defect if the measured contrast ratio is less than c
Respectively, a detectability depth Z can be defined
as a defect depth, where the measured contrast ratio
for the defect is equal to c
. Z is a function of a) the
threshold contrast ratio, b) the optical tissue
parameters (absorption coefficient, scattering
coefficient, index of refraction, anisotropy factor),
and c) defect parameters (volume, incremental
absorption coefficient, and depth). Even though for a
human eye, the threshold contrast ratio is around
0.1(Le, 2013), images with lower contrast ratio can be
digitally enhanced and still can be used for feature
examination or pattern recognition.
In automated processing scenarios, the threshold
contrast ratio is limited by the camera's dynamic
range, and we can estimate the threshold contrast
ratio, which can be obtained using commercially
available cameras. In the most typical scenario (e.g.,
with USB2 cameras), commercial cameras use 24bits
for each pixel (3 colors x 8bits). A standard camera
has 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and due
to bandwidth restriction in USB2 format, just 8 bits
are employed. Thus, each channel's dynamic range is
=256, making the camera facilitate the contrast
ratio up to
. A more realistic
dynamic range (40%-80% of maximum) gives
=0.005-0.01. Similarly, for more advanced
cameras (e.g., USB3 or GigE), each color channel is
represented by 10-12bits, and the real dynamic range
can be as high as 1600-3200, which consequently
translates into c
=0.0003-0.0006. In our assessments
below, we will use c
=0.01 and 0.001 as threshold
contrast ratios, representing cameras with 8 and 12
bits per channel.
An analytical dependence of the contrast ratio on
the depth of inhomogeneity location has been found
(Dolin, 1997) for refractive index-matched boundary.
In (Aksel, 2011), an absorber's depth was assessed
using spatially resolved diffuse reflectance
measurements. In the current work, we will evaluate
how the depth of inhomogeneity location and optical
parameters of the surrounding biotissue affect the
image contrast in realistic conditions: a) refractive
index mismatched boundary, and b) clinically
relevant illumination scenarios (collimated and
diffuse wide beam illumination). We will then use
this information to find the detectability depth for
such a defect for a particular optical system, which we
will characterize using the threshold contrast ratio.
In a nutshell, we will determine the contrast ratio
for a particular defect (defects), characterized by
volume V and absorption coefficient
, and located
at the depth Z inside the tissue. Finding an exact
solution to this problem in the general case is
problematic. We will be looking for an approximate
solution. For this purpose, we have developed a
perturbation approach focusing on two typical
illumination scenarios in biotissue imaging and
spectroscopy (Saiko, 2014b): diffuse illumination
(e.g., ambient light) and collimated wide beam
illumination. To quantify the relative impact of each
optical parameter on the detectability depth Z, we will
determine dimensionless sensitivities (the relative
change in the detectability depth Z for a given relative
change in a parameter p, (
p/p)) for all
parameters (scattering or absorption coefficient,
index of refraction, etc.).
2.1 Tissue Model
Human skin and mucosal tissues have a layered
structure (Meglinski, 2002). Based on our primary
task to visualize the capillary grid, we can group
covering tissues into (I) bloodless epithelium, (II)
blood-containing papillary layer of the dermis (skin),
or lamina propria (mucosa), and (III) underlying
tissues (see Fig 1A). Living cells in epithelium
receive oxygen and nutrients through the diffusion
from capillaries located in the papillary layer
underneath. Thus, the thickness of living cells
epithelium layers is limited by the oxygen diffusion
length and typically does not exceed 100m.
However, the stratum corneum, which includes "non-
supplied" cells, can be much thicker in some organs,
such as feet, soles, or palms.
2.2 Geometry
Based on our tissue model, the epithelium (including
stratum corneum) can be considered an optical filter
that covers absorption features and deteriorates the
image's quality. To evaluate how the measured
contrast ratio is affected by the presence of this
outermost layer, we can consider the following model
(see Fig 1B): the homogeneous top layer (Layer I)
covers Layer II, which consists of 2 areas: a)
homogeneous background, b) capillaries, which can
be considered as heterogeneous (either absorption or
scattering) features or "defects." Below this layer II,
there is another layer III, which represents all
underlying tissues. As we are interested in estimating
the effects of the outermost surface layer, in order to
simplify calculations, we can consider simplified
geometry (Fig 1C): the homogeneous semi-infinite