2 1), eyes (fv 2 2), nose (fv 2 3) and lips
(fv 2 4). These fv 2 features came from the HSOG
facial images utilizing proposed CNN architecture.
At long last, we get full feature vector “fv” that is the
blend of the fv 1 and fv 2. Will go in Next advance
for classification.
In the classification cycle, the comparability be-
tween extracted features of the display setting and the
test set is assessed by the SVM and K nearest neigh-
bor (K=1,2,3) classifier with different separation mea-
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is
applied to classification. At the point when all lo-
cal image descriptors are changed to a fixed length
feature vector, similarity is processed to measure the
similitude between each pair of the feature vectors.
At last, each image for the test is classified into an
object class with the greatest SVM output decision
value. We tune the parameters of the classifier on the
training set, and acquire the recognition accuracy on
the test set.
Other classifier is K nearest-neighbor (K=1,2,3)
classifier with various distance measures. Euclidean
distance, Chi-square distance, as well as histogram in-
tersection (HI) are utilized in our experiments. Mean
Square error (MSE) is used as for the computation of
loss for the SVM and KNN.
To support the theoretical finish of the proposed
framework, tests have been conducted on some gen-
uine datasets, as archived in this section.
Experiments of FER have been conducted on the
four FER datasets. Facial images for the most part
incorporate extremely huge dimensions. Managing
such broad information ends up being very hard for
machines. Hence, the modular methodology is ap-
plied when just certain data areas of the face are
thought of. Facial expression give signals of the in-
dividual’s emotional state, even without verbal cor-
respondence. The eyes are the most open aspect of
an individual’s face and reveal a lot about their sen-
timents. Not with standing the eyes, lips, forehead,
nose, and so forth they are also information regions.
During the expression analysis task, we saw that, in
addition to the eyes, nose and lips/mouth, the fore-
head additionally assumes a significant role regarding
expressions. Most FER strategies are presently ap-
plied to full face images. This article focuses in just
on some information area of the face, as talked about.
To make a correlation, we did the holistic experiments
(where the full face image was utilized) as well as
To see the effectiveness of our method, our FER
methodology works under Keras on the macOS
Mojave system platform. To make the assessments
correct and effective, 4 benchmark datasets were
used, consisting of facial images. Representations of
the datasets used listed below.
Modular Facial Expression Recognition using Double Channel DNNs
3.0.1 JAFFE
JAFFE (Lyons et al., 1998) database having 213 facial
images of 10 Japanese female models of 7 facial ex-
pressions (6 basic facial expressions + 1 neutral). Out
of 213 images, random 140 images were chosen for
training and the remaining 73 used for testing. Fig .4
shows the trends of accuracy and loss during the train-
ing and testing with the increase in iterations. Table 3
shows reported the average accuracy in the Holistic as
well as modular approach both. In the JAFFE dataset
average accuracy is 95.67%.
Figure 4: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for JAFFE dataset.
3.0.2 Video
The Video (Shikkenawis and Mitra, 2016) database
has videos of 11 persons. The single video con-
tains four different facial expressions: Smiling, An-
gry, Open mouth, and Normal. Out of 6668 images,
randomly 70% images were chosen for training and
remaining 30% images used as a testing. Out of 6668
images, randomly 70% images were chosen for train-
ing and remaining 30% images used as testing. Fig. 5
shows the trends of accuracy and loss during the train-
ing and testing with the increase in iterations. Table 3
shows reported the average accuracy in the Holistic as
well as modular approach both. In the VIDEO dataset
average accuracy is 97.77%.
Figure 5: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for VIDEO dataset.
3.0.3 CK+
In CK+ (Lucey et al., 2010) there are 593 sequences
across 123 subjects giving 8 facial expressions. All
sequences are captured from the neutral face to the
peak expression. Participants were 18 to 50 years of
age, 69% female, 81%, Euro-American, 13% Afro-
American, and 6% other groups. This paper uses im-
age sequences of 99 subjects with 7 facial expres-
sions. Fig. 6 shows the trends of accuracy and loss
during the training and testing with the increase in it-
erations. Table 3 shows reported the average accuracy
in the Holistic as well as modular approach both. In
the VIDEO dataset average accuracy is 94.78%.
Figure 6: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for CK+ dataset.
3.0.4 Oulu-Casia
Oulu-Casia (Zhao et al., 2011) has 6 facial expres-
sions (anger, happiness, surprise, fear, disgust and
sad) form 80 different subjects between 23 to 58 years
of age. 73.8% of the persons are males. Out of 3360
images randomly 70% images were chosen for train-
ing and remaining 30% images used as testing. Fig. 6
shows the trends of accuracy and loss during the train-
ing and testing with the increase in iterations. Table
3 shows reported the average accuracy in the Holistic
as well as modular approach both. In the Oulu-Casia
dataset average accuracy is 95.86%.
Figure 7: Curves of Accuracy and Loss during training and
testing phases for Oulu-Casia dataset.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Comparison between the Holistic and Modular approach in our proposed framework in the light of SVM and KNN
as the classifier for all datasets (In terms of average accuracy (%) reported for 50 iterations).
Holistic Modular
Euclidean Chi Histogram Euclidean Chi Histogram
Square Intersection Square Intersection
JAFFE 90.02 87.32 81.42 80.02 95.67 92.14 88.32 86.97
VIDEO 91.55 87.43 79.89 77.12 97.77 91.54 88.12 86.91
CK+ 90.15 87.71 86.41 83.54 94.78 91.24 86.79 85.64
OULU-CASIA 89.40 86.30 79.79 75.20 95.86 88.76 84.61 82.20
3.1 Expressions at Different Intensity
There are several models regarding the character of
emotion and define how it is represented in the body
and brain. The goal is to decide the distinctive level
of emotions. With this approach, we find the predom-
inant emotion as well as the emotion rates presented
on the face. Here we introduce the new strategy to
analyze the level of emotion as you move from one
phase of emotion to the next higher state. Some of the
emotions that have been influenced by the changes in
the time interval, as shown in the graphs below in Fig.
8, 9, 10 and 11. Some basic variations in the propor-
tion of emotions with a different time interval are also
represented. Our methodology is incredibly useful for
exploring micro expressions.
Figure 8: (a) (b) (c) (d) Shows the expression of the
Happy face from the lower level to the extreme level, and
(e) Graphical representation of expression percentages and
how other expressions influence while the expression level
changes from low to high.
In this study, we investigate the FER technique pri-
marily based on double channel architecture that pro-
cesses the grayscale facial image and HSOG facial
image at the same time. Both image channels which
are utilized are complementary, and capture local
and global information from the given grayscale and
Figure 9: (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) Shows the expression
of the Sad face from the lower level to the extreme level,
and (e) Graphical representation of expression percentages
and how other expressions influence while the expression
level changes from low to high.
Figure 10: (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) Shows the expres-
sion of the Surprise face from the lower level to the extreme
level, and (e) Graphical representation of expression per-
centages and how other expressions influence while the ex-
pression level changes from low to high.
HSOG facial image. It can enhance the recogni-
tion capacity. Concatenation strategy is proposed to
completely use the features that are extracted from
both image channels (VGG16 ft and proposed CNN).
VGG16 ft has automatically extracted the features
from the given grayscale face images. A proposed
CNN is built to automatically extracts the features
from the HSOG facial images as of the pre-trained
model is not trained on HSOG facial images. Further-
more, concatenated features have been classified us-
ing SVM and KNN classifier with different distance
Modular Facial Expression Recognition using Double Channel DNNs
Figure 11: (a) (b) (c) (d) Shows the expression of the an-
gry face from the lower level to the extreme level, and
(e) Graphical representation of expression percentages and
how other expressions influence while the expression level
changes from low to high.
Capability of our proposed method is to recognize
a facial expression of a person using partial informa-
tion from the given whole face image. The proposed
method is applied to the most informative regions of
the face, i.e., forehead, eyes, nose, and lips. It is ob-
served that a combination of these regions is useful
enough to distinguish facial expressions of different
persons or the same persons in most of the cases. The
result obtained by the proposed method is comparable
with the most of the state of the art methods.
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications