ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in
Understanding Scientific Charts
Mandhatya Singh
and Puneet Goyal
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, Punjab, India
Visually Impaired, Chart Classification, Chart Extraction, Document Reader, Assistive Technologies.
The visual or Non-Textual components like charts, graphs, and plots are frequently used to represent the la-
tent information in digital documents. These components bolster in better comprehension of the underlying
complex information. However, these data visualization techniques are of not much use to visually impaired.
Visually impaired people, especially in developing countries, rely on braille, tactile, or other conventional
tools for reading purposes. Through these approaches, the understanding of Non-Textual components is a
burdensome process with serious limitations. In this paper, we present ChartSight, an automated and interac-
tive chart understanding system. ChartSight extracts and classifies the document images into different chart
categories, and then uses heuristics-based content extraction methods optimized for line and bar charts. It
finally represents the summarized content in audio format to the visually impaired users. We have presented a
densely connected convolution network-based data-driven scheme for the chart classification problem, which
shows comparatively better performance with the baseline models. Multiple datasets of chart images are used
for the performance analysis. A comparative analysis of supporting features has also been performed with the
other existing approaches.
A digital document contains mainly two components:
Textual and Non-textual. Extraction and transforma-
tion of the textual components have been well ex-
plored (Goncu and Marriott, 2012). However, for
the Non-textual parts (charts, graphs, plots, tables,
etc.), the process is arduous and an active research
area. The Non-textual or visual components are com-
monly used for representing the underlying quantita-
tive information in a summarized way and generally
preferred over the textual parts because of their cog-
nitive advantages.
In today’s world, we are equipped with advanced
visualization methods to represent and understand the
available information. However, visually impaired
users (VIU) are deprived of insights and understand-
ing as offered through these Non-Textual compo-
nents. The VIU relies mainly on the textual compo-
nents and often uses the braille technique for reading
purposes; all the notable books and study materials
are generally in braille. The braille has its own lim-
Figure 1: Sample line and bar charts demonstrating the vari-
ability and complexity in representation.
itations. It is also challenging, and for some cases,
it is currently impossible to represent these visual-
ization methods through conventional techniques like
braille. Apart from conventional techniques, VIU re-
lies on screen readers (JAWS, NVDA ec.) to read and
understand digital documents. However, these exist-
ing screen readers fail to comprehend the understand-
ing from these Non-Textual components, causing loss
of information. The existing chart understanding ap-
proaches and systems have limitations like manual in-
tervention, generalizability, and compatibility.
The complexity and design variability of the chart
images makes the chart understanding process more
challenging. The representation of the same quanti-
Singh, M. and Goyal, P.
ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in Understanding Scientific Charts.
DOI: 10.5220/0010201203090318
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tative data can be performed in different styles and
through various chart types. Some sample line and
bar charts used in this work, demonstrating the com-
plexity and variability, are shown in Fig. 1. The pro-
posed system ChartSight receives pdf files as input,
specifically research papers and articles. It automat-
ically extracts the Non-Textual components (all im-
ages) from the given pdf document. ChartSight clas-
sifies these images into respective chart categories (11
Categories). Non-Textual component classification is
a critical step of an automatic chart understanding
process as errors in this stage will propagate further in
the chart understanding pipeline and affect the whole
understanding process. In this work, we have primar-
ily focused on the Non-Textual component classifica-
tion task and propose a classification system to pre-
dict the respective component categories, that can be
utilized in the content extraction stage. We have also
proposed a preliminary content extraction approach
based on image processing and heuristics-based tech-
niques for content extraction from line and bar charts.
Through this work, the following contributions
have been made :
1. We present a holistic trainable deep learning ap-
proach for Non-Textual (charts and tables) com-
ponents classification.
2. This paper presents a preliminary heuristic based
content extraction approach, respective to line and
bar charts.
3. We performed a user response based analysis,
demonstrating that in most of the graphs, there is
always a deviation in perceiving the exact values,
it differs from user to user.
4. This paper presents an automatic, interactive and
easy to use graphical user interface, specifically
customized for the visually impaired users (VIU),
and its features comparison with recent methods.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Re-
lated work is described in Section 2. ChartSight
Framework module, including classification, content
extraction, and summarization sub-modules, is pre-
sented in Section 3. Experiment and Results are
discussed in Section 4. Prototype and a compara-
tive feature-based analysis with existing tools and ap-
proaches are discussed in Section 5 and 6. Conclusion
and Future Scope are discussed in Section 7.
Assistive technologies related to reading the Non-
Textual components for VIU had some less schol-
arly focus until recently. Screen readers like JAWS
and NVDA are popular and preferred screen read-
ers, particularly in developing countries. A compara-
tive study between these two has been shown in (Mc-
Carthy et al., 2012). The issue with these readers
is the access and efficient interpretation of graphical
components. Standard devices like Flash PIAF and
IVEO-3 can make graphs tactile images, but the hard-
ware requirement is one of the concerns.
SIGHT (Elzer et al., 2007) assists VIU in read-
ing bar charts, present in the web pages. Graphi-
cReader (Nazemi and Murray, 2013) extracts the con-
tent from graphical components like bar charts, pie
charts, line charts, and maths graphs. Graphics Ac-
celerator (GraphicsAccelerator, 2020) is a tool, spe-
cially designed for VIU, for reading the contents of
chart images. The tool’s main concern is that it does
not support general chart images; it only works for
standard chart images prepared on their dedicated en-
vironment. For making the whole chart understand-
ing process automatic, Non-Textual component clas-
sification is an important step. In literature (Huang
and Tan, 2007), (Savva et al., 2011) various machine
learning-based approaches have been proposed that
rely on handcrafted features like histogram of ori-
ented gradients (HOG), scale-invariant feature trans-
form (SIFT) etc. Recently, various deep learning ap-
proaches (Jung et al., 2017), (Poco and Heer, 2017),
(Choi et al., 2019) have been introduced for chart and
table images classification task. The proposed ap-
proach comprises of a deeper architecture for captur-
ing the inter-class dissimilarities and intra-class simi-
Automated Analysis of line charts has been per-
formed in (Nair et al., 2015). Emphasis on chart
fields extraction has been done, rather than the con-
tent extraction. ReVision (Savva et al., 2011) clas-
sifies chart images into 10 categories and automat-
ically extracts data from bar charts and pie charts.
It has a classification accuracy of 80% on average,
and it extracts marks successfully from 71% of bar
charts and 64% of pie charts. ChartSense (Jung et al.,
2017) is semi-automatic method that adopts a mixed-
initiative approach for chart data extraction. Figure-
Seer (Siegel et al., 2016) is an application, utilizing
quantitative and qualitative approaches for better per-
formance, and is designed for querying charts, plots,
and other figures in the scholarly articles. The exist-
ing figure question answering (QA) approaches (Ka-
hou et al., 2017; Kafle et al., 2018) fails to retrieve
numerical data from the charts in case of single color
marks (i.e., single color bar). The ChartSight pipeline
can aid existing chart figure captioning and figure QA
approaches (Kahou et al., 2017; Kafle et al., 2018) by
presenting the charts’ raw content and thus improving
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Fi gur e Ext r act i on
Char t Cl assi f i cat i on
Summar i zat i on
- Max/Min
- Trend
- Meaningful Sentences
Axis and Label Parsing (Algorithm 1)
Cont ent Ext r act i on
Content Parsing (Algorithm 2,3,4)
Pie Radar
Figure 2: Block Diagram. The proposed system receives pdf document or chart image as input. It extracts the Non-Textual
components (all images) from the document, classifies it into respective chart category (11 categories), extract the content,
summarizes it and convert it into audio format using text-to-speech (TTS) engine for VIU.
the performance in case of reasoning based questions.
WebPlotDigitizer (Rohatgi, 2014) is a web-based
tool and has both automatic and manual modes. Ac-
curacy is a concern in automatic mode. In manual
mode, users have to specify some initial points in the
image. iVoLVER (M
endez et al., 2016) is a chart re-
construction, web-based tool and requires users’ in-
puts for extraction. It heavily relies on the user for
an efficient extraction process. Ycasd (Gross et al.,
2014) also, requires user input for extracting the data
from line charts.
ChartSight offers an automated and efficient chart un-
derstanding process for VIU. The pipeline encom-
passes of following steps: (1) Image extraction, (2)
Chart classification, (3) Content extraction, (4) Sum-
marization. The pipeline has been shown in Fig. 2.
Individual components in the pipeline are discussed
3.1 Figure Extraction
In this module, we have performed document seg-
mentation and Image extraction. The document
is segmented into two parts - Textual and Non-
Textual. The Non-Textual segment consists of graph-
ical (charts, plots, graphs, etc.) as well as generic im-
ages. The extracted images will get passed into the
classification engine that classifies it into respective
chart categories. For the purpose, we have experi-
mented with three different pdf extractors libraries -
(a) PyMuPDF - a python binding for the MuPDF li-
brary, (b) Poppler - a python binding for the poppler-
cpp library, and (c) Minecart - a python package for
figure extraction from PDF’s. We have evaluated
these libraries’ performance over different PDF doc-
uments and selected the best performing one (results
are presented in Section 4.1).
3.2 Chart Classification
Classification of chart images differs from classifica-
tion of natural images. Some of the distinctive fea-
tures/characteristics in chart images are: low pixel
variances in neighborhood, similar pattern of graphi-
cal fields (i.e ticks, marks and labels), frequent occur-
rence of textual fields within image such as legend,
labels, tick values etc, corner points and Edges distri-
bution, spread of graphical part area and orientation
of the graphical fields.
Recent advancements in deep learning approaches
enable the network to incorporate more depth via
short connections between the network layers. The-
oretically, the deeper networks proved to be efficient,
but empirically the training process in these deeper
network suffers from issues like - vanishing gradient
and large number of parameters further affecting the
overall information flow across the network. The pre-
sented scheme utilizes the DenseNet (Huang et al.,
2017) architecture, which eliminates the mentioned
issues with robust feature propagation, feature reuse,
and self regularizing ability. DenseNet provides the
access (to each layer) of gradients from the loss func-
tion as well as the input layer, as shown in Fig. 3.
ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in Understanding Scientific Charts
Max Pooling
Conv (7x7)
Transition Layer 3
Transition Layer 1
Transition Layer 2
Zero Padding(1x1)
Zero Padding(1x1)
Global Avg. Pooling
Dense Layers
Classification Layer
Avg. Pooling
(6 DL) (12 DL)
(24 DL) (16 DL)
DB - Dense Block
- Concatenation
Figure 3: Proposed Classification framework. Upper network shows the overall flow. In lower part, the individual components
are unfolded. Each dense block (DB) consists of multiple convolutional blocks. Four DBs with a total of 58 dense layers (DL)
have been used.
3.2.1 Implementation Details
The two main components of the network are Dense
blocks (DB) and Transition blocks. Each DB con-
sists of multiple convolution blocks (CB). Each
CB consists of two convolution layers of 1 × 1
and 3 × 3 stacked with Batch Normalization (BN)
and ReLu [(BN-RELU-CONV(1 × 1)-BN-RELU-
CONV(3 × 3)]. Four dense blocks with a set of 6,
12, 24, 16 CBs are used. For reducing the num-
ber of feature maps, each DBs are connected through
transition layers. The transition layer improves the
overall model compactness by compressing the model
ING] operations. The total number of layers in the
presented architecture is 121. The growth rate is set
to 32 in our experiment. Here growth rate denotes the
size of feature maps produced at any layer and rep-
resents the actual contribution from that layer. We
have used a global average pooling layer just before
the fully connected layer for flattening.
The input image is resized to 224 × 224 as image
dimensions vary within the data sets. An extra set
of dense layers has been added with a dropout of 0.3
for regularization. We have initialized the learning
rate with 0.1 with a decay rate of 1e-6 and Nesterov
momentum of 0.8. SGD optimizer with categorical
cross-entropy as loss function is used. The model is
initialized with pre-trained weights on the ImageNet
dataset. The first four layers are frozen to avoid re-
learning the same generic standard features of training
images and accelerating the overall training process.
The model is trained with mini-batches of size 16 for
50 epochs with data augmentation (horizontal flip,
vertical flip, rotation, and zoom) and patience factor
of 4. For efficient training, we have normalized the
category weights for weighting the loss function (per-
formed during training). So, the model can equally
focus on data points from an under-represented cat-
egory. The training and testing are performed on
Nvidia GTX1080 GPU, and for other experimenta-
tion, Intel Core i7-8700 CPU has been used.
3.3 Chart Content Extraction
Automatic and efficient content extraction from chart
images is a complex process. We have proposed a pre-
liminary content extraction framework using image
processing and heuristic-based approaches. Through
our proposed algorithms [EHLC (Extraction heuris-
tics for line chart) and EHBC (Extraction heuristics
for bar chart)], we have improved upon the limita-
tions of previous works including performance (in the
absence of axis), and multi-scale support. The pro-
posed algorithms utilize the texture as well as color-
based information. It works effectively even when
multi-color bar/lines are present in chart images. The
proposed algorithms use some assumptions like chart
image should be 2D, and axes appear at the left and
bottom of the chart image. The content extraction
steps and algorithms are described in the sections be-
3.3.1 Axes and Label Parsing
The Axes and Label parsing involves locating axes (X
and Y), followed by extracting axes tick values and
axes labels, as described in Algorithm 1. Before pars-
ing, images are resized to 640x480. Hough (Duda
and Hart, 1972) method is applied for detecting the
vertical and horizontal lines. The extreme bottom line
(EBL) and extreme left line (ELL) are selected from
the detected lines as the X and Y-axis. Pattern match-
ing and LSTM based OCR method (Kay, 2007) is ap-
plied to the regions below the EBL and on the left of
ELL for axis tick and label recognition. All the axes
tick and label regions are detected as text boxes. The
text boxes with the same x values (below EBL) and
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
the same y values (left of ELL) have been extracted.
Further, for enhancement of the extracted fields, im-
age sharpening (using unsharp masking) is applied.
The proposed approach works even in the absence of
axis lines in the chart images. In this scenario, a vir-
tual axis is constructed with the help of axis ticks po-
sition. Firstly, OCR is applied over full chart image
region for detection of all the textual components. A
heuristic (denoted as HA in Algorithm 1) involving
detecting the largest group of text boxes aligned with
their x and y values are applied to the OCR output.
These groups represent the axes tick marks and based
on their position, both y and x-axis are created.
Algorithm 1: Axes and Label Parsing.
Input : I [Original Chart Image]
1 Resize I to 640 × 480 ;
2 DetectLines(I);
3 if DetectLines(I) ! = φ then
4 Select ELL and EBL;
6 TextBoxes DetectTextBox(T B) ;
7 count length(TextBoxes) ;
8 while count ! = 0 do
9 ImageSharpening(TextBoxes(count));
10 Save(TextBoxes(count)) ;
11 count = count-1 ;
12 end
13 else
14 T B1 OCR(I);
15 TextBoxes HA(T B1) ;
16 Repeat Steps 8 to 12 ;
17 end
3.3.2 Content Parsing
In the content parsing step, we aim to retrieve the em-
bedded data in line and bar chart images (Algorithm
(2,3)). The extracted data (image space) needs to be
mapped to the data space (actual values in X and Y
space). Generally, the Y-axis tick values are on linear
scale or logarithmic scale. So, computing the scaling
factor (yFactor) is an essential step in the MAPPING
process (Algorithm 4). yFactor is calculated between
each possible pair of Y-axis tick values, as shown in
Eq. (1), and all these values are stored in yFactorList.
Final yFactor is computed as a median of the yFac-
torList. This will ensure yFactor values correctness
even when some of the labels were incorrectly de-
tected or even missed.
yFactor =
yP = number of pixels between the yTick
and yTick
= numerical value of yTick
= numerical value of yTick
In some cases where the maximum and mini-
mum values of the Y axis are not present, the ob-
tained results show some discrepancies. Both algo-
rithms tackle this issue by correctly predicting those
values based on yFactor. The proposed approaches
use pattern matching and LSTM based OCR (Kay,
2007) engine for extracting the textual contents within
the graph, i.e. (axes labels and axes marks values).
The sensitivity factor is chosen on hit and trial based
method. Morphological operation (opening) ensures
the removal of irrelevant information.
Algorithm 2: ehlc: Line Detection.
Input : L [Line Chart]
1 L1 MO(L, 2); // Morphological operation
2 Convert L1 to HSV Space. ; // Only Hue
channel is considered
3 CL Clust(L1); // Clustering pixels having
same ranges of color values
4 NumLines Length(CL);
5 for i 1:NumLines do
6 TRACING(CL(i)) ;
7 MAPPING((CL(i)) ;
8 end
Morphological operation (opening) is applied
with a sensitivity factor of 2. It’s tuning provides con-
trol over the selection of targeted lines and bars. It
also removes the legends, labels, and gridlines which
are not required in this stage. For further process-
ing, the image is converted into HSV space. Cluster-
ing based on color values is performed. Each clus-
ter accounts for the respective lines (multiple lines in
case of a multi-line chart). For each cluster, the cor-
responding points are located in the image. Multiple
points are located on each line by approximating the
curve using the canny edge method termed as TRAC-
ING in Algorithm 2. In the intersection case, the next
point of the corresponding line is traced using neigh-
borhood pixels information. MAPPING process (Al-
gorithm 4) is applied iteratively for each line to get
the exact content.
MO, followed by horizontal line detection using
the Hough method, provides the upper part of indi-
vidual bars, as shown in Fig. 5 (j). X coordinates of
the detected horizontal lines (of each bar) are matched
(MATCHING) with the axes ticks positions, height,
and span of each bar. MAPPING process is applied
for each bar to get the exact content.
ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in Understanding Scientific Charts
Algorithm 3: ehbc: Bar detection.
Input : B [Bar Chart]
1 B1 MO(B,4);
2 HorizontalLines HoughLines(B1);
3 Replace each horizontal lines with their
middle point ;
4 [U pperPartLowerPart]
MATCHING(HorizontalLines); ;
5 MAPPING([UpperPart LowerPart]) ;
Algorithm 4: mapping.
Input : A : [Array of X & Y
1 counter = 0 ;
2 L Length(A);
3 while counter ¡ L do
4 if A(counter(Xcordinate)) ==
AXES(Xcordinate) then
5 NewYcordinate =
(Ypixelval(Ycordinate) yFactor)
6 end
7 end
Only those points are chosen in the MAPPING
process whose X-axis ticks coordinate matches with
extracted Y-axis ticks coordinates. Corresponding Y-
axis values are calculated by multiplying the Y-axis
pixel coordinates of that point and yFactor followed
by adding yMin (Minimum value on Y-axis).
3.4 Summarization
In this module, we are generating a meaningful tex-
tual summary of the extracted content. Depending
upon the figure type and data extracted, a textual
summary considering the VIU persona usage is be-
ing generated. For example, increasing/decreasing
trend, maximum/minimum, slope information, etc.
We compare each data value corresponding to the re-
spective axis tick for calculating the trend characteris-
tics. The extracted visual fields were combined with
the trend characteristics and then fed to the text-to-
speech engine for converting it into audio format.
4.1 Figure Extraction
We have evaluated the performance of all three pdf
extractor libraries on scientific articles. 25 research
articles from IEEE Xplore Digital Library, have been
used for the performance analysis of the pdf extrac-
tors. A total of 96 images are present in the pdf doc-
uments. In Table 1, it is showed that PyMuPDF per-
formance is better than the other two popular pdf ex-
tractors. PyMuPDF achieves 96.8% accuracy show-
ing better rendering capability.
Table 1: PDF extractor’s performance.
pdf extractor Images Extracted Accuracy
poppler 86 89.5%
minecart 82 85.4%
PyMuPDF 93 96.8%
However, extraction of images that contains wa-
termarks is not possible with the current versions of
these libraries. We have tested some pdf files that
contain watermarked images, and found that, these li-
braries were not able to extract most of the images.
4.2 Chart Classification
The dataset, evaluation scheme and results for pro-
posed classification approach are discussed in this
4.2.1 Dataset Description
For training and evaluation purpose, we have used
MixChart, Savva(Savva et al., 2011) and Junior (Ju-
nior et al., 2017) datasets. Each image represents a
single chart category.
MixChart. This dataset consists of chart and ta-
ble images collected from other available sources
(Cliche et al., 2017), (Siegel et al., 2016) along
with a set of Non-Textual images downloaded
from the web. This dataset contains 11 cate-
gories of chart images (including ”other” class).
The total image count in this MixChart data set is
(Savva et al., 2011). A subset from ReVision(10
Category) dataset is acquired. We are only able
to acquire 544 images from this dataset as most
of the images in the dataset are not available. We
have used this entire dataset only for testing dif-
ferent methods.
(Junior et al., 2017). This dataset contains 10
categories of chart images (including table class).
The total number of images are 4,891.
4.2.2 Evaluation Scheme
The evaluation scheme for estimating the effective-
ness of the proposed classification framework is de-
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Description of evaluation scheme for proposed chart classification approach. # denotes the number of images and
NA denotes not applicable.
Training Set
Testing Sets
MixChart (Junior et al., 2017) (Savva et al., 2011) (Junior et al., 2017) MixChart
(Test set) (Test set) (Complete) (Complete) (Complete)
MixChart Training set S
# 9269 (11 classes) # 2050 # 451 # 544 # 4440
(Junior et al., 2017) Training set S
# 4440 (10 classes) # 1786 # 451 # 544 # 11319
Figure 4: Dataset wise performance. The graph shows the weighted average accuracy of models across different test sets
scribed in this section. We have evaluated the pro-
posed framework based on two factors : General-
ization i.e how the model generalizes when tested
across different datasets (Dataset wise performance),
and other is Prediction i.e how accurate the category
wise predictions are across different datasets (Cate-
gory wise performance). We have categorised the
datasets into multiple train and test sets as shown in
Table 2. The rows represents a combination for train-
ing and testing pairs. There are respective group of
testing sets [S
, S
] for both the training sets.
The test sets (S
) are defined as S = {S
φ} except pairs of (S
) and (S
). In spite of be-
ing the same set (S
and S
), these both test sets
pairs are formulated as different due to the different
corresponding training sets. The evaluation scheme
intends to capture the model performance on the sim-
ilar sets when trained on different train sets. First
row shows the models trained on MixChart (Train)
set and tested on [MixChart (Test) set, (Junior et al.,
2017) (Test) set, (Junior et al., 2017) (Complete) set,
(Savva et al., 2011) (Complete) set]. Second row fol-
lows the similar pattern. Testing sets S
, S
, S
, and
consist all the images i.e (training + testing) from
the respective dataset. For fair evaluation the respec-
tive complete (the complete denotes the full dataset)
set of the training set have not been considered and
it is denoted by NA as shown in Table 2. The set
and set S
are the same sets, even then size(S
). The difference is of additional Other class
in MixChart dataset. For dataset-wise performance,
the average accuracy over each set S
has been
computed. For category-wise performance, the cate-
gory wise average accuracy for all test sets have been
considered. Training and testing split is set to ap-
proximately 80-20 (80-train and 20-test) ratio for the
MixChart dataset. Junior (Junior et al., 2017) dataset
consists of pre-defined set of 4,440 images in train-
ing set (Junior(Train)) and 451 images in test set (Ju-
nior(Test)). The complete denotes the full dataset.
Existing models (Savva et al., 2011), (Jung et al.,
2017), (Poco and Heer, 2017), (Choi et al., 2019) are
also evaluated with the same evaluation scheme.
4.2.3 Analysis
In this section, we have evaluated the proposed clas-
sification approach for Non-Textual images classifi-
cation task. Fig. 4 reports the test set wise average
accuracy (overall S
) for all models. The proposed
classification framework shows consistently top per-
formance over all the test sets as compared to other
approaches. These show the proposed approach bet-
ter generalization aspect as compared to parallel ap-
proaches. Table 3 reports the category wise perfor-
mance (average accuracy) of the models. The pro-
posed framework is competent in capturing the in-
trinsic discriminative features of Non-Textual images.
The results demonstrate the proposed classification
approach robustness towards the inter class similarity
problem (for example, Pareto chart holds a significant
similarity with line graphs and bar graphs, same goes
for a group of pie-radar-Venn charts (circles and frag-
ments are common)). Also, specifically for these set
ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in Understanding Scientific Charts
Table 3: Category wise performance (average accuracy) of the chart classification models.
Category (Savva et al., 2011) (Jung et al., 2017) (Poco and Heer, 2017) (Choi et al., 2019) Proposed
Area 42.50% 59.10% 88.00% 79.26% 96.73%
Bar 60.21% 74.33% 89.41% 67.84% 96.28%
Pie 02.82% 88.40% 81.10% 69.09% 97.18%
Line 22.60% 36.63% 76.80% 63.32% 87.88%
Map 79.47% 34.82% 79.49% 12.11% 91.52%
Radar 28.76% 70.40% 85.84% 75.54% 95.33%
Table 30.50% 92.74% 86.97% 96.60% 94.56%
Scatter 14.16% 63.37% 77.11% 68.97 92.00%
Pareto 08.53% 51.32% 82.74% 37.51 84.20%
Venn 03.41% 84.44% 84.33% 87.50 96.86%
Others 02.70% 66.28% 92.20% 11.36% 98.86%
Figure 5: Results of proposed content extraction pipeline on two sample images from MixChart dataset. (a,e) Axes extraction,
(b,f) Axis ticks extraction, (c,g) Label extraction, (d) Line tracing, (h) Bar detection.
of categories having high inter-class similarities, the
machine learning model (Savva et al., 2011) have the
least performance (the handcrafted features are not
detailed enough to capture the intrinsic differences).
The consistent and accurate results across different
evaluation schemes show the proposed classification
approach generalization and consistent prediction ca-
pabilities. Also, the proposed model has a compara-
tively lesser number of parameters, which is around
7.30 million as compared to (Poco and Heer, 2017)
and (Choi et al., 2019) (both have more than 20 Mil-
lion Parameters) models.
4.3 Content Extraction
The final content extraction process’s performance
depends on the sequential performance at each
pipeline stage (axis extraction, axis tick values extrac-
tion, label extraction, and line and bar detection), as
shown in Table 4. The results on sample images (for
individual steps) are shown in Fig. 4. Randomly se-
lected 200 images (100 line and 100 bar charts) from
the MixChart dataset have been used to evaluate indi-
vidual stages’ performance in the pipeline. For eval-
uating the performance of axes and label parsing, we
individually measured the accuracy of axes detection,
axis-tick values, and label recognition. We have used
the approach of (Siegel et al., 2016) for computing the
axes, axis ticks, and label parsing accuracy.
Table 4: Chart content extraction performance.
Line Chart Bar Chart
Axes Detection 92.3% 94.6%
Axis tick recognition 85.2% 87.2%
Axis label recognition 82.1% 83.6%
Content extraction 80.6% 81.5%
For axes detection, the predicted bounding box
(PB) of the respective field is compared with the
ground truth bounding box (GB) of that field, based
on computed Jaccard index(J) If J> 0.6, then it re-
gards as correct prediction. We have used the edit
distance metric for evaluating the performance of axes
tick, and axes label recognition.
We have considered the approximated tolerance
value; if the predicted numerical content (Y-axis) is
within the tolerance value, then it has been consid-
ered a correct prediction. We have demonstrated the
results of intermediate steps in Fig. 5.
4.3.1 User Study for Tolerance Approximation
We conducted a controlled experiment to capture the
variations in users’ responses to approximate the tol-
erance value. The experiment’s objective is to record
the deviations and hence track the average tolerance
for the exact content in line and bar charts. We have
considered the prediction within this tolerance as an
accurate prediction. The contemplation of chart im-
ages are more inclined towards the trend information
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 5: ChartSight Feature Comparative analysis.
Approaches Automatic Input Output Low Active Multi-line
(pdf) (Audio) Quality Images Exploration color| black
endez et al., 2016) - - - - - -|-
(Rohatgi, 2014) + - - + - -|-
(Savva et al., 2011) + - - + - +|-
(Jung et al., 2017) - - - + - +|-
(Siegel et al., 2016) + - - - + +|+
(GraphicsAccelerator, 2020) + - + - + +|+
ChartSight + + + + + +|-
such as the trend is increasing or decreasing, the slope
between points, etc. So, even in case of false extrac-
tion within some appropriate ranges can serve to un-
derstand the given charts.
We recruited 8 normally sighted participants from
our institution. We have divided the participants into
two categories, first who are well versed with graphs
and charts; these participants were research scholars,
second those who have an intermediate level of expe-
rience with the charts, these participants were under-
grad students. At the starting of each session, we had
provided a brief introduction regarding the procedure.
Participants were asked to note down the content of
the chart images. Each session takes around 55 min-
utes for completion. We analyzed the participants’
responses and observed an average deviation of 4.8%
for line charts and 3.1% for bar charts. This deviation
has been used as tolerance in the performance analy-
sis of the content extraction module. The performance
is shown in Table 4.
We implemented ChartSight as a desktop application.
Users can input the individual pdf file, and in out-
put, the content of Non-Textual parts (line and bar
charts) will be represented in audio format. Chart-
Sight can also be used as a chart content extractor;
a user can directly provide the chart image as input
and receive the raw and summarized content in au-
dio format. ChartSight supports active exploration,
as the user can access and explore the output at indi-
vidual stages. VIU can use the ChartSight prototype
through existing screen readers. A sample demonstra-
tion of the prototype as a chart content extractor has
been provided with the article.
Comparison has been performed, based on the feature
compatibility and capability of existing approaches.
In Table 5, the comparison is shown based on over-
all supportive features that are required in the case of
VIU. The first three features (Automatic, Input, Out-
put) represent the compatibility, and the last three fea-
tures represent the methods’ capability. + shows the
presence of that feature and - shows the absence of
that feature in an individual approach. Features are
chosen from both the content extraction potential and
the essential requirements of visually impaired per-
sons. Most of the approaches are not fully automated,
making them unsuitable for the visually impaired sce-
nario. Also, the system’s input is a concern as all
mentioned methods directly take the images as in-
put instead of pdf. The analysis shows better perfor-
mance ability and compatibility for the visually im-
paired scenario of ChartSight.
We presented ChartSight, a framework that classi-
fies charts, extracts their graphical fields and underly-
ing content and then represents the textually summa-
rized content in audio format to facilitate better read-
ing experience to visually impaired. We conducted a
controlled experiment to show that there is always a
tolerance regarding observing the chart images con-
tent. The results show that ChartSight is compar-
atively more relevant and efficient for visually im-
paired users. The proposed tool can also be used by
sighted users for an enhanced audio reading experi-
ence of any pdf document, especially when multitask-
ing. In the future, we would like to enhance our tool to
support more features, including additional chart cat-
egories and evaluation on a much larger dataset. We
would like to extend the content extraction pipeline.
Focus on hybrid sequential models for generating tex-
tual summaries is also a future scope of the current
work. We also aim to conduct usability studies, in-
cluding visually impaired persons, to better access
and address their needs.
ChartSight: An Automated Scheme for Assisting Visually Impaired in Understanding Scientific Charts
This research is supported by the IIT Ropar under
ISIRD grant 9-231/2016/IIT-RPR/1395 and by the
DST under CSRI grant DST/CSRI/2018/234.
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