Table 3: Comparison Between Different Methods for the Classification QRS task.
Method Sensitivity (Se) Specificity (+P)
Baseline Vendor 1 0.687 0.961
Baseline Vendor 2 0.318 0.955
Neural Network 0.873 0.997
NN + GBDT 0.917 0.999
Cardiologist 0.872 0.999
Table 4: QRS detection performance comparison on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database.
Work Recall (%) Precision (%)
Pan and Tompkins (1985) 90.95 99.56
Elgendi et al. (2009) 87.90 97.60
Chouakri et al. (2011) 98.68 97.24
Rodriguez-Jorge et al. (2014) 96.28 99.71
NN + GBDT (our work) 98.11 99.91
In this paper we present a novel heartbeat detection
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for the two-channel long-term ECGs. We propose a
channel-wise CNN architecture and combine it with
the GBDT model that can employ patient-wise fea-
tures. Furthermore, we demonstrate on the set of 291
ambulatory 2-lead ECG 24-hour recordings that our
method significantly outperforms two commercially
available software packages widely used by the car-
diologists for these tasks in the country, approaching
the quality level of experienced radiologists.
As a future work, we intend to conduct prospec-
tive clinical trials for confirmation of clinical signifi-
cance of this model, as well as enhancing our model
for the detection and interpretation of more complex
components of the heartbeat.
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