For the time being, we recommend using either
Fern T alone (for speed), or combining this with Fern
C (for somewhat better ability to avoid failures). If
we are to make further progress, we need a new Fern
which is independent of both.
This remains work in progress: it raises more ques-
tions than it answers. Haar classifiers followed by
”hand-crafted ferns” can usually find the nose tip, but
are there other, faster, more accurate or more reli-
able ways? Is the nose tip the best feature to detect,
or would other parts of the nose (bridge or nostrils)
be better? To what extent can the nose alone deter-
mine head pose? - occluded nostrils mean the user is
looking down, and prominent nostrils mean the user
is looking up, but can this variation be detected with
sufficient accuracy to be useful?
To some extent, our boxcar method combines the
advantages of Haar Features and Random Ferns, but
as a first attempt, it is unlikely to be optimal. A deeper
study would be welcome, but this would require a re-
turn to first principles and is work for the future.
The results in Section 4 demonstrate that (a) our
combined cascade fails less often than MCS (Cas-
on et al., 2007), and (b) it does not insist on a
wrong interpretation of problematic faces such as Fig-
ure 4a. This is progress. Nevertheless, there is clearly
much more work still to be done before we have a
reliable nose-finder.
The target for on-the-spot retraining has not been
met, particularly for profile noses. While we are
waiting for faster portable computers to become
widespread, we may have to accept that on-the-spot
retraining is limited to frontal noses.
The authors wish to acknowledge the project: “Set-
ting up of transdisciplinary research and knowledge
exchange (TRAKE) complex at the University of
Malta (ERDF.01.124)”, which is co-financed by the
European Union through the European Regional De-
velopment Fund 2014–2020.
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As Plain as the Nose on Your Face?