In addition to the non-technical limitations above,
two factors related to the population-based model are
noteworthy. First, the population-based model
approach is non-parametric and could potentially be
sensitive to the additional data available over time
that could change the behavior of the model as
measured by information-theoretic entropy. Second,
when a personalized recommendation is based on the
population model, it should be noted that the
prediction strategy is a “greedy” approach.
In reference to step 5 of the algorithm that
determines the predicted value ΔER
based on Max
| ER
), a larger ΔER
is unlikely to
come from a large ER
. For example, if ER
=0.9, it
is not possible for ΔER
> 0.1; or Pr(ΔER
=0.9)=0. Therefore, the “greedy” approach has
an inherent bias to work better in personalization for
those who are moderately active compared to others.
A behavioral predictive analytics approach was
presented for self-management personalization. The
personalized recommendation is based on the
engagement outcomes that reveal the behavior
readiness of an individual in self-management. Auto-
regression and population models were derived to
support the proposed predictive analytics approach
for generating personalized recommendations. A
limitation of this research is the requirement for a
“wait” period to accumulate sufficient data to derive
a personalized auto-regression model. In this research
we adopt a strategy that aims to prioritize
personalization based on greatest improvement
possible on engagement in a self-management area.
This has an inherent bias that may negatively impact
individuals with limited potential improvement on
engagement. We do not yet know how this affects
engagement and in what pace. Our future research
will focus on understanding this aspect. An additional
future research goal will be to collect larger samples
in future, as our results were promising, but need
larger samples to be statistically significant for future
The authors are indebted to the reviewers for their
valuable comments that help to improve this paper.
This research is conducted under the support of U.S.
NSF phase 2 grant 1831214. Mike Wassil oversees
the pilot operation described in this research. Michael
Van der Gaag leads the usability study of the mobile
app used in this research. The pilot team consists of
Arora Ashima, Connor Brown,
Brandon Huang,
Rebecca Horowitz, Sumaita Hussain, and Pan Lin.
Dr. Catherine Benedict had advised on this research
regarding patient self-efficacy. Dr. Adebola
Orafidiya (MD) had helped this pilot team by sharing
clinical best practice on recommending self-
monitoring. This pilot team has also benefited from
the discussions with Dr. Joseph Tibaldi (MD) and
Caterina Trovato (CDE) on patient engagement.
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