De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use:
Research Issues
Hanna Berg, Aron Henriksson, Uno Fors and Hercules Dalianis
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
De-identification, Privacy, Electronic Health Records, Clinical Text, Natural Language Processing.
Privacy is challenged by both advances in AI-related technologies and recently introduced legal regulations.
The problem of privacy has been extensively studied within the privacy community, but has largely focused on
methods for protecting and assessing the privacy of structured data. Research aiming to protect the integrity
of patients based on clinical text has primarily referred to US law and relied on automatically recognising
predetermined, both direct and indirect, identifiers. This article discusses the various challenges concerning
the re-use of unstructured clinical data, in particular in the form of clinical text, and focuses on ambiguous and
vague terminology, how different legislation affects the requirements for de-identification, differences between
methods for unstructured and structured data, the impact of approaches based on named entity recognition and
replacing sensitive data with surrogates, as well as the lack of measures for usability and re-identification risk.
Electronic health records (EHRs) are a valuable re-
source for research aimed at developing and evalu-
ating health care, but they also contain information
which may jeopardise personal integrity. Due to the
sensitive nature of EHRs, access is restricted and pro-
tected by data protection laws, patient data laws or
similar, which may for example require consent by
patients and/or care organisations in order for such
data to be used for research. However, if the risk of
identification is deemed sufficiently low, patient con-
sent may not be required. Automatic de-identification
techniques aim to reduce the risk of identification and
may therefore enable access to clinical data for re-
search while protecting the privacy of patients.
In order to allow for secondary use of EHRs, in
cases where informed consent is difficult to obtain,
it is not sufficient to de-identify only structured data;
one must also consider unstructured data. One type
of unstructured data that needs to be considered is
clinical text. Clinical text may describe, e.g., pa-
tient history, social background, relatives’ contact in-
formation and the patient’s living situation (Dalianis,
2018). Clinical text may, in fact, include more sen-
sitive information than structured EHR data, but is
unfortunately more challenging to de-identify. Re-
This paper is an extension of an abstract submitted to Heal-
TAC 2020.
search may also require access to both structured and
unstructured EHR data, for example to study and de-
velop new algorithms for decision support. There has
been an increasing interest in AI-based solutions with
advanced and data-hungry algorithms. The need for
ever-increasing amounts of data has led to a need for
well-functioning methods to protect patients’ right to
privacy, while maintaining high-quality data.
De-identification is the process of mitigating the
risk of identifying individuals in datasets by alter-
ing the data. The most appropriate de-identification
method and de-identification level may depend on the
type of data, as well as the context in which the data
will be used. There are methods for structured data to
ensure that possibly identifying values are common
enough, both separately and in combination, not to be
identifying. With free text data, it is not as clear which
information is stored in which section. Therefore, the
primary method for de-identification is based on find-
ing information belonging to certain pre-determined
classes that are deemed to be possibly identifying.
To that end, natural language processing and, specif-
ically, named entity recognition (NER) is used, after
which the identified information is obscured.
In this paper, a number of research issues concern-
ing de-identification of unstructured clinical data – in
the form of clinical text are highlighted and dis-
cussed. The issues concern privacy regulations, ter-
minology, de-identification methods and evaluation.
Berg, H., Henriksson, A., Fors, U. and Dalianis, H.
De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use: Research Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0010318705920599
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 592-599
ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Privacy regulations and, specifically, data protection
laws exist to protect individuals rights to protect per-
sonal data and privacy. As regulations vary across
countries, so do requirements for de-identification.
In this article, two privacy regulations are de-
scribed, HIPAA and GDPR; HIPAA is used in the
United States and GDPR is used in the European
Union. HIPAA is commonly used as the basis for
de-identification (Stubbs et al., 2017, Meystre et al.,
2010), and GDPR as it is relevant to the context in
which we work. The HIPAA Privacy Rule was in-
troduced in 2003, while GDPR was introduced in
2018. The American Health and Portability Act,
HIPAA, regulates the privacy protection of Protected
Health Information, PHI (HIPAA, 1996). PHI is es-
sentially defined as all health information with in-
dividual identifiers. There are 18 PHI identifiers;
if these are removed, the data is not considered to
be sensitive. These identifiers include names, dates
more specific than year, geographic data, contact in-
formation and any unique identifying number or other
code. The method of removing PHI identifiers, named
Safe Harbour, is one of two HIPAA-compliant de-
identification methods. The other method, Expert De-
termination, instead requires that an expert applies
mitigating methods based on statistics and mathemat-
ics until the risk of identification is very small.
The General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR,
covers personal data, defined as data relating to an
identified or identifiable natural person, which is a
person who could be identified directly or indirectly
(European Comission, 2016). Examples of identifiers
are specific physiological or social attributes, which,
when combined, point to one individual.
While HIPAA does not cover datasets where
data of certain classes has been removed or the re-
identification risk is very small, GDPR considers all
data which could potentially be attributed to a natural
person through supplementary information or a tool
that could be used for re-identification of personal
data. This includes other supplementary informa-
tion only accessible by the data controller. A dataset
which is not identifiable without supplementary in-
formation is pseudonymised. GDPR encourages the
use of pseudonymisation as a privacy-protecting mea-
sure, but pseudonymised data is still considered sen-
sitive. If there are no re-identification risks, the data
is not considered as personal data and not covered by
GDPR. The requirement of zero risk has been crit-
icised as unattainable, with the claim that the only
way to achieve this is by not disclosing any data at
all (El Emam, 2013).
The different levels of risk required may amount
to de-identification systems developed for HIPAA not
being suitable for usage under GDPR. HIPAA and,
specifically, Safe Harbour are often the basis for clini-
cal text de-identification (Stubbs et al., 2017, Kushida
et al., 2012, Meystre et al., 2010, Marimon et al.,
2019). It is unknown whether these methods are ap-
propriate under GDPR, or if there is a need for other
methods with guarantees for privacy.
Another challenge is the lack of a consistent use of
terminology within the research of anonymisation and
de-identification. According to a literature review, the
definition of both terms varies within the biomedi-
cal literature, and definitions are often vague or non-
existent (Chevrier et al., 2019). Only around half of
the articles provided a definition of the terms. Ar-
ticles using both terms often made a distinction be-
tween the two terms where anonymisation is then
most commonly refers to probabilistic and statisti-
cal techniques. According to the same review, the
term de-identification more commonly refers to rule-
based techniques where information belonging to pre-
defined categories are removed. According to an-
other literature review (Meystre et al., 2010), de-
identification and anonymisation are often used in-
terchangeably; however, de-identification means that
explicit identifiers are obscured and that anonymisa-
tion implies that implicit identifiers cannot be used
to identify individuals by linkage. HIPAA, on the
other hand, uses the term de-identification regardless
of whether the approach is rule-based, where spe-
cific predetermined information types are removed,
or probabilistic, where statistical methods are ap-
plied to ensure that the risk of re-identification is
sufficiently low. GDPR, on the other hand, uses
the word anonymisation to refer to data with no re-
identification risks, and pseudonymisation for data
which is not identifiable in the absence of supple-
menting data. Here, the term de-identification will
be used to refer to any type of method where personal
information is hidden or obscured with the intention
to protect the privacy of data subjects.
A dataset is sometimes referred to as de-identified
when risk mitigation techniques have been applied
to ensure a small enough re-identification risk. This
term usage has been criticised as misleading since it
implies that the dataset has a level of re-identification
risk that is, in reality, not met (El Emam, 2013).
The term pseudonymised has more than one mean-
ing. Pseudonymised may refer to the process of mask-
ing sensitive information with surrogates (Dalianis,
De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use: Research Issues
2019). Pseudonymisation may also refer to the us-
age of an alias that, with a key, may be linked to the
real original data (European Comission, 2016). These
are similar concepts, where the former could be seen
as a version of the latter, but without keys. The dis-
tinction made in GDPR between pseudonymised data
and anonymised data is that the pseudonymised data
can be re-identified by linkage, while anonymised
data cannot. This is similar to the distinction made
by, for example, Meystre et al. (2010) concerning
anonymization and de-identification.
The different uses of each term increase the risk
for misunderstandings. A dataset can be described
as de-identified, anonymised, pseudonymised and as
personal data simultaneously by different people, de-
pending on the definition for each term and the con-
text. There needs to be an increased awareness sur-
rounding the use of terminology in de-identification
research, with explicit definitions.
While the task of de-identification is difficult no mat-
ter the type of data, the process is especially difficult
for unstructured data. The methods for risk mitiga-
tion and assessment used on well-structured data are
specifically designed for structured data and therefore
not readily applicable to noisy, unstructured data like
free text. Figure 1 provides an architectural overview
of the different approaches for preserving privacy of
clinical data and specifically clinical text.
4.1 De-identification of Structured Data
There are, as previously mentioned, methods to statis-
tically ensure that structured data is protected against
identification. Some examples are: K-anonymity, l-
diversity and differential privacy. K-anonymity en-
sures that multiple individuals share the same com-
bination of identifying values for structured data
(El Emam and Dankar, 2008). l-diversity instead en-
sures that there is enough diversity in sensitive val-
ues within a dataset (Machanavajjhala et al., 2007).
Another method is differential privacy (Dwork et al.,
2014), where aggregation and noise introduction is
combined to create de-identified views of the data;
each time a new data request is made, the level of
noise is adjusted based on previous information given.
Wagner and Eckhoff (2018) conducted a systematic
review of different different privacy metrics for struc-
tured data, describing and discussing over 80 metrics.
While all of these methods may individually have
their disadvantages and there are risks associated with
not doing them properly, they do offer the possibil-
ity of assessing the level of risk of re-identification,
and then mitigating the risk. Differential privacy may
also provide statistical guarantees against what could
be inferred from the information provided (Dwork
et al., 2014), while for example k-anonymity does not
(Machanavajjhala et al., 2007).
There are a few examples of structured data and
methods being used to de-identify unstructured data
in the form of text, for example applying k-anonymity
on quasi-identifiers identified with NER (Gardner and
Xiong, 2009). Another example is recursive parti-
tioning to cluster medical text records based on in-
formation similarity and value-enumeration to de-
identify potentially identifying information (Li and
Qin, 2017). These are promising alternatives that may
provide additional flexibility and ways to deal with
potentially identifying quasi-identifiers.
If a machine learning model is built using sensitive
data, the process can be re-engineered and the individ-
uals revealed. Papernot et al. (2017) have proposed a
solution to this by injecting noise in the trained model
by using differential privacy. In Figure 1, one can ob-
serve that adding external databases may enable the
re-identification of individuals, so called data linkage.
Encryption of data and the use of synthetic data are
other methods for protecting privacy.
4.2 De-identification of Clinical Text
Systems intending to de-identify text generally rely
on NER (Meystre et al., 2010), which is the task of lo-
cating and classifying named entities in unstructured
text (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007). Using NER has the
potential of being useful within the scope of HIPAA
to enable data sharing. The strategy is to, through
hand-crafted rules and/or machine learning, find enti-
ties belonging to any of the HIPAA classes, possibly
with the addition of other classes which are deemed
identifying (Stubbs et al., 2017). If any of these are
found, they are either marked as belonging to a certain
class, or replaced with similar data of the same class.
A common method is to combine machine learning
for the irregular or less structured entities, and rules
for the more structured or regular entities within the
free text (Meystre et al., 2010).
4.2.1 Identifying Sensitive Information
The early de-identification systems, for example the
Scrub system (Sweeney, 1996), are rule-based. Rule-
based approaches rely on rules, patterns and gazetteer
lists. Since they rely on hand-crafted rules, little or
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: An architectural overview of the different approaches to preserve privacy in clinical data. The protected data
is shown in the red rectangle. For structured data, methods like aggregation, generalization, pseudonymisation and noise
perturbation may be used to create a safer database. For unstructured text, sections known to have a high density of sensitive
information and low relevance for the task may be removed before named entity recognition is performed to find sensitive
information. The identified sensitive information is then replaced with, e.g., pseudonyms to make the text safer. Beyond this,
there are methods for creating synthetic databases and privacy preserving learning techniques for machine learning models.
no annotated data is needed other than for evalua-
tion purposes (Meystre et al., 2010). Crafting rules is,
however, a complex task where the developers need
to be aware of all possible PHI patterns that can oc-
cur. They also typically require customisation to a
particular dataset and are therefore less generalisable.
Supervised machine learning methods do not require
hand-crafted rules, but require annotated data for the
algorithm to train on. Feature-based supervised learn-
ing approaches rely on feature engineering. Common
features are lexical features (e.g. word casing, word
shape, punctuation, numerical characters), syntactic
features (e.g. part-of-speech tags) and semantic fea-
tures (e.g. terms from dictionaries, semantic types).
Section headers may also be used. Unlike rule-based
methods, supervised machine learning methods can
automatically learn to recognise complex patterns.
For telephone numbers or other data that tends to
be regular and where the patterns are not complex,
rule-based methods are still often used within hybrid
systems in which rules and machine learning meth-
ods are combined. The first neural network for de-
identification was introduced in 2016 (Dernoncourt
et al., 2017). Neural networks can effectively learn
features through composition over token embeddings
and therefore do not require handcrafted features or
feature engineering to the same extent as feature-
based machine learning methods. These embeddings
can be initialised randomly or pre-trained on large un-
labeled data sets.
A number of shared task challenges have been or-
ganised to drive the development of de-identification
systems forward. The challenges have focused on
the identification of personally identifying informa-
tion. As a part of the i2b2 project, three challenges
have been organised: the first in 2006 (Uzuner et al.,
2007), the second in 2014 (Stubbs et al., 2015) and
the most recent in 2016 (Stubbs et al., 2017). Further-
more, a de-identification challenge on Spanish syn-
thetic health records, MEDDOCAN, was organized
during IberLEF 2019 (Marimon et al., 2019). Dur-
ing the first challenge in 2006, the submitted sys-
tems were either supervised feature-based machine
learning systems, rule-based systems or a combina-
tion of the two (Uzuner et al., 2007). Machine learn-
ing method such as SVMs, CRFs, hierarchial Hidden
Markov Models and decision trees were used. The
best performing systems were CRFs or decision trees
with rule template features. The pure rule-based sys-
tems performed the worst. The system with the best
performance scored an entity-based binary precision
score of 0.99 and a recall score of 0.98 on classes
based on HIPAAs Safe Harbour (Stubbs et al., 2015).
In the 2014 i2b2 challenge, a majority of the sub-
mitted systems were hybrid systems using CRFs and
rules, and these also performed the best. The system
with the best performance scored an entity-based bi-
nary precision score of 0.99 and a recall score of 0.96
De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use: Research Issues
on classes based on HIPAAs Safe Harbour. In the
2016 i2b2 de-identification task on psychiatric intake
records, CRFs were still the most popular approach
to the de-identification task, but among the top five,
two teams also used LSTMs (Stubbs et al., 2017).
While the most common approach was supervised
machine learning, three of the top four systems were
hybrid systems in which both multiple machine learn-
ing techniques were used but also hand-crafted rules.
Similarly, during the MEDDOCAN anonymisation
challenge with synthetic Spanish electronic health
records narrative text, deep learning systems outper-
formed other systems (Marimon et al., 2019). The
best performing system was a bidirectional LSTM
with FLAIR embeddings, as well as both domain-
independent and domain-dependent fastText embed-
dings (Lange et al., 2019). This system achieved an
entity binary precision score of 0.98 and a recall score
0.97 (Marimon et al., 2019).
NER is used to find direct and indirect identi-
fiers in order to remove them. The removal of, e.g.,
names, contact information and serial codes may pro-
tect against re-identification. Other types of informa-
tion are, however, difficult to handle using only NER
methods. Diagnosis codes, and the diagnoses them-
selves, have been shown to be identifying. Accord-
ing to Loukides et al. (2010), 96% of all individuals
in 2,600 patient records could be identified through
their diagnosis codes. While unique combinations of
diseases along with years may appear in written form
within a patient record, it is not considered to be an
identifier according to HIPAA, and is not something
that traditional de-identification of text can handle. It
is important to be aware of these limitations, and to
seek ways to overcome them.
De-identification of text is so heavily connected to
the NER step that the main evaluation metrics of text
de-identification are the ones used for NER: recall,
precision and F
-score (Meystre et al., 2014a). These
metrics measure how many entities of each predefined
class a system manages to find and classify correctly,
but does not consider how identifying the kept in for-
mation is. In reality, a first name could be either very
common, as for example John Smith and not identifi-
able, but also unique, as for example Severus Snape.
Similarly, a disclosed phone number to a close relative
increases the risk of identifying a patient to a greater
degree than the number to a hospital. Similarly, the
incorrect labelling of an entity as a PHI may affect
downstream tasks to different degrees. The labelling
of Parkinsons as a surname could be assumed to po-
tentially cause trouble, and the incorrect identification
of the health care unit as a specific health care unit, is
likely less harmful.
4.2.2 Obscuring Identifiers
If a token is classified as belonging to a possibly iden-
tifying class, it is either removed or replaced. The
removal may either be in the form of masking, or
keeping information about which type of information
is identified. The method of instead replacing data
with similar data has both its advantages and disad-
Replacing a name with a surrogate may both lead
to an increase or decrease of re-identification risk. A
system relying on NER will unlikely be able to find
all possible sensitive data. The use of realistic sur-
rogates, as opposed to masking, conceals information
about which data is real and which data is not (Car-
rell et al., 2012). This is called Hidden In Plain Sight,
The use of realistic surrogates, or generalising the
information, may at the same time allow for some in-
formation to be kept. The total removal of tempo-
ral information may make the dataset insufficient for
some research, whereas the use of surrogates would
maintain the usability of the dataset. There is, at
the same time, a risk of altering clinical informa-
tion which should be kept as it is, with a possible in-
crease in the risk of false conclusions (Meystre et al.,
There are two aspects of de-identification methods
that are evaluated: the risk of re-identification and the
impact de-identification has on downstream tasks.
5.1 Re-identification
Re-identification is the identification of individuals in
a dataset which is claimed to be de-identified. This is
most commonly achieved by linkage of data between
data sources. The desire to use interconnected medi-
cal data for various sources may lead to a higher risk
of re-identification through linkability.
Most, if not all, examples of automatic re-
identification include structured data. This may have
various causes: firstly, it is a more common data
source; secondly, there are strategies for assessing the
risk of re-identification; finally, linking information
from various data tables is not a complex task. There
are examples where information in newspaper text
has been extracted manually and then linked to de-
identified structured data to successfully re-identify
individuals (Yoo et al., 2018); however, there are few
examples of re-identification from unstructured text.
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics
Re-identification studies on de-identified text have
focused on the risk of re-identification by another in-
dividual. Carrell et al. (2012) showed that by re-
placing identified sensitive data with surrogates, the
risk of humans finding residual identifiers not found
by the NER system significantly decreased. Meystre
et al. (2014b) set up an experiment where physicians
were asked if they could recognise their patients in a
dataset. In 4.65% of the 86 pseudonymised discharge
summaries, the physician thought they recognised a
patient, but in no cases a patient was correctly iden-
tified. A study by Grouin et al. (2015) showed that,
for de-identified text, it was possible to recover spe-
cific values. The disclosed information was, however,
not sufficient to re-identify any patient unless the ad-
versary had access to the hospital health information
system and several documents from the same patient.
There are no clear estimates on how big the risk of
re-identification is with the Safe Harbour method on
unstructured data. In general, there are few methods
for assessing the risk of re-identification for unstruc-
tured data. The most common metric relating to the
safety of a de-identification system for text is based
on calculating how many sensitive entities are found
in a test set. While this recall measurement is likely
to correlate with the risk of re-identification, it does
not directly measure this.
Since there are no examples known to us of auto-
matic re-identification of text in the same way as for
structured data, it is difficult to determine how such
an attack would be performed and therefore also dif-
ficult to determine the level of effort required. In the
end, this makes it difficult to determine the needs for
de-identification in practice. From one perspective, a
step toward improving de-identification would be to
investigate possible re-identification techniques.
5.2 Impact of De-identification
There is a concern that de-identification would af-
fect data quality. It has been hypothesised that the
de-identification process may be harmful on down-
stream tasks as clinical information erroneously clas-
sified as PHI may lead to a reduction in information
content and the introduction of misleading informa-
tion (Meystre et al., 2014a). It has also, however,
been hypothesised that de-identification may poten-
tially improve machine learning performance by re-
ducing dimensionality and noise (Obeid et al., 2019).
Studies have so far shown no significant differ-
ences between using original text data or de-identified
text data as training data for text classification (Obeid
et al., 2019), and small but possibly statistically sig-
nificant benefits of training on de-identified data for
medication name extraction (Deleger et al., 2013).
Meystre et al. (2014a) noted that between 1.2-3%
fewer SNOMED-CT concepts were found in the de-
identified dataset than in the original version, but the
difference was largely explained by PHIs being erro-
neously recognised as SNOMED-CT concepts in the
original version rather than a decrease in information
content. So far, no significant deterioration has been
documented for de-identification systems on down-
stream tasks. It could, however, be assumed that a de-
identification system with too low precision reduces
the amount of available information in a way that neg-
atively affects downstream tasks (Berg et al., 2020).
Uncertainty about the impact de-identification has
on the dataset results in uncertainty about which mea-
sures to use in order to compare systems. In prac-
tice, F
-score, a weighted score between precision
and recall, is often used to compare systems (Stubbs
et al., 2017, Meystre et al., 2010). Studies point to
the fact that the precision of de-identification systems
does not necessarily have a significant impact on the
content of other research (Obeid et al., 2019, Meystre
et al., 2014a), perhaps because there are so few sensi-
tive tokens in total. There is, however, a need to deter-
mine what impact precision has, in order to be able to
determine what weight should be placed on this when
comparing and evaluating systems but also to decide
how they should be built.
A case where de-identification, however, seems
to have an impact on the end product is when using
de-identified data for training a NER de-identification
system (Berg et al., 2019, Yeniterzi et al., 2010). Ac-
cording to these studies, models trained on datasets
with surrogates will perform worse on real data than
a model trained on real data would.
There are other privacy-protecting approaches, in-
cluding synthesised datasets, encryption of data and
black box tools.
Synthesised data is data that is not real but has real
properties. Synthetic data can be created manually,
such as in Rama et al. (2018), or be multiply-imputed
synthetic microdata with exactly the same statistical
information as the real microdata and should lead to
the same statistical inferences (Nowok et al., 2016).
Methods, such as Synthpop, for generating synthetic
data with the same statistical information rely on and
generate only structured data.
In one approach by Dalianis and Bostr
om (2012),
all the lexical items themselves were removed, while
word features, such as part-of-speech, were kept and
De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use: Research Issues
used for the machine learning, resulting in only a
slightly decreased performance. For structured data,
complete encryption has been carried out before ma-
chine learning algorithms have been applied (Bos
et al., 2014, Arellano et al., 2018).
Finally, an alternative approach for research rely-
ing on machine learning is that the software is devel-
oped and possibly trained externally, training on non-
sensitive data, in relation to where the sensitive clin-
ical text is stored, and then the models are applied or
executed by a gate-keeper internally and reported to
the researcher (Almgren et al., 2016). This is a viable
alternative for research related to clinical text mining.
We have discussed various research issues regarding
the preservation of patients’ integrity in the reuse of
clinical text. The main method is based on HIPAA
and Safe Harbour. This involves first determining
what kind of information is potentially identifying,
finding entities that belong to these classes, and then
deleting or obscuring them. There are no methods
to statistically calculate which information is identi-
fying, but the method relies instead on rules. While
this may be appropriate in a US context, it is un-
clear whether this type of de-identification allows for
the sharing of data to researchers in a European con-
text since the risk of re-identification remains unclear.
There is a need for other methods to determine which
information is sensitive and managing this, possibly
by taking advantage of available structured data. At
present, de-identification through named entity recog-
nition seems, however, to be the best we have.
Almgren, S., Pavlov, S., and Mogren, O. (2016). Named
Entity Recognition in Swedish Health Records with
Character-Based Deep Bidirectional LSTMs. Pro-
ceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Building and
Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining
(BioTxtM 2016), held in conjunction with Coling
2016, pages 30–29.
Arellano, A. M., Dai, W., Wang, S., Jiang, X., and Ohno-
Machado, L. (2018). Privacy policy and technology in
biomedical data science. Annual review of biomedical
data science, 1:115–129.
Berg, H., Chomutare, T., and Dalianis, H. (2019). Building
a de-identification system for real swedish clinical text
using pseudonymised clinical text. In Proceedings of
the Tenth International Workshop on Health Text Min-
ing and Information Analysis (LOUHI 2019), pages
Berg, H., Henriksson, A., and Dalianis, H. (2020). The Im-
pact of De-identification on Downstream Named En-
tity Recognition in Clinical Text. In To appear in the
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on
Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (LOUHI
Bos, J. W., Lauter, K., and Naehrig, M. (2014). Private
predictive analysis on encrypted medical data. Journal
of biomedical informatics, 50:234–243.
Carrell, D., Malin, B., Aberdeen, J., Bayer, S., Clark, C.,
Wellner, B., and Hirschman, L. (2012). Hiding in
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De-identification of Clinical Text for Secondary Use: Research Issues