changes of light. This property is clearly illustrated in
Figure 5(c) and it is of great importance for many ma-
chine vision algorithms, such as illumination invari-
ant feature matching and people/object recognition in
real-world scenarios.
Figure 6: Examples of usage of SuPeR-B as a pre-
processing step of the key-point detector in (Lowe, 2004):
the enhancement of the input images (on left) grants a better
detection of key-points (in green color, on right) in the dark
The Retinex inspired spatial color algorithm SuPeR-
B proposes a novel and efficacious technique to en-
hance images captured under difficult light, in partic-
ular under backlight and local, not diffused spotlights
that hamper understandingthe image content. SuPeR-
B basically implements a bilateral processing of the
channel intensities of the image pixels that enable
brightening dark regions, smoothing color casts due
to the light, while preserving important edges. The
bilateral processing is modeled by the weighting func-
tion f, that here has been expressed as a Coon surface
bounded by lines. The experiments proved that this
choice of f provides a satisfactory level of enhance-
ment, also in comparison with other algorithms at the
state-of-the-art. The input images are remarkably im-
proved by SuPeR-B, which increase their brightness
and detail visibility, especially in the dark areas, while
decrease the overall color distribution entropy.
As mentioned in Section 3, there are many expres-
sions for f: determining the equation of f and the
values of its parameters most suitable for enhancing
an image within a given task is a critical point for
a reliable and aware usage of SuPeR. In general, in
the current implementation of SuPeR-B, the choice
of the values of α,a,b to be input to SuPeR-B should
be guided by the applications at the hand as well as by
the image content. For instance, for human inspection
of the content of the giraffe image in Figure 3, the val-
ues (α,a, b) = (0, 0, 0) and (1, 0, -1) perform poorly
in comparison with the others. In other cases, like for
(α,a, b) = (-1, -1, -1), the brightness of the enhanced
image is too high and the image content is washed out
or over-enhanced. As a conclusion, the set-up of f is
an open issue to be investigated in the future.
Future work will also include the usage of SuPeR-
B within computer vision tasks that require to process
high quality images, as for instance image descrip-
tion and matching. In this respect, as pointed out in
(Lecca et al., 2019) and as illustrated by the examples
in Figure 6, the improvement of visual characteris-
tics such as brightness, contrast and color distribution
does not only grant a better visibility and readability
of the image content for humans, but it is also funda-
mental to improve the detection of image key-points
(here performed by SIFT (Lowe, 2004)) and thus to
increase the performance of algorithms for descrip-
tion and matching of images regardless of their illu-
mination conditions.
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