Cybersecurity for SMEs: Introducing the Human Element into
Socio-technical Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Costas Boletsis
1 a
, Ragnhild Halvorsrud
1 b
, J. Brian Pickering
2 c
, Stephen Phillips
2 d
and Mike Surridge
2 e
SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
IT Innovation Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Cybersecurity, Modelling, Socio-technical Risk Assessment, User Journey, Visualisation.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) rarely conduct a thorough cyber-risk assessment and they may
face various internal issues when attempting to set up cyber-risk strategies. In this work, we apply a user
journey approach to model human behaviour and visually map SMEs’ practices and threats, along with a
visualisation of the socio-technical actor network, targeted specifically at the risks highlighted in the user jour-
ney. By using a combination of cybersecurity-related visualisations, our goals are: i) to raise awareness about
cybersecurity, and ii) to improve communication among IT personnel, security experts, and non-technical
personnel. To achieve these goals, we combine two modelling languages: Customer Journey Modelling Lan-
guage (CJML) is a visual language for modelling and visualisation of work processes in terms of user journeys.
System Security Modeller (SSM) is an asset-based risk-analysis tool for socio-technical systems. By demon-
strating the languages’ supplementary nature through a threat scenario and considering related theories, we
believe that there is a sound basis to warrant further validation of CJML and SSM together to raise awareness
and handle cyber threats in SMEs.
Today, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
can be considered as the new big target for cyberat-
tacks, being among the least mature and most vulner-
able in terms of their cybersecurity risk and resilience
(Vakakis et al., 2019; Benz and Chatterjee, 2020; Pon-
sard and Grandclaudon, 2019; Paulsen, 2016). SMEs
rarely conduct a thorough cyber-risk assessment and
they may face various internal issues when attempting
to set up cyber-risk strategies, such as: having small
IT teams, inadequate security budgets, and disagree-
ments between IT and business leadership teams re-
garding cybersecurity risk management. As a result,
more than half of the existing SME companies lack
either an up-to-date cyber-risk strategy or any defined
cyber-risk strategy at all (Benz and Chatterjee, 2020;
Paulsen, 2016; The National Center for the Middle
Market, 2016). The most challenging tasks for cyber-
security risk management in SMEs include which ini-
tial actions should they implement in order to improve
their security posture and how to address the human
element (i.e., errors made by employees). The latter
(the human element) is sometimes referred to as the
biggest internal threat faced by SMEs (Arctic Wolf,
2017; Meshkat et al., 2020; Symantec, 2019).
Mapping the SMEs current practices and the po-
tential threats they may face has been suggested as
a useful first step in cybersecurity risk management
(Benz and Chatterjee, 2020; Paulsen, 2016; Meszaros
and Buchalcevova, 2017). This mapping should i)
lead to the modelling of human behaviour (i.e., of em-
ployees) in cybersecurity-related scenarios and ii) be
presented in a comprehensible way (Paulsen, 2016;
Kullman et al., 2020; Bellamy et al., 2007).
In this work-in-progress paper, we apply a user-
journey approach to model human behaviour and vi-
sually map SMEs’ practices and threats, along with a
visualisation of the socio-technical actor network, tar-
geted specifically at the risks highlighted in the user
Boletsis, C., Halvorsrud, R., Pickering, J., Phillips, S. and Surridge, M.
Cybersecurity for SMEs: Introducing the Human Element into Socio-technical Cybersecurity Risk Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010332902660274
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 3: IVAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
journey. By using a combination of cybersecurity-
related visualisations, our goals are: i) to raise aware-
ness about cybersecurity and to potentially reach out
to a bigger pool of SME employees, and ii) to improve
communication among IT personnel, security experts,
and non-technical personnel. More specifically, we
combine two modelling languages that supplement
each other that supplement each other: Customer
Journey Modelling Language (CJML) acts as an up-
per layer of mapping and visualising cyber threats for
clear communication of the problematic behaviours
and threatening issues to SMEs’ employees, indepen-
dently of their level of technical expertise. System
Security Modeller (SSM) is used at a lower/technical
level for mapping cyber threats and mitigating risks
and is targeted at IT and security experts.
Risk communication in the cybersecurity context con-
siders how to best communicate security-risk infor-
mation to users of a system or process in order to fa-
cilitate understanding and promote informed judge-
ment. The risk message itself presents a significant
challenge for communication (Nurse et al., 2011).
Once a risk message has been investigated and the
appropriate information selected for communication,
the next crucial question is how should it be presented
(Nurse et al., 2011). Three broad formats of presenta-
tion have been suggested (Nurse et al., 2011): i) nu-
meric, i.e., using percentages, frequencies and prob-
abilities, ii) verbal, i.e., which applies terms such as
“unlikely”, “possible”, and “definite”, and iii) visual,
i.e., utilising graphics, graphs, charts, and risk ladders
(Nurse et al., 2011; Lipkus and Hollands, 1999; Lip-
kus, 2007).
Visual mechanisms have become popular formats
for communicating risks. The advantage of visuals
lies in their ability to attract and engage people’s at-
tention, to assist in visualising and portraying part-
to-whole relationships, and to capture and summarise
large amounts of data and several processes, thus
allowing for easier identification of patterns (Nurse
et al., 2011) and appreciating relevance (Pickering
et al., 2019).
For cybersecurity assessments, simply supplying
accurate risk information is not enough to ensure that
individuals will be able to process, comprehend, and
act on the risk message (Nurse et al., 2011; Slovic,
1999; Skubisz et al., 2009). In providing an intuitive
and easily accessible message, visualisations can of-
fer an effective mechanism for communicating cyber
risks during cybersecurity assessments. Especially, if
we place SMEs as the risk message receivers in these
assessments, then a compelling research field devel-
ops. In that field, there are works - yet limited in
number - evaluating SMEs’ cybersecurity practices,
utilising visual elements. Such work is mostly fo-
cused on raising awareness among SMEs regarding
their cybersecurity maturity level, identifying cyber-
security gaps, and urging them to update their existing
or develop new cybersecurity strategies.
Benz and Chatterjee (2020) proposed an SME cy-
bersecurity evaluation tool (CET). The tool consists
of a 35-question online survey to be completed by
IT leaders to self-rate their maturity within the five
Cybersecurity Framework categories: identify,
protect, detect, respond, and recover. Survey respon-
dents, i.e., SME IT leaders, get a report card and a rec-
ommendation report after completing the survey. The
report card presents the survey scores and the cyber-
security gaps on the aforementioned ve categories.
The recommendation report provides actionable rec-
ommendations for each potential gap. Both report
cards and recommendation reports are visualised as,
mostly, text-based flyers that are handed out to the IT
Ponsard and Grandclaudon (2019) followed a
gamified approach for raising awareness around
SMEs’ level of cybersecurity and resilience. SME
employees had to answer a cybersecurity quiz com-
posed of a set of questions covering situations like
managing passwords, performing backups, explain-
ing concepts like electronic signature among other
things. Then, a self-assessment questionnaire was ad-
ministered, based on the 20 controls of the Center for
Internet Security
in order to urge participants to en-
gage with a cybersecurity improvement process.
Shojaifar (2019) presented CYSEC, a DIY cy-
bersecurity assessment method for SMEs. CYSEC
automates elements of a counselling dialogue be-
tween a security expert and employees in the SME to
counter cyber threats. CYSEC coaches SMEs to im-
prove their cybersecurity awareness and capabilities
through three key features: i) a self-assessment ques-
tionnaire for capturing the state of various security
focus areas, ii) training and awareness content em-
bedded in the questionnaire to demonstrate counter-
measures against security threats, and iii) recommen-
dations from cybersecurity experts, based on users’
responses to the questionnaires, regarding the preven-
tion of cybersecurity compromises.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Cybersecurity for SMEs: Introducing the Human Element into Socio-technical Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
2.1 Initial Evaluation
The works reviewed above rely almost exclusively on
a top-down approach. By that, we mean they focus on
the static representation of an infrastructure, with lit-
tle reference to human actors, their behaviours or their
experiences. Such approaches start with a presenta-
tion of generic cybersecurity practices before mov-
ing immediately on to specific practices, threats and
recommendations aimed at an individual SME. These
approaches typically define three main stages in at-
tempting to communicate the need for an improved or
completely new cybersecurity strategy to the SME:
1. Mapping existing cybersecurity practices;
2. Identifying potential threats to the business; and
3. Suggesting solutions to mitigate those potential
The first stage usually involves a structured sur-
vey of the SME’s current processes. The second and
third stages include consultations led either by cyber-
security experts directly or by applying cybersecurity
frameworks and theory to the output of the first stage.
These three stages are informed either by a cross-
section of employees at the SME or by IT profession-
als specifically tasked with cybersecurity implemen-
tation and strategy. Such approaches overlook the in-
fluence of human actors within a socio-technical sys-
tem, and how specialist information pertaining to cy-
bersecurity is presented to non-cybersecurity experts.
Yet as highlighted in the WannaCry attack (Martin
et al., 2018), human responses to a cybersecurity in-
cident significantly affected its impact both directly
(what those involved actually do) and indirectly (how
ongoing trust relations are affected).
Introducing human behaviours raise two major is-
sues. First, it is essential to appreciate any context
dependencies of human actor behaviours (Olli et al.,
2001). For example, overall compliance with organi-
sational policies may fail to take account of the differ-
ent processes undertaken, any individual user reliance
on personal assessment, and the interactions between
the two (Blythe, 2013)
. Secondly, even tools which
are based on an appropriate visualisation (Bellamy
et al., 2007) may not take account of adopter under-
standing and responses (Pickering et al., 2019, 2020).
With regard to the way the information from the
three stages outlined above are presented, appropriate
visualisations of information produced does not seem
to be a high priority. Existing research approaches
regarding mapping SMEs’ cybersecurity practices,
threats and providing recommendations focus on very
See also work by Acquisti et al. (2015) on privacy atti-
limited methods of presentation. Naturally, there are
visual elements, e.g., report cards and recommenda-
tion reports (Benz and Chatterjee, 2020) and quiz in-
terfaces (Ponsard and Grandclaudon, 2019). How-
ever, there is no holistic visualisation approach that
could facilitate information distribution between em-
ployees of different levels of expertise. What is
more, there is no attempt to encourage a complete
understanding of the complexity of cybersecurity for
the specific target users beyond simple demonstra-
tions for their particular industry or domain. Without
differentiation amongst users, their expectations and
their working environment, long-term acceptance of
cybersecurity tools is unlikely (Rogers, 2010). Fur-
ther, contextualising human agent experience within
familiar contexts is an essential first step in devel-
oping stakeholder understanding (Martin et al., 2018;
Pickering et al., 2019, 2020).
Given what we perceive to be a gap in previous
cybersecurity modelling approaches, specifically with
respect to human actors and human users of cyber-
security tooling, we present here two complemen-
tary methodologies in respect of providing ecologi-
cally valid and meaningful representations of activi-
ties (via customer journey modelling, Section 3) and
overall infrastructure (using a secure system mod-
eller, Section 4). We then provide a conceptual eval-
uation based on a representative use case (Section
5). Finally, a theoretical explanation for why these
approaches offer significant benefit in raising SME
awareness to cybersecurity risks is provided, as well
as the plans for future work (Section 6).
Since each SME process and practice essentially rep-
resent a pathway through a sequence of events, their
modelling and visualisation could be covered by user
journey modelling languages. To that end, we ex-
tend the validated Customer Journey Modelling Lan-
guage (CJML) (Haugstveit et al., 2016) to fit our
cybersecurity-related purposes. CJML is a visual
language for modelling and visualising service and
work processes in terms of customer or user jour-
neys. Being centred around humans and human activ-
ities, CJML appeals to a broad user group through its
simple and intuitive form (Halvorsrud et al., 2016a).
CJML is well suited for detailed modelling of pro-
cesses that extends over time, involving two or more
actors who communicate through various commu-
nication channels. With its formalised terminology
and notation, CJML serves as a unifying language to
IVAPP 2021 - 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
ease cross-departmental communication and to docu-
ment work processes in a systematic way (Halvorsrud
et al., 2016b). Its formalised language and nota-
tion is particularly suited to technology-based ser-
vices (Haugstveit et al., 2016).
Figure 1: The visual representation of a touchpoint in the
case of a journey diagram (left) and a swimlane diagram
The basic units of CJML are the observable touch-
points that can take the form of a communication
event or a non-communicative activity or action. A
user journey is modelled as a sequence of touchpoints
involved for a user to achieve a specific goal. CJML
supports two states of a user journey: i) the hypothet-
ical, planned state – as it is intended to unfold in time;
and ii) the actual, real journey as it is experienced
in a real context for an individual user. The actual
journey may deviate from the planned journey, and re-
sults in an experience which is subjective, context de-
pendent, and may change over time (Haugstveit et al.,
2016; Halvorsrud et al., 2016a).
In CJML, communication is defined through
the Shannon-Weaver model of linear communication
(Shannon and Weaver, 1963), where a sender trans-
mits a message to a receiver through a communica-
tion channel. There are two types of diagrams avail-
able in CJML, serving different purposes. The simple
journey diagram is suitable for journeys with few ac-
tors and emphasises any deviation from the planned
journey. The swimlane or network diagram journeys
is useful for journeys involving several actors, and
thereby identifies both the initiator and recipient of
a touchpoint (Halvorsrud et al., 2016b). Figure 1
shows the relationship between the communication
attributes and the touchpoint’s visual representation
for the two diagram types.
In this context, CJML is used to document
cybersecurity-related user journeys and it features
certain adjustments so that the attributes of the
extended modelling language cover the cybersecu-
rity domain. More specifically, the users are the
SMEs’ employees and external users that make use
of the SMEs’ infrastructure under B2B (business-to-
business) offerings, and the “deviations” are the cyber
The System Security Modeller (SSM) is an asset-
based risk-analysis tool for socio-technical systems,
providing an information-security perspective on the
interactions between assets across the whole system.
Assets may be people, technology or environments.
The SSM automates much of the risk assessment
procedures described in ISO 27005 and thereby sup-
ports ISO 27001 compliance. With such automation,
the risk assessment becomes systematic and repro-
ducible allowing a security analyst to work more ef-
ficiently (Surridge et al., 2019). Using the SSM in-
1. Draw a model of the system, including relevant
assets (networks, hosts, processes, data, people,
places) and their relationships, such as which pro-
cess uses what data (Fig.2).
2. Identify the primary assets for the business (gen-
erally data and processes) and indicate the im-
pact on the business that failures in those assets
(such as loss of confidentiality) would cause. The
SSM then finds the threats to the system automat-
ically using the built-in domain knowledge base
and through its understanding of attack-paths and
threat cascades.
3. Specify what security control measures are al-
ready in place (such as passwords, firewalls, etc).
The SSM then computes the risk of every threat to
the system automatically. This is challenging by
hand and would be done by a security analyst. It
involves the use of the specified impacts, the inter-
connectedness of the assets (to see how failures in
the secondary assets affect the primary assets) and
Figure 2: An example model and the user interface of SSM.
Cybersecurity for SMEs: Introducing the Human Element into Socio-technical Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Figure 3: The application of CJML in the threat scenario.
an understanding of how the controls that are in
place affect the likelihood of each threat.
4. Examine the high-risk threats to the system, using
the SSM to understand the root causes and where
controls to reduce the risk can best be placed. Add
additional appropriate security controls are sug-
gested by the SSM and the risk is recomputed, re-
peating this process until the residual risk is ac-
ceptable for the business (Surridge et al., 2019).
The SSM models draw on the knowledge often
held by multiple people in an organisation and just
the construction of the models themselves has value
in bringing the information into one place and doc-
umenting it. The fact that this ”documentation” can
then be reasoned over by a computer and combined
with an information-security knowledge base makes
the tool a powerful one.
To better demonstrate the mapping and visualisation
elements of CJML and SSM, as well as their inter-
connectivity, an application of the two modelling lan-
guages in a mock threat scenario, inspired by the pre-
liminary and formal interviews we had with SMEs’
representatives, is presented as a case study. The sce-
nario follows:
Eric works for HealthRec, a company specialised
in software for patient administrative systems and
electronic health records (EHR) for municipal doc-
tors’ offices. Eric works as a customer consultant,
and his main tasks are answering customer inquiries
and developing training material.
After the COVID-19 outbreak, Eric works mostly
from home. From time to time, he brings his lap-
top down to the local coffee shop to have a change
in working environment. As a regular guest, Eric’s
laptop automatically connects to the shop’s WiFi net-
While working on the new user manuals he re-
ceives a call from Cindy, a general practitioner in one
of their customer sites. She cannot synchronise pa-
tient journals that contain new lab results, that are im-
ported from another system. Eric asks her to send the
system log and error messages and promises to priori-
tise her problem. Five minutes later he receives the
e-mail from Cindy. He immediately understands the
reason for the error messages, which have to do with
Cindy not being assigned the correct editing privi-
leges. He quickly upgrades her user account to the
correct level and confirms through an e-mail that the
problem is fixed.
In the same coffee shop, Eve, a cybercriminal
guest has set up a WiFi access point duplicating the
coffee shop’s SSID and password. When Eric arrived
in the coffee shop, he unknowingly used the cyber-
criminal’s WiFi access point. Eve can now monitor
Eric’s online activity, intercept his login credentials
to the EHR system, and other data being transmit-
ted and received over the network. The consequences
may be severe, now that Eve has Eric’s login creden-
tials, as a system administrator in platforms used in
municipal doctors’ offices.
5.1 Applying the CJML
The CJML visualisation of the threat scenario is pre-
sented in Fig. 3. A network journey diagram is used
since the user scenario involves several actors. The
IVAPP 2021 - 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 4: The application of SSM in the threat scenario with a snooped communication threat highlighted.
actors’ touchpoints are organised in horizontal paths
in a chronological order from left to right. The CJML
model uses action elements to explain the context of
each actor, and in Eric’s case it reveals the fatal Inter-
net connection through the fake WiFi access point. A
warning sign is introduced throughout to emphasize
cybersecurity threats and potential consequences.
The first communication point in the model is
Cindy’s telephone call to Eric when having problems
with synchronising patient journals. Immediately af-
ter the call she initiates a second touchpoint by send-
ing an e-mail. At this point, a new warning sign ap-
pears in the diagram as the attacker Eve intercepts the
e-mail message. Next, a second data breach takes
place as Eve accesses Eric’s login credentials to the
EHR system. Still unaware about the man-in-the-
middle attack, Eric sends an e-mail to Cindy in the
last step of the CJML model.
5.2 Applying the SSM
Using the SSM we have modelled the same scenario
(Fig. 4). Such a model would generally require input
from various people to construct (network adminis-
trator, software and data specialists) and when com-
pleted helps communicate the system as well as the
The SSM is used to model the ”sunny day” sce-
nario (where the system is operating normally) and so
“Eve” and her fake WiFi access point are not explic-
itly modelled but attackers of all kinds are automati-
cally considered. To simplify the model slightly, the
data sent to and from Eric’s email client has also been
The primary assets in this model are the Access
Control List and EHR datasets. The impact of loss
of confidentiality on these datasets has been set to
“medium” and “high” respectively. A reasonable set
of baseline controls were added, such as firewalls,
passwords, anti-malware, secure configuration, se-
cure BIOS, software patching, etc.
Cybersecurity for SMEs: Introducing the Human Element into Socio-technical Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
The initial model analysis and risk calculation by
the SSM finds many threats to the system and cal-
culates that the highest-risk threat consequence is the
loss of confidentiality of the EHR dataset. When the
causes of the loss of confidentiality are queried, the
SSM identifies the threat of the “Cafe WiFi” network
being spoofed as the primary root cause and also iden-
tifies the threats of snooped communication (in gen-
eral) between the “Web Client” and the “EHR Sys-
tem” as well as the specific case of the snooped pass-
word between the two systems.
The SSM user makes use of various displays de-
scribing threats to the system and their consequences,
and is also shown options, where available, to add se-
curity measures to reduce risk.
A couple of security measures are proposed by the
tool to ensure that the laptop connects to the genuine
Cafe Wifi but, in this situation where the password is
public and systems administrator help is not available,
they are not appropriate.
Examining the snooped password threat reveals
three proposed security controls, all different ways to
provide an additional authentication factor. i) The ad-
dition of a one-time key such as through an authenti-
cator app on a phone or a separate physical device; ii)
an out-of-band key such as that sent via a text mes-
sage; or iii) a continuous authentication system that
monitors the characteristics of the usage of Eric’s lap-
top. Any of these controls would render the capture
of the password useless but the use of an additional
factor does not prevent the data accessed by Eric once
authenticated being snooped.
To prevent the snooping of data diverted over the
spoofed WiFi, the SSM recommends encrypting the
communication between the “Web Client” and the
“EHR System” (these assets are highlighted in Fig.
4). This not only makes snooping the password im-
possible but prevents the snooping of other data such
as the updated Access Control List. Just encrypt-
ing the communication without also adding a second
authentication factor still leaves the system open to
credential-stuffing attacks: both controls should be
Adding these controls and recomputing the risk
shows that they do indeed bring the risk of loss of
confidentiality of the EHR dataset down to an accept-
able value. The security controls proposed by the
system in this case would be unavoidable if imple-
mented, requiring no user choices. We might ques-
tion the wisdom of Eric accessing such data from a
public space (especially without such controls being
in place). The SSM does model the trustworthiness
of the users, which in turn links to the decisions taken
by the actors in the CJML model.
In this work, we have introduced a combination of
cybersecurity-related visualisations to raise aware-
ness about cybersecurity and to improve communi-
cation among security experts and non-technical per-
sonnel in SMEs. The human-centred CJML diagram
shows all the actual communication points between
the actors in the threat scenario. The target group of
this diagram is wide, and previous research shows a
high adoption among non-technical personnel. The
SSM asset-based risk-analysis tool addresses the se-
curity risks and the requirements to be assessed in the
scenario. Overall, we have demonstrated the two lan-
guages’ supplementary nature through a hypothetical
threat scenario.
Although we have presented a limited conceptual
validation of our modelling approach, there is some
theoretical evidence which indicates that the visuali-
sations we are working on will benefit the target users.
The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) emphases the
possible effects of certain features of a task, such
as its significance and the degree of autonomy it af-
fords those responsible in relation to the psychologi-
cal effect working the job is likely to promote (Hack-
man and Oldham, 1976), and more recently the po-
tential to exploit the model to encourage psycholog-
ical buy-in (Pierce et al., 2009). This in turn en-
courages a sense of responsibility and increased per-
formance. We maintain that the context-specific and
relevant model visualisations that we have presented
here optimise the perceived job characteristics to en-
hance autonomy and encourage intrinsic motivation
and psychological ownership of cybersecurity for all
actors within the complex socio-technical systems de-
scribed by the SMEs we interviewed.
Perhaps more importantly is the co-presentation
both of risk and threats together with the mitigation
strategies. This corresponds well with constructs in
the Health Belief Model (HBM) (Carpenter, 2010;
Champion and Skinner, 2008). According to this
model, originally applied to behavioural change in
healthcare and health interventions but also shown to
be relevant to other areas (Lindsay and Strathman,
1997) predicts that awareness of risk (which both
CJML and SSM foreground) and its severity or neg-
ative outcomes (the impacts of SSM) encourage ac-
tive engagement. Coupled with that, individuals de-
velop a feeling of self-efficacy which gives them the
belief, just as the intrinsic motivation and psycholog-
ical ownership encouraged with the Job Characteris-
tics Model, that they are capable of dealing with the
threat (the mitigation strategies in the SSM tool). Tak-
IVAPP 2021 - 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
ing both theories in combination (JCM and HBM),
therefore, we believe that there is a sound theoreti-
cal basis to warrant further validation of CJML and
SSM together to raise awareness of cyber threats and
encourage proactive engagement within SMEs to be
able to handle those threats, i.e., to encourage desired
cybersecure behaviours.
As future work, we will carry out validation case
studies with SMEs in four different business sectors.
As a starting point, we will define representative sce-
narios and environments where the tools should be ef-
fective. We will then apply the tools and investigate
how they support i) the identification and analysis of
risks, ii) communication among security experts and
non-technical personnel, and iii) general cybersecu-
rity awareness across organisational units and roles.
This research is funded by the European Com-
mission through the CyberKit4SME project
( under Grant Agreement
883188. CyberKit4SME will provide cybersecurity
tools that help SMEs become aware of, analyse, and
manage cybersecurity and data protection risks.
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IVAPP 2021 - 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications