Player Identification in Different Sports
Ahmed Nady
and Elsayed E. Hemayed
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
Zewail City of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, Giza 12578, Egypt
Jersey Number Recognition, Player Identification, Sports Video Analysis.
Identifying players through jersey numbers in sports videos is a challenging task. Jersey number can be
distorted and deformed due to variation of the player’s posture and the camera’s view. Moreover, it varies
in font and size due to the different sports fields. In this paper, we present a deep learning-based framework
to address these challenges of jersey number recognition. Our framework has three main parts. Firstly, it
detects players on the court using state of the art object detector YOLO V4. Secondly, each jersey number
per detected player bounding boxes is localized. Then a four-stage scene text recognition is employed for
recognizing detected number regions. A benchmark dataset consists of three subsets is collected. Two subsets
include player images from different fields in basketball sport and the third includes player images from ice
hockey sport. Experiments show that the proposed approach is effective compared to state-of-the-art jersey
number recognition methods. This research makes the automation of player identification applicable across
several sports.
In recent years, automated sports video analysis has
attracted a lot of attention especially in team sports
such as ice hockey, basketball, soccer and volleyball
due to the increasing demand by sports professionals
and fans for extracting semantic information. Sports
analysis results can be used in several applications
such as storytelling on TV, adapting the training plan,
game statistics generation, and evaluation of strengths
or weaknesses of a team or a player. Sports video
analysis includes ball and players’ detection in each
frame then their tracking over time and analysis of
their interactions. Tracking multiple players is chal-
lenging due to the players’ similar appearance within
the team, occlusion, and players’ complicated motion
patterns. In the tracking phase, tracks may be lost
and new tracks may be created throughout a game
and tracking identities can be switched. Thus, player
identification represents a major research challenge
to realize the advantages of automatic sports analy-
sis. Player identification includes linking the actual
player to each track and associating it with his actions
and statistics.
Player identification in broadcast sports video is
challenging due to low video resolution, viewpoint
and camera movements, players pose, illumination
conditions, variations of sports fields and jerseys. The
features that are employed for player identification on
the court are face and jersey numbers. The approaches
that rely on face recognition for identification oper-
ates in close-up shots where the player face appears
clearly and became infeasible for overview shots. The
other visual cue which being generic across sports
is jersey number. Since jersey numbers occupy a
large part of player back uniform and the rising of
HD sports videos, the approaches that depend on jer-
sey numbers are promising. The challenges of jer-
sey number recognition are not limited to player tilt-
ing, motion blur and viewing angle but also include
the distractions inside or surrounding the playground
such as clocks, commercial logos and banners (Liu
and Bhanu, 2019).
The past studies for jersey number recognition are
grouped into two classes: Optical Character Recogni-
tion (OCR) based methods (Messelodi and Modena,
2013; Lu et al., 2013a;
Sari et al., 2008) and Convo-
lution Neural Networks(CNN) based methods (Gerke
et al., 2015; Li et al., 2018). The former class employs
hand-crafted features to localize text/number regions
on the player uniform then the segmented regions are
passed to OCR module to recognize the text/number.
Nady, A. and Hemayed, E.
Player Identification in Different Sports.
DOI: 10.5220/0010341706530660
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-488-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The flaw of this class of methods is that the perfor-
mance was not good enough. The latter class has
no explicit localization of the jersey number. More-
over, the scope of these methods is limited to a spe-
cific sport such as soccer sport or basketball sport and
are not tested on different sports such as ice hockey
where the jersey number is bulky.
In this paper, we propose a compound deep neu-
ral network for player identification through jersey
numbers across both games and sports. The proposed
framework comprises three phases. In the first phase,
players are detected using YOLO V4 (Bochkovskiy
et al., 2020). In the second phase, the jersey num-
ber are detected using a fine-tuned Character Region
Awareness for Text Detection(CRAFT) (Baek et al.,
2019b) which is a character-level text detector that en-
sures a high level of flexibility in detecting involved
scene text images such as arbitrary-oriented and dis-
torted text. The third phase is responsible for the
recognition of the jersey number regions using the
scene text recognition model (Baek et al., 2019a).
Similar works to the proposed framework were pro-
posed by Nag et al. (Nag et al., 2019) and Wang et
al. (Wang and Yang, 2020) in which they utilized the
scene text detection and recognition in their work for
runners bib number recognition. The bib number is
easier to be detected because of its horizontal orien-
tation, less variation in font stroke size, and the dis-
tinguishing appearance that results from number ex-
istence on pure color background. Therefore, the per-
formance of these methods cannot be satisfactory for
jersey number recognition.
The Contributions of This Work Are Listed as Fol-
1. Proposing a new framework for player identifica-
tion that achieve high accuracy rate even across
different sports.
2. Performing a transfer learning and fine-tuning
character region awareness for text detection
(CRAFT) (Baek et al., 2019b) for sports jersey
numbers to account for player tilting, shirt defor-
mation, sports fields and font of jersey numbers
3. Adapting the scene text recognizer to address the
challenge of not having a dataset of all possible
jersey numbers.
4. Developing a benchmark dataset composed of
three subsets in which the first subset contains
1872 basketball player images, the second sub-
set includes 851 basketball player images but in a
different arena and the third subset for ice hockey
sport with 1317 player images. All images in the
first subset are annotated with the jersey number
bounding boxes and its class whereas the other
subsets images are annotated with solely its class.
We call this dataset Sports Jersey Number dataset
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews the related work of player identifica-
tion. Section 3 presents the proposed framework.
Section 4 presents the sports jersey number dataset.
The experimental results are presented and discussed
in Section 5, followed by conclusions in Section 6.
Player recognition is one of the key components in
automatic sports video analysis. The approaches of
player identification can be placed into three cate-
gories: face recognition, jersey number recognition
and person Re-Identification. Jersey number recog-
nition can be further classified into two main groups:
OCR-based and CNN-based approaches. Others have
formulate the player identification as a person re-
identification problem.
For OCR-based approaches, Messelodi et. al.
(Messelodi and Modena, 2013) detect name or num-
ber on athlete’s bib using prior knowledge about text
background color and recognize candidate regions
through OCR system. Lu et. al. (Lu et al., 2013a) lo-
cate jersey number regions in detected player bound-
ing box in basketball videos by means of gradient dif-
ference and then adapt OCR scheme for recognition.
Sari et. al. (
Sari et al., 2008) precede the OCR module
by localizing the number regions in HSV color space
based on internal contours. The preceding OCR-
based works have applicability limitations in wide cir-
cumstances because of adapting manually designed
For CNN-based approaches, Gerke et al. (Gerke
et al., 2015)classify the cropped upper part of the soc-
cer player bounding boxes using convolutional neu-
ral network architecture that composes three convolu-
tional layers and three fully connected layers. Their
finding showed that notably improved performance of
number recognition compared to previous researches
(Messelodi and Modena, 2013; Lu et al., 2013a;
et al., 2008). Misclassifications happen usually in
classes (jersey numbers) that share at least one digit.
The holistic number approach in which each number
modelled as a separate class is better than a digit-wise
approach where each digit is classified by a separate
classifier. Li et al (Li et al., 2018) fuse the CNN model
with spatial transformer network (STN) that brought
attention and transformation to the number’s region in
the soccer player bounding boxes. They do not crop
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Input image detected players cropped players number detection number recognition
Figure 1: Structure of proposed framework.
the upper half of the bounding box as input to CNN
but they utilized STN for this purpose.
The digit wise approach (Gerke et al., 2015; Li
et al., 2018) has a difficulty in separation of jer-
sey number digits and the variability of camera per-
spective may make it more severe. Liu et al (Liu
and Bhanu, 2019) proposed a joint framework that
is based on faster R-CNN for player detection and
jersey number recognition. They tackled the chal-
lenges of player pose and view-point variations as-
sociated to jersey numbers through a pose-guided re-
gressor that utilizes prediction of player body key
points. They designed Region Proposal Network
(RPN) which produces candidate bounding boxes for
background, player or digit and then associate person
and digits proposals keeping solely digits’ proposal
that reside in person proposal. Their dataset is col-
lected with pan and zoom which limits the camera
field of view and makes the jersey numbers appear
clearly and this is not the case in a broadcast video of
soccer videos. Their attempt for model generalization
showed good detections but the number classification
performance is degraded due to font size variation.
For person ReId approaches, the work in (Lu et al.,
2013b; Senocak et al., 2018) formulate the player
identification in a broadcast basketball video from a
medium distance as a person re-identification prob-
lem where they recognize players from the entire
body. Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2013b) make use of a mix-
ture of maximally stable extremal regions (MSER)
(Matas et al., 2004), SIFT features (Lowe, 2004),
and color histogram features to form the player rep-
resentation and then a logistic regression classifier is
used for classification. Senocak1 et. al. (Senocak
et al., 2018) model the player presentation by merging
the deep convolutional representation from the entire
player image at multi-scale and player parts. Player
Re-Id approaches are not scalable across games and
across sports where each player to identify must be
included in the training dataset. Moreover, the jersey
should be unified across all matches and this is diffi-
cult to achieve.
In this section, we describe the proposed neural net-
work model that detects and recognize jersey num-
bers across both games/matches and sports. Fig-
ure 1 shows the three main steps of our framework:
sports player detection, text/number detection and
text recognition. In the first step, object detector based
on YOLO V4 (Bochkovskiy et al., 2020) is utilized to
detect the players on the court then the text detector
locates the jersey number region on each player in the
second step. Finally, the detected candidate regions
are recognized in the text recognition task. Details
about the text detection and text recognition are pro-
vided in the following sections.
3.1 Scene Text Detection
Scene text detection has witnessed a huge develop-
ment in the last years. The methods based on deep
learning have shown promising results. Baek et al.
(Baek et al., 2019b) introduced a scene text detection
method through localizing character regions and link-
ing these regions in a bottom-up manner. The method
can detect text of various shapes such as horizontal,
curved and arbitrary-oriented text. Motivated by the
method’s state-of-the-art performance and generaliza-
tion ability, we adapted it to detect numbers on player
T-shirt whether from back or front. The model ar-
chitecture consists of a backbone network, which is
VGG16-BN, and a decoding part in which the low-
level features are aggregated. The model output is
2-channel score maps: region score that locates every
character in image and affinity score that link succes-
sive characters into a single instance. The loss func-
tion L is defined as follows:
L =
(p) S
(p) S
) (1)
where S
(p) and S
(p) indicate the ground truth re-
gion score and affinity map, respectively, and S
and S
(p) indicate the predicted region score and
affinity score, respectively. There could be other text
instances than jersey number printed on player’s shirt
Player Identification in Different Sports
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 2: Illustration of the used image augmentation tech-
niques. (a) original player image (b-e) image after applying
scaling, rotation, color manipulation and Gaussian blur re-
such as player name and its club. During inference,
much of such text instances can be filtered and elimi-
nated based on the aspect ratio where the aspect ratio
of jersey number whether consisting of one-digit or
two-digit is lower than 1.5 even for player pose tilt
3.1.1 Implementation Details
In our implementation, the weights of CRAFT detec-
tor are initialized by the use of the general pre-trained
model and then is trained with the first subset of S
dataset to take into account the distortion of the num-
ber printed on the player’s shirt. The first subset is
splitted into training set containing 1274 player im-
ages, validation set having 317 player images and the
remaining 281 player images are used for testing. Be-
cause of the lack of CRAFT (Baek et al., 2019b) train-
ing code, we supervised the training by providing the
annotations for each digit in jersey numbers.
The model is trained for 35 epochs with a learning
rate set to 3.2768e-5 and batch size set to 8 on image
size 224 * 224. During training, the image augmenta-
tion technique is used by applying affine transforma-
tion, Gaussian blur and colour channels manipulation
to both original player image and corresponding num-
ber b-box as shown in Figure 2.
The other two subsets are used for testing to
validate our hypothesis that is the proposed method
is generalized across games and sports. At testing
phase, the value of the text confidence threshold, link
confidence threshold and text low-bound score are set
to 0.1. Different settings for input image size are uti-
lized in experimentations.
3.2 Scene Text Recognition
The image sequence prediction techniques developed
by Beak et al. (Baek et al., 2019a) has promising ac-
curacy results and is able to recognize the number as
a whole. Thus, it overcomes the difficulty of divid-
ing a two-digit jersey number that is difficult to do
due to non-up-frontal views and distortion. Beak et
al. (Baek et al., 2019a) present a four-stage scene text
recognition framework that most present STR models
fit into. The first stage in the framework is transfor-
mation that employs the thin-plate spline (TPS) trans-
formation to normalize the input text image. The
second stage is feature extraction that extracts vi-
sual features from input or normalized image using
CNN. The third stage is sequence modelling that uses
Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) to capture the contex-
tual information within the sequence of features that
were extracted in stage 2. The fourth stage is pre-
diction that predicts the character sequence from the
identified features of an image. Beak et al. (Baek
et al., 2019a) implemented two methods of predic-
tion module: Connectionist Temporal Classification
(CTC) and Attention mechanism (Attn).
In CTC, The conditional probability is computed
by summing the probabilities of all π that are mapped
by M onto Y, as in equation 2
P(Y | H) =
P(π | H) (2)
where Y is the label sequence, H is input sequence
and P(π | H) is the probability of π defined as
P(π | H) =
where y
is the probability of observing π
which is
either a character or a blank (-) at timestamp t. During
inference, the greedy decoding scheme is adopted by
taking character π
with highest probability at each
time step t, and map the π
onto Y
P(π | H) (4)
In attention mechanism, the output y
at time step t is
predicted using LSTM attention decoder as follows:
= so f tmax(W
+ b
) (5)
where W
, b
are trainable parameters and s
sents the decoder LSTM hidden state at time step t
and is defined as
= LST M(y
1, c
, s
1) (6)
and c
is a context vector and defined as
where α
i is attention weight.
In our implementation, we used the pre-trained
model for TPS-ResNet-BiLSTM-Atten text recogni-
tion framework (Baek et al., 2019a).
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: First subset (training set) statistics. W, H, w and
h are player image width, player image height, number b-
box width and number b-box height respectively. Std is the
standard deviation. The used unit is pixel.
W H w h
Mean 89.73 210.37 23.51 26.92
Std 24.06 44.95 6.70 5.94
To appraise the efficiency of the proposed compound
neural network model, we performed experiments on
the introduced Sports Jersey Number dataset (S
since there is no publicly available dataset for jer-
sey numbers. S
JN dataset has three different sub-
sets. Yolov4 object detector is used to detect play-
ers in each of subset videos. The first subset contains
1872 basketball player images that are extracted from
set of video clips (cameras number 2, 5 and 8) from
SPIROUDOME dataset. The video resolution is 1600
* 1200 and the framerate is 25 fps. The jersey number
bounding boxes (b-box) annotations and its class per
player b-box are provided. The first subset statistics
are illustrated in Table 1. In the second subset, 851
basketball player images from the one-minute video
clip of Camera 7 APIDIS dataset sampled at 5 fps
with 1600 * 1200 resolution are annotated with their
identities. The third subset for ice hockey sport with
1317 player image with their class from the video clip
of CANADA vs FINLAND match in Lausanne 2020
Youth Olympic Games sampled at 5 fps with 1920
* 1080 resolution. The S2JN dataset presents de-
tected players in various cases and thus jersey number
can be influenced by pose tilting, blurring and severe
camera-views as shown in Figure 3
In this section, we presented and discussed the results
obtained when using the proposed framework and
comparing them to the existing state-of-the-art jersey
number recognition developed by Gerke et al (Gerke
et al., 2015) and Li et al (Li et al., 2018). These
two methods consider only numbers on the back of
the player shirt. Therefore, we removed the small-
number player images during training and testing for
a fair comparison.
We implemented methods (Gerke et al., 2015; Li
et al., 2018) based on the details provided in their
papers. In Gerke et al (Gerke et al., 2015) method,
the upper part of each player b-box is converted to
grayscale, then cropped and resized to 40 * 40. The
used image augmentation techniques are scaling and
image inverse. Without access to the dataset of (Li
et al., 2018), we carried out their base network ar-
chitecture. The baseline framework is composed
of pre-trained general CRAFT detector followed by
TPS-ResNet-BiLSTM-Atten text recognition model
(Baek et al., 2019a). From Table 2, we can notice
that the baseline framework outperforms both related-
methods (Gerke et al., 2015; Li et al., 2018). The
introduced framework accomplishes even better per-
formance due to its robustness to player pose and
camera-view variations. Figure 4. shows jersey num-
ber detection results across different sports using pre-
trained CRAFT and the fine-tuned one. To evaluate
the number detection quantitatively, we did an exper-
iment using the testing set of the first subset where
bounding boxes of jersey number are provided and
results are shown in Table 3.
The failed cases were due to the distortion of
the number, extreme pose variations, the distance
between the camera and the player, in addition to
the distraction in the playground such as clock and
banner. In second basketball subset, there are 30
player images falsely recognized due to banner dis-
tractions as shown in Figure 5.a. These distractions
can be filtered in post-processing step such as fil-
tering detection based on aspect ratio, proving fore-
ground mask of player besides its b-box or by pro-
viding the active player numbers. The number miss
detected for 54 player images occurs in player tilting
images because the number in those images is one-
digit number printed on the player’s shirt with a font
that makes the digit appears discontinuity stroke (See
Figure 5.c). By using closing morphological oper-
ation on the grayscale images, the accuracy became
87%, which enhance the method’s performance with
1.72%. Adding samples for number with non-simple
font strokes in various player poses especially for one-
digit jersey number can achieve better performance.
In ice hockey sports subset, the wide player pose vari-
ability and the bulky jersey number makes the number
difficult to be detected and recognized. The recogni-
tion error results from recognizing a number either as
a different number such as 1 and 7 or a sequence of
characters such as 4 and y and 5 and s as in Figure
5.1 Ablation Study
In this experiment, we investigate the following: input
player image size and methods of prediction module
of the four-stage text recognition. In this experiments,
small-number player images are involved.
Player Identification in Different Sports
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
(k) (l) (m) (n) (o)
Figure 3: Illustration of S
JN dataset. Sample Images in each row represent detected players from first subset, second subset
and third subset respectively. The players can be detected in various situations: (a) (f) (k) indicate normal situations, (b) (g)
(l) pose tilt, (c) (h) (m) Non back jersey numbers, (d) (i) (n) motion blur and (e) (j) (o) severe views.
Table 2: Comparison of number level accuracy among approaches.
Method Test set of First Basketball Subset Second Basketball Subset Ice hockey Subset
(Gerke et al., 2015) 84.73% 40.11% 63.73%
(Li et al., 2018) 76.34% 66.76% 48.38%
baseline 65.64% 71.79% 78.49%
Our Framework 95.41% 85.28% 85.86%
Figure 4: Number detection results on ice hockey and basketball subset using (a-b) CRAFT detector (c-d) fine-tuned CRAFT.
VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 4: Comparison of proposed method accuracy on S
JN dataset based on longest input image side.
Longest side Test set of First Basketball subset Second Basketball Subset Ice hockey Subset
160 90.74% 75.08% 87.46%
192 95.01% 82.02% 85.86%
224 93.95% 82.49% 83.43%
256 94.66% 81.90% 83.43%
Table 5: Comparison between attention-based and CTC-based recognizer on S
JN subsets.
Method Test set of First Basketball Subset Second Basketball Subset Ice hockey Subset
Attention-based 95.01% 82.02% 85.86%
CTC-based 93.59% 80.61% 84.72%
Table 3: Number detection results on testing set of first sub-
set. R, P and H refer to recall, precision and H-mean.
Text detection method Test set of First Subset
Pre-trained CRAFT 0.46 0.54 0.5
Fine-tuned CRAFT 0.99 0.95 0.97
(a) Banner distraction (b) False recognition
(c) Miss number detection
Figure 5: Samples images for failure cases: banner distrac-
tions,font stroke with extreme pose and recognition errors.
Input Size. How to select the suitable input size for
number/text detection where it may be different for
each sport? We performed experiments by resizing
the longest side of the player input image to 160,
192, 224 and 256. Table 4 lists the accuracy of the
proposed method on three subsets of S
JN according
to the longest input side for detection. As shown in
Table 4, the longest image side 192 achieves better
performance on basketball sport where in ice hockey
sport, the better performance is gained by the longest
image side 160. Our framework accuracy in Table 4 is
slightly lower than what we reported in Table 2 as we
include small-number player images (Fig. 3.c, 3.h).
The added images are 19 image from the first basket-
ball subset and 117 from the second basketball subset.
The miss detection is not only due to the small size of
the number but also due to image blurring results from
the image motion as shown in Fig. 5.c.
Is Attention-based Text Recognition Better? We
need to assess the performance of our framework by
replacing attention-based with CTC-based text recog-
nition. For the experiment’s setting, the longest player
image side that resized to 192 is used as an input
for fine-tuned CRAFT model. The pre-trained model
TPS-ResNet-BiLSTM-CTC is used CTC-based rec-
ognizer. The attention-based recognizer has 1.42%,
1.41% and 1.14% gain respectively over CTC-based
recognizer on testing set of the first subset, second
basketball subset and ice hockey subset (see Table 5).
Through this work, we present a compound deep neu-
ral network for sports jersey number detection and
recognition. First, our method detects jersey numbers
from the detected player using fine-tuned CRAFT
model. Second, the detected regions are passed to the
TPS-ResNet-BiLSTM-Atten text recognition model
to get a readable number/text and then keep solely
number with a high probability per player image.
Thanks to a state-of-the-art character-based text de-
tector, we can detect jersey number either from the
frontal part or from the back of the player’s uni-
form. The experiments demonstrate the efficacy of
our method compared with competing ones on the in-
troduced dataset that contains player images from dif-
ferent arena and sports.
Player Identification in Different Sports
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