Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages
Ildevana Poltronieri
1 a
, Avelino Francisco Zorzo
1 b
, Maicon Bernardino
2 c
, Bruno Medeiros
Marcia de Borba Campos
3 d
PUCRS, Av. Ipiranga, 6681, Partenon, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
UNIPAMPA, Av. Tiaraju, 810 - Ibirapuitã, Alegrete, RS, Brazil
CESUCA, Rua Silvério Manoel da Silva, 160, Colinas, Cachoeirinha, RS, Brazil
Checklist Heuristic, Empirical Method, Heuristic Evaluation, Domain-specific Language.
Usability evaluation of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is not a simple task, since DSL designers eort
might not be viable in a project context. Hence, we ease DSL designers work by providing a fast and simple
way to evaluate their languages and, therefore, reduce eort (spend time) when a new DSL is developed. In
order to do that, this paper presents a structured way to build a Heuristic Evaluation Checklist (HEC) for DSLs.
This checklist is dierent from traditional checklists since it is focused on DSL. Once a checklist is provided,
the evaluators only follow a set of heuristics and freely point out the found errors when using the DSL. Basically,
the produced checklist provides a set of questions, based on the heuristics that direct an evaluation for a specific
domain. In order to show how our proposal can be applied to a DSL and to provide an initial evaluation of our
HEC, this paper shows also an instance to evaluate graphical and textual DSLs. Furthermore, this paper also
discusses the qualitative analysis of an initial evaluation for the proposed HEC through seven interviews with
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experts. Finally, a brief example of use applying the developed checklist is
In recent years we have seen a significant increase in
the development of DSLs. Along with this develop-
ment came the need to evaluate the usability of DSLs
under development, so that later they are implemented
and distributed to end users. Nonetheless, this type
of evaluation is still a problem for groups that de-
velop DSLs (Bariši
c et al., 2018) (Mosqueira-Rey and
Alonso-Ríos, 2020) (Poltronieri et al., 2018).
To help solving that problem, the Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) field (Sharp et al., 2019)
presents several approaches to evaluate the usability
of any artifact. Among them, the most common used
approaches for usability evaluation process are: Us-
ability Testing (UT) (Nielsen, 1993) and Heuristic
Evaluation (HE) (Nielsen and Molich, 1990). The
former is a black-box approach technique whose goal
is to observe real users using the product to uncover
potential issues and points for improvement. The latter
is a knowledge-based inspection method. Nielsen’s
heuristic evaluation method (Nielsen, 1994) is the best
known one, which is a heuristic-guided inspection that
provides general heuristic principles of good interface
design, i.e. aimed at maximizing usability of the eval-
uated software artifact.
Furthermore, the evolution of software systems
increasingly relies on the search for specialized solu-
tions to an application domain. Thus, Model-Driven
Engineering (MDE) (Schmidt, 2006) highlights the
important role played by Domain-Specific Languages
(DSL) (Van Deursen et al., 2000), which provide con-
structions based on notations and abstractions that are
specific to the problem domain. However, a research
gap is the process of evaluating such DSLs regarding
their usability.
In this context, some researchers have proposed
ways to evaluate or organize the evaluation of DSLs
(Mosqueira-Rey and Alonso-Ríos, 2020) (Poltronieri
et al., 2018). For example, the study proposed by
Poltronieri et al. (Poltronieri et al., 2018) describes an
Usa-DSL Framework composed of steps, phases and
Poltronieri, I., Zorzo, A., Bernardino, M., Medeiros, B. and Campos, M.
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0010239400370048
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
activities to help in the usability evaluation of DSLs.
The framework structure is derived from the project
life-cycle process (Stone et al., 2005). In their frame-
work, steps are defined in eleven (11) focus areas;
phases are composed of four (4) cycles of execution;
and, activities are formed by a set of thirty two (32)
concepts that are distributed among phases. The frame-
work was designed to be used based on the needs of
each assessment.
Usa-DSL Framework Evaluation was performed
through interviews and a focus group involving sub-
jects with experience in Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) and Software Engineering (SE). The evalua-
tion aimed to present the framework and to obtain
the opinion of subjects as to its clarity, ease of use
and understanding. Based on those evaluations, the
authors concluded that such framework needed a sys-
tematic support for its execution. Thus, to systematize
its use, the Usa-DSL Process is needed. Such process
may provide guidelines for the phases, steps and ac-
tivities of the framework. In the process, definitions
were mapped to the profiles, the details of the tasks
performed by each activity, as well as the creation of
work products that support the inputs and outputs of
the process activities. Those work products are classi-
fied in the process according to their type: templates,
checklists, tools, metrics, etc.
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present
a checklist for usability evaluation called
Evaluation Checklist (HEC) for DSL
. Furthermore,
we also instantiated this HEC for one DSL to demon-
strate the applicability in one context. We also discuss
the results of the evaluation through interviews with
HCI experts to verify the completeness of the proposed
checklist for the heuristic evaluation process in DSLs.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents concepts on DSLs and HE, and highlights
related work. Section 3 introduces our HEC for graph-
ical and textual DSLs. Section 4 outlines a systematic
method for interviews, illustrates its testing via a pilot
test, presents profile and discusses qualitative analysis.
Section 5 presents a toy example to which our HEC
was applied to. Section 6 finalizes this paper.
This section presents the main concepts on Domain-
Specific Languages and Heuristic Evaluation. Also,
related work associated with our research is presented
in this section.
2.1 Domain-specific Languages
According to Van Deursen et al. (Van Deursen et al.,
2000) a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is “a pro-
gramming language or executable specification lan-
guage that oers, through appropriate abstractions,
focused expressive power and usually it is restricted
to a specific problem domain”. Like other languages,
DSLs must have a set of sentences well known by their
own syntax and semantics. Fowler (Fowler, 2010)
asseverates that a DSL is defined as “a computer pro-
gramming language with limited expressiveness and
focused on a particular problem domain”.
The application of DSLs allows software to be
developed faster and more eectively. The major ad-
vantage observed in using a DSL is that the knowledge
required for its applicability is abstracted to another
level. In this way, domain experts can understand, val-
idate, and modify code, tailoring the model to their
needs, making the impact of change easier to under-
stand. There is still a significant increase in productiv-
ity, reliability, ease of use and flexibility (Van Deursen
et al., 2000). According to Mernik (Mernik et al.,
2005), DSLs can be classified under three dierent di-
mensions: origin, appearance and implementation.
Regarding the
of a DSL, it can be inter-
nal and external. An
DSL is designed from
the syntactic and semantic rules of an existing lan-
guage, which may be a general purpose language, or
another DSL. An
DSL is language that relies
on its own infrastructure for lexical, syntactic, seman-
tic analysis, interpretation, compilation, optimization,
and code generation.
With regard to the
dimension, a DSL
can be classified as
. When in textual format, a DSL allows the
domain to be expressed with characters, which are then
combined to generate words, expressions, sentences
and instructions that follow the grammar rules previ-
ously established in the language. Non-textual DSLs
follow the same logic, but using graphical models to
allow the user to express the domain knowledge with
a higher level of understanding and using symbols,
tables, figures and connectors.
As far as the
dimension is con-
cerned, DSLs can be classified from the perspective
of their implementation. These classifications form
four groups: (i) well-known execution DSL; (ii) DSL
that serve as input to application generators; (iii) non-
executable DSLs but useful as input to application
generators; (iv) DSL not designed to be executed.
In general the main consideration for building a
DSL should be its origin as each approach has specific
advantages and disadvantages that are inherent in each
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
type (Fowler, 2010). Although external DSL may
have an eort associated with building it many times
higher than that of an internal DSL, there are currently
tools that support DSL development. These tools are
known as
Language Workbenches (LWB)
and apply
language-oriented programming concepts to provide a
higher level of abstraction for complex infrastructure
issues (Fowler, 2005).
2.2 Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristics are based on practical knowledge that comes
from continued daily experience. Heuristic knowledge
builds over years of practice as a compilation of ‘what
works’ and ‘what does not’.
Heuristic Evaluation (HE) is an
that does not involve end users. In HE, analy-
sis is performed by experts who advocate for the user,
that is, knowing what the users’ wants and needs, and
knowing the possible HCI techniques they evaluate
whether a particular computational artifact provides a
good experience for the user (Sharp et al., 2019).
The purpose of a HE is to
identify problems
a particular user profile and task set), consisting of a
group of three (3) to five (5) HCI experts who inspect
the interface or, in this case, the DSL without involving
users using a heuristic list (guidelines), empirical basis
with the intention of generating as a result a report
of potential problems and recommendations for the
evaluated solution (Nielsen, 1993).
Heuristic evaluation is a method designed to find
usability issues during an iterative design process. It is
a simple, fast and inexpensive method to evaluate HCI
when compared to empirical methods. The method is
based on a set of usability heuristics, which describe
desirable interaction and interface features.
heuristic evaluation method
was proposed
by Jakob Nielsen in 1994 (Nielsen, 1994). This is
a heuristic-driven inspection in which general prin-
ciples of good interface design aims at maximizing
artifact usability. Traditionally, ten (10) heuristics
(Nielsen, 1994) have been used to cover new technolo-
gies and computing environments. These heuristics
have already been altered and expanded since their
original proposal. In the literature, several papers (Sad-
owski and Kurniawan, 2011) (Sinha and Smidts, 2006)
have proposed heuristic checklists based on Nielsen’s
heuristics to inspect the usability of computational
2.3 Related Work
Several works have applied usability evaluation meth-
ods to assess Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). In
this section, we mention the ones that are directly re-
lated to our proposal.
c et al. (Bariši
c et al., 2018) introduced a con-
ceptual framework, called USE-ME, which helps the
usability evaluation through an iterative incremental
development process of DSLs. The framework is a sys-
tematic approach based on user interface experimental
evaluation techniques. In their study, the authors pre-
sented the feasibility of the conceptual framework by
means of an industrial case study.
Hermawati and Lawson (Hermawati and Lawson,
2016) presented a systematic review of seventy (70)
studies related to usability heuristics for specific do-
mains. The study objective was to map the heuris-
tic evaluation processes applied to specific domains.
Their work identified points for improvements and fur-
ther research. The most important aspect pointed out
by the authors was the lack of validation eort to ap-
ply heuristic evaluation as well as the robustness and
accuracy of the applied validation method.
Sadowski and Kurniawan (Sadowski and Kur-
niawan, 2011) derived eleven (11) Language Fea-
ture Heuristics through potential heuristics based on
Nielsen’s ten (10) heuristics and thirteen (13) cognitive
dimensions framework.
Sinha and Smidts (Sinha and Smidts, 2006) pre-
sented an approach that uses a measurement model
to evaluate usability indicators of a DSL. The authors
pointed out that usability measures were defined for
their applications or, more specifically, for the graphi-
cal interfaces of these applications.
Poltronieri et al. (Poltronieri et al., 2018) presented
the Usa-DSL Framework to guide a systematic usabil-
ity evaluation for Textual and Graphic DSL. This is
the framework we will follow in our work.
Recently, Mosqueira-Rey and Alonso-
Ríos (Mosqueira-Rey and Alonso-Ríos, 2020)
worked in a set of usability heuristics for DSLs.
In their study, they introduced a case study for
evaluating their approach. The proposed approach is
based on the usability taxonomy published in their
previous work (Alonso-Ríos et al., 2009), which is
composed of the following attributes: Knowability,
Operability, Eciency, Robustness, Safety and
Subjective Satisfaction.
Summarizing (see Table 1), Bariši
c et al. fo-
cuses on a conceptual framework process to support
usability evaluation in DSLs. Hermawati and Law-
son provide evidence of poor usability assessments
of DSLs developed on the basis of a secondary study.
Sadowski and Kurniawan discuss language feature
heuristics. Sinha and Smidts present the evaluation
on four heuristics proposed by Nielsen. Poltronieri
et al. present a systematic framework for usability
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages
Table 1: Related Work Summary.
Study Criteria Analysis
Usability Evaluation
c et al., 2018) Introduce a conceptual framework Usability Evaluation
(Hermawati and Lawson,
Present a systematic review of seventy (70) studies
related to usability heuristics for specific domains
Heuristic Evaluation
(Sadowski and Kurni-
awan, 2011)
Present evidences from the evaluation of two parallel
programming case studies in order to evaluate the
usability problems in programming languages.
Heuristic Evaluation and
Cognitive Dimensions
(Sinha and Smidts, 2006)
Evaluation on four heuristics proposed by Nielsen Heuristic Evaluation
(Mosqueira-Rey and
Alonso-Ríos, 2020)
Present a set of usability heuristics for DSLs and
introduce a case study to evaluate their approach
Not Informed
(Poltronieri et al., 2018)
A usability evaluation framework for domain-
specific languages
Usability Test and
Heuristic Evaluation
evaluation. Mosqueira-Rey and Alonso-Ríos present a
heuristic evaluation based on a proposed usability tax-
onomy. The authors also present usability heuristics
based on a taxonomy they built, but the methodology
is very dierent from our Checklist Heuristic. The
authors, also argue that their heuristics can help identi-
fying real problems of usability, including even simple
Complementary to these studies, the focus of our
approach is to present a Heuristic Evaluation Checklist
for DSL based on the concepts of the Nielsen’s ten
heuristics. The
dierence of our checklist
is that we
direct the evaluation so that its results can be more
intuitive and ease to use for DSL designers who want
to know about the usability of their DSLs. As for
the related work, the development of the Heuristic
Checklist using Nielsen’s Heuristics is the key point of
our proposal, since those heuristics are consolidated in
the area and with that it facilitates the recognition of
its concepts when the evaluators apply our checklist.
The Heuristic Evaluation (HE) method is a widely used
approach for usability inspection, in which a group of
evaluators inspect an interface design based on a set
composed of ten (10) usability heuristics and a severity
score rating from 0 to 4 for each encountered problem
(Nielsen, 1994) (Nielsen and Molich, 1990).
Although heuristic evaluation is frequently used
for usability assessment, these heuristics are used to
evaluate user interfaces for many dierent domains.
In some studies, heuristics adjustment are needed to
ensure that specific usability issues of certain domains
are not overlooked (Hermawati and Lawson, 2016).
Several authors use an informal process to develop or
adapt usability heuristics and do not follow an estab-
lished and systematic protocol for heuristic evaluation.
In our approach we
use a set of heuristics to evaluate
the usability of applications with specific features,
and specific aspects not covered by generic sets of
usability heuristics.
This adaptation was based on questions related to
our research domain and the 10 heuristics proposed
by Nielsen. One of the main goals of this checklist is
to enable teams that are part of dierent phases of the
development process to understand and evaluate their
application. In our evaluation we apply that to DSLs.
This approach not only brings the DSL design team
closer to the HE method, but also assists the HCI ex-
perts who will evaluate the DSL in understanding the
problem domain that will be evaluated. For a better
understanding of the HE methodology extension, we
describe it in the next section.
The methodology to develop our Heuristic Eval-
uation Checklist follows the methodology proposed
by (Quiñones et al., 2018) (see Figure 1). The first
steps were: to understand Heuristic Evaluation and
Domain-Specific Language concepts, to adapt existing
heuristics for the DSL domain, to produce a set of
questions based on a systematic literature review (Ro-
drigues et al., 2017), and to create our initial Heuristic
Evaluation Checklist. After that we submitted this
preliminary checklist to be evaluated by a set of HCI
experts through interviews. Finally, we got a modi-
fied, and final, Heuristic Evaluation Checklist that we
applied to an example of use.
3.1 A Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for
Graphical and Textual DSLs
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist (HEC) for graphical
and textual DSLs is based on extension of artifacts
from the HE method. This checklist is an artifact de-
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Checklist Initial
Evaluation Checklist
Modified Checklist
Example of Use
Figure 1: Methodology.
signed to guide the heuristic evaluation of DSLs and
it must be used in the context of a usability evaluation
process for DSLs. This evaluation should be planned
by an analyst, developer or DSL tester, and be con-
ducted by heuristic evaluation experts.
The checklist structure consists of five (5) columns
(see Table 3): the first column contains the identifi-
cation of the heuristic, the second column is related
to the description of the ten (10) Nielsen’s heuristics,
but adapted to the context of DSLs, the third column
refers to the questions that guide the evaluation and
related to each one of the heuristics, the fourth column
is the severity degree of the usability problems found
and the fifth column is designed for the description of
issues found in the DSLs. A snippet of the Heuristic
Evaluation Checklist for graphical and textual DSLs
is shown in Table 3
This checklist is intended to guide the evaluation
of several kinds of DSL. Thus, three distinct versions
were created: Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for tex-
tual DSLs; Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for graph-
ical DSLs; and, Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for
graphical and textual DSLs.
The Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for graphical
and textual DSLs cover questions related to both types
of DSLs. In this checklist, the first heuristic, “H1: Visi-
bility of system status”, for instance, has as description:
“The DSL should always keep users informed about
what is going on, through appropriate feedback within
reasonable time. and it is guided by three distinct
The first question is “Does the graphical DSL pro-
vide immediate and adequate feedback on their status
for each user action? (For example, after an include
or exclude task, the language displays a commit mes-
sage)?”. The second question: “Do the elements avail-
able for the user specifically execute only one com-
mand? (For example, the ‘undo’ button only performs
Due to space restrictions, only some information re-
lated to our HEC is presented in this paper. Our complete
HEC can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/
undo actions)”. The last question (not shown in Table
3): “Does the textual DSL provide immediate and ade-
quate feedback on the status of each user action? (For
example, after an include or exclude task, the language
displays a commit message)?”.
The Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for textual
DSLs is composed of the same heuristics and descrip-
tions. However, two questions guide the first heuristic
on the checklist for textual DSLs: “Does the Textual
DSL provide immediate and adequate feedback on
their status for each user action? (For example, after
an include or exclude task, does the language display
a commit message?)” and “Do the elements available
for the user specifically execute only one command?
(For example, do the keywords on the Textual DSL are
used for specific purposes?)”.
The same heuristic on the Heuristic Evaluation
Checklist for graphical DSLs has also two guiding
questions, which have the same content of the guiding
questions on the Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for
textual DSLs but focused on the visual aspects of the
DSL. To measure the severity degree of the found
usability problems Table 2 was used.
Table 2: Severity Degree.
Sev. Type Description
Not applicable
I don’t agree that this is a
usability problem at all
problem only
Doesn’t need to be fixed
unless extra time is available
on the project
Minor usability
Fixing this should be given
low priority
Major usability
Important to fix, so should
be given high priority
Imperative to fix this before
the product can be released
The use of our checklist is dierent from previous
checklists since each of the heuristics is guided by
questions that direct the evaluation to what one seeks to
evaluate in a DSL. In the original heuristic evaluation,
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages
the evaluators only follow the heuristics and freely
point out the errors found when using the system.
This checklist was directed to a specific need, i.e.
to evaluate DSLs. Our methodology intends to make
the DSL evaluation clearer and more direct, easing the
evaluators task (HCI Experts), even for evaluators that
might not be familiar with the DSL domain. Therefore,
this study presents, as an example of use, a Heuristic
Evaluation Checklist for graphical and textual DSL.
To evaluate the Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for
graphical and textual DSL we used the qualitative
analysis approach that was performed through online
interviews. The Interview Method (Clark et al., 2019)
was chosen because the main goal of this study was to
obtain the respondents perception about the checklist
content and presentation. The interviewees were in-
vited from participants’ references, thus ensuring that
they were experts on HCI or at least had seen usability
evaluation before.
Before the interviews, the documents necessary to
the understanding of the analyzed domain, i.e. DSLs,
were sent to the interviewees, and also the tasks that
would be performed were clarified. Thereafter, the par-
ticipants needed to perform the analysis of the check-
list and to provide their contribution during the inter-
The list of documents that were provided to the
experts before the interviews were Informed Consent
Term (ICT) and Profile Questionnaire, Survey Guide-
line, and Information on the Interview.
4.1 Pilot Test
The pilot test was a small trial to assure that the study
was viable. This test checked whether the procedure
and questionnaire questions were set properly, and to
identify if the process and documents had any potential
problem. Furthermore, during the pilot test, small
adjustments were made to the main study documents
and procedures. To validate the protocol and interview
documents, we performed a pilot test with an HCI
During the pilot test, the pilot subject had access to
the documents in the same way that actual participants
would have, in order to obtain the faithful perception
of what would be carried out during the interviews.
We verified the duration of the test, the understanding
of the messages sent by e-mail, the level of knowledge
on the topic to be evaluated and, finally, the analysis
of the checklist.
The pilot subject suggested some improvements
on the checklist, for example, to add some examples
and the include a text box at the end of the instrument,
so that the HCI expert could mention problems that
would not fit the issues present in the questionnaire. In
general, the pilot subject believed that the instructions
on the invitation e-mail were clear and met the purpose
of the study, as well as the tasks and DSL examples
used to accomplish the tasks.
4.2 Profile
For the interviews, seven (7) participants were re-
cruited by e-mail. This sample was selected look-
ing for experienced professionals in HCI (researchers
that published relevant papers on HCI conferences).
Furthermore, participants were also invited when rec-
ommended by other participants who were considered
experts. After acceptance, the documents for the in-
terview were sent to them. The Profile Questionnaire
was used to identify the experience of the participant
and other relevant information. In order to obtain the
information regarding the participants’ experience, the
following questions were asked:
- What is your
- What is your work position?;
- Which
usability evaluation method(s) have you already par-
ticipated in (Heuristic Evaluation, Usability Testing
or None)?;
- Which usability evaluation method(s)
have you already conducted (Heuristic Evaluation, Us-
ability Testing or None)?;
- What is your level
of expertise related to HCI (Very Poor, Poor, Neutral,
Strong or Very Strong)?;
- What is your level of
expertise related to Usability (Very Poor, Poor, Neu-
tral, Strong or Very Strong)?; and,
- What is your
level of expertise related to Heuristic Evaluation (Very
Poor, Poor, Neutral, Strong or Very Strong)?
In this paper the answers of the profile question-
naire, as well as the other answers of the study were
identified by the label attributed to each participant, i.e.
from P1 to P7 (see Table 4).
In this study, as mentioned before, the participants
were experts on HCI and most of them had already
performed a Heuristic Evaluation. One participant
had no experience on Heuristic Evaluation, but had
a strong level of expertise on HCI, and his consid-
eration on the checklist was relevant on the view of
a DSL designer. The other participant who had no
knowledge on Heuristic Evaluation had experience on
Usability Testing and a very deep knowledge on HCI.
The reported experience could be perceived from the
responses captured during the interviews.
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 3: Snippet for our HEC.
Heuristic Description Question
(Check each of the
problems found)
of each error
0 1 2 3 4
of system
The DSL should
always keep users
informed about what
is going on, through
appropriate feedback
within reasonable
Does the DSL provide immediate
an adequate feedback on its
status for each user action?
For example, after an include
or exclude task the language
displays a commit message?
Do the elements available for
the user specifically execute
only one command? For example,
the “undo” button only
performs undo actions.
Table 4: Subjects Profile.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
None 5.1 5.2 5.3
P1 Professor HCI field X X X X V V V
Quality Assurance Engineer
P4 Professor HCI field X X V S S
P5 Professor HCI field X X X X S N N
P6 Professor HCI field X X X X V S S
PhD.Candidate in Computer Science
HE - Heuristic Evaluation, UT - Usability Testing V - Very Strong, S - Strong, N - Neutral
4.3 Interviews
The interviews started after the pilot test and after
each participant had submitted the ICT. The interviews
were conducted over a period of six (6) months be-
tween December 2018 and June 2019. The execution
of the interviews were predominantly online (5 online
and 2 in-person). All interviews were audio recorded
in order to perform further analysis. Each interview
lasted an average of 60 minutes. The interviews were
semi-structured, providing a certain flexibility to ad-
just questioning based on participant responses. Each
interview covered five central topics: (1) Definition of
heuristics; (2) Checklist’s structure and organization;
(3) Checklist’s content; (4) Amount of information
displayed; (5) Checklist’s template.
Each topic is guided by questions that direct the
interview purpose:
Topic 1
- the first topic was assessed by two ques-
- Are the heuristic definitions appro-
priate for assessing a DSL?
- Is it possible
to understand the objective of each heuristic after
reading its respective definition?
Topic 2
- the second topic was assessed by three
- Does the order in which heuris-
tics are organized adequate?
- Do you think
heuristics should be grouped, for example, in rela-
tion to graphical aspects or documentation?
- If so, which heuristics should appear at the begin-
ning or end of the checklist?
Topic 3
- the third topic was assessed by five ques-
- Do the questions that correspond to
each of the heuristics reflect their purpose?
- In your opinion, are the above questions linked to
heuristics clearly and unambiguously?
- Is
there any question you do not understand?
Would you add any question? Which ones?
- Would you remove any question? Which ones?
Topic 4
- the forth topic was assessed by one ques-
- The checklist is guided by 10 heuris-
tics that are composed of around 32 questions in
the most extensive Checklist. Regarding the exten-
sion of the checklist, what is your opinion?
Topic 5
- the last topic was assessed by one ques-
- What do you think about the way
the checklist is presented? (Heuristics, Definitions,
Questions, Degree of Severity and description of
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages
found errors).
After the interviews were completed, the opinions’
transcription were performed and organized according
to the Inductive Thematic Analysis method (Braun
and Clarke, 2006). These analyzes are presented in the
next section.
4.4 Qualitative Analysis
The interview analyses was performed using the In-
ductive Thematic Analysis method (Braun and Clarke,
2006), which categorizes the main themes gathered
from the experts’ responses. This approach is common
on HCI qualitative research (Clark et al., 2019) (Luger
and Sellen, 2016).
For the Inductive Thematic Analysis execution, the
audios from the interviews were transcribed. Then,
the content was coded by similarity, forming group
themes. As the last step, two (2) researchers reviewed
the created themes, making some adjustments to best
represent the obtained information. The analysis is
presented next.
Each theme has a summary description and quotes
that supports the theme’s objective.
4.4.1 Checklist’s Description
This theme presents the opinions related to the descrip-
tions used in the heuristic checklist. As the proposed
checklist is an instrument customized to contemplate
all the Nielsen’s Heuristics focusing on the DSL do-
main, one of our main concerns was if the description
of the heuristics was appropriated. All participants
armed that the descriptions created would be useful
for the checklist’s execution. Participants P1 and P7,
who have experience in HE and UT, highlighted the
“I think the definitions are appropriated. They are
embracing and generic enough, following the pattern
created by Nielsen but with a focus on DSLs. [P7]
“It is going to be natural for the evaluators to
execute the evaluation as they can evaluate in a broad
perspective and make annotations. [P1]
4.4.2 Detailing
Five participants (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) reported the
need for more details related to the checklist presenta-
tion and also to its content. The main issues reported
are related to the severity rating usage and the lack of
questions in specific heuristics.
“It would be helpful to have a small text explaining
the severity rating. [P3]
“The evaluator needs to describe the error in a
clear way in order to assimilate the severity rating.
“There should be more questions about consis-
tency. I notice that there are some questions related to
patterns, but there is a lack of questions about consis-
tency. [P2]
The above quotes highlight some improvements to
be made to the checklist. While developing the cus-
tomized checklist, we tried to avoid extensive texts in
order to not cause fatigue when the evaluation process
occurs. However, the feedback received from HCI ex-
perts emphasized the need for clarification on certain
aspects of the checklist, such as the purpose of the
severity classification and the extent of the questions.
4.4.3 Incomprehension
Four (4) participants (P1, P2, P4 and P6) made sugges-
tions for improvements to the checklist or its structure.
The suggestions were related to Heuristic 7 (Flexibil-
ity and Eciency of Use) and on the execution of the
checklist according to the severity of the classification
provided rating.
“I see the severity rating here, but imagine that I
did not find any error... What should I mark?” [P6]
The feedback analysis provided by the HCI experts
led us to ask how the evaluators would perform the
DSL evaluation using this checklist.
Participant P1 reported that the classification of the
provided severity scale was not intuitive to use, arguing
that it was dicult to understand its use. We mitigated
this issue by applying the suggestions captured in the
previous theme (Detailing) and adding a small text to
guide the severity scale classification.
Another interesting feedback collected was related
to Q3 and Q4 of Heuristics 7, as some evaluators dis-
agreed on their answers. The statements of the HCI
experts underline the need for minor modifications to
make their purpose clearer.
4.4.4 Evaluator’s Profile
Although Participant P3 was not an expert in usability
evaluation, he had considerable experience in software
development. Hence, P3 stated that the evaluation
using the proposed checklist may be performed by any
professional with background in system evaluation,
even if this professional is not an expert in heuristic
“I think it could be used by evaluators who are
not experts in heuristic evaluations but have already
evaluated systems using other methods. [P3]
The statement above highlights the adaptability
of this instrument for a wide-range of professionals
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
related to usability.
4.4.5 Content Changes
Two participants (P1 and P4) suggested changes on
the content of the heuristic checklist. In general, they
stated that some questions needed to be reformulated
and/or classified in another heuristic.
“Questions 3, 4 and 5 of Heuristic 3 must be clas-
sified in Heuristic 5” [P1]
“Well, I think that the question presented in Heuris-
tic 10 needs to be reviewed. [P4]
“When you ask about help and documentation... I
don’t think that documentation is important for this
kind of evaluation, when I read documentation I think
about a broad documentation about the system” [P4]
4.4.6 Template Changes
All participants reported the need of changing the order
of the visual components that compose the checklist
form. The main suggestions were related to the posi-
tion of the elements and the lack of space for adding
relevant information.
“I think that you could use colors to enhance the
reading of the heuristics” [P5]
“Maybe the severity description could be at the
beginning of the checklist, not at the end as it is. In
this way the access for this information will be easier”
“It would be interesting to have a blank space for
the evaluator to add some relevant issues” [P3]
In order to mitigate these issues, we reviewed the
checklist’s template and followed the suggestions of
some participants, such as changing the order of prob-
lem description and severity rating, so that the check-
list would be more intuitive to use; and adding a blank
box for the evaluator to describe errors that were not
contemplated by the used heuristics.
4.4.7 Instrument’s Amplitude
Participant P7 pointed out one weakness of the check-
list by reporting that if evaluators follow narrowly the
questions presented in the checklist, maybe some er-
rors presented in the DSL would not be found. We
are aware of this weakness and we mitigated it by em-
phasizing that the role of the questions are to guide
the evaluators on common usability problems and the
evaluators must report other perceived problems in the
extra blank box.
“Perhaps, I don’t know if the evaluators would
find all the errors if they followed only your questions.
4.5 Discussion
This study presents the development of a HEC in
which the checklist is guided by questions that conduct
the evaluation for a specific domain.
The analyses performed on the interviews showed
that this HEC can assist evaluators to conduct DSL
evaluations. Furthermore, it was also noticed that a
checklist guided by questions directed to the context
of use provides a better understanding about the evalu-
Some changes proposed by the HCI experts were
applied to the final HEC (presented in Section 3).
These changes were related to the content of the check-
lists, as well as, their structure and template. Such
changes were pertinent so that it was possible to carry
out the first study through an example of use (see Sec-
tion 5), in which a textual DSL was analyzed. The
purpose of performing the evaluation of this example
of use was to get insights into the proposed Heuristic
Evaluation Checklists for DSLs.
In order to verify the applicability of the proposed
HEC, we asked five subjects to experiment it on an
example of use. The example of use is a well-known
DSL in the academic environment, i.e., LaTeX. This
language was chosen since all the participants had
previous experience on using it. The following arti-
facts were chosen for this example of use: informed
consent term, participants profile questionnaire, DSL
guide, list of task to be performed, and a copy of the
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for textual DSLs
It is worth mentioning that since the main objective
of this study was to obtain a first view of the feasibility
of the Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for textual DSL.
Thus, we only sent the documentation via e-mail and
collected the participants’ perceptions regarding the
heuristic evaluation of LaTeX through our checklist
proposal. Hence, from the responses from the partici-
pants, we performed a qualitative analysis regarding
each of the found problems and their severity.
5.1 Analysis
Before discussing the results for each of the ten heuris-
tics in our HEC, we describe the participants profile:
Due to space restrictions, only the main information
related to the example of use is presented in this paper - all
example of use can be found at https://drive.google.com/
Heuristic Evaluation Checklist for Domain-specific Languages
one is undergraduate student and four are master stu-
dents in Software Engineering; the average time of ex-
perience using or designing DSL is 2.4 years; all partic-
ipants have experience in performing or participating
in usability evaluation; three participants have just one
year experience in usability evaluation; two of them
have already participated on usability evaluation using
usability testing; two of them have have already partici-
pated of usability evaluation using heuristic evaluation;
just one of the participants has already conducted a
usability evaluation using heuristic evaluation.
The analysis of the results points for each heuristic
as follows:
Q2: Participants E2, E3 and E5 agreed that there
is no undo button and mentioned that the action is
only possible using the Ctrl + Z keys. Regarding
the degree of severity, two of the participants be-
lieved that fixing this should be given low priority.
Q3: Participant E5 considered that LaTeX has ab-
breviated keywords, and that this makes it dicult
for other users to adopt this language. He also re-
ported that it is important to fix this problem, i.e.
it should be given high priority.
Q6: Participant E3 reported that some errors are
shown in real time and others only after compi-
lation. The participant also indicated that LaTeX
does not provide information about commit, and
this may be part of the tool that instantiates the
language. Regarding the degree of severity for this
problem, the participant considered it a cosmetic
Q7: Regarding H3, four participants (E1, E2, E3
and E5) reported that there are synchronization
problems, the environment warns that changes are
made in a certain period of time and that they
may not have been saved. Furthermore, they also
stated that the changes are saved automatically,
but if there are internet connection problem, the
re-connection message may not be accurate and
changes in the document might not have been
saved. E1 mentions: “The problems are only
showed after the .tex compilation”. This question
had disagreement of the degree of severity among
participants, i.e. 1, 2 and 4. Hence, there was no
consensus among them related to this question.
H4 No problem found.
Q11: Participants E1, E4 and E5 mentioned that
the environment does not have confirmation boxes
or buttons for actions. E1 assigned severity degree
2, while E4 and E5 assigned severity degree 1.
H6 No problem found.
Q16: The participants mentioned the following
for this question: E2 mentions that if someone
considers the generated pdf as an output, in this
case the changes do occur; E4 states that there
is no graphic DSL, only the preview of the text
written in the generated pdf; and, E5 considers
that only when the changes to the textual DSL are
compiled, they are observed in the graphical DSL.
The severity degree assigned is zero, so they do
not consider any usability problem here.
Q19: Participants E2 and E3 mentioned that to
have a color change, LaTeX commands must be
entered. These participants considered that this is
not a usability problem and attributed zero to the
degree of severity.
Q20: Participants E2, E3 and E4 stated that the
error messages are not intuitive or easy to under-
stand, on the contrary they are confusing and hin-
der rather than help. Such messages are dicult
to quickly identify the problem, so it is often nec-
essary to have technical knowledge to deal with
errors. Therefore, E2 assigned 3 to the degree of
severity, while E3 and E4 assigned 2 to the degree
of severity.
Q21: Participants E1, E2 and E5 mentioned that
there is no tutorial for LaTeX, however the tem-
plates have it. Moreover, related to the degree of
severity attributed by those who say there is no
documentation ranges from cosmetics to usability
5.2 Discussion on the Example of Use
Our Heuristic Evaluation Checklist helped the partic-
ipants to respond more adequately the questions re-
garding the evaluation of the DSL. The ones that had
previous experience on heuristic evaluation performed
better than the ones that did not have previous expe-
rience. Hence, it seems that, despite our HEC help-
ing the participants to evaluate a DSL, it needs some
further instructions on how to fill the questionnaires.
Maybe this can help not so experienced participants to
better understand and answer the questions.
The Heuristic Evaluation (HE) method is a widely
used approach for usability inspection. This method
is easy to perform and it allows the discovering of
various usability issues. The HE method is freely
applied by the evaluators. These evaluators go through
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
the application interface pointing out the errors, and
consequently classifying them to the degree of severity.
Although Heuristic Evaluation is frequently used
for usability evaluation, heuristics are used to evaluate
user interfaces for many dierent domains. For this
reason, many researchers adapt the heuristics to their
application domain. Several authors use an informal
process to develop or adapt usability heuristics and do
not follow an established and systematic protocol for
heuristic assessment.
Our approach presents a dierent strategy to apply
HE. The proposal provides a checklist that is dierent
from existing solutions. In our proposal, each heuris-
tic is guided by questions that direct the evaluator to
eectively evaluate the DSL.
Regarding the evaluation of the created HEC, we
performed 7 (seven) interviews with researchers and
professionals on HCI. These interviews were analyzed
using the Inductive Thematic Analysis method,which
resulted in a group of common themes of opinions,
suggestions and ideas discussed in this study. These
results led us to make improvements in the HEC.
Some of the most important questions provided by
the HCI experts were related to the depth and ampli-
tude of the questions and how the evaluators would
use the checklist to perform the heuristic evaluation on
a DSL. Suggestions regarding the checklist’s template,
such as changing the order the columns and providing
the evaluator with a blank box to freely report prob-
lems not yet classified, were discussed and accepted.
Moreover, we also engaged in a deep discussion
around covering all the aspects of Textual and Graphi-
cal DSLs using the Nielsen’s heuristics. We decided
to create more questions for specific heuristics, such
as Flexibility and Eciency of Use (H7). However, it
must be stated that the checklists created must be seen
by the evaluators as a guidance to perform the inspec-
tion and if they find usability problems not covered by
the content of the checklist, they must describe them
in the provided blank box.
Based on the opinions obtained through the inter-
views, we made some changes to the HEC, which were
suggested by the interviewees. After completing these
changes, we applied the proposed checklist using an
example of use, in order to understand its behavior
when used in a context close to a real one. Thus, this
usage example included (5) participants, who used the
Latex textual DSL. Preliminary results showed that our
HEC helps experienced and non experienced usability
evaluators, but some improvements are needed for non
experienced usability evaluators.
As future work, we aim to apply some Norman
design principles (Norman, 2013) to our proposal,
i.e. aordance, cognitive overload, and visibility. We
still intend the analyze the applicability of the created
checklists in several real scenarios in order to under-
stand how the evaluation procedure will be performed
with those artifacts.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. Avelino F. Zorzo
is supported by CNPq (315192/2018-6).
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HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications