Improving Car Model Classification through
Vehicle Keypoint Localization
Alessandro Simoni
2 a
, Andrea D’Eusanio
1 b
, Stefano Pini
2 c
Guido Borghi
3 d
and Roberto Vezzani
1,2 e
Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 41125 Modena, Italy
Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 41125 Modena, Italy
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Car Model Classification, Vehicle Keypoint Localization, Multi-task Learning.
In this paper, we present a novel multi-task framework which aims to improve the performance of car model
classification leveraging visual features and pose information extracted from single RGB images. In particular,
we merge the visual features obtained through an image classification network and the features computed by a
model able to predict the pose in terms of 2D car keypoints. We show how this approach considerably improves
the performance on the model classification task testing our framework on a subset of the Pascal3D+ dataset
containing the car classes. Finally, we conduct an ablation study to demonstrate the performance improvement
obtained with respect to a single visual classifier network.
The classification of vehicles, and specifically car
models, is a crucial task in many real world applica-
tions and especially in the automotive scenario, where
controlling and managing the traffic can be quite com-
plex. Moreover, since visual traffic surveillance has
an important role in computer vision, car classifica-
tion can be an enabling feature for other tasks like
vehicle re-identification or 3D vehicle reconstruction.
Despite these considerations, a little effort has been
done in the computer vision community to improve
the accuracy of the existing systems and to propose
specialized architectures based on the recent deep
learning paradigm. Indeed, from a general point of
view, car model classification is a challenging task in
the computer vision field, due to the large quantity
of different models produced by many car companies
and the large differences in the appearance with un-
constrained poses (Palazzi et al., 2017). Therefore,
viewpoint-aware analyses and robust classification al-
gorithms are strongly demanded.
Only recently, some works in the literature have
faced the classification problem trying to distinguish
between vehicle macro-classes, such as aeroplane,
car and bicycle. For instance, in (Afifi et al., 2018)
a multi-task CNN architecture that performs vehi-
cle classification and viewpoint estimation simultane-
ously has been proposed. In (Mottaghi et al., 2015)
a coarse-to-fine hierarchical representation has been
presented in order to perform object detection, to es-
timate the 3D pose and to predict the sub-category
vehicle class. However, we note that learning to dis-
criminate between macro-classes is less challenging
than categorizing different specific car models.
In (Grabner et al., 2018) the task is addressed
through the use of depth images computed from the
3D models. The proposed method not only estimates
the vehicle pose, but also perform a 3D model re-
trieval task. Other works (Xiao et al., 2019; Ko-
rtylewski et al., 2020) are focused on the vehicle and
object classification task under partial occlusions.
The work most closely related to our system has
been proposed by Simoni et al. in (Simoni et al.,
2020), where a framework to predict the visual fu-
ture appearance of an urban scene is described. In this
framework, a specific module is committed to classify
the car model from RGB images, in order to select a
similar 3D model to be placed into the final generated
Simoni, A., D’Eusanio, A., Pini, S., Borghi, G. and Vezzani, R.
Improving Car Model Classification through Vehicle Keypoint Localization.
DOI: 10.5220/0010207803540361
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Keypoints localisation
Car model classification
Convs + Avg Pool
Intermediate step
Hourglass N-1
Hourglass 1
Hourglass 2
Hourglass 3 Hourglass 4
Probability distribution
Intermediate step Intermediate step
Intermediate step
out=1536 out=768
Conv + BatchNorm + ReLU
Linear + ReLU
out=256 out=256 out=256
in=256, out=256, k=3x3, s=2, p=2
in=256, out=256, k=3x3, s=1, p=1
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed framework. At the top, the car model classifier is reported, where the visual features
extracted from ResNeXt-101 are combined with the intermediate feature maps computed by the keypoint localization
network – Stacked-Hourglass – shown in the bottom. The input is a single RGB image for both modules, while the output is
the keypoint heatmaps and the classified car model.
In this paper, we address the specific task of car
model classification, in terms of vehicle typology
(e.g., pick-up, sedan, race car and so on). Our start-
ing intuition is that the localization of 2D keypoints
on the RGB images can be efficiently exploited to
improve the car model classification task. As train-
ing and testing dataset, we exploit the Pascal3D+ (Xi-
ang et al., 2014), one of the few datasets containing a
great amount of data annotated with 3D vehicle mod-
els, 2D keypoints and pose in terms of 6DoF. In the
evaluation procedure, we investigate how the archi-
tectures currently available in the literature are able to
deal with the car model classification and the keypoint
detection task. Specifically, we conduct an investiga-
tion of the performance of these models applied to the
specific tasks. Then, we present how to merge visual
information and the 2D skeleton data, encoded from
an RGB image of the car, proposing a new multi-task
framework. We show that exploiting both information
through a multi-task system leads to an improvement
of the classification task, without degrading the accu-
racy of the pose detector.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 the proposed method is detailed, analyzing
firstly the car model classification and the 2D key-
point localization modules and then our combined ap-
proach. Section 3 contains the experimental evalua-
tion of our proposed method and an ablation study on
several tested baselines for both the tasks presented in
the previous section. Finally, a performance analysis
is conducted and conclusions are drawn.
In this section, we describe our method that improves
the accuracy of the car model classification by lever-
aging on the side task of 2D keypoint localization.
The architecture is composed of two sub-networks,
each tackling a different task as detailed in the fol-
2.1 Car Model Classification
The car model classification task aims to extract vi-
sual information from RGB images of vehicles and to
classify them in one of the possible classes, each cor-
responding to a specific 3D vehicle model. Among
several classifiers, we choose the ResNeXt-101 net-
work from (Xie et al., 2017), which is a slightly mod-
ified version of the ResNet architecture (He et al.,
2016). The network takes as input an RGB vehicle
image of dimension 256 × 256 and outputs a proba-
bility distribution over n possible car model classes.
The distinctive aspect of this architecture is the in-
troduction of an aggregated transformation technique
that replaces the classical residual blocks with C par-
allel embedding transformations, where the parameter
C is also called cardinality. The resulting embeddings
Improving Car Model Classification through Vehicle Keypoint Localization
Figure 2: Image samples from Pascal3D+ dataset for each car model class.
Figure 3: Images distribution through train and test set for
each vehicle sub-category in Pascal3D+ dataset.
can be aggregated with three equivalent operations: i)
sum, ii) concatenation or iii) grouped convolutions.
This data transformation has proved to obtain higher
level features than the ones obtained from the residual
module of ResNet. This statement is also confirmed
by better performance on our task, as shown later in
Section 3. We refer to this section also for a compari-
son between different visual classifiers.
2.2 2D Keypoints Localization
The second task in hand is the localization of se-
mantic keypoints representative of the vehicle skele-
ton. Finding 2D object landmarks and having its
corresponding 3D model can be useful to estimate
and reproduce the object pose in the 3D world using
well-known correspondence methods and resolving a
perspective-n-point problem. Similarly to the clas-
sification task, there are many CNNs that can solve
the 2D keypoint localization task. We choose the ar-
chitecture presented by (Newell et al., 2016) between
several alternatives, whose comparison is reported in
Section 3. This network is called Stacked-Hourglass
since it is composed of a encoder-decoder structure,
called hourglass, which is repeated N times compos-
ing a stacked architecture. The network takes as input
the RGB vehicle image of dimension 256 × 256 and
every hourglass block outputs an intermediate result,
which is composed by k Gaussian heatmaps where the
maximum value identifies the keypoint location. The
presence of multiple outputs through the architecture
allows to finely supervise the training by applying the
loss to every intermediate output. We tested the net-
work with N = [2, 4,8] and chose to employ an archi-
tecture with N = 4 hourglass blocks which obtains the
best trade-off between score and performance.
2.3 Combined Approach
Testing the sole ResNeXt model as a visual classi-
fier proved that the car classification is actually a non
trivial task. Our proposal is to improve the car model
prediction leveraging a multi-task technique that em-
braces the keypoint localization task too. As depicted
in Figure 1, we combine pose features extracted by
Stacked-Hourglass and visual features extracted by
ResNeXt to obtain a more reliable car model classi-
In practice, we leverage the features coming from
each hourglass block and analyze them with two con-
volutional layers with 256 kernels of size 3×3, shared
weights and ReLU activation function. While the first
layer has stride and padding equal to 2, the second
one has stride and padding 1. Since the Stacked-
Hourglass architecture has N = 4 hourglass blocks,
4 pose features are obtained. We thus combine them
with an aggregation function and concatenate them to
the visual features extracted by ResNeXt-101. The
fused features are passed through 2 fully connected
layers, with 1536 and 768 hidden units and ReLU ac-
tivation functions. Finally, a linear classifier with n
units followed by a softmax layer provides the proba-
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
bility distribution over the 3D car models.
Two different approaches are taken into account
for the aggregation of the features obtained by
Stacked-Hourglass. One approach consists in sum-
ming the 1D tensors of every encoder and concate-
nating the summed tensors to the 1D tensor contain-
ing the visual features of ResNeXt. Another ap-
proach corresponds to first concatenate the 1D ten-
sors of every encoder and then the one extracted by
ResNeXt. In both cases, the resulting features are
passed through the 3 fully connected layers that per-
form the classification task.
To further explain our method, we describe the
mathematical formulation of the performed opera-
tions. Our multi-task car classification method can
be defined as a function
Φ : R
that maps an RGB image I to a probability distribu-
tion of n possible car model classes. This function
is composed of the two subnetworks presented above
and defined as following.
The Stacked-Hourglass architecture is a function
H : R
that maps the RGB image I to k heatmaps represent-
ing the probability distribution of each keypoint. The
keypoint location is retrieved computing the maxi-
mum of each heatmap.
The function H is composed of N encoder-
decoder blocks called hourglass. Each encoder E
the i-th hourglass outputs a set of features v
taining m = 256 channels. A series of two convolu-
tional layers are further applied to the output of the
encoder block:
Ψ : R
= Ψ(v
) (3b)
where the resulting features have lost their spatial res-
Similarly, the parallel ResNeXt architecture, used
as visual feature extractor, can be represented as a
G : R
= G(I) (4b)
that extracts l = 2048 visual features from the RGB
image I.
The pose features extracted from the hourglass ar-
chitecture can be aggregated in two ways, as defined
previously. Following the sum approach, the opera-
tion is defined as
= u
+ ... + u
Alternatively, the concatenation approach is defined
= u
... u
In both cases, N = 4 is the number of hourglass blocks
and represents the concatenation operation.
Then, the pose and visual features are combined
and given as input to a series of two fully connected
layers followed by a linear classifier
y = Y (
) (7)
obtaining a probability distribution over the n classes
of 3D car models.
In this paragraph we report details about the dataset,
the training procedure and the results in terms of sev-
eral metrics, execution time and memory consump-
3.1 Pascal3D+ Dataset
The Pascal3D+ dataset (Xiang et al., 2014) was pre-
sented for the 3D object detection and pose estimation
tasks. However, to the best of our knowledge, it is still
one of the few datasets that contains RGB images an-
notated with both 3D car models and 2D keypoints.
The dataset is split in 12 main categories from which
we select the car category. This category is further
split in 10 car models (e.g. sedan, hatchback, pickup,
suv) and contains 12 keypoints, listed in Table 4. As
can be seen in Figure 2 and 3, every image is classified
into one of ten 3D models sub-categories and both 3D
and 2D keypoints are included. Filtering the images
of the car class, we obtain a total of 4081 training and
1024 testing images. We process these images in or-
der to guarantee that each vehicle, with its keypoints,
is completely visible, i.e. contained into the image.
All the images are center cropped and resized to a
dimension of 256 × 256 pixels. Following the dataset
structure, we set the number of predicted classes n =
10 and the number of predicted heatmaps k = 12.
3.2 Training
The training of our model can be defined as a two-step
procedure. Therefore, in order to extract meaningful
pose features for vehicle keypoints, we first train
the Stacked-Hourglass model on Pascal3D+ for 100
epochs, using an initial learning rate of 1e
decreasing it by a factor of 10 every 40 epochs. The
network is trained with a Mean Squared Error loss
Improving Car Model Classification through Vehicle Keypoint Localization
Table 1: Average accuracy results on features fusion classi-
fication method.
Method Fusion Accuracy
(Simoni et al., 2020) - 65.91%
ResNeXt-101 - 66.96%
Stacked-HG-4 + (Simoni et al., 2020) sum 67.61%
Stacked-HG-4 + (Simoni et al., 2020) concat 69.07%
Ours sum 68.26%
Ours concat 70.54%
Figure 4: Normalized confusion matrix for features con-
catenation classification method.
computed between the predicted and the ground
truth keypoints heatmaps.
The second step starts by freezing both a ResNeXt
model, pre-trained on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009),
and the Stacked-Hourglass model, trained on Pas-
cal3D+; the aim is to train the convolutional layers,
that modify the hourglass embedding dimensions, and
the final fully connected layers, that take as input the
concatenated features, on the classification task. This
training lasts for 100 epochs using a fixed learning
rate of 1e
. In this case, we employ the standard
Categorical Cross Entropy loss.
Code has been developed using the Py-
Torch (Paszke et al., 2017) framework and for
each step we used Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) as
3.3 Results
Here, we report the results obtained by our multi-
task technique and compare them with a baseline, i.e.
the plain ResNeXt-101 finetuned on the car model
classes, and the literature.
As detailed in Section 2, the proposed method can
combine the pose features encoded by the Stacked-
3/2 π
Figure 5: Average accuracy results with regard to vehicle
viewpoint orientation.
Hourglass network with two different approaches,
namely sum and concatenation (concat). As a base-
line, we employ the plain ResNeXt-101 architecture,
finetuned with the Categorical Cross Entropy loss for
100 epochs. In order to compare with the litera-
ture, we report the results obtained by (Simoni et al.,
2020), that employ a VGG-19 architecture for the
task of car model classification. Moreover, we adapt
our proposed architecture, which combines Stacked-
Hourglass and ResNeXt-101, to integrate Stacked-
Hourglass, for the keypoint localization, with the
method proposed in (Simoni et al., 2020), for the
model car classification.
In table 1, we show the results in terms of car model
classification accuracy. As shown, the proposed
method outperforms the baseline and the competitors.
Moreover, the combination of the keypoint localiza-
tion task and the car model classification one steadily
improves the results, regardless of the employed clas-
sification architecture. Regarding the different com-
bination approaches, the sum approach improves the
classification score of an absolute +1.3% with respect
to the baseline (ResNext-101). The concat approach
benefit even more the classification results doubling
the accuracy improvement (+3.6%) with respect to
the sum approach.
We report in Figure 4 the confusion matrix of the
proposed method, in the concatenation setting. As it
can be seen, most of the classes are recognized with
high accuracy, i.e. 60% or higher. The sole excep-
tions are the classes 3, 4 and 6 that are, along with
class 7, the less represented classes in both the train
and the test set. In particular, even though the class
7 is one of the less represented classes, it has an high
classification score because it represents sports cars
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Average accuracy results over the 10 car model
classes. The second columns show the trained layers while
other layers are pretrained on ImageNet.
Network Layers Accuracy
VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) last fc 65.18%
VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) all fc 65.10%
ResNet-18 (He et al., 2016) last fc 59.01%
ResNet-18 (He et al., 2016) all 58.20%
DenseNet-161 (Huang et al., 2017) last fc 65.02%
ResNeXt-101 (Xie et al., 2017) last fc 66.96%
Figure 6: Normalized confusion matrix for ResNeXt-101
classification network.
whose images features are more likely to be differ-
ent from the other classes. It is worth noting that
we are aware of the class imbalance problem of the
dataset (as depicted in Figure 3), but, as we observed
in some experiments using an inverse weighting dur-
ing training (i.e. samples from the most common
classes are weighted less than samples from the un-
common classes), the results do not have any relevant
In addition, we show the model accuracy with
respect to the azimuth of the vehicle in Figure 5.
Among values steadily above the 70%, there is a sig-
nificant drop in accuracy for the angles ranging in
] and [π,
π]. This may be caused by the view-
point, that may be less informative than the others, by
a less represented azimuth range in the training set,
or by a more frequent azimuth range for rare or com-
plex cars. This behavior will be the subject for future
3.4 Ablation Study
This section covers a quantitative ablation study over
several classification and keypoint localization net-
works, showing the results for both tasks.
Table 3: Average PCK score (PCKh@0.5 with α = 0.1) for
every keypoint localization baseline (HG = Hourglass).
Model PCKh@0.5
(Long et al., 2014) 55.7%
(Tulsiani and Malik, 2015) 81.3%
OpenPose-ResNet152 (Cao et al., 2017) 84.87%
OpenPose-DenseNet161 (Cao et al., 2017) 86.68%
(Zhou et al., 2018) 90.00%
HRNet-W32 (Wang et al., 2020) 91.63%
HRNet-W48 (Wang et al., 2020) 92.52%
(Pavlakos et al., 2017) 93.40%
Stacked-HG-2 (Newell et al., 2016) 93.41%
Stacked-HG-4 (Newell et al., 2016) 94.20%
Stacked-HG-8 (Newell et al., 2016) 93.92%
3.4.1 Classification
As shown in Table 2, we tested several baselines as
visual classifiers. We trained each network for 150
epochs with a fixed learning rate of 1e
and the
Adam optimizer. The objective is the Categorical
Cross Entropy loss.
It’s worth noting that the best results are ob-
tained by ResNeXt-101 with an average accuracy
of 66.96%, in spite of the fact all networks except
ResNet-18 are quite close to each other. The results
also reveal that networks with a good amount of pa-
rameters (see Tab. 5) tend to perform better on the
Pascal3D+ dataset than smaller networks like ResNet-
Moreover, the good performance of ResNeXt-101 can
be clearly observed in Figure 6, where the accuracy
score is defined for each class. We noted, with respect
to the other networks, that ResNeXt-101 generates a
less sparse confusion matrix, i.e. the classifier tends
to swap fewer classes one another.
3.4.2 Keypoints Localization
Similarly to the classification task, we tested three ar-
chitectures, named respectively OpenPose (Cao et al.,
2017), HRNet (Wang et al., 2020) and Stacked-
Hourglass (Newell et al., 2016), to address the key-
points localization. These architectures are studied
as human pose estimation architectures, but we adapt
them to our vehicle keypoint estimation task. Each
network is trained for 100 epochs using a starting
learning rate of 1e
decreased every 40 epochs by
a factor of 10 and the Adam optimizer. To evalu-
ate each network we use the PCK metric presented
in (Andriluka et al., 2014). In details, we adopt the
PCKh@0.5 with α = 0.1, which represents the per-
centage of keypoints whose predicted location is not
Improving Car Model Classification through Vehicle Keypoint Localization
Table 4: PCK scores (%) for each vehicle keypoint (HG = Hourglass, OP = OpenPose).
Keypoint () HG-2 HG-4 HG-8 OP-ResNet OP-DenseNet HRNet-W32 HRNet-W48
lb trunk 93.27 94.69 94.18 83.94 86.86 91.72 94.45
lb wheel 92.27 94.17 93.09 81.58 84.85 90.26 91.78
lf light 92.85 93.27 93.22 86.29 86.34 90.87 91.27
lf wheel 94.41 95.49 94.27 86.10 87.70 91.48 89.17
rb trunk 92.59 92.97 92.72 83.19 87.00 91.94 92.25
rb wheel 91.50 91.87 93.33 79.67 84.35 92.00 91.61
rf light 93.01 93.79 93.28 86.47 84.81 89.59 91.54
rf wheel 91.73 92.71 92.54 81.52 82.00 89.12 91.16
ul rearwindow 94.67 95.82 95.18 86.34 88.06 91.08 93.63
ul windshield 96.00 96.51 96.10 89.29 91.37 94.47 95.62
ur rearwindow 93.27 93.52 93.91 85.21 87.45 92.39 92.82
ur windshield 95.47 95.58 95.17 88.80 89.32 94.59 94.91
() lb = left back, lf = left front, rb = right back, rf = right front, ul = upper left, ur = upper right.
Table 5: Performance analysis of the proposed method. We
report the number of parameters, the inference time and the
amount of video RAM (VRAM) needed to reproduce ex-
perimental results. We used a NVidia 1080Ti graphic card.
Model Parameters Inference VRAM
(M) (ms) (GB)
VGG19 139.6 6.843 1.239
ResNet-18 11.2 3.947 0.669
DenseNet-161 26.5 36.382 0.995
ResNeXt-101 86.8 33.924 1.223
Stacked-HG-4 13.0 41.323 0.941
OpenPose 29.0 19.909 0.771
HRNet 63.6 60.893 1.103
Ours 106.8 68.555 1.389
further than a threshold from the ground truth. The
value 0.5 is a threshold applied on the confidence
score of each keypoint heatmap while α is the tunable
parameter that controls the area surrounding the cor-
rect location where a keypoints should lie to be con-
sidered correctly localized.
Although recent architectures like OpenPose and
HRNet demonstrate impressive results on human joint
prediction, the older Stacked-Hourglass overcomes
these competitors in the estimation of the 12 seman-
tic keypoints of the Pascal3D+ vehicles, as shown in
Table 3 and Table 4. It is worth noting that its pre-
cision is not only superior on the overall PCK score
averaged on all keypoints listed in Table 3, but also
on the single PCK score for each localized keypoint,
as show in Table 4.
3.5 Performance Analysis
We also assess the performance of the tested and the
proposed methods in terms of number of parameters,
inference time on a single GPU and VRAM occu-
pancy on the graphic card. In particular, we compare
our approach to all the baselines that performs sepa-
rately each task. We test them on a workstation with
an Intel Core i7-7700K and a Nvidia GeForce GTX
As illustrated in Table 5, our approach has a large
number of parameters, but it can perform both key-
points localization and car model classification at
once. Taking into account the inference time and the
memory consumption, our architecture works largely
in real time speed with low memory requirements
while performing two tasks in an end-to-end fash-
ion obtaining better results than using the single net-
In this paper, we show how visual and pose features
can be merged in the same framework in order to
improve the car model classification task. Specifi-
cally, we leverage on the ResNext-101 architecture,
for the visual part, and on Stacked-Hourglass, for the
car keypoint localization, to design a combined ar-
chitecture. Experimental results confirm the accuracy
and the feasibility of the presented method for real
world applications. Moreover, the performance anal-
ysis confirm the limited inference time and the low
amount of video memory required to run the system.
Nonetheless, our method can improve in particular for
misclassified classes which are less represented in the
dataset. We leave further analysis and experiments on
this issue for future work.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
This research was supported by MIUR PRIN project
“PREVUE: PRediction of activities and Events
by Vision in an Urban Environment”, grant ID
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