On the Double Interpretation of the Description of the “Consistency and
Standards” Heuristic in the Heuristic Evaluation Method
Bruno Thom
e J
unior, Lucas de Souza Tim
Wagner Ferreira da Silva J
unior and Celmar Guimar
aes da Silva
School of Technology, University of Campinas, Limeira, Brazil
Heuristic Evaluation, Consistency.
Heuristic Evaluation (HE) is a well-known method for assessing usability in Human-Computer Interaction.
Among Nielsen’s usability heuristics for HE, ”Consistency and standards” heuristic (H4) is related to con-
sistency, a relevant concept for usability. However, the description of this heuristic does not deal with some
relevant aspects of the concept of consistency. Therefore, the literal interpretation of this description can force
some evaluators to search for another heuristic to associate with some inconsistency problems a search that
may or may not be successful. This paper is part of a research that questions if the description of this heuristic
must be improved. In particular, this paper aims to understand how evaluators may behave when they do this
literal interpretation during the execution of a HE. Our first step towards these goals was to analyze Nielsen’s
heuristics in order to search if other heuristics than H4 also have consistency aspects. We also hypothesized
how some evaluators may associate these heuristics with specific inconsistency problems. We noted that at
least 5 heuristics (in addition to H4) have some aspect of consistency. Besides, we observed that it is possible
to construct a logical reasoning that may associate inconsistency problems to one of these heuristics. We sug-
gest that it is worth doing a discussion about extending the current description of the consistency heuristic to
include more aspects of consistency, instead of allowing this literal interpretation to deviate evaluators from
the expected interpretation of H4 heuristic.
Heuristic Evaluation (HE) is a well-known user inter-
face evaluation method in Human-Computer Interac-
tion (HCI) area. It is an inspection method introduced
by Nielsen and Molich (1990) that aims to reveal us-
ability problems without the need of user participa-
tion in the evaluation process. Its authors based their
research on an extensive set of guidelines. They sum-
marized them into nine heuristics, which were further
refined to ten heuristics (Nielsen and Molich, 1990;
Nielsen, 1994) (which we will refer to as “Nielsen’s
heuristics”, for short).
Despite its widespread acceptation and use for
more than 25 years by the HCI community, we ob-
served that the Nielsen’s heuristics hide some sub-
tleties that may confuse novice evaluators (as we
observed in HCI classes about HE), and that may
be invisible to many of the expert ones. In this
paper we focus on the fourth heuristic (“Consistency
and standards”, or H4 for short), which is related
to the concept of consistency. It is known that de-
signers must strive for consistency (Shneiderman and
Plaisant, 2004) in many aspects, such as consistency
among screens of the same software, or between the
designers’ and the users’ mental models. However,
the H4 heuristic states only that “Users should not
have to wonder whether different words, situations, or
actions mean the same thing” and that they must “Fol-
low platform conventions” (Nielsen, 1994). In other
words, this description is only related to parts of the
concept of consistency.
We hypothesize that this conciseness may be a
source of ambiguity for evaluators. On the one hand,
we believe that some evaluators may link every incon-
sistency problem to H4, even when this problem is not
related to the description of this heuristic. This may
happen due to two situations at least. First, it may
be an oversimplification of the problem by the novice
evaluator, to which every inconsistency undoubtedly
matches the heuristic “Consistency and standards”
(regardless its description), as we observed in some
classes about HE. Second, the expert evaluator con-
Thomé Júnior, B., Timóteo, L., Silva Júnior, W. and Guimarães da Silva, C.
On the Double Interpretation of the Description of the “Consistency and Standards” Heuristic in the Heuristic Evaluation Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010313002220228
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sciously extends the meaning of the H4’s description
to cover complementary aspects of consistency due to
his experience with HCI (as in the detailed version
of H4’s description presented by Abulfaraj and Steele
On the other hand, we think that part of the evalu-
ators will try to follow literally the description of the
heuristic. This may happen when the novice evalua-
tor is executing a heuristic evaluation by the first time
and follows exactly the heuristics’ descriptions (as we
also observed in HCI classes), or because the evalua-
tors simply believe that the description of H4 defines
all possibilities covered by the heuristic. When con-
sidering this literal meaning of the H4’s description,
they may discover that a given inconsistency problem
does not fit this description. In this case, they will
probably try to find another heuristic that can cap-
ture some aspects of the inconsistency problem under
This research focus on this double interpretation
of H4: the generalized interpretation of the H4’s de-
scription versus its literal meaning. In a broad sense,
given this duplicity, we want to discover how evalu-
ators perceive the meaning of H4 and of its descrip-
tion, and if it needs changes to be better understood
and used.
As a preliminary step towards this direction, this
paper aims to explore situations in which an evaluator,
focused on the literal meaning of H4’s description,
faces an inconsistency problem that does not fit this
description. First of all, we argue that some consis-
tency aspects are also present in other of the Nielsen’s
heuristics. Considering this argument, we hypothe-
size that this kind of evaluator will try to find another
heuristic with complementary consistency aspects to
associate with the inconsistency problem under anal-
ysis. We suggest that both interpretations enable eval-
uators to detect inconsistency problems through HE.
However, we argue that a better description of H4
would help evaluators to group all the consistency-
related problems they found, instead of distributing
them over a set of heuristics. Besides, this improved
description may reduce the learning curve of HE by
novice evaluators and also may enable a consistent
use of the “Consistency and standards” heuristic.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents some works related to the concept of con-
sistency, including mismatches related to the clas-
sification of inconsistency problems in a HE. Sec-
tion 3 points out some consistency aspects we found
in Nielsen’s heuristics other than H4. It also illustrates
how inconsistency problems may be associated with
these heuristics. Besides, this section argues about the
need to change the H4’s description to embrace more
aspects of consistency. Section 4 concludes the paper
and points out future work.
This section briefly discusses some aspects of the con-
cept of consistency and presents some classifications
of these aspects. Besides, it presents some works that
sought to broaden the understanding or coverage of
Nielsen’s heuristics. It also makes some considera-
tions about the execution of HE by novice evaluators
and their expected failures during this evaluation.
The term “consistency” has many embedded as-
pects. Some of them are registered in the works
of Nielsen and Molich (Molich and Nielsen, 1990;
Nielsen and Molich, 1990; Nielsen, 1994) and Shnei-
derman and Plaisant (2004). When Molich and
Nielsen published their first nine heuristics (Molich
and Nielsen, 1990), they called evaluators’ attention
for consistency in their HE method, with a heuristic
called “Be consistent”. According to its description,
“Users should not have to wonder whether different
words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. A
particular system action when appropriate – should
always be achievable by one particular user action.
Consistency also means coordination between sub-
systems and between major independent systems with
common user populations”.
Four years after the publication of these heuristics,
Nielsen (1994) changed the set of heuristics and re-
placed this heuristic by a new one called “Consistency
and standards” (which is the focus of this paper, and
was already presented at the Introduction section). Its
description became more concise than the previous
one, and part of the description related to the com-
parison among systems was lost.
The eight golden rules of interface design from
Shneiderman and Plaisant (2004) also include a rule
related to consistency: “Strive for consistency”. It is
related to some forms of consistency, such as using
consistent sequences of actions for similar situations,
and using identical terminology and formatting (col-
ors, layout, fonts etc.) throughout the system.
Rocha and Baranauskas (2003) goes even further
by indicating the relevance of achieving consistency
throughout all the media that composes the interface:
screens, help, training material and so on.
Consistency is also related to accessibility.
When the Nielsen’s heuristics are compared with
the WCAG (Web-Content Accessibility Guidelines)
(W3C, 2008), consistency is partially related to the
principles “Operable” and “Understandable” (Casare
et al., 2019). In other words, a consistent interface
On the Double Interpretation of the Description of the “Consistency and Standards” Heuristic in the Heuristic Evaluation Method
may be easier to understand and operate.
Some authors tried to classify some aspects of the
concept of consistency. Tanaka et al. (1991) (apud
AlTaboli and Abou-Zeid (2007)) present two possible
classifications of consistency. In the first one, internal
consistency refers to consistency within a task, and
external consistency is related to consistency among
distinct tasks (such as in the heuristic “Be consis-
tent”). A second classification defines cognitive con-
sistency as “the consistency in what the user knows”,
and display consistency as “the consistency in the
layout of screen displays” (AlTaboli and Abou-Zeid,
Other authors (Kellogg, 1989; Schlatter and
Levinson, 2013; Moran, 2020) define the terms “in-
ternal” and “external” in a different way. They call
internal consistency the consistency between screens
of an application or a family of products, and external
consistency the consistency between applications. We
will use these definitions along this paper.
Some expert evaluators recommend to verify these
last two aspects of consistency during a HE. Salgado
et al. (2016) surveyed a set of 38 tactics suggested by
experts to improve the performance of novice evalu-
ators when they are executing a Heuristic Evaluation.
Three of these tactics are directly related to H4. First,
the tactic T12 is related to the analysis of whether
there is a consistent use of terms (or other interface
elements) when referring to a same content. The tac-
tic T13 states that evaluators should verify the con-
sistency about causes and effects, i.e., if similar ac-
tions cause similar effects in the interface. Finally,
the tactic T14 suggests that evaluators must analyze if
the application is consistent with other similar appli-
cations already known by the users. In other words,
T14 is a tactic related to external consistency, and T12
and T13 refer to internal consistency.
Some works focus on enhancing the comprehen-
sion (Abulfaraj and Steele, 2020) or the coverage
(Granollers, 2018a,b; Pribeanu, 2017) of the Nielsen’s
heuristics. Abulfaraj and Steele (2020) provided a de-
tailed version of these heuristics, based on descrip-
tions of each heuristic provided by experts. They
split H4 into two subheuristics: “Consistency” and
“Standards”. “Consistency” is related to internal con-
sistency and is divided into consistency of meaning,
function, effort, organization, and feeling. In its turn,
“Standards” is related to external consistency.
Granollers (2018a,b) proposed a combination be-
tween Nielsen’s heuristics and Tognazzini’s princi-
ples of interaction design. This combination also has
a ”Consistency and standards” heuristic that is de-
tailed in the following questions to be answered by
the evaluator:
Do link labels have the same names as their desti-
Do the same actions always have the same results?
Do the icons have the same meaning everywhere?
Is the information displayed consistently on every
Are the colours of the links standard? If not, are
they suitable for its use?
Do navigation elements follow the standards?
(Buttons, check box, ...)
Pribeanu (2017) merged Nielsen’s heuristics and
ergonomic criteria. His new list of heuristics has 14
heuristics that were grouped into the following gen-
eral ergonomic criteria: user guidance, user effort,
user control and freedom, and user support. He also
provided detailed versions of each heuristic. In partic-
ular, his consistency heuristic considered the follow-
ing items:
Provide similar phrasing, text justification, color,
and punctuation.
Display similar objects (windows, menus, exit
buttons, etc.) in the same way and at the same
Provide similar procedures for similar functions
and tasks.
Follow platform conventions.
It is worth noting that the works of Abulfaraj
and Steele (2020), Granollers (2018b,a), and Pribeanu
(2017) did not use the Nielsen’s definition of H4.
They provided their own definitions with more details
about their consistency heuristics, aiming to guide
evaluators’ comprehension about them.
Regarding classification mismatches related to
H4, a relevant work from Salgado and Fortes (2016)
surveyed the number of expert evaluators (among 13
ones) that believed that novice evaluators would asso-
ciate with a heuristic b a problem that should be asso-
ciated with heuristic a. For the problems in which a is
H4, 10 of the experts supposed that novice evaluators
could mistakenly associate a given consistency prob-
lem with the heuristic “Match between system and the
real world”. Besides, 5, 4, and 4 experts, respectively,
supposed that novice evaluators can erroneously re-
late the problem to the heuristics “Recognition rather
than recall”, Aesthetic and minimalist design”, and
“Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
errors”. For each one of the other heuristics, 2 or 3
experts believe that the problem is related to that par-
ticular heuristic and not to H4. This research indicates
that expert evaluators expect some kind of confusion
regarding the classification of problems related to the
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
H4 heuristic. However, the paper does not discuss
why this mismatching may happen.
In summary, consistency is a relevant concept of
usability and has some facets that should be consid-
ered by novice and expert evaluators. Particularly,
it is possible that novice and expert evaluators link
inconsistency problems to different heuristics (which
may not be an illogical choice, as we will explain
later). Regarding the consistency heuristic, the sug-
gested tactics for novice evaluators to avoid wrong
classifications are to pay attention to both internal
and external consistency concepts during the execu-
tion of the HE. This suggests that these aspects could
be added to the description of H4.
In the current work, our first step was to identify
consistency concepts that we observed inside the
Nielsen’s heuristics (except H4). Next, we analyzed
examples of inconsistencies related to these concepts
and that are not related to the literal description of
H4. Each example was associated with a heuristic that
could capture the consistency aspect related to the us-
ability problem under analysis.
3.1 Consistency Concepts inside
Despite the existence of the heuristic “Consistency
and standards”, which is clearly related to consis-
tency, we noted that some of the other Nielsen’s
heuristics also have aspects related to consistency, and
that these aspects are not covered by the literal de-
scription of H4. We list some of these heuristics in
this section.
First of all, the heuristic “Match between system
and the real world” (H2) has the following descrip-
tion: “The system should speak the users’ language,
with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user,
rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world
conventions, making information appear in a natu-
ral and logical order” (Nielsen, 1994). However, if
we rephrase this description, its consistency-related
aspects become evident: “The system should speak
the users’ language: it should use words, phrases
and concepts that are consistent with those known by
users, rather than system-oriented terms. Be consis-
tent with real-world conventions, making information
appear in a natural and logical order”. In other words,
this heuristic could be renamed to Consistency be-
tween system and the real world”.
Other heuristics cannot be easily rephrased to in-
clude the concept of consistency, but are also related
to it. As a first example, the heuristic “Error preven-
tion” (H5) states that designers must prevent a prob-
lem from occurring instead of presenting good error
messages. A careful design that prevents an error to
occur is consistent with designer’s and user’s mental
“Recognition rather than recall” (H6) is another
example of a heuristic that is not easily related to con-
sistency. However, suppose a situation in which a sys-
tem has two parts, and a same button in both. The
button has distinct functions in each part. Users must
remember that the button in part 1 has a distinct mean-
ing from the button in part 2. This may also be seen
as an inconsistency problem to be solved.
As a third case, the heuristic Aesthetic and min-
imalist design” (H8) states that “Dialogues should
not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely
needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue
competes with the relevant units of information and
diminishes their relative visibility”. We understand
that inconsistencies such as wrong formatting, unnec-
essary repetition of objects, blank screens or screens
without information are problems that compete with
the content of a site, and then they may be associated
with this heuristic.
Last but not least, the heuristic “Help and docu-
mentation” (H10) defines that the system and its help
should be consistent to each other.
All of these situations focused on internal consis-
tency. They are not an exhaustive list, but they point
out that some inconsistency problems may be associ-
ated with H4 (in the generalized interpretation of H4’s
description) or to one of the other five heuristics dis-
cussed in this section (if the literal description of H4 is
considered). That is, there is a chance of association
between an inconsistency problem unrelated to H4’s
description and another heuristic. However, it is not
possible to ensure that the heuristics other than H4
can be associated with every inconsistency problem
not related to H4’s description. This is an argument
in favour of improving the description of H4.
It is worth noting that 3 of our situations (H2, H6,
and H8) are also cited by Salgado and Fortes (2016)
as part of the “top 4” problems regarding classifica-
tion of consistency problems. Given that our analysis
was made without prior knowledge about their work,
this intersection signalizes that the literal interpreta-
tion of H4’s description may be a cause for some of
the problems they cite.
On the Double Interpretation of the Description of the “Consistency and Standards” Heuristic in the Heuristic Evaluation Method
Figure 1: Distinct menus in Portuguese (top) and English
(bottom) versions of the same site.
3.2 HE Considering H4’s Literal
In this section we exemplify some real-world usabil-
ity problems that are related to consistency and that
do not fit the H4’s description. We associate each of
these problems with another heuristic than H4, and
present explanations about the choice we made.
Distinct versions of the same website, for dis-
tinct languages, do not have the same con-
tent. As an example, a website in Portuguese
has a simplified English version of its content
for foreigners, with less content and a menu
with less options. In Figure 1 (top), the blue
menu has the options ”Apresentac¸
ao” (Presenta-
tion), ”Coordenac¸
ao de Curso” (Course Coordi-
nation), Comiss
oes (”Commissions”), ”Cursos”
(Courses), and ”Disciplinas e hor
arios” (Subjects
and schedules). In Figure 1 (bottom), the options
have names of courses. These versions are there-
fore inconsistent with each other. If we consider
that in the real world a translation does not re-
move parts of the original text or change its struc-
ture, we can classify this problem as disregarding
the heuristic “Match between system and the real
world” (H2).
Distinct links are so close that they seem to be a
single one. Figure 2 illustrates this situation. The
figure shows a list of five bullets. In each bul-
Figure 2: Each of the last three bullets have two links. Each
of the two first bullets also have two links, but they are con-
catenated and seems to be just one link.
let we have two distinct links, but in the first two
these links are concatenated. Probably this situa-
tion happened due to an incorrect link reuse. The
use of a “2-in-1 link” is not consistent with the
link usage in web pages, and this may lead users
to select a wrong link. Therefore, the heuristic
“Error prevention” fits this situation.
Using two languages in a same screen without a
clear reason. Some websites whose content is
written in a given language present contents in
other languages. This may be due to the use of
interface components that are not correctly con-
figured or translated. As an example, web pages
from laboratories of an institute have content in
Portuguese, except one that is in English. It is a
consistency problem, but it is not related to H4’s
description. If a user wants to navigate in this
page and has no knowledge about English lan-
guage, he may need to rely on his previous ex-
perience regarding the interaction with the pages
of other laboratories in Portuguese. Therefore, the
heuristic “Recognition rather than recall” may be
associated with this problem.
A text has a format that is inconsistent with the
format of other texts with similar function in the
screen, without a clear reason. For example, in
Figure 3, the description of a course is in bold,
and the description of other courses is not. Given
that the description of H4’s does not cover this
case, evaluators may consider this situation as an
aesthetic problem. In this case, the bold font is
an extra unit of information that may diminish the
relative visibility of the other course descriptions.
Therefore, it violates the heuristic Aesthetic and
minimalist design”.
Showing contentless or incomplete web pages. A
typical example of this situation is a page that has
only the message “coming soon” or “under con-
struction” (Figure 4). When a web page points
to this kind of problematic pages, an evaluator
may define this case as an inconsistency problem.
HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 3: A web site using bold for the description of
one course (Transport Engineering) and normal font for the
other descriptions.
Figure 4: A web site with a menu, a title “TEAM” and a
message “Coming soon”.
In other words, it would be consistent to provide
links that point to pages with useful information.
Again, H4’s description does not cover this case.
We may consider that this problem disrespect the
heuristic Aesthetic and minimalist design”, given
that the interface provides a useless link that could
be removed.
Using symbols with unknown meaning for the
user. The use of a symbol whose meaning is not
clear for the target users may be explained as an
inconsistency between the symbols that the sys-
tem uses and the ones that the users know. For ex-
ample, a button with the symbol “@” that sends
an e-mail to a person in his profile page is use-
less if the user does not understand the “@” as a
kind of abbreviation to the concept of e-mail (Fig-
ure 5). The heuristic “Match between system and
the real world” (H2) is directly related to this kind
of usability problem. Note that, as we already ar-
gued, the proposed match is a kind of consistency,
but with a particular heuristic that should be used
instead of H4.
Figure 5: The char “@” as a link to a personal e-mail.
It is worth reinforcing that in all these cases the
concept of consistency is present, but the description
of the consistency heuristic is not related to them.
3.3 Discussion
The last two subsections presented some situations
that violate the concept of consistency but that are not
related to the description of H4. They revealed how
restrict is this description, and why some evaluators,
with focus on the description, may try to select other
heuristics than H4 for an inconsistency problem.
We presented in Section 3.2 a reasoning that
elected other heuristics instead of the consistency
heuristic when its description is not applicable to a
given inconsistency problem. However, considering
that the heuristics should be easy to learn, we believe
that it would be relevant to the HCI community to
think about expanding the description of H4 to in-
clude other inconsistency situations. As a matter of
fact, we believe that the inclusion of the concepts of
internal and external consistency even that quickly
explained inside the heuristic’s description would
be of great help for evaluators, and mainly for novice
In this paper, we argued that a literal interpreta-
tion of the description of ”Consistency and stan-
dards” heuristic may force evaluators to find another
Nielsen’s heuristic to associate with some types of in-
consistency problems. We observed that some heuris-
tics other that H4 also have aspects related to consis-
tency, and presented how some evaluators may resort
to these heuristics to reveal inconsistency problems.
Supposing that the original intention of the heuristics’
authors was that the fourth heuristic should be asso-
ciated with most of the inconsistency problems, we
argue that HCI community can expend some effort on
refining the description of this heuristic. The efforts
On the Double Interpretation of the Description of the “Consistency and Standards” Heuristic in the Heuristic Evaluation Method
of some works on providing detailed versions of their
heuristic sets may help to avoid some of the ambigui-
ties regarding H4 that were presented in this paper.
In any way we want to propose the creation of a
very detailed description of the fourth heuristic. How-
ever, we believe that generalizing and enhancing this
description would avoid some negative effects of its
literal interpretation, e.g. the detaching of inconsis-
tency problems in the HE report, or some situation in
which no other heuristic could be associated with the
inconsistency problem at hand.
This is an initial work regarding this theme. We
know that Nielsen’s heuristics were accepted and have
been adopted by the HCI community for decades, and
that they are general enough to be used to evaluate
the usability of many kinds of interfaces. Therefore,
our purpose here is to do a constructive criticism that
may enhance the comprehension of these heuristics
and reduce ambiguous interpretations.
We also believe that proposing changes to this
consolidated set of heuristics is a work that should
not be done according to the opinion of a small group
of researchers. Therefore, future work includes re-
searching how the HCI community classifies incon-
sistency problems in the Heuristic Evaluation, how
often the literal interpretation of the “Consistency and
standards” heuristic occurs, and promoting a discus-
sion of the need to change that description to over-
come interpretation problems.
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HUCAPP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications