SCAN: Sequence-character Aware Network for Text Recognition
Heba Hassan
, Marwan Torki
and Mohamed E. Hussein
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt
Dept. of Computer and Systems Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
Text Recognition, Multi-task Learning.
Text recognition continues to be a challenging problem in the context of text reading in natural scenes. Bearing
in mind the sequential nature of text, the problem is usually posed as a sequence prediction problem from a
whole-word image. Alternatively, it can also be posed as a character prediction problem. The latter approach
is typically more robust to challenging word shapes. Attempting to find the sweet spot that attains the best
of the two approaches, we propose Sequence-Character Aware Network (SCAN). SCAN starts by locating
and recognizing the characters, and then generates the word using a sequence-based approach. It comprises
two modules: a semantic-segmentation-based character prediction, and an encoder-decoder network for word
generation. The training is done over two stages. In the first stage, we adopt a multi-task training technique
with both character-level and word-level losses and trainable loss weighting. In the second stage, the character-
level loss is removed, enabling the use of data with only word-level annotations. Experiments are conducted
on several datasets for both regular and irregular text, showing state of the art performance of the proposed
approach. It also shows that the proposed approach is robust against noisy word detection.
Dealing with text recognition as a sequence recogni-
tion problem has its advantages as it leverages the se-
quential nature of text. However, the approach falls
short when it comes to text with challenging shapes.
Several methods have been proposed to deal with text
of challenging shapes. In most recent works the text
image is first rectified (Shi et al., 2018; Luo et al.,
2019; Yang et al., 2019), and then sequence recogni-
tion is applied on the rectified image. Another group
of methods handle irregular text shapes by starting
with character prediction. The characters are then
sorted to recognize the word (Lyu et al., 2018; Liao
et al., 2019). In addition to handling irregular shapes,
this approach has the advantage of being more ro-
bust against noisy text localization. In the proposed
model, we adopt character prediction to handle irreg-
ular text shapes without the need for complex prepos-
sessing, such as rectification, while maintaining ro-
bustness against text localization errors.
Mere ordering of detected characters could lead
to missing crucial sequential information in text. To
address this issue, our proposed model uses a two-
stage model. The first stage is a semantic segmen-
tation network that is responsible for character pre-
diction. It produces a pixel-level map with the loca-
tions and classes of the characters. The second stage
Figure 1: Examples taken from irregular text datasets,
which include rotated, curved, distorted, and multi-font
text. Our model first outputs a character map, then the map
is used to generate a word.
is an encoder-decoder network that processes the map
produced by the first stage and generates the final
word, as shown in Figure 2. The character segmenta-
tion stage is a high-resolution network (HRNet) (Sun
et al., 2019) for semantic segmentation. HRNet has
proved efficiency in many recent semantic segmenta-
tion work as it maintains a high resolution represen-
tation of the image through the network. The word
generation stage receives a map with the same size as
the input image with the number of channels equals to
the number of character classes plus the background
class. A set of convolutional layers are used to encode
the image into a sequence and then an LSTM decoder
is used to produce the final result.
Hassan, H., Torki, M. and Hussein, M.
SCAN: Sequence-character Aware Network for Text Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0010321106020609
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: The proposed model architecture: A character map is first produced with a semantic segmentation network (HR-
Net (Sun et al., 2019), in particular) with a character-level loss L
, and then the map is used to generate a word using an
encoder-decoder network with a word-level loss L
Our training procedure is done over two stages.
The first stage is a multi-task training stage, where the
two parts of character segmentation and word genera-
tion are trained together with both losses contributing
to the final loss of the network. We use the adap-
tive weighting technique proposed in (Kendall et al.,
2018) to ensure efficient training with the two losses.
The second stage is the word-level stage where only
one loss is used and the training is done with data
with only word-level annotations. To overcome the
absence of accurate ground truth for character seg-
mentation, a pseudo ground truth is generated. The
generated ground truth is used to train the character
segmentation network, which is further supervised by
the word generation network.
The main contribution of this paper could be sum-
marized as follows:
We propose Sequence-Character Aware Network
(SCAN) for text recognition that combines both
character and sequence awareness, which has
proven to be robust for both regular and irreg-
ular text recognition. Our approach, while be-
ing simple and intuitive, outperforms other –more
complex– recognition techniques.
We deploy a state-of-the-art semantic segmenta-
tion network (HRNet), which yields a lightweight
and efficient semantic segmentation for character
We also deploy a multi-task training setting with
adaptive loss weighting. Our experimental evalu-
ation shows the effectiveness our training proce-
Finally, we propose a new technique for pseudo
ground truth generation, which proves to be more
efficient than using only the character bounding
boxes as ground truth.
The techniques for text recognition could be divided
into two main streams; namely character-based and
sequence-based. Early techniques in text recognition
used the characters as the main detection block. In
such techniques, conventional features are deployed
to detect the characters, which are then sorted to form
a word. For example, in (Wang et al., 2011; Wang
and Belongie, 2010), characters are detected using a
multi-scale sliding-window search along with a clas-
sifier to classify the character windows, the positively
classified of which are later grouped into words. In
some other works, binarization techniques, such as
Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) (Neu-
mann and Matas, 2010) or Stroke Width Transform
(SWT) (Epshtein et al., 2010), are used to detect
the characters, relying on common texture and shape
characteristics of text.
With the success of deep learning techniques,
Jaderberg et al. (Jaderberg et al., 2016) considered
the word recognition problem as a classification prob-
lem using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
with a dictionary of 90k words as the classes. Later,
many approaches addressed the problem as a se-
quence recognition problem, considering the cropped
word image to be the input sequence and the desired
word to be the output sequence (Su and Lu, 2014;
Shi et al., 2016a; He et al., 2016b). Adding atten-
tion further boosted the performance of the sequence-
based techniques, as illustrated in (Lee and Osindero,
2016; Cheng et al., 2017). To have a network that
is more robust to irregularly warped words, e.g. ori-
ented, curved, or skewed, rectification is employed to
invert the warping applied to a word before recogniz-
ing it.
In contrast to sequence-based approaches,
character-based approaches rely on detecting char-
SCAN: Sequence-character Aware Network for Text Recognition
acters and then sorting them to form words. Such
techniques offer natural handling of challenging text
shapes. In (Lyu et al., 2018; Liao et al., 2019), Fully
Convolutional Networks (FCNs) are used for seman-
tic segmentation to detect the character locations and
general orientation. The detected characters are then
sorted from left to right to construct a word.
Each of the sequence-based and character-based
approaches has its points of strength. The sequence-
based approaches exploit the sequential nature of text,
adding a language sense to the model, and hence lead-
ing to better word recognition. On the other hand,
character-based approaches exhibit better capabilities
in handling background clutter, noisy text localiza-
tion, and irregular text shapes. In this paper, we are at-
tempting to get the best of both streams. Our method
uses character segmentation as a first stage, which can
also be seen as a type of supervised spatial attention,
focusing the sequence-based stage on the right char-
acter locations despite the possible irregularity in the
text shape. Subsequently, the word is obtained via a
sequence-based stage, which adds a sense of a lan-
guage to the model, and hence adds extra word recog-
nition accuracy.
As shown in Figure 2, the model has two modules,
the first is the character segmentation module, and the
second is word generation module. In this section,
we describe the two components in SCAN and the
different stages of the training process.
3.1 Semantic Segmentation for
Character Prediction
This part of the network is a semantic segmentation
network that outputs a map with size w× h × c, where
c is the number of classes. The HRNet-V1 networks
architecture is adopted, which, as explained in (Sun
et al., 2019), maintains high resolution representation
by fusing high resolution features with low resolution
features at each stage in the network. The network
has four blocks. In each block, the low resolution
features are up-sampled and added to the high reso-
lution features while the high resolution features are
down-sampled and added to the low resolution ones
in a fully connected manner. The down-sampling is
performed via a 2-strided convolution while the up-
sampling is performed using bilinear interpolation.
The last layer has a Sigmoid activation with the num-
ber of channels equal to the number of classes. The
network has a cross entropy loss, which we denote as
Table 1: Architecture of the Encoder-Decoder Network.
Layer Output Size Configuration
Input 64 × 256 × 38
Conv 32 × 256 × 64 [3 × 3, 64], s: 2 × 1
Conv 16 × 128 × 64 [3 × 3, 64], s: 2 × 2
Conv 8 × 128 × 128 [3 × 3, 128], s: 2 × 1
Conv 4 × 64 × 128 [3 × 3, 128], s: 2 × 2
Conv 2 × 64 × 256 [3 × 3, 256], s: 2 × 1
Conv 1 × 32 × 512 [3 × 3, 512], s: 2 × 2
Bi-LSTM 32 × 512 512 unit
LSTM 32 × 512 512 unit
FC 32 × 38 38
for character-level loss, that is calculated per pixel
between the ground-truth and the predicted semantic
segmentation map, normalized by the total number of
3.2 Encoder-decoder Network for Word
The word generation stage of the model takes the out-
put from the character segmentation stage as its in-
put, which is a feature map of the same size as the
input image h × w × c, with c being the number of
classes. The encoder is a set of convolutional layers
that shapes the image in the form of a 1D sequence.
The decoder is a bidirectional LSTM layer followed
by an LSTM layer with self attention to produce the
final output. The final layer has a Softmax activation
with cross entropy loss, which we denote as L
word-level loss. The configuration for the encoder
and the decoder are shown in Table 1.
3.3 Model Training
3.3.1 Ground Truth Generation
The ground truth mask for the characters is gener-
ated using the bounding boxes provided in the Syn-
thText (Gupta et al., 2016) dataset as shown in Fig-
ure 3 by the following steps. First, A rectangular
slice is taken from the image containing one character,
guided by the ground truth bounding box. For each
slice we perform simple thresholding using Otsu’s
method (Otsu, 1979) .We then concatenate the charac-
ters in one binary image. The image is then multiplied
by another binary image formed from the ground truth
boxes to eliminate some of the noise outside the char-
acters, and to give each character its label. As a final
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Ground truth generation: (a) image from Syn-
thText; (b) Bounding Boxes ground truth; (c) Binary im-
age after character thresholding; (d) Final ground truth used
for training, which is the output of multiplying (b) and (c);
(e)Rotated rectangles ground truth.
Figure 4: Examples of masks with IOU less than 30% with
the bounding box mask.
verification step, we calculate the intersection over
union (IOU) for the generated binary mask and the
boxes ground truth and eliminate the image if the IOU
is less than 30%. Some examples of images elim-
inated by this procedure could be seen in Figure 4.
The number of eliminated images is about 1% of the
number of images extracted from the dataset.
The obtained ground truth is considered a pseudo
ground truth that is further guided by the second
part of the network in the second stage of the train-
ing, as explained below. Having an accurate seg-
mentation for each character is not the main goal of
our network. However, having a more expressive
ground truth would help both the semantic segmen-
tation and the encoder-decoder networks perform bet-
ter, as shown in Section 4. We also experimented with
another way of generating ground truth, which is sim-
ply labeling each character with a rotated rectangle
with the size of 50% of the size of the rotated rect-
angle surrounding the bounding box as shown in Fig-
ure 3. However, our approach performs better with
the segmented character ground truth.
3.3.2 Multi-task Training Stage
One of the most important parameters that affect
the training of a network with multiple losses is the
weights assigned to each of the losses. The loss func-
tion would be the weighted sum of the losses in the
system. However, due to the variation in the range
of each loss and the uncertainty of each of the losses,
the weights assigned to different losses must be fine
tuned. We started by investigating several weight as-
signments for the two losses and observed the big ef-
fect it could have on the network’s training behavior
and performance.
A smarter way is to have the weight learnt by the
network. In (Kendall et al., 2018), the use of learnable
Figure 5: Training Stages: (a) multi-task training with two
losses L
and L
; (b) word-level training with one loss L
loss weights is investigated based on the homoscedas-
tic uncertainty of each of the tasks in the network. The
loss L for each task is mapped to another loss L
is formulated as:
L + log σ (1)
where σ is a the task uncertainty to be learnt by the
network, and the second term works as a regularizer.
According to (Kendall et al., 2018), this is found to be
more stable than learning a linear weight multiplied
by the loss. Our model has two losses, the character-
level loss L
, and the word-level loss L
, as shown in
Figure 5, the total loss L
is formulated as:
+ log σ
+ log σ
3.3.3 Word-level Training Stage
The need for ground truth for character locations is
one of the biggest limitations in character-based text
recognition, which is only available in synthetic data.
In this stage of training, the network has only one out-
put and one loss L
as shown in Figure 5. In this
stage, we can use data that only has word level an-
notations. Here, the semantic segmentation output is
only supervised by the final word output, which helps
the output of the character segmentation stage take a
form that increases the accuracy of the sequence net-
In this section, we provide a brief description of the
datasets used for training and evaluation. Next, the
implementation and training details are presented. We
also describe the evaluation criteria used to evaluate
the model. We then present the results obtained on
different datasets and ablation studies conducted to
demonstrate the contribution of the proposed model’s
SCAN: Sequence-character Aware Network for Text Recognition
Table 2: Word recognition accuracy for public datasets, both regular and irregular. ”50” means lexicon of size 50, ”1k” means
lexicon of size one thousand, and ”None” means no lexicon. GT1 refers to the usage of rotated-rectangles ground truth. GT2
refers to the usage of segmented-character ground truth. En is an ensemble of the models trained with the two types of ground
truth. Rot refers to using a rotation strategy at test time.
Regular Irregular
50 1k None 50 None None None None None
(Wang et al., 2011)
(Mishra et al., 2012)
(Wang et al., 2012)
(Yao et al., 2014)
(Jaderberg et al., 2016)
(He et al., 2016a)
(Lee and Osindero, 2016)
(Shi et al., 2016b)
(Shi et al., 2016a)
(Yang et al., 2017)
(Cheng et al., 2017)
(Liu et al., 2018)
(Liao et al., 2019)
(Cheng et al., 2018)
(Shi et al., 2018)
(Luo et al., 2019)
(Huang et al., 2019)
(Yang et al., 2019)
(Qiao et al., 2020)
(Wang et al., 2020)
SCAN (En+Rot)
4.1 Datasets
There are several datasets used in text recognition:
two large synthetic datasets, and several real datasets,
which contain both regular and irregular text images.
SynthText: It is a large synthetically generated
dataset that was introduced in (Gupta et al., 2016).
It provides ground truth boxes for both words and
characters. We used the word bounding boxes to
crop images of words, and the character boxes
were used for training in the Multi-task stage.
Synth90K: It is a synthetic dataset with images of
words generated for text recognition task (Jader-
berg et al., 2016). It contains about 9 million im-
ages generated from a dictionary of 90k words.
COCO-Text: COCO-Text (Veit et al., 2016) is
the largest dataset for text that contains real im-
ages with bounding boxes for words extracted
from the original COCO dataset. It has 42618 im-
ages for training, 9896 images for validation, and
9837 images for testing.
ICDAR2013: This dataset has 848 images for
training and 1015 images for testing (Karatzas
et al., 2013).
IIIT5k-Words: This dataset (Mishra et al., 2012)
has both front-end, perspective, and curved text
with 3000 images for testing and 2000 for train-
ing. The images are associated with a 50-word
lexicon and a 1000-word lexicon.
Street View Text (SVT): This dataset (Wang
et al., 2011) contains 647 images cropped from
Google’s street view dataset. Each image is asso-
ciated with a 50-word lexicon.
CUTE: This dataset is mainly for curved
text (Risnumawan et al., 2014). The dataset con-
tains 288 images with no associated lexicon.
ICDAR2015: This dataset consists of mostly ir-
regular text (Karatzas et al., 2015). It contains
4468 images for training and 2077 images for test-
Street View Text Perspective (SVTP): Images in
the SVTP dataset (Quy Phan et al., 2013) were
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
cropped from Google street view dataset’s images
with perspective view.
4.2 Implementation and Training
The configuration and implementation details for HR-
Net follow the original paper (Sun et al., 2019). For
the word generation part, the configuration for the
convolutional encoder and the LSTM decoder are
shown in Table 1. All the images are resized to the
size 64 × 256. The number of classes used are 38
classes for letters and numbers, one class for spe-
cial characters, and a background class. The training
starts with the multi-task training with images ex-
tracted from SynthText dataset, using approximately
6 million images. After training for two epochs, train-
ing is switched to word-level training with around
500k images from SynthText, 500k images from
Synth90K, and around 49k real images from the train-
ing sets in COCO-text, IIIT5K, ICDAR13 and IC-
DAR15 datasets. The initial learning rate is set to
and reduced on plateau by a factor of 0.8 until it
reaches 10
4.3 Evaluation Criteria
We use the word-accuracy as the main evaluation met-
ric for both the character segmentation and the word
recognition modules. For the character segmentation
stage, after word-level training, we follow a simple
technique by applying connected component analysis
on character pixels. Each blob is considered a char-
acter and is given the label of the majority of its pix-
els. The characters are then sorted from left to right to
form a word. The output of the second stage is a set
of characters that readily form a word.
4.4 Experimental Results and
Comparison with Other Methods
The proposed SCAN network is evaluated over six
public datasets that contain regular and irregular text.
Compared to the most recent prior methods, the net-
work achieves better results in most of the datasets.
As shown in Table 2, our network performs well for
both regular and irregular datasets, achieving the best
results in SVT, IC13, SVTP, and CUTE80. The effect
of the proposed ground truth generation method could
be observed from rows 1 and 2 in SCAN’s results.
From these results, we see that using the ground truth
with segmented character shapes performs better than
using the rotated rectangles ground truth. We also ob-
tain even better performance with an ensemble of the
two models as shown in the SCAN (En) row (for en-
semble) in the table. The output for the ensemble is
obtained by summing the two outputs from the two
models. We also evaluate the test datasets with a ro-
tation strategy as shown in the row SCAN (En+Rot).
In this strategy, we rotate the image in the range from
-50 to 50 degrees with a step of 10 degrees. For each
rotation angle, we estimate the confidence of the pre-
diction as the sum of the most-likely-character prob-
abilities for each pixel, excluding pixels classified as
background. We then choose the prediction with the
highest confidence.
4.5 Effect of Word-level Training on
Character Prediction
In the word-level training stage, the character seg-
mentation loss is removed and the network learns us-
ing the final word-level loss only. The effect on the
accuracy can be seen in Table 3. The accuracy en-
hancement with this training stage is obvious. How-
ever, it is also interesting to inspect the effect of ap-
plying only the word-level loss on the segmentation
map. After word-level training stage, the characters
in the semantic segmentation map start to take a more
concise form, representing the character’s silhouette
rather than the exact character shape, and also the
characters appear to be more separated, as shown in
Figure 6. Both of these properties appear to make the
segmentation results more suitable for word genera-
Table 3: Word accuracy after training with multi-task train-
ing and word-level training.
Training stage IIIT5k SVT IC13 IC15 SVTP CU80
Multi-task 90.6 81.8 90.1 69.4 70.4 78.8
Word-level 92.6 89.3 93.3 78.5 81.0 85.7
Figure 6: (a) Original image; (b) Character segmentation af-
ter the multi-task training stage; (c) Character segmentation
after the word-level training stage.
SCAN: Sequence-character Aware Network for Text Recognition
Table 4: Word accuracy for the two outputs from both stages
of the network.
Output IIIT5k SVT IC13 IC15 SVTP CU80
Sequence 93.7 90.7 94.2 80.0 81.7 87.8
Character 92.6 85.7 92.0 74.0 73.3 82.2
Figure 7: Images from IIIT5K dataset with predicted words,
wrongfully predicted word by character sorting in red; cor-
rected word by sequence prediction in green.
4.6 Effect of Encoder-decoder Network
We argued earlier that adding the encoder-decoder
network to the model leverages the sequential charac-
teristics of text. Here, we evaluate the word accuracy
using the two outputs from both modules; character
segmentation (character output) and word generation
(sequence output). We can observe the effect of the
sequence network on the accuracy in Table 4. This
show the added value obtained by incorporating the
sequence information into the model. In Figure 7, we
present some of the cases where the sequence network
corrected the output obtained from the semantic seg-
mentation network.
4.7 Effect of Noisy Text Localization
One of the main points of strength in the proposed
model is the ability to deal with noise in text detec-
tion. We conducted an experiment on the CUTE80
dataset to evaluate this characteristic of our model.
The dataset has 80 images for text detection, from
which 288 images are extracted for recognition. We
used the detection dataset and cropped the words with
a larger background by expanding the sides of the
cropped rectangle with a random percentage of the
side length, as shown in Figure 8. We refer to this
new set of images with noisily localized words as the
Noisy CUTE dataset. From Figure 8, it can be ob-
served that the model still detects the characters and
generate the correct word despite the added noise.
The accuracy of our model on the CUTE dataset
is 87.8%, while the accuracy on the Noisy CUTE
dataset is 85.4%. With such a small difference in the
recognition accuracy, the model proved to be robust
against localization noise and background distraction.
Figure 8: Character segmentation for images from CUTE
dataset (top) and the Noisy CUTE dataset (bottom).
In this paper, we introduced a novel Sequence-
Character Aware Network (SCAN) for text recogni-
tion that proved efficient for both regular and irregu-
lar text. Our method has the simplicity of character-
based methods while benefiting from the added in-
formation provided by the sequence-based word gen-
eration, without the need for a complicated rectifica-
tion process. The model has also proved its robustness
against noisy text localization. Our future work will
focus on developing our method into end-to-end text
detection and recognition system, as well as applying
our method to other languages.
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