dedicated to the spatio-temporal modelling of long-
term activities in videos. We show that the model
can learn long-term dependencies across timesteps,
resulting in robust representations, and that it is not
possible to accurately classify long activities from a
few timesteps only. We give insights on the amount
of timesteps, their order and the importance of the
frame frequency. Next, a Region Attention module
supports spatio-temporal data to adaptively learn the
importance of the spatial cues in different video re-
gions, which also allow the backbone to learn rich
feature representations. Lastly, an Actor-Focus mech-
anism drives the attention on the truly discriminative
video regions where the actor is performing the ac-
tivity, neglecting background and irrelevant regions.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of the architecture,
benchmarking our model on the Breakfast Actions
Dataset, with a SOTA-matching accuracy of 89.84%.
Because of the modularity of our architecture and of
related work (Hussein et al., 2019a; Hussein et al.,
2019b; Hussein et al., 2020a), our framework could
complement other approaches. Due to the fact that the
strength of our model relies on the way the backbone
is fine-tuned and on the use of attention to account for
the spatial dimension, further modelling of the time
dimension could improve the results. Both PIC (Hus-
sein et al., 2020a) and Timeception (Hussein et al.,
2019a) successfully exploit the time axis and can be
juxtaposed on existing backbones, integrated with our
RA module. Experiments are left for future work. Fi-
nally, future work may include studies on the full I3D
fine-tuning and on a I3D + Region Attention end-to-
end training.
This work is supported by the Early Research Pro-
gram Hybrid AI, and by the research programme Per-
spectief EDL with project number P16-25 project 3,
which is financed by the Dutch Research Council
(NWO), Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW).
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Long-term Behaviour Recognition in Videos with Actor-focused Region Attention