An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for
Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild
Decky Aspandi
1,2 a
, Federico Sukno
1 b
, Bj
orn Schuller
2,3 c
and Xavier Binefa
1 d
Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing, University of Augsburg, Germany
GLAM Group on Language, Audio, & Music, Imperial College London, U.K.
Affective Computing, Temporal Modelling, Adversarial Learning.
Affective Computing has recently attracted the attention of the research community, due to its numerous
applications in diverse areas. In this context, the emergence of video-based data allows to enrich the widely
used spatial features with the inclusion of temporal information. However, such spatio-temporal modelling
often results in very high-dimensional feature spaces and large volumes of data, making training difficult and
time consuming. This paper addresses these shortcomings by proposing a novel model that efficiently extracts
both spatial and temporal features of the data by means of its enhanced temporal modelling based on latent
features. Our proposed model consists of three major networks, coined Generator, Discriminator, and Combiner,
which are trained in an adversarial setting combined with curriculum learning to enable our adaptive attention
modules. In our experiments, we show the effectiveness of our approach by reporting our competitive results
on both the AFEW-VA and SEWA datasets, suggesting that temporal modelling improves the affect estimates
both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Furthermore, we find that the inclusion of attention mechanisms
leads to the highest accuracy improvements, as its weights seem to correlate well with the appearance of facial
movements, both in terms of temporal localisation and intensity. Finally, we observe the sequence length of
around 160 ms to be the optimum one for temporal modelling, which is consistent with other relevant findings
utilising similar lengths.
Affective Computing has recently attracted the atten-
tion of the research community, due to its numerous
applications in diverse areas which include educa-
tion (Duo and Song, 2010) or healthcare (Liu et al.,
2008), among others. The growing availability of
affect-related datasets, such as AFEW-VA (Kossaifi
et al., 2017) and the recently introduced SEWA (Kos-
saifi et al., 2019) database enable the rapid develop-
ment of deep learning-based techniques, which cur-
rently hold the state of the art.
Further, the emergence of video-based data allows
to enrich the widely used spatial features with the
inclusion of temporal information. To this end, sev-
eral authors have explored the use of long-short term
memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
(Tellamekala and Valstar, 2019; Ma et al., 2019), en-
dowed also with attention mechanisms (Luong et al.,
2015; Li et al., 2020; Xiaohua et al., 2019). However,
such spatio-temporal modelling often results in very
high-dimensional feature spaces and large volumes of
data, making training difficult and time consuming.
Moreover, it has been shown that the sequence length
considered during training can be a decisive factor for
successful temporal modelling (Kossaifi et al., 2017;
Xia et al., 2020; Farhadi and Fox, 2018; Aspandi et al.,
2019b), and yet a detailed study of this aspect is lack-
ing in the field.
This paper addresses both the lack of incorpora-
tion and analysis of temporal modelling on affective
analysis. We propose a novel model which can be
efficiently used to extract both spatial and temporal
features of the data by means of its enhanced tempo-
ral modelling based on latent features. We do so by
incorporating three major networks, coined Generator,
Aspandi, D., Sukno, F., Schuller, B. and Binefa, X.
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild.
DOI: 10.5220/0010332001720181
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Discriminator, and Combiner, which are trained in an
adversarial setting to estimate the affect domains of Va-
lence (V) and Arousal (A). Furthermore, we capitalise
on these latent features to enable temporal modelling
using LSTM RNNs, which we train progressively us-
ing curriculum learning enhanced with adaptive atten-
tion. Specifically, the contributions of this paper are as
We upgrade the standard adversarial setting, con-
sisting of a Generator and a Discriminator, with
a third network that combines the features from
these networks, which are modified accordingly.
This yields features that combine the latent space
from the autoencoder-based Generator and a V-A
Quadrant estimate produced by the modified Dis-
criminator, resulting in a compact but meaningful
representation that helps reduce the training com-
We propose the use of curriculum learning to en-
able analysis and optimisation of the temporal mod-
elling length.
We incorporate dynamic attention to further en-
hance our model estimates and show its effective-
ness by reporting state of the art accuracy on both
the AFEW-VA and SEWA datasets.
Affective Computing started by exploiting the use
of classical machine learning techniques to enable
automatic affect estimation. Examples of early ap-
proaches include partial least squares regression (Po-
volny et al., 2016), and support vector machines (Nico-
laou et al., 2011). Subsequently, to further progress
the investigations in this field, the development of
larger and bigger datasets was addressed. Several
datasets have been introduced so far, starting with
SEMAINE (McKeown et al., 2010), AFEW-VA (Kos-
saifi et al., 2017), RECOLA (Ringeval et al., 2013),
OMG (Barros et al., 2018), AffectNet (Mollahosseini
et al., 2015), and more recently SEWA (Kossaifi et al.,
2019), aff-wild (Kollias et al., 2019; Zafeiriou et al.,
2017), and aff-wild2(Kollias and Zafeiriou, 2019; Kol-
lias et al., 2020). Furthermore, the V-A labels have
become the standard emotional dimensions over time,
as opposed to hard emotion labels, given their con-
tinuous nature (Kossaifi et al., 2017; Kossaifi et al.,
Throughout the last few years, models based on
Deep Learning have emerged and currently hold the
state of the art in the context of affective analysis, given
their ability to learn from large scale data. A recent
example along this line is the work from Mitenkova
et al. (Mitenkova et al., 2019), who introduce tensor
modelling for affect estimations by using spatial fea-
tures. In their work, they use tucker tensor regression
optimised by means of deep gradient methods, thus
allowing to preserve the structure of the data and re-
duce the number of parameters. Other works, such as
(Handrich et al., 2020), adopt the multi-task approach
to simultaneously address face detection and affective
states prediction. Specifically, they use YOLO-based
CNN models (Huang et al., 2018) to estimate the facial
locations alongside V-A values through their proposed
combined losses. As such, their models are able to
incorporate the characteristics of facial attributes and
estimate their relevance to affect inferences.
The recent growth of video-based datasets has en-
couraged the inclusion of temporal modelling, which
has shown to improve models’ training (Xie et al.,
2016; Cootes et al., 1998). Relevant examples in Af-
fective Computing include the works of Tellamekala
et al. (Tellamekala and Valstar, 2019) and Ma et al.
(Ma et al., 2019). In their work, Tellamekala et al.
(Tellamekala and Valstar, 2019) enforce temporal co-
herency and smoothness aspects on their feature rep-
resentation by constraining the differences between
adjacent frames, while Ma et al. resort to the utilisa-
tion of LSTM RNNs with residual connections applied
to multi-modal data. Furthermore, the use of atten-
tion has also been recently explored by Xiaohua et al.
(Xiaohua et al., 2019) and Li et al. (Li et al., 2020).
Xiahoua et al. adopt multi-stage attention, which in-
volves both spatial and temporal attention, on their
facial based affect estimations. Meanwhile, using
spectrogram data as input, Li et al. propose a deep
network that utilises an attention mechanism (Luong
et al., 2015) on top of their LSTM networks to predict
the affective states.
Unfortunately, to our knowledge, all previous
works involving temporal modelling on affective com-
puting miss one important aspect of the analysis: the
involved sequence length in their training. While the
specified length of temporal modelling has been shown
to affect the final results on other related facial analysis
tasks (Kossaifi et al., 2017; Xia et al., 2020; Farhadi
and Fox, 2018; Aspandi et al., 2019b), the compu-
tational cost required to train large spatio-temporal
models hampers one to address such analysis. How-
ever, these problems could be mitigated by: 1) the
use of progressive sequence learning to permit step-
wise observations of various sequence lengths; this
approach has been shown in the recent work of (As-
pandi et al., 2019b) on facial landmark estimations,
which uses curriculum learning enabling more robust
training analysis and tuning of the temporal length; 2)
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild
Figure 1: Schematic representation of our Full ANCLaF Networks. Left is our base model, which consists of three networks
jointly trained in an adversarial setting: Latent Feature Extractor (G), Quadrant Estimator (D), and Valence Arousal Estimator
(C). On the right, we see our network endowed with sequence modelling (ANCLaF-S) and attention mechanism (ANCLaF-SA).
the use of reduced feature sizes, enabling more effi-
cient training process (Comas et al., 2020); this has
been explored in the affective computing field by the
recent works such as (Aspandi et al., 2020), which
uses generative modelling to extract a latent space of
representative features. These two aspects have in-
spired us to propose the combined models presented
in this work, as explained in the next section.
Figure 1 shows the overview of our proposed models,
which consist of three networks: a Latent Feature Ex-
tractor (acting as Generator, G), a Quadrant Estimator
(or Discriminator, D), and a Valence/Arousal Estima-
tor (or Combiner, C). Given input image I which con-
tains the facial area, both G and D will be responsible
to learn low dimensional features that the combiner
will use to estimate the associated Valence (V) and
Arousal (A) state
. The architecture of both the G and
D networks follows the recent work from (Aspandi
et al., 2020), and we propose to use LSTM enhanced
with attention to create our C network. We proposed
two main architecture variants: the
(left part of Figure 1), which uses single images as
input and estimates V and A values independently for
each frame, and
part of Figure 1) that uses sequences of latent features
extracted from
frames as input, and utilises LSTM
RNNs for the inference (
), optionally combined with
internal attention layers (-SA).
3.1 Adversarial Network with
Combined Latent Features
The pipeline of our base model
starts with
the G network. It receives either the original input
, or a distorted version of it,
, as detailed
in (Aspandi et al., 2019c; Aspandi et al., 2019a). It
simultaneously produces the cleaned reconstruction of
the input image
and a 2D latent representation that
will be used as features (Z):
= dec
(I)) withZ
(I), (1)
are the parameters of the respective networks,
are the encoder and decoder, respectively.
Subsequently, the D network receives
and tries to
estimate whether it was obtained from a true or fake
example (namely, original or distorted input image),
as well as a rough estimate of the affective state. In
contrast with the formulation in (Aspandi et al., 2020),
in which D targets directly the intensity of V and A,
we propose to base the estimated affect on the circum-
plex quadrant (
) (Russell, 1980) which discretises
emotions along the valence and arousal dimensions
(four quadrants). This, in turn, reduces the training
complexity. Thus, letting FC stand for fully connected
= FC
(I)) Q
and {0, 1}. (2)
is used to condition the extracted latent fea-
through layer-wise concatenation, which we
(Dai et al., 2017; Ye et al., 2018). Given these
conditioned latent features, the C network performs
the final stage of affect estimation, producing refined
predictions of both V and A (Lv et al., 2017; Triantafyl-
lidou and Tefas, 2016; Aspandi et al., 2019b). Thus, if
θ denote the estimated V and A:
(I); D
= C
= FC
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.2 Attention Enhanced Sequence
Latent Affect Networks
We propose two sequence-based variants of our mod-
els: ANCLaF-S and -SA. Both of them use the com-
bined features extracted by the G and D networks
which are fed to LSTM networks to allow for temporal
modelling (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) and
complemented with an FC layer to produce the final
estimates. These networks are trained using curricu-
lum learning (Bengio et al., 2009; Farhadi and Fox,
2018; Aspandi et al., 2019b), in which the number
of frames is progressively increased, allowing more
throughout analysis of the training progress. Moreover,
the training outcome for a given length facilitates the
subsequent training of larger sequences (Farhadi and
Fox, 2018). In this work, we considered a series of 2,
4, 8, 16, and 32 successive frames (
N = {2, 4, 8, 6, 32}
for both training and inference stages. Depending on
the number of frames to take into account (n), we
use ANCLaF-S-n and ANCLaF-SA-n to name the re-
spective variants of both ANCLaF-S and ANCLaF-SA
networks. Lastly, the main difference between the two
sequence models is that ANCLaF-SA also includes
internal attentional modelling using the current and
previous internal states from the LSTM layers. Thus,
V-A predictions of ANCLaF-S-n are:
n N , ANCLaF-S-n(I
), h
, Q
], h
, h
)), (4)
where LSTM is the Long Short Term Memory net-
work (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), and
LSTM states (h) after n successive frames. Built upon
, we further use attention modelling (Lu-
ong et al., 2015) to enable adaptive weights on model
inferences by calculating the context vectors (
) that
summarise the importance of each previous state
Differently from the original method, however, here,
we also propose to include both the LSTM inner state
(c) and outgoing states (h) (Kim et al., 2018) to pro-
vide the full previous information, and also to adapt
these techniques to only consider n previous states
following our curriculum learning approach. Hence,
given the combined LSTM states at frame
, denoted
= [c
, h
), and
previous states (
), the alignment
score is calculated as:
(t) = align(S
), withS
= [h
] (5)
Then, the location-based function computes the align-
ment scores from the previous states (
= softmax(W
S). (6)
Given the alignment vector, it is used to compute the
context vector
as the weighted average over the
considered n previous hidden states:
Finally, the context vector is concatenated with the cur-
to be used as input to the C network pipeline:
n N , ANCLaF-SA-n(I
), h
], h
)). (8)
3.3 Training Losses
We use the modified adversarial training from (As-
pandi et al., 2020) to train both the G and D networks,
and incorporate the training of the C network by pro-
viding the latter with the features extracted from both
the G and D nets on the fly. With this setup, we allow
C to benefit from the improved quality of the features
extracted by G and D as their training progresses. The
equations for the modified adversarial training of these
three networks are:
[logD(I)] +
[log(1 D(G(
I))) + E
a f c
[C(I), θ
We use similar
a f c
losses as in (Aspandi et al.,
2020), which incorporates multiple affect metrics:
Rooted Mean Square Error (RMSE) (Eq. 11), Cor-
relation(COR) (Eq. 12), Concordance Correlation Co-
efficients (CCC) (Eq. 13), and (Kossaifi et al., 2017)
with the addition of Intra-class Correlation Coefficient
(ICC)(Kossaifi et al., 2019). Thus, with
as the
predicted and the ground truth V-A values, the
a f c
defined as follows:
a f c
+ L
+ L
+ L
) (10)
, (11)
θ ˆµ
) (θ µ
= 2x
θ ˆµ
) (θ µ
+ σ
+ (µ
= 2x
θ ˆµ
) (θ µ
+ σ
, (14)
is the total number of instances of discrete
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild
V-A classes
, and
is a normalisation factor (Aspandi
et al., 2019a) for the total V-A classes (discretised by
a value of 10). This normalisation factor is crucial in
cases of large imbalance in the number of instances
per class, like in the AFEW-VA dataset (see Section
3.4 Model Training
We use both the AFEW (Kossaifi et al., 2017) and
SEWA (Kossaifi et al., 2019) datasets to train all our
model variants, by following their original subject-
independent protocol (5-fold cross validation). We
conducted two training stages for each of our proposed
models. Firstly, we trained the G, D, and C networks
simultaneously using adversarial loss as indicated in
Equation 9. This training stage produced our baseline
results without any sequential modelling, and condi-
tional latent features
to be used for the next stages
of ANCLaF-S(A) Training.
In the second stage, The training of both ANCLaF-
S and ANCLaF-SA was performed using the com-
bined latent and quadrant features, under the previ-
ously defined curriculum learning scheme. We pro-
gressively train our ANCLaF-S models from 2, 4, 8,
16 to 32 steps of temporal modelling with multi-stage
transfer learning (Christodoulidis et al., 2016). Sub-
sequently, we add our proposed attention mechanism
to the pre-trained ANCLaF-S models, thus obtaining
our ANCLaF-SA models. In both cases, we optimise
the affect loss defined in Equation 10 with the same
experimental settings used to train ANCLaF.
We need to note that our combined training setup
translates to more than 100 experiments in total.
Hence, the use of latent features (known as a good
choice to achieve reduced dimensionality representa-
tions) is critical to speed up our training process and
make our experiments feasible. We observed a saving
up to 1 : 4 of the original times during training each of
our models by using the extracted latent features, with
respect to using the original image (around 12 hours
versus 2 days) on a single NVIDIA Titan X GPU. Full
definitions of our models can be found in the respective
online source code
4.1 Datasets and Experiment Settings
To quantify the impact of our temporal modelling,
we opted to use two of the most popular and ac-
cessible video datasets available: Acted Facial Ex-
pressions in the Wild (AFEW-VA)(Kossaifi et al.,
2017) and Automatic Sentiment Analysis in the Wild
(SEWA)(Kossaifi et al., 2019). On the one hand,
AFEW-VA has more individual examples (600 ver-
sus 538) than SEWA, however, the latter has more
frame examples, more contextual information (such
as subject, id of the associated culture) and is more
balanced in terms of V-A labels (Mitenkova et al.,
2019). Furthermore, both datasets contain in the wild
situations, enabling real time model evaluations. Fi-
nally, the labels provided are in the form of continuous
V-A values, together with additional facial landmark
locations that we refined further using other external
models (Aspandi et al., 2019b) to obtain more stable
detection of the facial area.
In each experiment, we provide the results from
all variants of our models to highlight the contribu-
tion of each module: first, we evaluate the ANCLaF
model, which operates by exclusively using the latent
features extracted on each frame (
) without any
temporal modelling. Then, we provide results from
both ANCLaF-S and ANCLaF-SA, which incorpo-
rate temporal modelling (and attention in the case of
-SA). We report both RMSE and COR results, on both
datasets, adding also ICC and CCC metrics for the
AFEW-VA and SEWA datasets, respectively, to facili-
tate quantitative analysis to other results reported in the
literature. Finally, for fair comparisons, we compare
our models against external results which followed
similar experimental protocols, i. e., using exclusively
this dataset in their training stage.
4.2 Comparative Results
Table 1 and table 2 provide the full comparisons of
our proposed models against other reported results for
both the AFEW-VA and SEWA datasets, respectively.
We can identify several findings based on these re-
sults: Firstly, that our base ANCLaF model, relying
on a single image at a time, can produce quite com-
petitive accuracy compared to other results from the
literature. Furthermore, its accuracy is also higher
than the results from the original AEG-CD-SZ models
in which it is based upon (Aspandi et al., 2020), as
shown by its higher accuracy on the SEWA datasets,
especially for Valence. This may indicate its better
processing capabilities of the visual features, consider-
ing that AEG-CD-SZ also incorporates audio features,
which in a way also explains its higher accuracy on
the prediction of Arousal.
Secondly, we notice a slight accuracy improve-
ment when our models incorporate sequence mod-
elling (ANCLaF-S), especially in terms of correlations,
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Analysis of prediction results from a single frame (ANCLaF) and from multiple frames with temporal modelling
(ANCLaF-S-n). Top: the overview of the overall results; Bottom:, a closer look at the prediction results.
Figure 3: Analysis of the attention impact on the prediction results of our sequence modelling (results from ANCLaF-S-8 and
ANCLaF-SA-8, which correspond to the best ANCLaF-S and ANCLaF-SA models, respectively). Top: overview of the overall
results; Bottom: two examples of a closer view on the prediction graph. The column Wa-8 shows the attention weights learnt
for the eight considered frames.
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild
Table 1: Quantitative comparisons on the AFEW-VA dataset.
Baseline (Kossaifi et al., 2017) 2.680 2.275 2.478 0.407 0.450 0.429 0.290 0.356 0.323
Coherent(Tellamekala and Valstar, 2019) - - - 0.293 0.426 0.360 - -
Simul (Handrich et al., 2020) 2.600 2.500 2.550 0.390 0.290 0.340 0.320 0.210 0.265
ANCLaF 2.682 2.344 2.513 0.306 0.399 0.353 0.219 0.309 0.264
ANCLaF-S-2 2.675 2.295 2.485 0.314 0.410 0.362 0.236 0.296 0.266
ANCLaF-S-4 2.654 2.279 2.467 0.303 0.420 0.361 0.224 0.307 0.266
ANCLaF-S-8 2.595 2.202 2.398 0.328 0.425 0.377 0.272 0.344 0.308
ANCLaF-S-16 2.617 2.292 2.454 0.302 0.401 0.351 0.224 0.299 0.261
ANCLaF-S-32 2.568 2.328 2.448 0.288 0.405 0.346 0.214 0.304 0.259
ANCLaF-S-AVG 2.622 2.279 2.450 0.307 0.412 0.360 0.234 0.310 0.272
ANCLaF-SA-2 2.540 2.241 2.390 0.373 0.454 0.413 0.291 0.353 0.322
ANCLaF-SA-4 2.586 2.260 2.423 0.386 0.445 0.415 0.302 0.342 0.322
ANCLaF-SA-8 2.481 2.239 2.360 0.371 0.467 0.419 0.294 0.367 0.331
ANCLaF-SA-16 2.601 2.225 2.413 0.377 0.467 0.422 0.294 0.363 0.328
ANCLaF-SA-32 2.581 2.256 2.419 0.361 0.436 0.399 0.270 0.332 0.301
ANCLaF-SA-AVG 2.558 2.244 2.401 0.373 0.454 0.414 0.290 0.352 0.321
Table 2: Quantitative comparisons on the SEWA dataset.
Baseline (Kossaifi et al., 2019) - - - 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.290 0.320
Tensor (Mitenkova et al., 2019) 0.334 0.380 0.357 0.503 0.439 0.471 0.469 0.392 0.431
AEG-CD-SZ(Aspandi et al., 2020) 0.323 0.350 0.337 0.442 0.478 0.460 0.405 0.430 0.418
ANCLaF 0.354 0.347 0.351 0.530 0.395 0.462 0.492 0.364 0.428
ANCLaF-S-2 0.349 0.345 0.347 0.533 0.396 0.464 0.503 0.368 0.436
ANCLaF-S-4 0.344 0.336 0.340 0.536 0.403 0.469 0.510 0.382 0.446
ANCLaF-S-8 0.341 0.339 0.340 0.538 0.404 0.471 0.514 0.381 0.448
ANCLaF-S-16 0.354 0.344 0.349 0.527 0.395 0.461 0.490 0.369 0.429
ANCLaF-S-32 0.353 0.346 0.349 0.527 0.396 0.461 0.494 0.368 0.431
ANCLaF-S-AVG 0.348 0.342 0.345 0.532 0.399 0.465 0.502 0.374 0.438
ANCLaF-SA-2 0.343 0.333 0.338 0.545 0.420 0.482 0.509 0.390 0.449
ANCLaF-SA-4 0.336 0.328 0.332 0.550 0.429 0.490 0.526 0.399 0.463
ANCLaF-SA-8 0.336 0.332 0.334 0.558 0.424 0.491 0.529 0.405 0.467
ANCLaF-SA-16 0.334 0.331 0.332 0.556 0.421 0.488 0.528 0.393 0.461
ANCLaF-SA-32 0.336 0.362 0.349 0.550 0.418 0.484 0.513 0.389 0.451
ANCLaF-SA-AVG 0.337 0.337 0.337 0.552 0.422 0.488 0.521 0.395 0.458
namely, concordeance corelation coefficient (CCC),
and ICC. This finding demonstrates the benefit of the
temporal modelling, yielding more stable results than
those achieved by ANCLaF (cf. Section 4.3). How-
ever, even though the overall accuracy of ANCLaF-S
is better than that of ANCLaF (and quite comparable
to other state of the art models), the improvement can
be considered modest, especially if we compare it with
the improvement achieved when we include attention
in our models. Indeed, we can see that our ANCLaF-
SA outperforms almost all compared models across
the different affect metrics. These findings suggest
that the plain utilisation of LSTMs may not be enough
to attain a considerable and substantial increase of ac-
curacy (Schmitt et al., 2019), justifying the inclusion
of the attention mechanism in our approach.
Thirdly, we further observe a noticeable trend of
steady increase in accuracy from the predictions of
both ANCLaF-S and ANCLaF-SA as the number of
considered frames grows from 2 to 8, and then it
plateaus (or even worsens a bit) as
continues to in-
crease. This trend suggests that generally, a medium
sequence length (between 4 to 16 frames) is optimal
to produce more accurate predictions and that too
short and too long sequences degrade temporal mod-
elling. This finding is quite consistent with those from
(Aspandi et al., 2019b), indicating the importance of
progressive learning, which allows us to analyse and
choose the optimal sequence length during training.
Lastly, this sequence length selection may also im-
pact the context vector along with its weights learnt in
our attentional module, which explains why a similar
trend was observed in the results from these models
(see Section 4.4 for more details).
4.3 Analysis of the Impact of Sequence
Figure 2 shows an example of V-A predictions for
ANCLaF and ANCLaF-S-n, together with the ground-
truth annotations. Specifically, in the top part, we
can see the predicted affect states from our models
that, in general, are quite related to the ground truth
values. However, we notice that the results of our
sequence based models are more accurate than their
non-sequential counterparts. We can also see that the
the predicted values from ANCLaF are quite sparse,
thus, quite unstable compared to ANCLAF-S, which
explains its lower COR, CCC, and ICC values. Our
sequence modelling, on the other hand, is able to create
smooth predictions with higher overall accuracy.
On the bottom part of the figure, showing a mag-
nified portion of the same example, we further notice
that the results for all ANCLaF-S-n are quite similar,
with those from ANCLaF-S-8 showing the highest
resemblance to the ground-truth. Thus, inclusion of
too short or too long sequences yields sub-optimal re-
sults due to the complexity of the facial movements
included between frames (see the next section for fur-
ther details).
4.4 Analysis of the Role of the Learnt
Attentions Weights
To analyse the impact of the attention mechanism
on our sequence modelling, we first show in Figure
3 a comparison of our baseline sequence modelling
(ANCLaF-S) against ANCLaF-SA with attention acti-
vated. In the top part, we can see the predictions from
the best performing models with and without attention
(ANCLaF-S-8 and ANCLaF-SA-8). Comparing the
predictions from both models, we find that the results
are quite similar, though in some cases ANCLaF-SA
seems to be more accurate and closer to the ground
truth. The quantitative accuracy results indicated on
the respective legends confirm this observation.
The attention weights learnt by ANCLaF-SA, in-
volving the previous eight frames, are also displayed
at the bottom of the prediction plots. We can see that
the weights calculated with respect to the associated
frames seem to be higher in the presence of changes.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Analysis of the relationship between the selection of sequence length (n) and the learnt weights of our attentional
approach. Top: overview of the prediction results of all variants of our models with attention mechanism (ANCLaF-SA-n)
alongside their learnt weights. Middle: details for frames 622 to 653 with their associated weights for each model. Bottom:
legend containing the quantitative comparisons.
Indeed, we observe that the attention weights are usu-
ally activated prior to subsequent facial movements.
Interestingly, the intensity of the activations also ap-
pears to highlight the level of these facial movements,
or the changes between frames. For instance, from
frames 280-287, we can see that the different level of
the weight intensity seems to be small, which also cor-
relates to the subtle changes observed in those frames
(e. g., closing of the eyes). In contrast, in frames
643-650, we see high levels of activation on the first
few frames that correspond to the more discernible
facial movements on the respective frames, such as the
changes observed in the mouth area. These correla-
tions illustrate how our models are capable of learning
temporal changes.
Figure 4 provides further details on the attention
mechanism for different temporal modelling lengths.
We can see that all the displayed models show quite
smooth results, thanks to the temporal modelling, but
not all of them achieve the same accuracy on the pre-
dictions. The bottom part of the figure, highlighting
the input sequence from frames 622 to 653, can help to
provide an intuition about the optimal temporal mod-
elling length, which was found to be about
To this end, let us start by looking at the whole set of
32 frames: we can see that such a sequence of frames
comprises multiple facial changes, and considering all
of them together makes the training task harder to opti-
mise. On the other hand, if we consider groups of very
few frames (e. g., 2 or 4 frames), the system is likely to
capture only part of a given facial action, which may
impede it to properly interpret it. Therefore, we see
that the optimal sequence length is the one that con-
tains enough frames to interpret facial changes without
extending too much the temporal context, which may
unnecessarily increase training complexity and reduce
Finally, it is important to emphasise that the op-
timal sequence length needs to take into account the
frame rate and the specific facial movements that are
present in each dataset. In the considered dataset, with
an overall frame rates of 50 fps, this length corresponds
to 160 ms.
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild
In this work, we have successfully built a sequence-
attention based neural network for affect estimations
in the wild. We did so by incorporating three major
sub-networks: the Generator, which is responsible to
extract latent features on each frame; the Discrimi-
nator, which is used to supply the first step of affect
estimates of emotional quadrant, and the Combiner,
which merges latent features and quadrant information
to produce the final refined affect estimates of Valence
and Arousal on a frame by frame basis. We then added
an LSTM layer to allow temporal modelling, which
we further enhanced by using step-wise attention mod-
elling. We trained these three major sub-networks in
an adversarial setting, and used curriculum learning
on the sequential training stages.
We showed the effectiveness of our approach by
reporting top state of the art results on two of the most
widely used video datasets for affect analysis, namely
AFEW-VA and SEWA. Specifically, our baseline mod-
els, which operate without any sequence modelling,
yield quite competitive results with other models re-
ported in the literature. On the other hand, our more
advanced models, which are sequence-based, clearly
helped to improve the affect estimates both in qualita-
tive and quantitative terms. Qualitatively, the temporal
modelling helped to produce more stable results, with
visibly smoother transitions between affect predictions.
Quantitatively, our models produced the overall best
accuracy results reported so far on both tested datasets.
Within sequence-based models, we observed the
highest accuracy improvements when the attention
mechanism was included. Detailed analysis of the
attention weights highlighted their correlation with
the appearance of facial movements, both in terms of
(temporal) localisation and intensity. Finally, we found
a sequence length of around 160 ms to be the optimum
one for temporal modelling, which is consistent with
other relevant findings utilising similar lengths.
Future work will need to explore further optimi-
sation of the considered adversarial topologies and
attention mechanisms as well as their transferability
across databases, cultures, and domains.
This work is partly supported by the Spanish Min-
istry of Economy and Competitiveness under project
grant TIN2017-90124-P, the Maria de Maeztu Units of
Excellence Programme (MDM-2015-0502), and the
donation bahi2018-19 to the CMTech at UPF. Further
funding has been received from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme un-
der grant agreement No. 826506 (sustAGE).
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An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild