et al., 2017). The challenge and fun in the game are
the primary motivations for people to play it. Gami-
fication is using game-design elements and principles
in non-game contexts (Deterding et al., 2011), and it
aims to bring the benefits of games to non-game con-
texts. AR systems add or remove virtual (computer-
generated) objects, which coexist in the same space
as the real world (Blusi, 2014). VR systems are dif-
ferent. They generate 3D objects by the computer,
which simulates a virtual world, and cut off users’
perception of the real world by using peripherals such
as immersion glasses and interaction devices (Okeil,
2010). MR is sometimes referred to as ’hybrid re-
ality’, and is the merging of real worlds and virtual
environments. MR provides new environments and
visualisations, where physical and digital objects can
coexist and interact in real-time (de Lima et al., 2016).
According to the immersion level, Li et al. clas-
sified AR/VR techniques into seven categories: (1)
least-immersive VR, (2) semi-immersive VR, (3) im-
mersive VR, (4) tangible AR, (5) collaborative AR,
(6) distributed VR/AR, and (7) other VR/AR (Li et al.,
2018). They claimed that technology selection leads
to different immersion and interaction and should
adapt to the application requirements (Li et al., 2018).
According to equipment, Okeil grouped VR by
two immersive levels: (1) immersive VR (using HMD
or CAVE) and (2) non-immersive VR (using screen
including laptop, computer, mobile, tablet PC, TV,
and large screen) (Okeil, 2010). Desktop-based VR
was defined as operating on a simple computer moni-
tor, controlled by mouse and keyboard, and without
tracking equipment (Wang et al., 2018). Although
desktop-based VR provided lower-level immersion,
compared with other kinds of VR techniques, the
device also has a lower cost. Immersive VR relies
on specialised hardware such as HMDs and sensor
gloves (Wang et al., 2018).
Adding sensors into the hardware made them pro-
vide real-time feedback. Because of the real-time
capabilities, Sacks and Pikas believed that immer-
sive VR is better than non-immersive VR (Sacks and
Pikas, 2013). Additionally, Wang et al. highlight that
by integrating visual and interactive multi-user oper-
ation technologies, VR training games could reduce
the complexity of task processes, thereby enhancing
user interactions (Wang et al., 2018).
Ma et al. summarised three keywords to the fu-
ture trends of VR/AR and game in healthcare: the
location-based exergaming, mobile apps, and social
media gaming for public health (Ma et al., 2014).
They claimed that the approach of healthcare and
medical education might be changed by the research
and development of mobile devices combined with
wearable devices over the next decade (Ma et al.,
2014). A social media effect on games in health-
care will be growing due to social games’ popular-
ity and social interactions’ effectiveness (Ma et al.,
2014). AR/VR techniques were proven effective to
some healthcare issues, as a new solution or to en-
hance the conventional solutions. Jorge et al. re-
viewed the approaches and challenges to the VR/AR
technique in healthcare and rehabilitation (Jorge et al.,
2019). In the review, they illustrated several exciting
VR/AR systems, such as VR for radiologists in the
reading room, and in the operations room, augmented
surgery, and laparoscopic, as well as exergames for
locomotion rehabilitation by VR (Jorge et al., 2019).
Perkins Coie LLP and the XR Association have
surveyed AR/VR yearly, since 2017. They inter-
viewed 200 startup founders in 2019, executives with
established technology companies, investors and con-
sultants in the AR/VR/MR related area, in the past
four years. In their new survey report in 2019 (LLP
and the XR Association, 2019), they pointed out that
90% of the respondents believed immersive technolo-
gies including AR/VR/MR would be ubiquitous like
mobile devices, by 2025.
They also claimed that the quality of user expe-
riences, available content offerings, and the pace of
adoption were the concerns and similar to the past sur-
veys’ result. For AR technology to be mass adopted,
the largest obstacle was the lower user experience,
including bulky hardware or technical glitches. The
second one was the content offerings, including the
quantity and quality of content. Similarly with the
survey results of AR technology, user experience and
offering content were the two most considerable ob-
stacles to getting VR technology to be mass adopted.
Respondents also pointed out that the most common
concern was the slow adoption among consumers.
Some respondents believed hardware should be
more user-friendly, and the cost, comfort and utility
should be addressed. However, they have still strong
confidence with them when it comes to the future
of the AR/VR/MR technologies. One of the respon-
dents said that immersive technologies could connect
further to people in an organisation, such as in doc-
tors’ offices or schools, instead of only facing indi-
vidual consumers. In their report, the game technique
again, as in their previous surveys, led the combina-
tion with AR/VR/MR applications. Not far behind
was the healthcare and medical devices.
HEALTHINF 2021 - 14th International Conference on Health Informatics