proposed model outperformed the Brownian walk
model when resource density was low (Figure 3:
resource density = 0.001, th =5 (2.06) vs. Brownian
(1.78), Mann-Whitney U test, P < 1.0E-04, th =50
(1.95) vs. Brownian (1.78), Mann-Whitney U test, P
< 1.0E-04, resource density = 0.01, th =5 (1.94) vs.
Brownian (1.90), Welch Two Sample t-test, t = 0.57,
df = 134.35, P = 0.57, NS, th =50 (1.97) vs. Brownian
(1.90), Welch Two Sample t-test, t = 0.96, df =
141.83, P = 0.34, NS). These results suggest that the
proposed model can search effectively in the low-
density environment and the performance is not
affected by the parameter threshold. In other words,
the agent is not necessarily to remember a large
number of “Exp”.
To investigate the influence of the food depletion
to the search ability, I also conducted the same
analysis under the condition where resource items
were depleted once the agent consumed items. Figure
4 indicates that the proposed model again
outperforms the Brownian walker model.
Interestingly, this tendency is found not only in the
low density environment but also in the (relative)
high density environment (Figure 4: resource density
= 0.001, th =5 (0.17) vs. th = 50 (0.16), Mann-
Whitney U test, P = 0.31, NS, resource density = 0.01,
th=5 (0.17) vs. th = 50 (0.17), Mann-Whitney U test,
P = 0.39, NS, resource density = 0.001, th =5 (0.17)
vs. Brownian (0.03), Mann-Whitney U test, P < 1.0E-
15, th =50 (0.16) vs. Brownian (0.03), Mann-Whitney
U test, P < 1.0E-15, resource density = 0.01, th =5
(0.17) vs. Brownian (0.03), Mann-Whitney U test, P
< 1.0E-15, th =50 (0.17) vs. Brownian (0.03), Mann-
Whitney U test, P < 1.0E-15). This is perhaps because
a Brownian walker presents normal-diffusive
movements, which may result in the inefficient search
of the food resources under the condition where
resource items are depleted.
Figure 4: % of resource consumption in respect with
resource density; 0.001 and 0.01 for each threshold value
and for the Brownian walker under the condition where the
resource depletion occurs. *** indicates p < 1.0E-03, ns
indicates non-significant.
In the developed random walker algorithm, the agent
modulates its directional rule and avoids a certain
direction. However, it modifies its directional rule
when the inconsistency of the recent series of the
directional move beyond a threshold value. As a
results, I found that the agent presented and
maintained super-diffusive movements in some
threshold values. Thanks to this, that model
outperforms the Brownian walk model when the
resource density is low or when resources are
depleted once the agent consumes those items.
Moreover, the performance of resource search ability
was not influenced by the threshold replacement.
These results suggest that the proposed model does
not require the large number of “Exp” to achieve an
effective search.
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