
producing better results than previous work without
any network modifications .
Through intentional overfitting of the same model
with each of the different losses, we show property
entanglement and inaccuracy in SVBRDF predictions
when using traditional rendering loss, emphasizing
the need for our kind of loss formulations in SVBRDF
recovery. However, more can be done to improve pre-
dictions further, such as exploring other network ar-
chitectures, implementing the use of appropriate pri-
ors, and to increase generalization capabilioty of the
model through further data augmentation.
While the work presented is specific to material prop-
erties, such entanglement of component parameters
would be present in other areas of deep learning
research focused on recovering many parameters at
once. Transferring our strategy of defining a dis-
entangled loss function by selectively learning these
parameters could potentially be transferred to these
problems. Thus the broader impact of this work can
be stated as follows:
1. Potential for this methodology of defining a dis-
entangled loss function to be applied to analogous
2. Potential for this methodology of computing the
expectation of a stochastic loss function with re-
spect to some external parameters, as opposed to
Monte Carlo sampling those parameters to be ap-
plied to analogous problems.
3. More accurate material property recovery will re-
sult in more correct results for downstream appli-
cations like material matching, SVBRDF editing,
and AR/VR environments.
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GRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications