Feature Extraction for Stress Detection in Electrodermal Activity
Erika Lutin
1,2 a
, Ryuga Hashimoto
, Walter De Raedt
and Chris Van Hoof
1,2,4 d
Electrical Engineering-ESAT, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium
Imec, Kapeldreef 75, Heverlee, Belgium
Dept. of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications,
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Japan
Imec-Nl, OnePlanet Research Center, Stippeneng 2, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Electrodermal Activity (EDA), Feature Extraction, Stress.
Abstract: Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a sensitive measure for changes in the sympathetic system, reflecting
emotional and cognitive states such as stress. There is, however, inconsistency in the recommendations on
which features to extract. In this study, we brought together different feature extraction methods: trough-to-
peak features, decomposition-based features, frequency features and time-frequency features. Regarding the
decomposition analysis, three different applications were used: Ledalab, cvxEDA and sparsEDA. A total of
forty-seven features was extracted from a previously collected dataset. This dataset included twenty
participants performing three different stress tasks. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was built in
a Leave-One-Subject-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) set-up with feature selection within the LOOCV loop.
Three features were consistently selected over all participants: 1) the number of responses in the driver
function generated by Ledalab and 2) by sparsEDA and 3) a time-frequency feature, previously described as
TVSymp. The classifier obtained an accuracy of 88.52%, a sensitivity of 72.50% and a specificity of 93.65%.
This research shows that EDA can be successfully used in stress detection, without the addition of any other
physiological signals. The classifier, built with the most recent feature extraction methods in literature, was
found to outperform previous classification attempts.
Prolonged exposure to psychological stress in daily
life has been associated to various diseases such as
depression and cardiovascular disease (Cohen et al.,
2007). To prevent these adverse consequences, there
is a strong need for correct quantification of personal
stress (Epel et al., 2018). The body’s response to
stress can be quantified by measuring activation of
the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS
consists of the sympathetic, parasympathetic and
enteric branches. The main function of the
sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is to initiate a
rapid response in case of a dangerous or threatening
situation, the so-called “fight or flight” response
(Lovallo, 2005). As part of this response, the sweat
glands become activated (Critchley, 2002), which
causes a change in the electrical properties of the skin:
the skin becomes more conductive. This change in
electrical properties is referred to as Skin
Conductance Response (SCR) or Galvanic Skin
Response (GSR) (Boucsein, 2012). Many researchers
have demonstrated a high correlation between
Electrodermal activity (EDA) and cognitive and
emotional processes (Critchley, 2002). However, in
comparison to other physiological signals, such as an
Electrocardiogram (ECG) (Camm et al., 1996), there
are few guidelines on which features to extract.
Recent reviews indicate multiple approaches but do
not recommend a specific one (Topoglu et al., 2019;
Posada-Quintero & Chon, 2020).
Electrodermal activity generally consists of two
components. The first component is the tonic
component, referred to as Skin Conductance Level
(SCL). It varies slowly and changes only slightly
within tens of seconds to minutes. The second
Lutin, E., Hashimoto, R., De Raedt, W. and Van Hoof, C.
Feature Extraction for Stress Detection in Electrodermal Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0010244601770185
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 177-185
ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
component is the phasic component, also referred to
as the Skin Conductance Response (SCR). The phasic
component represents a rapid change with a very
short time to onset, usually between 1-5 seconds after
the onset of a stimulus. If a response occurs in the
absence of a stimulus, it is referred to as a non-
specific SCR (NS.SCR) (Boucsein, 2012).
Regarding feature extraction in EDA, research has
been focussed on the extraction of time domain
features. Within the time domain, the focus has been
on the evaluation of single SCRs, rather than patterns
of multiple SCRs. Every SCR shows a characteristic
course, which can be parameterized by features such
as latency time, rise time, peak amplitude and
recovery time (Boucsein, 2012). However, the
evaluation of a single response becomes difficult in
case of overlapping responses or superimposition. In
the last decade, new analysis applications have been
developed, which can handle superimposed SCRs
(Benedek & Kaernbach, 2010b; Ghaderyan &
Abbasi, 2016; Greco et al., 2016; Hernando-Gallego
et al., 2018). These applications model EDA as a
result of discrete bursts of sudomotor nerve activity,
mathematically referred to as the driver function. By
deconvolving the EDA signal into the driver function,
and then convolving the peaks in the driver function
with an SCR shape, these applications decompose an
EDA signal in pure SCRs, independently from SCL
and previous SCRs. Multiple features can be easily
extracted from both the resulting SCL and SCR signal
(Boucsein, 2012; Topoglu et al., 2019). Although
analysis of EDA in the frequency domain has been
described as less relevant (Boucsein, 2012), Posada et
al. (2016a & 2016b) proposed two new frequency-
related features, including one time-variant feature,
which can be used to detect stress.
The purpose of the current study is to extract both
traditionally studied features and recently developed
features and discuss their performance with respect to
stress detection.
Data Collection
EDA data was collected in a previous study by Smets
et al., (2016). The dataset consisted of twenty healthy
participants (ten males and ten females, mean age =
40 years
10 years), who did not suffer from any
mental or physical disease. The participants were
asked to perform three stress tasks, during which
EDA was recorded at the fingertip with the NeXus 10
MK II (sampling rate = 32 Hz). Each of the three
stress tasks was carried out for two minutes. The first
task was the Stroop color-word test (Van Der Elst et
al., 2006). During this task, color words are displayed
in a different color as the words represent. For
example, when the word red is presented in blue, the
participant must answer the printed color (blue in this
example). The second task was an arithmetic test in
which the participant had to countdown from 1081 by
subtracting 7 in a serial manner. The final task
included a stress talk, in which participants were
asked to talk about past stressful or emotionally
negative events. In addition to these stress tasks,
participants were instructed to count from zero to
hundred out loud to control for the physiological
response caused by vocalization. The counting task
was performed before the Stroop color-word test and
after the stress talk. All tasks were separated by a
resting period of two minutes. The experiment was
conducted in a quiet and controlled laboratory.
Feature Extraction
In this study, multiple methods for features extraction
were performed: trough-to-peak features,
decomposition-based features, frequency features
and time-frequency features. Whereas time domain
analysis is usually performed in small windows
(about 10s) around a single Skin Conductance
Response (SCR) (Lim et al., 1997), frequency domain
analysis with inclusion of slow changing responses
requires longer processing windows. Therefore, a
window of 64s was selected. The windows were
acquired with 32s overlap from the start point of each
task to an integer multiple of 64 seconds. Pre-
processing, i.e. filtering and downsampling, differed
among the different feature sets, as it was performed
according to the pre-processing procedures in the
original research describing the feature set to be
2.2.1 Trough-to-Peak Features
In the first feature extraction method, SCR onset and
latency were estimated based on the trough-to-peak
analysis (Boucsein, 2012). Regarding this analysis,
the procedure by Healey (2000) was adopted. The
data was first pre-processed using a low-pass filter
with a cut-off of 4 Hz. Thereafter, a threshold was
applied on the derivative of the filtered EDA signal.
Crossing the threshold indicated a new response if
this happened more than one second away from other
responses. For every new response, the onset (trough)
and peak were determined as the zero-crossings of the
derivative preceding and following the response
BIOSIGNALS 2021 - 14th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
respectively. Given the onset and peak values, four
features could be extracted: the number of SCRs, the
summed magnitude of the SCRs, the summed
durations of the SCRs and the summed area under the
2.2.2 Decomposition-based Features
The second set of features was extracted following
the decomposition of the EDA signal into its tonic,
phasic and driver components. Three different
MATLAB applications were used: Ledalab (Benedek
& Kaernbach, 2010b), cvxEDA (Greco et al., 2016)
and sparsEDA (Hernando-Gallego et al., 2018).
The first application, Ledalab, provides two
analysis methods to calculate the components:
Discrete deconvolution Analysis (DDA) (Benedek &
Kaernbach, 2010a) and Continuous Deconvolution
Analysis (CDA) (Benedek & Kaernbach, 2010b).
Whereas DDA applies a strictly nonnegative
deconvolution, CDA merely tries to minimize
negativity and therefore facilitates a more robust
analysis. In this study, CDA was chosen as analysis
strategy. The second application, cvxEDA, performs
a nonnegative deconvolution by solving a convex
optimization approach problem (Greco et al., 2016).
The application parameters were defined as follows:
τ_0= 4.0, τ_1= 0.7, α = 0.0008, γ = 0.01. Lastly,
sparsEDA also performs a non-negative
deconvolution, though with specific focus on the
sparse nature of the driver components (Hernando-
Gallego et al., 2018). The application parameters
were defined as follows: ε = 0.0001, K_max = 40
iterations, N
= 5/4 fs = 10 samples, ρ = 0.025.
These applications were selected above others as
they do not require an a priori specification of events,
whereas PsPM, another application by Bach et al.,
(2011) relies on information of the presented stimuli
(Kelsey et al., 2018).
Following the pre-processing procedures
described in Hernando-Gallego et al., (2018), the
EDA data was first downsampled to 8 Hz. All three
decomposition methods were applied on the complete
signal, resulting in a continuous tonic, phasic and
driver component for every MATLAB application.
The sparsity of the driver components in both Ledalab
and cvxEDA were increased post-extraction by
applying thresholds of 0.1 and 0.01 respectively.
From each of the components, statistical features, i.e.
the mean, maximum, minimum and standard
deviation, were extracted in windows of 64 seconds,
resulting in a set of twelve features per application.
Four additional features were extracted regarding the
driver component: firstly, the number of responses,
i.e. the number of non-zero elements after
thresholding and secondly, the number of (inactive)
intervals between responses, together with their mean
and maximum length.
2.2.3 Frequency-based Features
The third set of features was derived from the work
of Posada-Quintero et al. (2016a), who expressed a
specific interest in sympathetic tone. The sympathetic
tone has been described by time domain features such
as the SCL and the NS.SCRs. These time domain
features are, however, highly variable between
persons. Therefore, Posada et al. proposed a new
frequency-domain approach. Starting from the low
frequency (LF) range for heart rate variability, they
tested whether stressful tasks resulted in a spectral
peak between 0.045 Hz and 0.15 Hz. Their results
indicated a broader range of 0.045Hz to 0.25 Hz.
Based on these results, they described a new feature
called EDASymp, which represents the spectral
power in this specific frequency band, calculated in
windows of two minutes using Welch’s periodogram
(Blackman window of 128 points) with 50% data
overlap. EDASympn is the normalized adaptation in
which the power of the frequency band is divided by
the total power. In this study, we examined the
occurrence of a spectral peak during stress tasks and
calculated continuous features based on EDASymp
and EDASympn.
Preprocessing was performed in accordance with
Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a). First, an 8th order
Chebyshev Type I low-pass filter (0.8 Hz) was
applied, followed by down-sampling to 2 Hz and
finally, an 8th order Butterworth high-pass filter (0.01
The spectral peak was examined, per task, in the
following frequency ranges: VLF = 0-0.045 Hz, LF =
0.045-0.15 Hz, HF1 = 0.15-0.25 Hz, HF2 = 0.25-0.4
Hz and VHF = 0.4-0.5 Hz (Posada-Quintero et al.,
2016a). The PSD was obtained via Welch’s
periodogram as described above.
The continuous frequency domain features,
relative to EDASymp and EDASympn, were
calculated for every 64 seconds window within the
tasks. A Blackman window of 128 samples was
applied to each window. The PSD was obtained via
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
2.2.4 Time-frequency-based Features
The final feature was also derived from Posada-
Quintero et al. In addition to invariant frequency-
domain analysis, Posada-Quintero et al., (2016b)
proposed a time-variant index of sympathetic tone,
Feature Extraction for Stress Detection in Electrodermal Activity
called TVSymp. The time-frequency representation
(TFR) of EDA was computed using the variable
frequency complex demodulation (VFCDM), a time-
frequency spectral (TFS) analysis technique that
provides accurate amplitude estimates and one of the
highest time-frequency resolutions (Wang et al.,
2006). The components comprising the frequency
power in the range from 0.08 to 0.24 Hz were used to
compute TVSymp.
In this study, the raw EDA was first downsampled
from 32Hz to 2Hz and thereafter high-pass filtered
using a 2nd-order Butterworth filter (0.01 Hz).
TVSymp was calculated by adapting the procedures
described in Wang et al., (2006) and Posada-Quintero
et al., (2016b). The resulting TVSymp was averaged
per window of 64 seconds.
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a Radial
Basis Function (RBF) kernel was used to classify rest
(baseline, relaxing and counting) and stress (Stroop
color-word test, arithmetic task, and stress talk). All
features were standardized before training the
classifier. As the sample size was rather limited,
Leave-one-subject-out cross-validation (LOOCV)
was used to evaluate the performan54ce of the
classifier. Feature selection was performed within the
LOOCV loop resulting in 20 sets of selected features.
All features were ranked according to their
correlation (point-biserial correlation) with the binary
target variable (Hall, 1999) indicating the occurrence
of either a resting task or a stress task. Only features
with a correlation over 0.5 were retained. The
remaining features were compared based on their
correlation among each other. If features had a
correlation over 0.85, only the feature with the
highest target correlation was retained. Accuracy,
sensitivity, specificity, F1-score and precision were
calculated and averaged over all 20 cross-validation
3.1 Feature Extraction
Figure 1 displays the tonic component of one
participant as computed by the three applications:
Ledalab, cvxEDA and sparsEDA. Similarly, the
phasic components are shown in Figure 2, and the
driver components in Figure 3. The light-yellow areas
represent the counting tasks, the light-red areas
represent the stress tasks. Figure 2 only displays the
phasic components as computed by Ledalab and
cvxEDA, since SparsEDA does not provide tools for
the calculation of the phasic component. Ledalab and
cvxEDA show a comparable decomposition, whereas
sparsEDA illustrates a different approach. The driver
function by sparsEDA is much sparser than the ones
by Ledalab and cvxEDA. The tonic component, based
on this sparse driver function, however, deviates from
the true tonic component as it crosses the raw data
Figure 1: Tonic component of one participant. Light yellow
areas indicate a counting task, light red areas a stress task.
Figure 2: Phasic component of one participant. Light
yellow areas indicate a counting task, light red areas a stress
Figure 3: Driver component of one participant. Light
yellow areas indicate a counting task, light red areas a stress
BIOSIGNALS 2021 - 14th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 1 summarizes the average calculation time
for each application on the same machine, together
with the standard deviation. The results show that
sparsEDA has the lowest computation time, and
Ledalab the highest.
Table 1: Computation time per application.
Application Time
Ledalab 11.16 ±3.28
cvxEDA 2.40 ±0.45
sparsEDA 0.53 ±0.13
The results on the presence of a stress-related
spectral peak are reported in Table 2. Five frequency
ranges were examined: VLF (0-0.045 Hz), LF (0.045-
0.15 Hz), HF1 (0.15-0.25 Hz), HF2(0.25-0.4 Hz) and
VHF (0.4-0.5 Hz). The distribution of spectral energy
is presented per task. Table 3 shows the values of the
adapted TVSymp per task. The Stroop color-word
test resulted on average in the highest value.
3.2 Classification
Table 4 presents the model performance of the SVM
classifier. Table 5 shows the features selected in the
LOOCV procedure.
In the group of selected features, features of both
Ledalab and sparsEDA appeared. Post-classification
analysis showed that limiting the decomposition
features to features originating from either Ledalab or
sparsEDA, lowered sensitivity but increased specifity
further (SVM-spars; accuracy = 88.65%, sensitivity =
68.33%, specificity = 95.10%, F1 = 71.36%, SVM-
Led; accuracy = 88.40%, sensitivity = 70.83%,
specificity = 94.10%, F1=72.22%). When the same
model was built with decomposition features
originating only from cvxEDA, both sensitivity and
specificity were lowered (SVM-cvx; accuracy =
86.67%, sensitivity = 69.17%, specificity = 93.27%,
Table 5: Features selected in LOOCV classification.
Feature Votes
TVSymp (~ Posada-Quintero et al.) 20
Number of responses - Driver Ledalab 20
Number of responses - Driver sparsEDA 20
Summed duration of SCRs (~ Healey et al.) 4
The purpose of the current study was to extract both
traditionally studied features and recently developed
features and discuss their behavior as well as their
performance in a simple classifier.
The first feature extraction method corresponded
to the traditionally applied trough-to-peak analysis. In
this analysis, SCRs are simply extracted based on
zero-crossings of the derivative, while maintaining a
minimal spacing between SCRs of 1 second. In four
folds of the LOOCV, the summed duration of the
SCRs was retained as an important feature. This
finding agrees with the wide use of these features and
Table 2: Percentage of energy within the five frequency ranges presented per task.
Range Baseline (%) Relax (%) Count (%) Stroop (%) Arithm. (%) Talk (%)
VLF 70.27 ± 26.23 83.48 ± 17.04 59.32 ± 20.33 53.50 ± 20.82 53.59 ± 19.23 61.27 ± 19.10
LF 31.30 ± 23.09 17.68 ± 14.35 39.03 ±15.31 36.41 ± 15.45 42.06 ± 16.25 40.01 ± 16.04
HF1 5.43 ± 6.90 4.12 ± 5.80 10.42 ± 6.95 18.46 ± 15.17 13.27 ± 8.71 8.42 ± 7.11
HF2 0.66 ± 1.28 0.42 ± 0.76 1.33 ± 1.56 1.69 ± 1.85 1.80 ± 1.70 1.11 ± 0.92
VHF 0.11 ± 0.19 0.12 ± 0.24 0.49 ± 0.73 0.85 ± 1.10 0.61 ± 0.72 0.39 ± 0.48
Table 3: TVSymp results per task.
Baseline Relax Count Stroop Arithmetic Talk
0.59 ± 0.51 0.54 ± 0.16 1.03 ± 0.34 1.69 ± 0.46 1.62 ±0.46 1.51 ± 0.51
Table 4: Model performance.
Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) F1 (%) Precision (%)
SVM 88.52 ± 10.99 72.50 ± 30.24 93.65 ± 9.60 72.84 ± 28.96 81.20 ± 26.37
Feature Extraction for Stress Detection in Electrodermal Activity
the high accuracy (96%) in driver stress detection
originally obtained by Healey (2000), but is contrary
to the findings of Shukla et al., (2019), who reported
low weighted occurence of these features in
comparison to others in an emotion recognition task.
Although this method is easy to implement and
could be used in a real-time setting, it is limited in the
analysis of successive SCRs. They will most likely
appear as one response (Benedek & Kaernbach,
2010b), which will lead to an overall underestimation
of the number of responses.
To overcome the limitation of superimposed
SCRs, we included the decomposition of the EDA
signal as a second feature extraction method. We
compared three decomposition methods. SparsEDA
gave rise to the sparsest driver, which was claimed by
the original authors to improve interpretability while
reducing computation cost at the same time
(Hernando-Gallego et al., 2018). This is, however, at
the cost of an accurate tonic component as can be seen
in Figure 1. Moreover, Amin & Faghih (2019)
reported sparsEDA as oversparsifying the driver
function. Ledalab and cvxEDA both gave rise to a
more accurate tonic component, though at a much
slower rate. In this study, it was argued that the
sparsity and thus the interpretability of the driver
functions of Ledalab and cvxEDA could easily be
improved by introducing a threshold. Figure 3
illustrates that, nevertheless, sparsEDA remained the
sparsest. Two decomposition-related features were
retained in the LOOCV. Surprisingly, these were the
number of driver responses of both sparsEDA and
Ledalab. This suggests there is information in both
sparsity and continuity. Limiting the classification to
one single decomposition method showed that the
sparisity of sparsEDA results in a higher specificity
as it decreases the presence of drivers in resting
periods, while the continuity of Ledalab results in a
more robust sensitivity as it increases the presence of
drivers in stress periods. Ledalab might be
interchanged with cvxEDA to reduce time, though at
cost of accuracy.
The third feature extraction method was linked to
the frequency domain. We first tried to replicate the
results of Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a), who
investigated the spectral energy in multiple frequency
ranges during four conditions: baseline, postural
stimulation, a cold pressor and a Stroop color-word
test. Only the latter corresponded to the protocol of
the current study. Table 2 shows for all tasks the
distribution in spectral energy. In this study,
participants were fully at rest during the relaxation
task and not during the baseline. Therefore, the results
of relaxing resemble the results of the baseline in
Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a) (VLF between 79.2%
and 87.3%, LF between 8.1% and 14.6%, HF1
between 1.2% and 3.7%) more strongly. The
distribution of spectral energy within the Stroop
color-word test is also comparable to the one of
Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a). The results show
again the same trend (VLF 51.6%, LF 32.9%, HF1
10.7% in Posada-Quintero et al., 2016a). As
described by Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a), during
a stressor, the spectral energy in the VLF frequency
range goes down, whereas in the other ranges the
energy goes up. Remarkably, this trend is present in a
comparable magnitude within the counting tasks as
within the stress talk task. As the LF and HF1 ranges
were confirmed as most interesting ranges,
EDASymp and EDASympn were calculated
according to Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a). They
were not retained as important features during the
feature selection.
The final feature to be extracted was an adaptation
of TVSymp, a new time-frequency-based feature.
Again, the presented results (Table 3) show the same
trend as the data of Posada-Quintero et al. (2016b),
i.e. the values of TVSymp go up in case of a stressor.
The absolute numbers are comparable as well
(baseline: ~ 0.2-0.5, stressor: ~ 1.4-1.6) . TVSymp
was confirmed to be a highly sensitive index for stress
detection in EDA, as it was selected in all folds of the
cross validation. This in line with the conclusion of
Ghaderyan & Abbasi (2016), who reported time-
frequency domain features as highly performant in a
mental workload classification task. Whereas in
TVSymp the time-frequency representation is
obtained by VFCDM, Ghaderyan & Abbasi (2016)
obtained it via wavelets. In addition to time-
frequency features, Ghaderyan & Abbasi (2016)
extracted decomposition features via cepstral
analysis. These were found to perform equally well as
the wavelet features. The latter is contrary to the work
of Shukla et al. (2019) who reported that cepstrum-
based features outperformed wavelet-related features.
Classification using an SVM resulted in 88.52%
accuracy, 72.50% sensitivity and 93.65% specificity.
These results closely resemble the performance of an
earlier machine learning exercise on this dataset
which gave 72.0% sensitivity and 93.4% specificity
(Smets et al., 2016) while this exercise included heart
rate features on top of EDA features.
Previous studies have focused largely on datasets
including multiple physiological signals. Only few
studies have used EDA as a sole predictor for stress.
Kurniawan et al., (2013) obtained 80.72% accuracy
in classifying the Stroop color-word test from
recovery with statistical features and trough-to-peak
BIOSIGNALS 2021 - 14th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
features. Liu & Du (2018) got an average accuracy of
81.82% in a three-level stress detection task on
driving stress with statistical features. While the
results of Kurniawan et al. (2013) and Liu & Du
(2018) present a lower accuracy as reported in this
study, Zangróniz et al., (2017) achieved an accuracy,
sensitivity and specificity as high as 89.18%, 93.90%
and 85.36% respectively using statistical features
(directly derived from the EDA signal, i.e. without
decomposition) and morphological features. The best
performing parameter in a single-parameter classifier
was the spectral power in bandwidth 0.2 Hz to 0.3 Hz,
this parameter outperformed the parameter based on
the spectral power in bandwidth 0.1 Hz to 0.2 Hz.
This result differs from the bands suggested by
Posada-Quintero et al., (2016a), which were
confirmed in this study. Nevertheless, EDASymp was
not retained in any of the feature selection folds.
A possible explanation for the difference in
performance might be the experimental design of
Zangróniz et al., (2017), as it was rather different
from the one described in this paper. In the study by
Zangróniz et al., (2017) calmness and distress were
elicited by pictures of the International Affective
Picture System (IAPS). This design might have
favoured a well-balanced dataset without interference
from vocalization, which is known to effect EDA
(Levenson, 2014). Grimley et al., (2019)
demonstrated that 36-78% of stress responses
involving vocalizations are solely attributed to
vocalizations. This is also apparent from the results
presented in this study: the counting task shows
highly increased EDA (Figures 1 3, Tables 2-3),
while it is assumed to be free of stress. Since daily life
measurements will often include vocalizations it is
important to take this into account when building a
There are some limitations to this research.
Firstly, the current study included twenty
participants, which is rather limited for the multitude
of features examined in this work. In future work,
EDA data of more participants should be included.
Secondly, the current study included EDA data
collected at the fingertip in a controlled environment.
However, for future purposes, it would be more
relevant to include data collected at the wrist in an
ambulatory setting. This type of data would require
more intensive pre-processing related to artefact
Lastly, signal transformations such as
deconvolution and VFCDM were performed prior to
windowing, on the complete signal. This is consistent
with prior research in which these transformations
were performed on complete tasks or experiments
(Bobade & Vani, 2020; Murugappan et al., 2020;
Posada-Quintero & Bolkhovsky, 2019; Posada-
Quintero et al., 2018). However, for future purposes
such as continuous or real-time feature extraction, the
effect of performing these transformations within
windows as short as 64 seconds should be explored.
The application of windows prior to transformation
will abrupt ongoing responses which might introduce
noise into the feature extraction. In light of this
potential noise introduction, different window sizes
should be explored.
The aim of the present study was to assess different
feature extraction methods for stress detection in
EDA. An SVM classifier was built in a Leave-One-
Subject-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) set-up with
feature selection within the LOOCV loop.
Decomposition-derived features and time-frequency
features were found to be most relevant. The resulting
classifier obtained an accuracy of 88.52%, a
sensitivity of 72.50% and a specificity of 93.65%.
Therefore, by including novel features, we could
outperform an earlier classification attempt.
The research shows that EDA can be successfully
used as a sole predictor for stress when using the most
recent features in literature. In future research, the
presented work should be repeated in a dataset
collected in ambulatory settings. In addition, a
continuous mode of feature extraction should be
envisioned, which requires signal transformations
such as decomposition to be performed in windows
instead of complete signals. Related to this, different
window sizes need to be explored.
This work was supported by a PhD fellowship from
the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) awarded
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