frame/second in average. Note that as we discussed
in Section 4.3, we can improve it if the deep caption-
ing is conducted on the notebook PC 2. We will report
our progress on this issue in the next section.
Inspired by dual process theory in human thinking,
we proposed an anomaly detection method for an au-
tonomous mobile robot. We focused on anomaly de-
tection from student indoor activities. Our anomaly
detection method combines intuition-based thinking
and reasoning-based thinking through our fast and
slow modules. Unlike previous methods, our method
conducts a kind of reminiscence and is able to de-
tect anomalies which involve neighboring regions.
Our real-time anomaly detection experiments showed
that our proposed method almost always outperforms
the baseline methods and the gain is especially large
when the evaluation is conducted at the image level.
Several kinds of research activities are ongoing to
extend and improve the proposed method. One is to
better model region pairs in an image for detecting
more complex anomalies. Another one is to use hu-
man feedback for improving our reminiscence capa-
bility. We have also purchased GPU-equipped note-
book PCs and installed DenseCap on them toward a
better throughput.
A part of this work was supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grant Number JP18H03290.
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