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Table 6 shows the comparison of three state-of-
the-art algorithms that can deal with multi-objective
linear programming. Bensolve (Ben) by L
and Weißing (2017) and Inner solver (Inner) by
Csirmaz (2020) are implemented in C and pub-
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OK) is implemented in Julia. GLPK is used
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sults of 10 test instances over 10 runs. As bench-
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are all generated by Kirlik and Sayın (2014) and
available at http://home.ku.edu.tr/ moolibrary/. Each
problem class is divided into subclasses. The sub-
classes are categorised by the number of items.
For the MOAP, it is categorised by 5/10/15/30/50,
whereas for the MOKP and MOILP, the subclasses
are 10/30/50/70/100. Each subclass has 10 instances;
A LP Relaxation based Matheuristic for Multi-objective Integer Programming