Considering the limitations of the study, while the
number of gates is high the number of patients and
healthy subjects is low in terms of variability within
the population. While this can be understood for this
methodological study, a future wider study would be
useful to provide a more concrete evidence and
provide the correlation with the patients’ medical data
and progress as recorded by the physician. In these
next steps, the analysis will take into account the
effect that settings with different difficulty may have
on the result. The familiarization with the specific
game as well as the subject’s general aptitude with
video games, is something that can affect the
subject’s performance, and needs also to be
Furthermore, while the motion specific classifiers
(horizontal, vertical, diagonal) are useful in terms of
detailed characterization, a unification of the
classifiers will also be helpful in a clinical context,
providing an answer for a subject’s clinical image
regarding hand mobility as a whole and not divided
in specific directions.
This analysis has shown promising results during the
classification process especially as far as the patients
are concerned, the inconsistencies in the performance
of the healthy subjects can be attributed to the
heterogeneity of the healthy population. Additional
data will help in establishing a broader healthy
baseline. In general, the patients were slower in their
reaction time and had a greater distance from the gate
center compared to the healthy subjects.
Regarding future goals, our main objective is the
quantification of patient’s progress and effort will be
placed on matching their progress as indicated by our
features to the commonly used scores regarding upper
limb mobility, such as FMA-UE (Singer and Garcia-
Vega, 2017) and FIM (Hamilton et al., 1994).
Next steps will also involve the level of difficulty
in the analysis and define the optimal settings for
patients that share common characteristics.
Moreover, more complex feature extraction methods
will be explored. Expanding the dataset both in terms
of games and in subjects will facilitate a more robust
statistical analysis and additionally will allow us to
explore the clustering of patients based on their
performance and progress.
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union and Greek national funds through the
Operational Program Competitiveness,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call
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