In this paper we presented an extension to our pre-
vious off-road pedestrian detection dataset OPEDD,
which adds full image semantic segmentation an-
notations to 203 images. To this end we defined
19 semantic classes: grass, trees, sky, drivable and
non-drivable dirt, obstacles, crops, building, per-
son, bush, wall, drivable and non-drivable pavement,
held/carried object, truck, car, excavator, guard rail
and camper. The chosen images were selected in a
way that retains the wide range of outdoor environ-
ments and special human poses that were depicted in
OPEDD. For future work, we intend to completely se-
mantically annotate some of the video sequences the
images were taken from, to allow for the use of the
dataset in semantic SLAM and tracking tasks.
We would like to thank Ahmed Elsherif and Mitesh
Mittal for their help in annotating and reviewing the
quality of the annotations.
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OFFSED: Off-Road Semantic Segmentation Dataset