Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks
Takuya Tsukahara, Tsubasa Hirakawa, Takayoshi Yamashita and Hironobu Fujiyoshi
Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan
Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Mutual Learning, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) adversarially train generative and discriminative and generate a
nonexistent images. Common GANs use only a single generative model and discriminant model and are
considered to maximize their performance. On the other hand, in the image-classification task, recognition
accuracy improves by collaborative learning in which knowledge transfer is conducted among several neural
networks. Therefore, we propose a method that involves using GANs with multiple generative models and
one discriminant model to conduct collaborative learning while transferring information among the generative
models. We conducted experiments to evaluate the proposed method, and the results indicate that the quality
of the images produced by the proposed method is improved and increased in diversity.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) adversar-
ially train generative and discriminative models
(Goodfellow et al., 2014). In the discriminator, which
is a discriminative model, learning is conducted so
that the real image and image generated with the gen-
erative model can be distinguished. The generator,
which is a generative model, generates an image us-
ing latent variables and is trained so that the gener-
ated image can be distinguished from the real im-
age by using the discriminative model. GANs that
can generate high-definition images include deep con-
volutional GANs (DCGANs), progressive growing
GANs (progressive GANs), and self-attention GANs
(SAGANs) (Radford et al., 2016; Karras et al., 2018;
Zhang et al., 2019). DCGANs use convolutional neu-
ral networks (CNNs) (LeCun et al., 1998), progres-
sive GANs deepen the layers of the generator and dis-
criminator as learning progresses, and SAGANs im-
prove the quality of the generated image by introduc-
ing a self-attention mechanism. Methods using these
models generate high-definition images by devising
the structure of the neural network, but the image gen-
erated from the generator is over-optimized to trick
the discriminator, resulting in mode collapse (Good-
fellow, 2016).
Various methods have been proposed to suppress
mode collapse, and one involves using multi-agent di-
verse GANs (MAD-GANs). MAD-GANs are com-
posed of multiple generators and one discriminator
(Ghosh et al., 2018). If the image generated by one
generator is over-optimized to trick the discriminator,
another generator can compensate to prevent mode
collapse. However, the problem is that each generator
loses the diversity of the generated images. Therefore,
when there are multiple generators, it is thought that
by conducting collaborative learning among the gen-
erators and transferring knowledge among them, each
generator can acquire more knowledge and increase
the diversity of the generated images. We also believe
that learning that makes the most of the strengths of
each generator is possible.
In the image-classification task, recognition ac-
curacy improves compared with ordinary supervised
learning by conducting learning in which knowledge
is transferred to each of several neural networks (Hin-
ton et al., 2014; Romero et al., 2015; Zhu et al.,
2018; Song and Chai, 2018; Zhang et al., 2018).
Knowledge-transfer methods for neural networks in-
clude knowledge distillation (KD) (Hinton et al.,
2014) for unidirectional transmission and deep mu-
tual learning (DML) (Zhang et al., 2018) for bidirec-
tional transmission. KD is a method for learning a
student network, which is a lightweight neural net-
work, using a teacher network, which is a large-scale,
pre-trained neural network with excellent recognition
accuracy. Thus, superior performance can be obtained
compared to the student network in which normal su-
pervised learning is conducted. DML conducts mu-
tual learning between student networks and is effec-
tive not only for learning by combining student net-
Tsukahara, T., Hirakawa, T., Yamashita, T. and Fujiyoshi, H.
Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010251804920499
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
works with different structures but also for improving
recognition accuracy between networks with the same
structure. It is also possible to train three or more neu-
ral networks at the same time.
Similar to the image classification task, GANs can
maximize the performance of neural networks by con-
ducting learning in which knowledge is transferred to
each of several neural networks. Therefore, we pro-
pose a method with which learning is conducted using
multiple generators, and the generators conduct joint
learning while transferring knowledge to one another.
Learning that uses the characteristics of each genera-
tor and increases diversity of the generated images are
achieved. The performance of a neural network is also
maximized by optimizing the method of transmitting
knowledge among generators. We conducted exper-
iments to evaluate the proposed method, and the re-
sults indicate the effectiveness of the method in trans-
ferring knowledge.
1.1 Contributions
The contributions reported here are summarized as
GANs research has resulted in the proposal of
many methods of generating high-resolution im-
ages by devising the structure of neural networks,
but they do not achieve maximum performance
because it does not conducting learning in which
knowledge is transferred to each of several neu-
ral networks. With the proposed method, multi-
ple generators conduct collaborative learning and
transfer knowledge to one another to conduct
learning that makes the best use of the strengths
of each generator.
MAD-GANs, which use multiple generators, have
been proposed to suppress mode collapse, but
MAD-GANs lose the diversity of images gen-
erated by each generator. With the proposed
method, multiple generators conduct collabora-
tive learning, transfer knowledge to one another,
and increase the diversity of the generated images.
A knowledge transfer graph is used to illustrate the
collaborative learning of image-classification tasks
and express various knowledge-transfer methods in-
cluding KD and DML (Minami et al., 2019). GANs
that use multiple generators have also been proposed
(Ghosh et al., 2018; Hoang et al., 2018; Nguyen et al.,
2017; Durugkar et al., 2017), i.e., MAD-GANs and
Figure 1: Knowledge transfer graph (k = 3) (Minami et al.,
Figure 2: Network structure of MAD-GANs (Ghosh et al.,
mixture GANs (MGANs) (Hoang et al., 2018). On
the other hand, dual discriminator GANs (D2GANs)
(Nguyen et al., 2017) conduct learning using two
discriminators and generative multi-adversarial net-
works (GMANs) (Durugkar et al., 2017) conduct
learning using multiple discriminators. We focus
on the knowledge transfer graph and MAD-GANs,
which are highly relevant to our research.
2.1 Knowledge Transfer Graph
Figure 1 shows a knowledge transfer graph when
three neural networks are used. If the number of neu-
ral networks used for learning is k, each neural net-
work is denoted as m
, . . . , m
and represented as a
node. In addition, two edges are defined between each
node and represented by directed graphs with differ-
ent orientations. This edge represents the direction
in which gradient information is transmitted during
learning. An individual loss function is defined for
each edge, and the propagated loss is controlled by in-
troducing a gate function inside the loss function. By
using such expressions, it is possible to express KD
and DML. Various learning methods can also be ex-
pressed by combining selected models and loss func-
Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks
Figure 3: Network structure of the proposed method.
2.2 Multi-Agent Diverse GANs
As mentioned above, MAD-GANs are composed of
multiple generators and one discriminator. Figure 2
shows the network structure of MAD-GANs. Each
generator uses latent variables to generate an image,
and the generated image is trained so that it can be
identified as a real image by the discriminator. The
discriminator not only learns to distinguish between
the real and generated images but also learns from
which generator the image was generated. In general
GANs learning, the image generated from the genera-
tor is over-optimized to trick the discriminator, result-
ing in mode collapse. In MAD-GANs, if the image
generated by one generator is over-optimized to trick
the discriminator, another generator can compensate
to prevent mode collapse.
Our proposed method enables collaborative learn-
ing of GANs in which learning is conducted using
multiple generators that learn while transferring each
other’s knowledge. The method of constructing the
proposed method, method of introducing the knowl-
edge transfer graph, and learning algorithm are ex-
plained below.
3.1 Construction of Proposed Method
The proposed method involves using GANs with mul-
tiple generators and a single discriminator. We also
need to make changes to the base GANs. Figure 3
shows the network structure of the proposed method.
If the number of generators used for learning is k,
each generator is represented as G
, . . . , G
, as shown
in Figure 3. Each generator uses the same latent vari-
able z P
to generate an image. Therefore, k gen-
erated images G
(z), . . . , G
(z) can be obtained. In
addition, by transferring the feature map or generated
image of each generator using a knowledge transfer
graph, knowledge can be transferred between genera-
As shown in Figure 3, the discriminator is repre-
sented as D and needs to not only distinguish between
the real and generated images but also which genera-
tor the generated image is from. Therefore, the num-
ber of units of the output value of the final layer is
k + 1, and the class score d
, . . . , d
is output us-
ing the softmax function. Score d
, . . . , d
the probability of being an image generated from each
generator, and score d
represents the probability of
being a real image.
Batch normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015)
is often used inside a network to stabilize learning.
However, batch normalization is insufficient to stabi-
lize learning in GANs. Therefore, with the proposed
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Introduction of knowledge transfer graph with
proposed method (k = 3).
method, spectral normalization (SN) (Miyato et al.,
2018) is introduced into the discriminator. If the base
GANs use batch normalization for the discriminator,
batch normalization changes to SN. By introducing
SN into the discriminator, it is possible to set the con-
straint of satisfying Lipschitz continuity. Therefore,
GANs mode collapse can be suppressed in the same
manner as with methods such as those using Wasser-
stein GANs (WGANs) (Arjovsky et al., 2017) and
WGANs-GP with a gradient penalty (Gulrajani et al.,
2017). Also, SN can be introduced without changing
the loss function.
3.2 Introduction of Knowledge Transfer
The proposed method introduces a knowledge trans-
fer graph, which enables each generator to learn while
transferring its knowledge to the others. Figure 4
shows the proposed method with a knowledge transfer
graph introduced when three generators are used. As-
suming that the number of generators used for learn-
ing is k, each generator is G
, . . . , G
and discrim-
inator is D, which are represented as nodes. Two
edges are defined between the nodes of each gener-
ator and represented by directed graphs with differ-
ent orientations. The orientation of each edge rep-
resents the direction in which gradient information
is transmitted during learning. The edges between
the nodes of each generator represent the transfer of
knowledge between the generators. Edge L
of gen-
erator G
represents the transmission of information
as to whether the generated image generated from
was determined by D to be a real image. Edge
represents the transmission of information
as to whether the D identification result is correct. A
separate loss function is defined for each edge, and a
gate function is introduced for the loss function of the
edge facing the direction of each generator to control
the propagated loss.
The proposed method uses, through, cutoff, nega-
tive linear, and positive linear gates as gate functions.
The through gate is a function that passes the loss as it
is. The cutoff gate is a function that sets the loss to 0,
does not calculate the loss, and can cut any edge. The
negative linear gate is a function that reduces the loss
as learning progresses, and the early stage of learn-
ing is the through gate and the final stage is the cutoff
gate. The positive linear gate is a function that in-
creases the loss as learning progresses, and the early
stage of learning is the cutoff gate and the final stage
is the through gate.
3.3 Learning Algorithm
The proposed method is trained by repeating the train-
ing of the discriminator and generators. Training is
repeated until all actual images are trained. When
training is complete, 1 epoch of learning is completed.
The training of the discriminator and generators are
explained below.
3.3.1 Training of Discriminator
The discriminator learns to identify whether the input
image is a real image or an image generated from a
generator. Assuming that the number of Generators
used is k, the identification result when the actual im-
age or image generated from the generator is input to
the discriminator is represented as d = d
, . . . , d
The correct label is represented as t
= t
, . . . , t
The t
when the image generated from generator G
is input to the discriminator is a vector with t
1 and others being 0. The t
when the real image is
input to the discriminator is a vector with t
being 1
and others being 0. The loss function L
for training of the discriminator is expressed as
The discriminator learns in three steps:
Step 1. The actual image is input to the discrimi-
nator, and the gradient of the discriminator is updated
using the loss function L
Step 2. The image generated from generator G
input to the discriminator, and the gradient of the dis-
criminator is updated using L
. At this time,
the latent variables input to each generator are differ-
ent for each generator.
Step 3. By repeating steps 1 and 2 k times, learning is
conducted on the images generated by all generators.
Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks
3.3.2 Training of Generators
Each generator learns to generate an image that is
identified by the discriminator as a real image. With
the proposed method, each generator learns while
transferring knowledge to the others according to
the knowledge transfer graph. The edges between
the nodes of each generator represent the transfer of
knowledge among the generators. Edge L
of gen-
erator G
represents the transmission of information
as to whether the image generated from G
was deter-
mined by the discriminator to be a real image. Let L
be the loss function when transferring the knowledge
of generator G
to generator G
at the edge between
the nodes of the generator. Also, let L
be the loss
function that indicates whether the image generated
from G
is judged to be a real image by the discrimi-
nator. Let Gate(·) be the gate function at each edge.
In generator learning, the input latent variables are the
same for all generators. The complete loss function
for each generator is calculated from the sum of L
and L
taken from the edge.
Assuming that the number of generators used is
k, the identification result when the image generated
from G
is input to the discriminator is represented as
= d
, . . . , d
. The correct label t
= t
, . . . , t
is a vector with t
being 1 and the others being 0.
At this time, the loss function L
is expressed as
= Gate
There are two types of knowledge-transfer meth-
ods that the proposed method uses, one is for transfer-
ring the feature map (two versions: close to the input-
layer side and close to the output-layer side) and the
other is for transferring the generated image, and the
loss function L
is different for each method.
If the channel number of the feature map is c =
1, . . . , C, the position of the layer of the feature map
is m = 1, . . . , M, and the vector number of the feature
map is n = 1 . . . , N, the feature map of G
is repre-
sented as F
. If the hyperparameter is α, the L
of the method for transferring the feature map is ex-
pressed as
= Gate
When the vector number of the generated image is
n = 1 . . . , N and the latent variable z P
is input to
, let G
(z) be the generated image. If the hyper-
parameter is α, the L
of the method for transferring
the generated image is expressed as
= Gate
We evaluated the overall effectiveness of the pro-
posed method and its effectiveness in introducing
a mechanism for learning while transferring knowl-
edge. We also investigated the optimal knowledge-
transfer method by introducing a knowledge transfer
graph into the proposed method.
4.1 Experimental Conditions
The CIFAR-10 dataset (Krizhevsky, 2009) was used
for the experiment. This dataset has 50, 000 im-
ages for training and 10, 000 images for evaluation
and consists of 10 classes of color images of com-
mon objects. Only 50, 000 images training samples
were used in this experiment. The image size of the
CIFAR-10 dataset is 32 × 32 pixels, but it was resized
to 64 × 64 pixels for our use.
We used DCGANs as the base GANs and set the
number of trials of the gate function of the knowledge
transfer graph to 1, 500 to search for a combination of
gate functions that maximizes the maximum incep-
tion score (IS) (Salimans et al., 2016) of each gener-
ator. During training, the batch size was 256, number
of dimensions of the latent variable input to each gen-
erator was 100, and hyperparameter α was 1, 000.
The IS and fr
echet inception distance (FID)
(Heusel et al., 2017) were used as indexes to evalu-
ate the quality of the generated image. IS is easy to
classify using a neural network, and the more classes
of generated images, the higher the quality of gener-
ated images. The higher the IS, the higher the quality
of the generated image. FID mitigates the drawback
that IS does not take into account the distribution of
real image, and the quality of the generated image is
evaluated by the distance between the distribution of
the real image and generated image. The lower the
FID, the higher the quality of the generated image.
4.2 Investigating Effectiveness of
Knowledge Transfer
We then investigated the effectiveness of knowledge
transfer. In this experiment, using DCGANs and
MAD-GANs and the proposed method were com-
pared. Using DCGANs with and without SN was
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of IS and FID by various methods.
SN Transfer IS FID
4.57 ± 0.03 25.79
X 4.77 ± 0.05 21.17
MAD-GANs X 4.81 ± 0.05 27.02
Proposed X X 5.10 ± 0.07 21.31
Real images 8.70 ± 0.14
compared with using MAD-GANs and the proposed
method. SN was introduced to the MAD-GANs,
which used two generators, and the proposed method,
which used. The proposed method used the method
for transferring the generated image. The gate func-
tion was not searched, and only the through gate was
used. The number of learning epochs was set to 200,
and the evaluation was conducted using the model pa-
rameters at the highest point of IS. Table 1 lists the re-
sults of comparing IS and FID. The quality of the gen-
erated image with the proposed method was the high-
est using IS. In the evaluation using FID, the highest-
quality image was generated using DCGANs with SN
introduced, but the proposed method also generated
an image of the same quality. The structure of the
proposed method is the same as that of using MAD-
GANs, but a significant improvement can be achieved
by transferring the generated image and conducting
learning. Therefore, the transfer of knowledge among
generators can improve the quality of generated im-
ages in GANs.
We visualized the generated image when 128
identical latent variables z P
were input to gen-
erators G
and G
of the proposed method. Figure
5 shows the results . The image corresponding to the
same position was the generated image when the same
latent variable was input. By comparing the generated
images from G
and G
, the images when the same
latent variable was input were similar. This is proba-
bly because the generators have similar characteristics
because they are trained to generate similar images by
transferring the generated images among each other.
We used t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Em-
bedding (t-SNE) (Maaten and Hinton, 2008) to visu-
alize the distribution of images generated when enter-
ing 1, 000 latent variables z P
into G
and G
. Fig-
ure 6 shows the results. Since the distributions of G
and G
of the proposed method overlap, the images
when the same latent variable was input were simi-
lar. In addition, since the distribution of the proposed
method is wider than that of using MAD-GANs, the
diversity of the generated images can be increased by
transferring the knowledge of the generators.
(a) Image generated by generator G
(b) Image generated by generator G
Figure 5: Visualization of generated images.
Figure 6: Visualization of the distribution of generated im-
ages by using t-SNE.
4.3 Investigation of Differences in
Transfer Methods
Using the proposed method that introduces a knowl-
edge transfer graph, we investigated when the
knowledge-transfer method is changed. The proposed
method used three generators for this experiment. We
investigated the method for transferring the generated
image, that for transferring the feature map close to
the input-layer side (2nd and 3rd layers of DCGANs),
and that for transferring the feature map close to the
output-layer side (3rd and 4th layers of DCGANs).
Through and cutoff gates were used as gate func-
tions, and the search was conducted using a knowl-
edge transfer graph. The number of learning epochs
Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Networks
Table 2: Comparison of IS and FID with different
knowledge-transfer methods.
Transfer method IS FID
Generated image 4.42 ± 0.04 46.06
Feature map (Input layer side) 4.46 ± 0.04 50.09
Feature map (Output layer side) 4.48 ± 0.05 40.93
Figure 7: Tendency of inception score with different
knowledge-transfer methods.
was set to 50, and the evaluation was conducted us-
ing the model parameters at the end of learning. Ta-
ble 2 lists the results of comparing IS and FID. The
proposed method using the method for transferring
the feature map close to the output layer side had the
highest quality of the generated image for both IS and
FID. Therefore, learning using this transfer method is
effective in improving the quality of generated image.
The tendency of IS was investigated for each
knowledge-transfer method of the proposed method
when the search for the gate function using the knowl-
edge transfer graph was attempted 1, 500 times. Fig-
ure 7 shows a boxplot of IS in each trial. The method
for transferring the feature map had a higher IS value
than that for transferring the generated image, and
learning tended to be stable. The methods for trans-
ferring feature maps closer to the input layer side and
closer to the output layer side tended to be similar.
4.4 Knowledge-Transfer-Graph
We next investigated knowledge-transfer-graph op-
timization by comparing using DCGANs with and
without SN) and MAD-GANs and the proposed
method. SN was introduced to the MAD-GANs,
which used three generators and the proposed
method, which also used three generators as well as
the method of transferring the feature map close to the
Table 3: Comparison of IS and FID by introducing knowl-
edge transfer graph.
SN Transfer IS FID
4.57 ± 0.03 25.79
X 4.77 ± 0.05 21.17
MAD-GANs X 4.77 ± 0.03 28.76
Proposed X X 5.37 ± 0.09 23.77
Real images 8.70 ± 0.14
output layer side (3rd and 4th layers of DCGANs).
Through, cutoff, negative linear, and positive linear
gates were used as gate functions, and the search was
conducted using the knowledge transfer graph. The
number of learning epochs was set to 200, and the
evaluation was conducted using the model parameters
at the end of learning. Table 3 shows the results of
comparing IS and FID.
With the proposed method, the search for the
gate function using the knowledge transfer graph was
attempted 1, 500 times, and the knowledge transfer
method was optimized. Figure 8 shows the combina-
tion of gate functions that maximizes the maximum
IS of each generator, which is the target of optimiza-
tion. The red edge represents the positive linear gate
and black edge represents the through gate. In this
structure, the IS of generator G
was 5.37 ±0.09, that
of generator G
was 4.70 ± 0.07, and that of gener-
ator G
was 1.33 ± 0.03. Since the IS of G
higher than that of G
, the transfer of knowledge was
effective in improving the quality of the generated im-
age. Also, it was not necessary to transfer knowledge
among the generators at the beginning of learning,
and it was effective to transfer knowledge as learning
progresses. Generator G
contributed to the stabiliza-
tion of training of G
by acting like a buffer of G
We proposed a method of collaborative learning
that involves GANs consisting of multiple generative
models and one discriminator model for transferring
knowledge among the generative models. Through
evaluation experiments, the proposed method im-
proved the quality of the generated images and in-
creased diversity. In the future, we will use multiple
generators and discriminators, introduce knowledge
transfer graphs into each generator and discriminator,
and search for the optimal knowledge transfer method
to further improve the method’s performance.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Through gate
Positive linear gate
Figure 8: Obtained combination of gate functions.
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