2009) and within the Bees Algorithm for General-
ized Assignment Problem (Ozbakir et al., 2010), and
many others. There are defined different logic circuits
on the basis of different swarms: ants (Coello Coello
et al., 2000), bees (Mollabakhshi and Eshghi, 2013),
slime mould (Adamatzky, 2010; Schumann, 2019),
etc. Nevertheless, there is no general theory of
swarm computation which would summarise all the
approaches. In other words, there is no ‘metamath-
ematics’ or ‘foundations’ of swarm intelligence. In
the research programme of (Aczel et al., 2013) in the
foundations of mathematics, there was proposed ho-
motopic type theory as ultimate mathematical foun-
dations. In our approach, we assume that within this
programme we can also identify isomorphic compu-
tational structures to define types and their hierar-
chies of different chemical and biological systems as
substrates of swarm computing. In order to fulfill
this task, we have started with defining categories on
swarms. Presumably in the course of defining suit-
able mathematical structures behind various phenom-
ena realised by intelligent swarms we need certain
modifications of toposes, e.g. (Asselmeyer-Maluga
and Kr
ol, 2019). It is our preliminary result and rather
draft in developing ‘foundations’ of swarm intelli-
The proposed categorical model for swarm com-
putability and collective behavior indicates that the in-
trinsic logic of such swarm phenomena has to be in-
tuitionistic. The particular case of intuitionistic logic
is Boolean logic encompassing multivalued (also in-
finite many) Boolean logic, since Heyting algebras
on which toposes are built on are generalisations of
Boolean algebras. Deciding up to what extent the
appearance of the intuitionistic logic is generic for
swarm intelligence in general, requires further stud-
ies which would contain also the detail development
of the scenario proposed here.
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Categorical Approach to Swarm Computations