functionalities reduce the cognitive workload of the
user and make the annotation process more intuitive.
For future work, several additions can be con-
sidered to further enhance the efficiency of our pro-
posed pipeline. For example, distinguishing objects
of interest from static background in 3D point clouds
is a challenging task. By adding ground-plane and
background removal algorithms as part of the pre-
processing pipeline for depth maps, distracting ele-
ments can be removed from the scene, allowing the
user to identify and annotate objects with greater ease.
Furthermore, depth points inside 3D bounding boxes
can be projected to an already segmented RGB im-
age to automatically infer depth segmentation masks,
leaving the user to only remove or add individual
points, if necessary.
We would like to thank every participant in the user
study for their time and efforts. This work was par-
tially funded by the German Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation and Research in the context of the project EN-
NOS (13N14975).
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications