Dense Open-set Recognition with
Synthetic Outliers Generated by Real NVP
Matej Grci
c, Petra Bevandi
c and Sini
sa Segvi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Open-set Recognition, Semantic Segmentation, Real NVP.
Today’s deep models are often unable to detect inputs which do not belong to the training distribution. This
gives rise to confident incorrect predictions which could lead to devastating consequences in many important
application fields such as healthcare and autonomous driving. Interestingly, both discriminative and genera-
tive models appear to be equally affected. Consequently, this vulnerability represents an important research
challenge. We consider an outlier detection approach based on discriminative training with jointly learned
synthetic outliers. We obtain the synthetic outliers by sampling an RNVP model which is jointly trained to
generate datapoints at the border of the training distribution. We show that this approach can be adapted for
simultaneous semantic segmentation and dense outlier detection. We present image classification experiments
on CIFAR-10, as well as semantic segmentation experiments on three existing datasets (StreetHazards, WD-
Pascal, Fishyscapes Lost & Found), and one contributed dataset. Our models perform competitively with
respect to the state of the art despite producing predictions with only one forward pass.
Early computer vision workflows involved hand-
crafted feature engineering and shallow discrimina-
tive models. However, despite hard work and no-
table scientific contribution, the resulting features
(Lowe, 2004; S
anchez et al., 2013; Rosten and Drum-
mond, 2006) were insufficient in many computer vi-
sion tasks. Emergence of deep convolutional mod-
els (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) enabled implicit feature
engineering. Consequently, computer vision research
is now focused on designing deep models which are
trained in end-to-end fashion (Simonyan and Zisser-
man, 2015; He et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2017).
Today, deep models deliver state-of-the-art per-
formance in most computer vision tasks. However,
whenever there is a domain shift between the train and
the test distributions, we witness overconfidence of
incorrect predictions (Lakshminarayanan et al., 2017;
Guo et al., 2017). This issue poses a direct threat
to the safety of AI-based systems for healthcare (Xia
et al., 2020), autonomous driving (Zendel et al., 2018)
and other critical application fields. Therefore, open-
set recognition (Bendale and Boult, 2015) becomes
an increasingly important research objective. The de-
sired models should be able to detect foreign sam-
ples while also fulfilling their primary discriminative
task. This problem has been also addressed in sev-
eral related settings such as anomaly detection (An-
drews et al., 2016), uncertainty estimation (Malinin
and Gales, 2018), and out-of-distribution (OOD) de-
tection (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017). We focus on
open-set recognition and note that the proposed ap-
proach can be generalized to other settings.
Formally, OOD detection can be viewed as a form
of binary classification where the model has to pre-
dict whether a given sample belongs to the training
dataset. In practice, this can be achieved by designing
the model to predict an OOD score given the input.
We assume that the score function s(x) : X R as-
signs OOD score to any given sample. A convenient
baseline approach (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017) ex-
presses the score function in terms of maximum soft-
max probability: s
(x) = 1 max
(c|x). The
score function can also be expressed with softmax en-
tropy: s
(x) =
|x) (Hendrycks
et al., 2019b). We evaluate our dense OOD detection
approach both with s
(x) and s
Typically, we wish to achieve open-set recognition
with a single forward pass in order to promote cross-
task synergy and allow real-time inference. Unfortu-
nately, the two tasks may negatively affect each other
since this a form of the multi-objective optimization.
This paper presents an open-set recognition ap-
c, M., Bevandi
c, P. and Segvi
c, S.
Dense Open-set Recognition with Synthetic Outliers Generated by Real NVP.
DOI: 10.5220/0010260701330143
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proach based on jointly learned synthetic examples
generated at the border of the training distribution
(Lee et al., 2018). Instead of adversarial generation
(Goodfellow et al., 2014), we prefer to base our ap-
proach on invertible normalized flow (Dinh et al.,
2017) due to better distribution coverage (Lucas et al.,
2019) and opportunity to generate images of arbi-
trary resolution. The resulting method outperforms
GANs in equivalent image-wide experiments. We ar-
gue that the proposed approach is especially suitable
for adaptation to dense prediction due to capability
of normalizing flows to generate images of arbitrary
size. We evaluate our models on several datasets for
dense open-set recognition and demonstrate competi-
tive performance with respect to the state of the art.
Previous work covers various facets of OOD detec-
tion. As usual in computer vision research, datasets
and benchmarks are critical research tools since they
help us identify effective approaches. Generative
models are important for our work since they allow
us to generate synthetic training samples for discrim-
inative OOD detection.
2.1 Out-Of-Distribution Detection
The most popular OOD detection approaches include
likelihood evaluation (Nalisnick et al., 2019), ass-
esing the prediction confidence (DeVries and Tay-
lor, 2018), exploiting an additional negative dataset
(Hendrycks et al., 2019b), and modification of the
loss function (Lee et al., 2018). In theory, OOD de-
tection can be elegantly implemented by evaluating
the likelihood of a given sample with a suitable gen-
erative model. A generative model capable of exact
likelihood evaluation should assign OOD samples a
lower likelihood. However, (Nalisnick et al., 2019)
and (Serr
a et al., 2020) show that generative models
with exact likelihood evaluation tend to assign simple
outliers a higher likelihood than to complex inliers.
Exhaustive analysis shows that flow-based generative
models are not suitable for this task due to their ar-
chitecture (Kirichenko et al., 2020). Still, (Grathwohl
et al., 2020) manage to detect outliers using the gra-
dient of sample likelihood, while (Ren et al., 2019)
detect outliers by evaluating likelihood ratios of two
generative models. We do not use these approaches
since our primary task is open-set semantic segmen-
tation which requires specifically designed discrimi-
native models for dense prediction.
OOD detection can also be expressed throughout a
modification of the model architecture. This has been
attempted by adding a confidence prediction head
which is supposed to emit low confidence prediction
for OOD samples (DeVries and Taylor, 2018). How-
ever, learned confidence is able to account only for
difficulties which have been seen in the training data
(aleatoric uncertainty), while remaining mostly un-
able to manage OOD inputs (epistemic uncertainty).
A preprocessing approach known as ODIN (Liang
et al., 2018) does not require any change in model’s
training procedure. They add a small perturbation to
the input which leads to better separation between in-
and out-of-distribution samples. However, this ap-
proach results in only slight improvements over the
max-softmax baseline (Bevandic et al., 2019). Addi-
tionally, it requires multiple passes trough the model,
which considerably increases the inference latency.
Discriminative OOD detection can be improved
by utilizing a diverse negative dataset (Hendrycks
et al., 2019b; Bevandic et al., 2019). Addition-
ally, outliers can be detected by observing the distri-
butional uncertainty of prior networks (Malinin and
Gales, 2018). We differ from these approaches, since
we do not require training on negative data.
The negative dataset can be replaced by an adver-
sarial network which generates artificial outliers (Lee
et al., 2018; Nitsch et al., 2020). This setup requires
that the discriminative classifier output uniform distri-
bution in synthetic samples. Consequently, the gener-
ator network receives a signal from classifier’s loss
which moves generated samples to the border of the
training distribution. Our approach is closely related
with this method and hence we present an empirical
comparison in the experiments. The main differences
are that i) our method uses RNVP instead of GAN
which allows us to generate outliers of different sizes,
and ii) we present an adaptation for dense open-set
2.2 Dense Open-set Recognition
OOD detection can be combined with pixel-level
classification to achieve dense open-set recognition.
Testing open-set performance of dense discrimina-
tive models proved to be a difficult task. Available
benchmarks fail to fully cover all open-world situ-
ations but still pose a challenge to present models.
However, evaluating the model on multiple bench-
marks can give us a better notion on open-set recog-
nition performance. The WildDash benchmark (Zen-
del et al., 2018) evaluates capability of the model
to deal with challenging real-world situations and
outright negative images. We do not evaluate di-
rectly on this dataset since it does not include test
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
images with mixed content (both inliers and out-
liers). The Fishyscapes Lost & Found benchmark
(Blum et al., 2019) evaluates the ability to detect small
OOD objects on the road surface. The StreetHaz-
ards dataset (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) includes syn-
thetic images created by the Unreal Engine, while the
BDD-Anomaly dataset (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) is
created from the Berkley Deep Drive dataset (BDD)
(Yu et al., 2018) by selecting motorcycle and train
classes as anomalies. The WD-Pascal dataset (Be-
vandic et al., 2019) contains WildDash images with
pasted animals from the Pascal VOC (Everingham
et al., 2010) dataset.
There are several prior approaches which adress
dense open-set recognition. Epistemic uncertainty
attempts to discern uncertainty due to insufficient
knowledge from uncertainty due to insufficient su-
pervision (Kendall and Gal, 2017). However, their
approach assumes that MC dropout corresponds to
Bayesian model sampling which may not be satisfied
in practice. Additionally, Bayesian model sampling is
unable to account for distributional shift (Malinin and
Gales, 2018). OOD detection can also be framed as
comparison between the original image and its sythe-
sized version which is conditionally generated from
the predictions (Xia et al., 2020). However image-to-
image translation is a hard problem; OOD input is not
a necessary condition for getting a poor reconstruc-
tion. Employing confidence of multiple DNNs trained
in one-vs-all setting (Franchi et al., 2020) currently
achieves the best OOD detection results on Street-
Hazards dataset. All these approaches require mul-
tiple forward passes through complex models and are
therefore much slower than our approach.
Recognition of OOD input can also be improved
by training on several positive and negative datasets.
However that requires extraordinary efforts for mak-
ing different datasets mutually compatible (Lambert
et al., 2020). A more affordable approach assumes
one specialized inlier dataset and one general purpose
noisy negative dataset (Bevandic et al., 2019). Differ-
ent than both these approaches, we do not use nega-
tive training data. Instead we jointly train a genera-
tive model for synthetic negative samples which we
use for training of the discriminative model. Conse-
quently, our approach does not incur any bias due to
particular choice of the negative dataset.
2.3 Generative Modeling
Many generative models approximate the data distri-
bution p
using the model distribution p
defined by:
(x) =
, Z =
(x)dx. (1)
In the previous equation, p
denotes the unnormal-
ized distribution modeled with a deep model parame-
terized with θ, while Z is a normalization constant.
Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM)
(Salakhutdinov et al., 2007) learn the data dis-
tribution p
by utilizing a two-phase training
procedure. The positive phase increases the value of
(x) for every datapoint x
, while the negative phase
updates the normalization constant Z in order to keep
(x) a valid distribution.
Invertible normalizing flows (Dinh et al., 2015)
are trained by likelihood maximization which essen-
tially increases the value of p
(x) for every datapoint
. This corresponds to the positive phase of RBM’s
training. Different than RBM’s, normalizing flows re-
quire that the nonlinear transformation is bijective. In
particular, normalizing flows consider an invertible
transformation f
: X Z which maps the desired
complex data distribution to a simpler latent distribu-
tion. Consequently, the change of variable formula:
(x) = p
( f
| can be applied. Since
we transform normalized latent distribution with f
which is bijective by design, the change of variables
gives us a guarantee that the p
(x) will remain nor-
malized. Hence, the negative phase for the flow-based
models is unnecessary. Real NVP (RNVP) (Dinh
et al., 2017) is a flow-based generative model which
captures the dataset distribution by learning to bijec-
tively transform it with a powerful set of affine trans-
formations to a simpler latent distribution such as a
unit Gaussian.
We approach the task of open set recognition by ex-
ploiting synthetic negative samples produced by a
RNVP model which is jointly trained with the open-
set classifier. We aim to improve OOD detection
without harming recognition accuracy. We first ap-
ply the proposed setup in the image-wide setup and
later adapt for dense OOD detection.
3.1 Joint Training of Discriminative
Classifier and Real NVP
We assume that OOD performance of a classifier can
be improved by introducing an additional loss term
that encourages it to emit the uniform distribution in
synthetic outliers (Lee et al., 2018). This term can
be expressed as Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence be-
tween the model prediction in OOD samples and the
uniform distribution. The resulting compound classi-
Dense Open-set Recognition with Synthetic Outliers Generated by Real NVP
fier loss is:
) = E
ˆx, ˆyP
(y = ˆy| ˆx)]
+ λ · E
(y|x))] . (2)
Note that the distribution P
corresponds to syn-
thetic outliers generated by RNVP. Hence, the classi-
fier loss encourages RNVP to generate data which is
classified with high entropy. However, we also apply
the standard negative log-likelihood loss to the RNVP
) = E
[log p
+ log
] . (3)
This loss encourages RNVP to generate the data
which resembles the training dataset. The two losses
and L
) are opposed, but together they cause
the RNVP to generate data which resemble inliers but
get classified to uniform distribution. Consequently,
we colloquially state that our RNVP model generates
samples at the border of the training distribution (Lee
et al., 2018).
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed training proce-
dure. Real images are processed by the generative
model f
and by the discriminative model f
The generative model outputs the likelihood which
is subjected to generative NLL loss. The discrim-
inative model outputs posterior probability which is
subjected to cross-entropy with respect to the labels.
At the same time, a random latent vector z is drawn
from a Gaussian distribution. A synthetic outlier is
obtained by sampling RNVP ( f
), and processed
by f
. The resulting posterior is subjected to KL loss
with respect to the uniform distribution. We summa-
rize the joint training procedure in Algorithm 1.
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the proposed training pro-
cedure using losses (2) and (3).
3.2 Dense Open-set Recognition
This section extends the described joint training of
synthetic outliers towards dense open-set recognition.
Different than in the image-wide case where an image
is either an inlier or an outlier, dense OOD detection
has to deal with images of mixed content. A real-
world image may contain OOD objects or exclusively
consist of inlier content. Thereby, outliers typically
occlude the background, which results in well-defined
Algorithm 1: Joint training of an open-set clas-
sifier and an RNVP model for generation of
synthetic outliers.
Require: λ > 0
Define RNVP: z = f
(x), x = f
Define Classifier: P
Define Optimizers: O
), O
x, y = obtain minibatch()
z = sample N(0, 1)
(y|x) +λ KL(U||P
+ = O
(x))) log
+ = O
until convergence
borders between the outlier and the inlier content.
We embed these observations into our dense open-
set recognition approach as follows. We jointly train
RNVP with a semantic segmentation model as we de-
scribed in 3.1. Different than in the image-wide setup,
we paste the synthetic outliers provided by RNVP at
random locations within our regular training images.
We train the dense prediction model to predict cor-
rect semantic segmentation in inlier pixels, and the
uniform distribution within the patches generated by
RNVP. The discriminative loss is defined by:
(θ) =
i j
= 0KlogP
i j
i j
= 1KKL(U ||P
i j
|x)) . (4)
In the above equation, y represents the ground truth
labels, while s represents the OOD mask where ze-
ros correspond to unchanged pixels of the training im-
age (inliers) and ones denote the pasted RNVP output
Figure 2 shows the proposed training setup for
dense open-set recognition. We generate a synthetic
outlier by sampling RNVP, and paste it at a random
position in the training image. Images with mixed
content are given to our discriminative model for
dense prediction, which optimizes the discriminative
loss (4). Consequently, the gradients of (4) are back-
propagated to the RNVP. Additionally, we maximize
the likelihood of the image patch replaced by the gen-
erated outlier. This is necessary in order to keep the
samples generated by RNVP at the border of the train-
ing distribution (Lee et al., 2018). Due to the con-
venient architecture of RNVP we are able to gener-
ate synthetic samples that vary in spatial dimensions.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Schematic overview of the proposed training procedure for dense open-set recognition. The loss L
to (4), while the loss L
corresponds to (3).
Hence, we can train our model with synthetic outliers
of different sizes. This is not straightforward to ac-
complish with other types of generative models and
we consider that as a distinct advantage of our ap-
proach. The proposed procedure is summarized by
Algorithm 2.
Semantic segmentation is known as a memory in-
tensive task. Hence, we optimize memory consump-
tion by using gradient checkpointing (Chen et al.,
2016; Kre
so et al., 2020) which trades computation
time for lower memory consumption. We apply the
checkpointing procedure both on our dense classifier
and the RNVP.
Algorithm 2: Dense open-set recognition clas-
sifier training.
Require: λ > 0
Define RNVP: z = f
(x), x = f
Define Classifier: P
Define Optimizers: O
), O
x, y = obtain minibatch()
z = sampleN(0, I)
= f
x, x’, y, s = process batch(x, x
, y)
) =
i, j
= 0KlogP
i, j
i, j
= 1KKL(U ||P
i, j
+ = O
= log(p
+ = O
until convergence
3.3 Effects of Temperature Scaling onto
OOD Detection
The loss (4) encourages high entropy of the soft-
max output in outlier pixels. This improves the out-
lier detection performance with respect to the stan-
dard cross-entropy loss. However, OOD accuracy can
be further improved by applying temperature scaling
during the inference phase (Guo et al., 2017; Liang
et al., 2018). Dividing pre-softmax logits with a con-
stant T > 1 moves the softmax output of every sample
closer (but not equally closer) to the uniform distribu-
tion. We empirically show that such practice yields
more appropriate values of the scoring function s and
enables recognition of some previously undetected
outliers (Liang et al., 2018).
We observe that dense classifiers tend to assign a
low max-softmax score in pixels at semantic borders.
Consequently, any of these pixels end up wrongly
classified as outliers. This happens because the border
pixels typically have two dominant logits (belonging
to the two neighboring classes), while the other logits
have significantly smaller values. On the other hand,
undetected outlier pixels do not follow such pattern.
It is easy to show that temperature scaling influences
more the max-softmax score in pixels with homoge-
neous non-maximum logits than in pixels with two
dominant logits. This practice improves separation of
OOD score between border and outlier pixels, as well
as the general OOD detection performance.
Dense Open-set Recognition with Synthetic Outliers Generated by Real NVP
Table 1: OOD detection performance of the VGG13 model (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) trained on the CIFAR10 dataset.
The RNVP-based approach outperforms both the max-softmax baseline (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017) and the GAN-based
approach (Lee et al., 2018) across multiple OOD datasets and metrics. Our RNVP-based approach achieves 85.98% accuracy
on the SVHN test set, while the GAN-based approach achieves 80.27%.
TNR at TPR 95% AUROC OOD det. acc.
OOD dataset Baseline / GAN outliers / RNVP outliers (ours)
SVHN 14.0/12.7/14.8 46.2/46.2/83.0 66.9/65.9/78.9
LSUN (resize) 14.0/26.8/46.5 40.8/61.9/87.5 63.2/73.2/79.3
TinyImageNet (resize) 14.0/28.1/33.7 39.8/66.2/79.7 62.9/73.2/73.3
We propose a novel OOD detection dataset which we
obtained by relabeling the Mapillary Vistas (Neuhold
et al., 2017) dataset. The original Vistas dataset
consists of 18 000 training images and 2 000 valida-
tion images with 66 classes. We propose to use hu-
man classes as outliers due to their dispersion across
scenes and visual diversity from other objects. We
create a novel dense OOD dataset by excluding all
images with class person and the three rider classes
to the test subset. Consequently, our dataset has 8 003
train images and 830 validation images. The test
set contains 11 167 images (8 003 + 830 + 11 167 =
20000). We refer to our dataset as Vistas-NP (no per-
The obtained dataset is similar to BDD-Anomaly
(Hendrycks et al., 2019a) which selects the classes
motorcycle and train classes as visual anomalies.
However, the class motorcycle is often visually alike
to class bike, while the class train is often visually
similar to class bus. Therefore, the error of recogniz-
ing an OOD pixel on a motorcycle as a bike receives
an equal penalty as the error of recognizing that pixel
as a person. We believe that choosing persons as out-
liers is a more sensible choice since the whole cate-
gory is removed from the dataset. Another advantage
of Vistas dataset is better variety. All images from
BDD dataset originate from the USA. Contrary, the
Mapillary Vistas dataset contains a more extensive set
of world-wide driving scenes.
Table 2 shows a comparison of the Vistas-NP test
vs. FS Lost & Found (Blum et al., 2019) and BDD-
Anomaly (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) test. FS Lost &
Found contains 100 publicly available images while
BDD-Anomaly test set includes 361 images. Our test
subset has significantly more images with diverse in-
stances of anomaly classes. Consequently, Vistas-NP
is able to provide a more comprehensive insight into
OOD detection performance.
Table 2: Comparison of Vistas-NP (ours) with respect to
FS Lost & Found (Blum et al., 2019) and BDD-Anomaly
(Hendrycks et al., 2019a). Note that FS Lost & Found rec-
ommends training on Cityscapes.
Vistas-NP (ours) FS L&F BDD-A
Label shares (%)
Inlier 94.2 81.2 82.3
Outlier 0.6 0.2 0.8
Ignore 5.2 18.6 16.9
Number of images
Train 8 003 5 000 6 688
Test 11 167 100 361
We explore open-set recognition performance of the
proposed RNVP-based approach. We first address
the image-wide setup on CIFAR-10, where we com-
pare the outlier detection performance of our RNVP-
based approach with the original GAN-based ap-
proach (Lee et al., 2018) and the max-softmax base-
line (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017). Subsequently,
we evaluate an adaptation of our approach for dense
prediction as proposed in 3.2. We demonstrate effec-
tiveness on public open-set recognition datasets (Lost
& Found, WD-Pascal, and StreetHazards) as well as
on the proposed novel dataset Vistas-NP.
5.1 Image-wide OOD Detection
We evaluate our image-wide open-set recognition
approach in experiments with the VGG-13 back-
bone (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) on CIFAR-10
(Krizhevsky et al., 2009). We evaluate OOD detec-
tion performance using multiple threshold-free met-
rics (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017) on outliers from
LSUN (Yu et al., 2015) and Tiny-ImageNet. We use
the maximum softmax probability (MSP) as a base-
We compare our RNVP-based method with the
original formulation of this method, which is based
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
on adversarial generative training (Lee et al., 2018).
We demonstrate advantage of RNVP-based setup in
experiments with the same setup as proposed in (Lee
et al., 2018). Table 1 shows the resulting OOD de-
tection performance. Our RNVP-based approach out-
performs other approaches across all metrics without
losing the classification accuracy. We train the classi-
fier for 100 epochs with batch size 64. In contrast to
(Lee et al., 2018), we set the loss-modulation hyper-
parameter λ = 1 and do not validate it for a particu-
lar OOD dataset. The employed RNVP model con-
sists of 3 residual blocks with 32 feature maps in
every coupling layer. Downsampling is performed
twice. RNVP’s parameters are optimized with Adam
optimizer. The training lasts for approximately 10
hours on a single NVIDIA Titan Xp GPU. Max mem-
ory allocation peaks at 1.3 GB with gradient check-
pointing (Chen et al., 2016) of RNVP and 2.3 GB
without checkpointing. Note that (Lee et al., 2018)
also reports results for a different setup where outlier
samples are sampled from external negative datasets.
Those results are not relevant in the scope of this
5.2 Dense Open-set Recognition
We consider a dense open-set recognition approach
which jointly trains a generative model of synthetic
outliers as described in 3.2. We use a Ladder-style
DenseNet-121 (Kre
so et al., 2020) (LDN-121) on
all datasets. LDN-121 is chosen due to its memory
efficiency and prediction accuracy. Note that the pro-
posed procedure is independent from the particular
dense prediction model. We always train on random
512 × 512 crops which we sample from images
resized to 512 pixels (shorter edge). We preserve
the original label resolution for all datasets except
Vistas-NP. Labels of the Vistas-NP dataset are resized
to 512 pixels. The output of LDN-121 is bilinearly
upsampled to the matching label resolution. During
the training we use the batch size 6 (this would not be
possible without checkpointing) and set λ to 1 10
The temperature scaling procedure uses T = 2
for softmax entropy and T = 10 for max-softmax
OOD score. The value of λ is chosen in a way that
it does not affect model’s semantic segmentation
performance on one held-out training image, while
the parameter T is choosen so it gives the best
OOD results on the held-out image. Parameters of
LDN-121 are optimized using Adam optimizer with
learning rate 1 10
for backbone parameters and
4 10
for upsampling path. For LDN-121 we
decay learning rate throughout epochs using cosine
annealing procedure to minimal value of 1 10
Additionally, LDN’s backbone is initialized with
ImageNet weights. Architecture of RNVP consists of
3 residual blocks with 32 feature maps in every cou-
pling layer. Downsampling is performed three times.
Parameters of RNVP are optimized using Adam
with default hyperparameters. The generated outliers
have spatial dimensions uniformly selected from the
set {64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144}.
Consequently, each outlier takes 1.5-8% of the image
We demonstrate general applicability of the pro-
posed method by training it on Cityscapes (Cordts
et al., 2016) and testing dense outlier detection perfor-
mance on Fishyscapes Lost and Found (Blum et al.,
2019). We train all models for 54k iterations. We test
the contribution of our jointly trained model by substi-
tuting synthetic outliers with Gaussian noise. We re-
fer to this baseline as LDN + noise. Table 3 shows sig-
nificant improvement of the proposed approach with
respect to both baselines. The first two columns show
the tested model and the achieved mIoU accuracy
on the Cityscapes validation subset. The last two
columns show OOD detection performance, where
AP stands for average precision while F95 stands for
TPR at FPR 95%. We show the performance of our
models when outliers are detected using the max-
softmax probability (MSP) and the entropy of soft-
max output (H).
Figure 3 shows qualitative results on FS Lost &
Found. Ideally, OOD pixels should be painted in red
which signals low-confidence predictions. The base-
line fails to detect two boxes at the road as anomalies,
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Model performance on FS Lost & Found dataset (Blum et al., 2019). Figure (a) shows the original image. Figure
(b) shows the output of baseline model, while figure (c) shows the output of the model trained in the proposed setup. Our
approach significantly improves the dense OOD detection performance.
Dense Open-set Recognition with Synthetic Outliers Generated by Real NVP
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Qualitative results on a StreetHazard test image in which the outlier object corresponds to a helicopter. We show
the input image (a), dense open-set prediction by the proposed method (b), and the ground-truth labels (c). Outlier objects are
marked in white. A pixel is marked as outlier if the corresponding max-softmax OOD score is higher than 80%.
Table 3: Dense open-set recognition on Fishyscapes Lost
& Found (Blum et al., 2019) with LDN-121 (Kre
so et al.,
2020). Models are trained on Cityscapes dataset (Cordts
et al., 2016). SO denotes synthetic outliers. AP stands for
average precision, while F95 represents TPR at FPR 95%.
Citysc. FS L&F
Model mIoU AP F95
LDN, MSP (baseline) 72.1 3.9 30.8
LDN + noise 71.3 4.9 27.0
LDN+SO, T=1, MSP 71.5 6.8 26.8
LDN+SO, T=1, H 71.5 12.5 26.0
LDN+SO, T=10, MSP 71.5 16.5 23.3
while the proposed model performs much better.
Our training lasts for 94k iterations. We also test
the LDN-121 using the proposed Vistas-NP dataset.
As before, our OOD detection baseline is a discrimi-
natively trained closed-set model activated with max-
softmax. Table 4 shows the resulting dense open-
set recognition performance. The first two columns
correspond to the mIoU and the AP performance on
the test split. The last column corespons to AP per-
formance on WD-Pascal
(Bevandic et al., 2019).
Note that WD-Pascal contains people marked as in-
liers. However, there are only few images with people
so they do not affect average precision score signifi-
cantly. The bottom section of the table illustrates ad-
vantages of softmax entropy and temperature scaling.
Finally, we evaluate the proposed method on the
StreetHazards (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) dataset. The
dataset contains 12 training classes. As proposed in
(Hendrycks et al., 2019a), we calculate average preci-
sion for every image and report the mean value. The
model is trained for 43k iterations. Table 5 presents
the obtained results and compares it with the previ-
ous work. We achieve the best AUROC score, equal
the best AP score, and outperform all previous ap-
proaches with respect to segmentation accuracy by
a wide margin. Note that the best method (Franchi
et al., 2020) uses ensemble learning.
Figure 4 shows results of LDN-121 trained in the
2 od
Table 4: Dense open-set recognition with LDN-121 (Kre
et al., 2020) trained on the Vistas-NP dataset. Our model
improves dense OOD detection on both Vistas-NP test set
and WD-Pascal (Bevandic et al., 2019) without impairing
the segmentation accuracy.
Vistas-NP WD-Psc.
Model mIoU AP AP
LDN, MSP (baseline) 61.5 8.6 7.0
LDN+SO, T=1, MSP 61.6 9.3 14.1
LDN+SO, T=1, H 61.6 13.7 17.8
LDN+SO, T=10, MSP 61.6 16.2 20.5
LDN+SO, T=2, H 61.6 16.9 21.5
proposed procedure. We mark pixels as outliers if the
max-softmax score is higher than 80%. Parameter T
is set to 10.
The proposed procedure consumes different
amounts of GPU memory depending on the spatial di-
mensions of generated outliers. We asses the memory
consumption using NVIDIA Titan Xp and batch size
4. We measure memory allocation of 9.61 GB for
maximal outlier size, while the minimal outlier size
consumes 7.88 GB of memory. When we apply the
gradient checkpointing, memory allocation peaks at
5.55 GB, while the minimal allocation equals to 4.92
GB. Information about the GPU memory allocation is
obtained using torch.cuda.max memory allocated().
We have presented a novel dense open-set recogni-
tion approach based on discriminative training with
jointly trained synthetic outliers. The synthetic out-
liers are obtained by sampling a generative model
based on normalized flow that is trained alongside a
dense discriminative model in order to produce sam-
ples at the border of the training distribution. We
paste the generated samples into densely annotated
training images, and learn dense open-set recognition
models which perform simultaneous semantic seg-
mentation and dense outlier detection. Experiments
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 5: Results on StreetHazards (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) dataset. Our method equals the best AP score, achieves the best
AUROC score and the third best FPR95. Additionally, we achieve the best mIoU accuracy.
LDN, MSP (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017) 56.2 7.3 30.8 89.0
Dropout (Gal and Ghahramani, 2016)(Xia et al., 2020) / 7.5 79.4 69.9
AE (Baur et al., 2018)(Xia et al., 2020) / 2.2 91.7 66.1
MSP + CRF (Hendrycks et al., 2019a) / 6.5 29.9 88.1
SynthCP, t=1 (Xia et al., 2020) / 8.1 46.0 81.9
SynthCP, t=0.999 (Xia et al., 2020) / 9.3 28.4 88.5
Ensemble OVA (Franchi et al., 2020) 54.0 12.7 21.9 91.6
OVNNI (Franchi et al., 2020) 54.6 12.6 22.2 91.2
LDN + SO, T=1, MSP 59.7 8.6 26.1 90.2
LDN + SO, T=10, MSP 59.7 12.1 29.1 90.8
LDN + SO, T=1, H 59.7 11.3 25.7 91.1
LDN + SO, T=2, H 59.7 12.7 25.2 91.7
on CIFAR-10 show that synthetic outliers generated
by RNVP lead to better open-set performance then
their GAN counterparts. We present dense open-set
recognition experiments on a novel dataset which we
call Vistas-NP, as well as on three public datasets
which were proposed in the prior work. The pro-
posed approach is competitive with respect to the state
of the art on the StreetHazards dataset. Additionally,
we outperform baselines on two other dense OOD de-
tection datasets. Suitable avenues for future work in-
clude increasing the capacity of the generative model,
combining the proposed approach with noisy outliers
from some large general-purpose dataset, and devis-
ing more involved approaches for simultaneous dis-
criminative and generative modeling.
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c, Marin Or
c and Jakob
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been supported by the European Regional Devel-
opment Fund under the project ”A-UNIT - Re-
search and development of an advanced unit for au-
tonomous control of mobile vehicles in logistics”
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