of users. For this purpose gamification can be again
used in form of collection of points for actions which
positively affect energy status (e.g. closing windows
while air condition is on). In this case the application
can provide the users with hints how their behavior
can efficiently improve their working environments.
In this paper we have presented a novel approach for
building information monitoring via crowdsourcing
and gamification. The core of our methodology is
the mobile application which allows employees of the
building to use their mobile devices as sensors and re-
port the information about building elements in time.
The users can then collect points for information re-
porting and compete with each other to win the prize.
We enhanced the 3D BIM model of a building with
temporal data to store the gathered monitoring infor-
mation. On top of data model in our method we built a
webGL application to visualize collected data in real
time on the 3D model. We conducted a three-months
experiment in the use case building and we evalu-
ated our gamification approach using post-experiment
The findings from our experiment indicate that
while monitoring devices are preferred way for build-
ing information collection, our gamification approach
can be also accepted and valid methodology for this
task. The main benefits of our method in compari-
son to monitoring devices is higher privacy and en-
joyment factor. One of our main findings is that mo-
tivation is a critical aspect in user-oriented data col-
lection and it needs to be specifically addressed from
the very beginning of the project. A vital future uti-
lization of gamification in facility management could
be to not only passively monitor data but to actively
influence energy efficiency by user actions. As future
outlook, the proposed concept will enable the main-
tenance of digital twins throughout the life cycle of
buildings (the structural changes of building elements
are automatically adopted in the BIM model). We be-
lieve that continuation of research on this topic will
allow alternative building monitoring approaches, like
gamification, to be more practical and closer to the de-
ployment in real-world scenario.
We would like to thank the participants of our study
for their dedication in using our mobile application
for data collection and for their patience with imper-
fections in our implementation. This research was
funded by Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innova-
tion and Technology through the Austrian research
promotion agency FFG under grant no. 867314.
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Building Information Monitoring via Gamification