Table 4: Reduction rate of false expression changes (FECs)
between frames of R-CNN framework with the adoption of
HMM compared to solely Faster R-CNN. Boldface num-
bers indicate the highest score.
Clinic Youtube
Discomfort - Unhappy 0.337 0.474
Unhhappy - Discomfort 0.409 0.563
Discomfort - Other 0.649 0.352
Other - Discomfort 0.610 0.325
Unhappy - Other 0.587 0.489
Other - Unhappy 0.651 0.483
In our experiment, the algorithm is executed on
a GTX-1080ti GPU, which achieves a frame rate of
7 fps. It can be assumed that with a more advanced
GPU, or combining a tracking method, the computa-
tion speed will increase, and therefore allows model
usage in a real-time infant monitoring system.
This paper has proposed a near real-time video-based
infant monitoring system, using Faster R-CNN com-
bined with a Hidden Markov Model. The HMM in-
creases the stability of decision making over time
and reduces the noise in expressions. Differentiating
from the conventional methods applying face detec-
tion and expression classification separately, we have
trained a ConvNet detector that directly outputs the
expressions. The experimental results have shown an
AP achieving up to 90.3% for discomfort detection,
which provides a dramatic accuracy increase com-
pared to conventional methods (larger than 50%). The
high-accuracy discomfort detection can be combined
with some disease analysis such as GERD. In addi-
tion, the consistency of the system output is evalu-
ated, and the experimental results have shown that the
false expression changes between frames can be sig-
nificantly reduced with a temporal analysis. In the
future, as more video sequences of infants become
available, we will train our expression classifier and
temporal analysis end-to-end.
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